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loud house fanfiction lost brother

(The boys started getting into a fight cloud, then the storm out of the room while Sam and Luna completely dodged their fight cloud and eventually the twins, Lisa and Lily witnessed the whole fight, the fight cloud goes back downstairs and then Luna and Sam grabbed both of the boys and kept them away from each other). Lincoln: This is my favorite superhero, Ace Savvy, the most savviest crime fighter, he's also one of the greatest superheroes ever. Lori then got a sheet of paper and a pen and proceeded to write a letter, then, after finding out Butch and Mark's address, wrote it down on the envelope and added "(P.S. With that being said, they all caught a bus back to their homes. Simon: >to Lincoln< SpongeBob in the modern world is good too. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< Uh, you do know he has bad episodes as well. I can always take it to get it fixed or I can just go buy a new one. Sam: Look Luna, we can still be a couple, but sometimes a relationship isn't going to last forever, but I would like for ours to--. Clyde: That's great, and what are your thoughts on "Scorpion"? "I'M SO MAD I CAN'T EVEN CRACK A JOKE," yelled Luan. Sam: >annoyed, to Simon< Alright, this will be our last stop for today, I hope you are feeling better after you got your game you wanted for Xbox One, I don't want to hear about it anymore, understand? Sam: It should be in about thirty minutes or so, depending on traffic. Luna: >interrupts Lincoln< You don't have to apologize, I already forgive you, I had no right to be mad at you and I don't want to stay mad at you, you are my little brother and I love you very much. Luna: Apparently, you boys can't seem to stop arguing about a console can't you? Lana: Here they are, without getting my hands all dirty, I made two different Muffins and two different Cookies, for the Muffins, I have Chocolate chip Muffins and Blueberry Muffins, and as for the cookies, they are both Peanut Butter Cookies and White Chocolate chip Cookies, I hope you boys enjoy them. ", "Wait a minute," said Lincoln, "Fred, your last name is Jones, right?". (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. ", "It's alright," said James, "I understand. Simon: >to Lincoln< It's not that I hate it, in general, I don't have a thing against chocolate, I'm allergic to it. After grabbing all his things and putting on his protective gear, Lincoln got back on his bike and rode to Piperville, but not before going to the bathroom in a nearby outhouse. Sam: Stop it boys, you know better than that! "Lola," said Lynn Sr. in a calm tone, "I know you're angry at Lori, but don't throw your shoe at her. (Sam facepalms again as Simon was being sarcastic). (They both share a hug, little did they know was that Simon and Sam also showed up at the Fro-Yo place, Sam wasn't in the best mood as she drags Simon to the Fro-Yo place). ", "BEATING YOUR BROTHER UP OVER A 25-CENT PIECE IS ONE THING," yelled Lynn Sr., "BUT CALLING HIM A MISTAKE?! ", "WELL," said Lori, "HOW WOULDYOUFEEL OF LANA BROKE SOMETHING THAT MEANT A LOT TO YOU?! Simon: >annoyed< What do you mean "never heard of her"? >confused< Wait, does Lori know that? "I'm sorry, Mrs. Lori held up her phone, which had a big crack on the screen. Lincoln: >gasps, annoyed, to Simon< WHY YOU LITTLE---, (Another fight cloud breaks out and Clyde then leaves the house in panic, Luna and Sam aren't pleased with this at all as they both facepalmed, they both grabbed their respected brothers away from each other, the fighting still stops). ", "What's wrong with me," said Lincoln, "you're the one who's got something wrong with you! Luna: >to Lincoln< Hey bro, I want to say, I'm sorry for saying "I never wanted to speak to you again" I was angry at you and Simon for your petty argument over opinions you disrespected, and I was upset about our breakup between me and Sam, I had a lot of anger and sorrow about it for at least an hour and I had a lot of self doubt and I took advantage of it, and most of all, I'm sorry that you and Simon can't get along because of your opinion differences. He looked somewhat like this. Luna: Lincoln is on his game, Lucy is doing some creepy thing with her club members, the twins are having a tea party, Lisa is experimenting with something---, (An explosion occurs as Luna peeked out of her doorway as it is coming from Lisa and Lily's bedroom). loudhouse # 11 The Fastest Man Alive - A Loud Hou. Lincoln: >to Simon, annoyed< You can't say my opinions aren't bland, that's not fair! Simon: Yeah, she can climb walls, shoot venom with her tail and can also sting like a Scorpion. Lincoln: WellI love all of my sisters, scratch that, most of them on certain cases, but I wouldn't ever trade it for the world. Thankfully, Lincoln had remembered to bring a bike tire repair kit. "I'll never see his precious white hair ever again," cried Leni. But when she got to his door, she found a note taped to it that said "Lori, because of what you did, I've decided that you're no longer allowed in my room until further notice. Leni: First, I called Ms. Carmichael, Fiona and Miguel to help me advertise to get your attention, we talked to the manager at "Gamestop" and "Fro-Yo n' Go" for a discount message, then we had to lure all of you right here, and Fro-Yo's are on Ms. Carmichael by the way, and now here you guys are! Clyde: I agree, that was a good show, >passes stick to Simon< now it's your turn, favorite super hero and why? Lincoln stirs awake from his bout of unconsciousness to the full realization that he was back at the hospital. Love, Lori.". Read to find out. ", "Hey, Lincoln," asked Mark, "when do you plan on going back to Royal Woods? (The boys continued to argue, Sam and Luna looked at each other with concern, they both grab their respected brothers away from each other, Luna turns the TV off). Lincoln's actions result in the sisters (except Lily) collectively turning on him and giving him a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown that results in him getting hospitalized and developing a crippling fear of his sisters. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/LongLostLoud, 33 years into the future, Lori Loud reflects back on the loss of her brother Lincoln. The Loud House: The Black Figure The CasaDemonios - Deathy Intro The Loud House (2006) The Loud House - Lincoln the Attacker (Old version) The Loud House - Two's Regret The loud house - You're adopted The Loud House 888 The Loud House Lost Don't Text And Drive PSA (2015) The Loud House Lost Episode: The Mishaps of the Loud Siblings "It's alright," said James, "I didn't even hear anything. 0 hours, 17 minutes 17m. Lincoln: Apparently I'm the only boy in the family, I have exactly ten sisters, currently Lori my eldest sister is in college. The Loud House: The Lost Loud Brother [COMPLETE] Fanfiction Lincoln is tired of being the only boy in the house. Luna: Oh no dude, looks like a brother protocol is firing up. I forgot which sibling though. ", "LORI," said Lynn Sr., "SHUT UP AND GO TO BED RIGHT NOW! "Me too," said Lisa, "I've heard it's going to be thunderstorming in this area soon.". Lincoln: > It's okay, I respect your opinion on that. "Hey," though Lincoln, "that sounds like Butch!". Sam: >interrupts Luna< US!?!? "Thanks," said James, "never leave home without 'em!". Lincoln: Ugh. Butch saw this, came outside, and joined Lincoln on the branch. Sam: Hey Simon, I got someone you might want to meet, he's one of Clyde's best friends. I need to talk with you.". (Sam and Luna just gasped, as well as Liam and the other farm animals, as well as Ellie Mae and Virginia). In your face! "Hey, lil bro," said Lynn, "up and at 'em!". It's his favorite kind too! Story Prologue It was a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House, the Loud siblings were causing lot of noise by doing what they enjoy doing the most. Of course he has Clyde, but he's not with him 24/7. Luna: Look guys, you just recently met, I don't want the both of you to start arguing with each other. "Look out, Royal Woods," said Lincoln, "Lincoln Loud is coming back to town!". Leni: >to Lincoln< Because you deserve it, and I love you very much, I really hate it when any of my siblings are mad at each other. Lincoln: Sometimes, I wish Simon would change his opinions instead of being a smart little butt! ", "Oh yeah," said Lana, "not even refusing to accept Lincoln's apology about breaking your phone and calling him a mistake?". "Loud Family," said Butch, "We have a certain someone here with us.". Sam: >to Luna< I agree, seeing our brothers getting along is the most precocious thing I've ever seen. Here is my 21st fanfiction that has been on delay several times, I hope you enjoy it. Lincoln: I have a few consoles hooked up to the TV, I got a Super Nintendo, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch and a PS4, and yes, I do have some portable consoles like a 3DS, well technically speaking the SNES and Wii belonged to Lori before she taught me how to play videogames when I was like five. ", "Hello," said the officer, "I'm looking for a Lincoln Loud. Lincoln: Listen Simon, I want to say I'm sorry for disrespecting your opinions and about calling you off because of what you said about me. Back in Royal Woods, Lynn, Luan, and Luna were watching a movie. Luna: >to Simon< She usually makes gross stuff. Lincoln: >annoyed< Well I could say the same to you! You can stay with me and Mark as long as you wish.". Sam: >to Luna< Don't worry about it, as long as they don't fight, everything will be fine, but I personally don't blame him because he is allergic to chocolate. Lincoln: I just realized that, if we want our sisters to be happy, we need to try to respect each others opinion. Lola: Now, what I've got are two sets of tea, one set is Lipton and the other set is PG tips. ", "I just wanted to know if you'd all like to go to the mall tomorrow," said Lori, "I wanna show you this really cool store I found. "Well," said Steve, "I found the sister obviously, but where's the brother? ", "Lori," said Lynn Sr., "don't be too upset at Lincoln for refusing to talk to you like your sisters did before. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (Luna and Sam watched in horror as their respected brothers are arguing). Ongoing Simon: That's easy, it's Spongebob SquarePants, still the greatest cartoon show of all time. Luna: Guys, this is ridiculous, stop fighting and put aside your differences. Lynn went inside and found the lump on the bed. - Lincoln said (They look at a photo of him and Leni bathing in the bathtub) LENI: Aw, you look so cute as a baby! ", "Um," said Butch as Lincoln made hand signals, "no he's not. "And just where do you thinkyou'regoing," asked James. Clyde: Interestingnow your favorite cartoon show >to audience< Not including our own show. Lincoln: Not to mention she called me "Stinkoln" multiple times. "There, there, Leni," said Luna, "It'll be okay, I hope.". ", "Lana," said Lincoln, "don't tell anyone, but I'm running away.". "Mom, Dad," Lynn shouted as she grabbed the paper and bounded down the stairs. Lynn Sr. called the other girls in and they gathered around as Lynn unfolded the paper. I like dressing (for boys obviously). (The two boys starting fighting again and they both form a fight cloud, the fight cloud than forms into a tornado like structure now called a "fight-nado", the fight-nado then goes into the cow pasture and sheep pasture smashing the fence, then it creates a hole into the barn and then it smashes a fence into the pig pen and scares off the pigs, then the fight-nado gets bigger as it goes to the strawfields, Liam now riding Ellie Mae grabs his lasso and wrangles both of the boys and stop the fight-nado, it then cuts to both of the boys and Luna and Sam as they left Liam's farm, both of the girls scolded their respected brothers). Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. Luna: >to Lincoln< Sorry bro, can you please stop your game? A. ", "My dad taught me," said Fred, "he has been since I was Lincoln's age. Votes. Just accept my apology and be done with it!". All except for Lincoln and Lucy who were sitting in their rooms and reading comic book and poetry dairy respectively. Simon: Sometimes I wish I had an older brother. ", "Oh, yes," said Albert, "your friend Steve told me everything," said Pop-Pop, "and thatwaspretty low, even for you. This might not be an easy thing, but let's hope that whatever plan the team have will work, thanks again to the anonymous reviewer "Brother Bear" for this target, enjoy reading this newly posted chapter folks! It's got lots of neat stuff! "Lynn Sr. (Dad): "Kids, Sit down. (Luna hung up and it goes back to Luna in full screen, it later cuts to Lincoln playing "Godzilla Unleashed" on the Wii, Lincoln was playing as Godzilla 90's fighting King Ghidorah in Seattle, Luna then tapped on his shoulder, and got Lincoln's attention). Not wanting to disturb her brother, she quietly got in bed with him, hugged his sleeping body and kissed him on the cheek. (It then cuts to Luna and Luan's room with Lincoln and Simon sitting on Luan's bed). Lincoln: >angered, to Simon< Well, you better take it back! "Well," said Rita, "I suppose it'll be OK if we had you two staying with us. "But Linc," said Lori, "this is important! "My baby," Rita shouted at the top of her lungs before breaking down. With that, Fred, Lori, and Lincoln bounded down the stairs while Steve turned to the viewers. (It then cuts back to The Loud House as Leni was coming back home humming to her own theme song, she then hears crying and walks up the stairs, she only hears Luna who was crying on her own bed, she knocks on the door), (She opens the door to see what was wrong with Luna), Leni: Is it a fashion emergency? When they got back to the Loud residence, they found Lori with a cake that read "Welcome Home, Lincoln!" Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< Argh, Why do you have to criticize our own show, this will drive audiences away from us. Luna: Sorry you had to hear that, Lisa does this all the time, I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen. She didn't see Lincoln, but she DID find the lump under his blanket. Lincoln: I understand, but maybe this could you know, get us back together as siblings? "I came to pick Lana and Luna up to see thatRock Dog movie I heard about," explained Albert. "I was playing with Charles and I bumped into your dresser and knocked your phone off," said Lincoln, "I'm terribly sorry. ", "That's very kind of you, James," said Rita, "what would we do without you? "Would you like to explain this," asked Lori. Lincoln: I remember when me, Ronnie Anne and Sid tried to fix up Lori and Bobby's relationship after their breakup. Sam: >to Simon, annoyed< STAY OUT OF THIS STIMON! Simon: I really don't care about Gummy Bears or Worms, Gummy Dinosaurs are pretty much the coolest gummies to date. ", "You bet it was," said Butch, "If we'd been on that branch longer, we'd be dead men!". Lynn: (whispering) You're NOT bad luck, Stinkoln. That's about it. Not even Leni. Loud in a surprised tone, "what's going on? It also had a card that read "I'm sorry for what I did!" "Lincoln Loud," Lori said, "wherever you are, I'm sorry for all the mean things I've done to you! "Please dude," said Luna, "you'vegottahelp us find him!". Luna: I know but, I missed talking to you, ever since we broke up, I've been miserable without you. The others then turned back to Lori, their faces showing angered expressions. Sam: >stops Lincoln and Simon< Guys, guys, stop arguing. #lincoln +4 more. "Mmm-mmm," said Lincoln, "this is the best maple taffy I've ever tasted! Just then, they heard Chuggie's whistle as the green engines steamed into the depot. ", Lincoln then places the remote on the table). Fiona: >sarcastically, to Leni< I don't know and I don't care! "Your jokes are better than Luan's," said Lincoln as he put his bike in the trunk of Butch's car and got in. With each desperate attempt to escape only sending them deeper into a world of illegal activities. Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Then, Lynn Sr. heard his cell phone ringing. ", "Just. He then leaves the house and slowly starts heading over to his, thinking about what to do. Lincoln: I'll take the chocolate vanilla swirl. Simon: >to Lincoln< YES IT IS, ADMIT IT, YOU DON'T HAVE A BETTER OPINION THAN MINE! Sam: I guess the tables did turn after all, I mean ironically they argued about their opinions on their first meeting and on their second meeting we are arguing. "Lincoln: "Yes! Lincoln: I promise, I'll do it for you and Sam. The problem was, he don't know how to. What do you mean us?!?! (The fight cloud between the boys started tp again, it completely destroys the twins room, Lola and Lana tackled both of them to the ground). This fanfiction is set 7 years after the events of the current episode and includes you as a siblin. Finally another boy in this house! Simon: Oh cool, I love Arcade games, much better than those mobile games on phone these days. ", "AND ANOTHER THING," yelled Bobby, "WE'RE DONE!". (For the next thirty minutes, Lincoln was continuing to play his game on the Wii, Luna was waiting patiently for Sam and Simon to appear, Luna even fidgeted her thumbs as she is constantly nervous waiting for them, she even had a thought bubble for Lincoln and Simon getting into a fight, but she eventually cleared it out of her mind, someone knocked on the front door, she opened it and at the front door), (She closed the door and walked upstairs to go to the twins room, later she came back the stairs as she sat back on the chair she usually sits in waiting for Simon and Sam, the front door was knocked on again, this time she opens the door to meet), (They both hugged each other and nuzzled each other, then Simon comes in), (Luna tousles Simon's hair, she then turns to Sam). Sam: Not when they want to argue and disrespect each other's opinion on something they do or don't like, it's going to be even more difficult then ever. (Lola kicks Simon and Lincoln out of their room, Luna and Sam walked out as well). ben suarez bread / joseph wiley kim burrell / loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory. Loud Lost Memory View source My twenty-first fanfic. I enjoy using my phone and going on social media apps. (It then cuts to Clyde at the Living room where he sits Lincoln and Simon by the couch as he instructs them about respecting opinions in a more positive light). Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< Consider this you're first strike, two more and we will never come back here again. Luna: Good idea Leni, maybe I was a bit harsh on him after our breakup. Luna: I'm pretty sure you guys might like comic books, Lincoln is a fan of Ace Savvy. Lincoln got out aSupermancomic he had bought earlier and read it while he ate his pizza. Sam: No matter what happens to us, even if there is a conflict between us. The Blast A cool breeze blew through the open windows into the classroom, sending a refreshing sensation through the warm afternoon air. "Luna: "Cool brah! Back in Piperville, after having a dinner of franks and beans, Lincoln gathered all of his things and got ready for the journey back to Royal Woods. Seeing the effect of his drastic change to his family after the incident, Lincoln was determined to fix his mistake. Lincoln: >to Luna< So Luna, after a Fro-Yo, wanna hit the Arcade? Don't even bother coming in.". Sam: There is no way I'm going to accept your apology if both of our brothers keep arguing and disrespecting each others opinions. (Lincoln, Simon, Luna and Sam all ran away as Lynn shouted at them, Leni was watching from a distance as she asked herself a question). Sam: And apparently, you guys don't even know how to respect each others opinion. Sorry to break it to you, but Playstation is such a bland console, if you don't have a cooler console like Xbox, you are out of the leagues, that's my verdict. "The branch," said Butch, "it's breaking! My eyes were hungrily gawking his while he kept pounding me on his thigh A new sibling (Loud house reader fan fic). Clyde: >to Lincoln< And Lincoln, how do you fell about Simon's opinion on SpongeBob? It will only make things much worse. Loud," said Joe, Steve's brother, "but we didn't. (Lincoln and Simon just looked at each other, without saying a word, they turned their heads away from each other, Luna and Sam were worried that it wasn't going to work well, they waited patiently for the Tea, Cookies and Muffins to get done, but in exactly thirty more minutes, the snacks were ready). Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I've got a task for you, and I know you can do it, I have Ronnie Anne attend the same classes with you, so it'll be your job to be her escort buddy to your class. (Fiona who was working on hanging up jeans answered to Leni). Of course he has Clyde, but he's not with him 24/7. Because we are closer you know. "What do you want," asked Lincoln. (Luna and Sam then approached Lincoln and Simon with confidence). Anyways, if you're reading this right now, I want to say that if you could, please come home, Lincoln. Simon: I think one sister is good enough already. Luna: You don't have to, but if you want to, just let me know. Our Brother is a Delinquent By: NoSoul01. Of course he has Clyde, but he's not with him 24/7. ", "Well," said Rita, "the brother ran away. Luna: >to Sam< It feels great to be back together again after a crisis. And uha word of warning: This MIGHT be a LITTLE sad, but hey, if other people do stories like this, why not let me join the fun? Rita then explained to Steve what had transpired. "Wow," said Lisa, "then I assume you know how to fix a lot of things. lincolnloud. Luna: >interrupts Lincoln< Don't bring this up anymore bro, I don't want to talk about it okay? Lincoln: Okay. Sam: Please, stop talking to me, I want nothing to do with you. "I won't, Mom," said Lincoln, "I promise! Instantly Sweet. "Lucy looked A bit down. "Man," said Lincoln, "that was a close call!". "But anyways," said Lincoln, "please calm down. Luna would later tell her that the song was a one hit wonder from the nineties by a band called the Divinyls. My overall favorites are soccer and basketball. "Butch," said Mr. CartoonsLoud House Follow/FavThe Missing Linc By:codywj68 After treating him like the black sheep due to their Sister Fight Protocol, the girls try and search for their only brother after he decides he no longer wants to put up with it anymore Lincoln: But I love chocolate, take it from my sisters, they are extreme chocoholics! After Lincoln used the bathroom, he, Mark, and Butch went to the roundhouse, got Chuggie, hooked him up to a boxcar for Lincoln's bike, and, after Lincoln and Mark got in the cab, began the journey back to Royal Woods. A minute of awkward silence was soon followed by a familiar voice. ", "I'm sorry about it, OK," said Lincoln, "it was an accident! I really didn't mean it, honest. Well what if i told you that Lincoln had a long lost older brother but the question is where has he been all this time and what kind of in-pack will that have on the rest of the family? Sam: >to Lincoln< To be fair, you are making smart remarks as well. Leni: Did you tell Sam and Simon that you were sorry? "Luke: "Uhh, I like comedy. CircularBoat742 19 March 2017 User blog:CircularBoat742. 12 12. "There, there, sis," said Bobby, "it's OK.". Loud House: The Missing Son! Language: English Words: 6,157 Chapters: 1/1 4 Kudos: 8 Bookmarks: Hits: 605 by Link: www.deviantart.com/jtom09/art/ Rita: "Kids, meet your long lost brother, Luke!! Lincoln: In my opinion, they taste flat and don't have that rich flavor than chocolate. # lincoln # loud # loudhouse 5: School 1.9K 30 by crazyinnitfam Lincoln's POV: I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Fro-Yo cashier: Welcome to "Fro-Yo n' go", what would you like to order? Luna: >pinches his cheek< Don't mention it bro, they will be here in thirty minutes, but please, don't mess this up with me and Sam, I want all of us to have a good relationship together. (Lincoln is triggered by his opinion, Luna then shook her head). ", "But what wedidfind," said Fred, one of Steve's best friends, "is bike tire tracks leading to the railyard, which led us to the logical conclusion of Lincoln getting on a train heading out of state. Luna: >to Leni< You know what, you're right Leni, I still love Lincoln as my bro, and I never did want to say I never want to speak to him again. Lincoln's eyes filled up as he read the letter. Luna: >annoyed, to Leni< YES HE DOES, HIS ARGUMENT WITH SIMON RUINED MY FUTURE WITH SAM! Simon: Uh, yes genius, and what's up with not respecting my own opinions, I have better opinions than you.

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loud house fanfiction lost brother