use uses in a sentence

3. Names, Qualities and Uses of Pelts.1 Astrachan.-See Lambs, below. In fact any domestic appliance, which uses electricity, from a fridge to a vacuum cleaner, will generate an EMF. 14. but he uses it differently and with a difference of aim. For example, RUDI currently uses the ' Netscape Verity ' search engine which allows full text Boolean searching. The view has been held that in the Eucharist the elements are only consecrated as regards the particular purpose of reception in the service itself, and that consequently what remains unconsumed may be put to common uses. He uses the vernacular with an economy which no other English writer has rivalled. In its original sense the chief uses are such as "the quick and the dead," of the Apostles' Creed, a "quickset" hedge, i.e. It is not improbable that all dogs sprang from one common source, but climate, food and cross-breeding caused variations of form which suggested particular uses, and these being either designedly or accidentally perpetuated, the various breeds of dogs arose, and became numerous in proportion to the progress of civilization. Sentences build language, and give it personality. The book appears on its face to be a compilation, various authors being mentioned in the titles: Solomon in x. How to use “USES” in a sentence. Acupressure India - Dr. Batra's clinic in in Chandigarh, India, uses acupressure India - Dr. Batra's clinic in in Chandigarh, India, uses acupressure to relieve a variety of complaints. molecular biogeography uses information about the rate of changes in DNA sequences to estimate when evolutionary events occurred. To those wishing to pursue the subject further, the following books among others may be suggested: - Sabin, Cement and Concrete (New York); Taylor and Thompson, Concrete, Plain and Reinforced (London); Sutcliffe, Concrete, Nature and Uses (London); Marsh and Dunn, Reinforced Concrete (London); Twelvetrees, Concrete Steel (London); Paul Christophe, Le Beton arme (Paris); Buel and Hill, Reinforced Concrete Construction (London). The Manchester Lectures (July 1857) treated the moral and social uses of art, now embodied in A Joy for Ever. The article uses rather specialized musical terminology. Speaking broadly, red is the colour for feasts of martyrs, white for virgins, violet for penitential seasons, &c.; no less than sixty-three different uses differing in details have been enumerated. Good Uses of Yet in a Sentence. The uses to which the textiles were put were for clothing, furniture for the house, utensils for a thousand industries, fine arts, social functions and worship. These are some wh-questions with used to. The m Dominic uses a computer for all writing activities - apart from examinations when he has an amanuensis. has shown that if one uses an excess of magnesium and of an alkyl halide with a ketone, an ethylene derivative is formed. Tertullian (2nd century) uses processio and procedere in the sense of "to go out, appear in public," 1 and, as applied to a church function, processio was first used in the same way as collecta, as the equivalent of the Greek vuva es, i.e. He saw, for example, that it was not enough to find a meaning for the archaic words (the yXwvaae, as they were called), but that common words (such as lrovos, go(30s) had their Homeric uses, which were to be gathered by due induction. The study of Indian textiles includes an account of their fibres, tools, processes, products, ornaments and uses. 474) where he describes Hephaestus as throwing into his furnace copper, tin, silver and gold to make the shield of Achilles, so that it is not always possible to know whether when he uses the word XaXKOs he means copper pure or alloyed. One important analogy exists for the way in which our author would handle any written sources he may have had by him, namely, the manner in which he uses Mark's Gospel narrative in compiling his own Gospel. Combebiac does not use K; and in place of, n he uses, u =1 7 - E, so that, u 2 = I, wµ = - µw = w, w 2 = o. Jesus uses parable after parable to establish its meaning. Geography," in the sense in which he uses the term, signifies the delineation of the known world, in the shape of a map, while chorography carries out the same objects in fuller detail, with regard to a particular country. FIRST AID Show you know how to stop bleeding by using direct pressure and show two uses of a triangular bandage. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldn’t be able to understand what I’m saying to you at all. The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year. He did not refuse to speak of Mary as being the mother of Christ or as being the mother of Emmanuel, but he thought it improper to speak of her as the mother of God, and Leo in the Letter to Flavian which was endorsed at Chalcedon uses the term "Mother of the Lord" which was exactly what Nestorius wished. Example sentences with the word uses. English Examples of Determiners and Use in a Sentence Table of Contents Examples of Determiners and Use in a SentenceDefinite Article: TheIndefinite Article: A, AnDemonstratives: That, This, These, ThosePronouns and Possessive Determiners: My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, TheirQuantifiers: Any, Enough, Most, Some, Many, A Lot Of, Much, A Few and A LittleNumbers: One, Two, ThirtyDistributives: All, Both, Each, Every, Neither, Either, HalfDifference Words: … This was based upon ancient " uses," and represented no revolutionary change in the traditions of the " old religion.". The engineer uses paints for his iron and steel. 7. Cork possesses a combination of properties which peculiarly fits it for many and diverse uses, for some of which it alone is found applicable. Each module uses today's hottest marketing and financial analytics to underscore the importance of making quality management decisions. The BLP uses a face-down chip, with the lead-frame attached by thermoplastic adhesive, and is bonded with gold wire before being transfer-moulded. This artist uses light and shade to good effect. When writing to Atticus he eschews all ornamentation, uses short sentences, colloquial idioms, rare diminutives and continually quotes Greek. Since all rational activity is for some end, the different arts or functions of human industry are naturally defined by a statement of their ends or uses; and similarly, in giving an account of the different artists and functionaries, we necessarily state their end, " what they are good for.". Children who are very heavy sleepers may need an alarm clock that uses a vibrating pad and a flashing light to wake them. Examples of uses to in a sentence: 1. Butter and cheese salts are not stove-dried, but left in their more or less moist condition, as being thus more easily applied to their respective uses. 8. The states in the Catholic League were permitted to retain for their own uses about one-fifth of the ecclesiastical revenue; the clergy was to be subjected to careful discipline; and only authorized preachers were to be tolerated, who based their teachings on the works of the four Latin Church fathers. Custom in this respect was, however, exceedingly varied for a long time, numerous important Churches having their own "uses," and it was not until the time of the Reformation that the Roman use was fixed and became the norm of the Churches of the Roman obedience. c. 115 gifts for the propagation of the Roman Catholic faith are not void as made to superstitious uses. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society. He is at his best in the adaptation of the symbolism of old legend to modern uses. Jeremiah, he thinks, always uses the same metre. Example sentences with the word used. The theologians of the 4th and 5th centuries were at one with the masses in recognizing the religious uses of the pilgrimages. Essential oils have an extensive range of uses, of which the principal are their various applications in perfumery (q.v.). Thirty years after the Ridsdale judgment, the ritual confusion in the Church of England was worse than ever, and the old ideal expressed in the Acts of Uniformity had given place to a desire to sanctify with some sort of authority the parochial "uses" which had grown up. 6. Other uses, more or less technical, of the word are, in leather-dressing, for the whole untrimmed hide; in mining and geology, for the "outcrop" or appearance at the surface of a vein or stratum and, particularly in tin mining, of the best part of the ore produced after dressing. How to use where in a sentence. Let's just try it. For instance, ‘that which you cannot see’. The word "mean" (like the French moyen) had also the sense of middling, moderate, and this considerably influenced the uses of "mean" (3). 19. This massage uses Japanese style bodywork applying pressure to the body through hand & foot pressure. The building, of beautiful classical design, and admirably adapted to its uses, was completed in 1916. The Coptic patriarch uses an iron cross-staff. it enjoins public reading of certain lessons from the Apocrypha and uses in worship even the " Athanasian " as well as the two more ancient creeds. "Compounding all the materials of fury, havoc, desolation, into one black cloud, he hung for a while on the declivity of the mountains. The attribution of the Crucifixion to the Jews appears in several 2nd-century documents; Justin actually uses the words "He was pierced by you" in his dialogue with Trypho the Jew. Then he uses the flattened end of the dipper to scrape away any little residue there may be left around the orifice, and proceeds to prepare another pipe. The descent in meaning from that which is shared alike by several to that which is inferior, vulgar or low, is paralleled by the uses of "common.". ", 475) we read how each ascetic had " in his house a room in which in solitude they celebrated the mysteries of the holy life, introducing nothing therein, either to drink or to eat, nor anything else necessary for the uses of the flesh.". 6. This meant that throughout all Germany medieval ecclesiastical rule was to be upheld, and that none of the revenues of the medieval church could be appropriated for Protestant uses. The confiscation of ecclesiastical property at the time of the Reformation affected many of the trusts of the companies; and they were compelled to make returns of their property devoted to religious uses, and to pay over the rents to the crown. The uses of the other parts and products of this tree are the same as those of the date palm products. A semicolon can be used to join sentences to give them an equal rank. It is not syllogism in the form of Aristotle's or Wundt's inductive syllogism, because, though starting only from some particulars, it concludes with a universal; it is not syllogism in the form called inverse deduction by Jevons, reduction by Sigwart, inductive method by Wundt, because it often uses particular facts of causation to infer universal laws of causation; it is not syllogism in the form of Mill's syllogism from a belief in uniformity of nature, because few men have believed in uniformity, but all have induced from particulars to universals. is a definite attack upon the heathen Sibyl - the Jews and Christians did not attempt to pass off their "forgeries" as genuine - as the mouthpiece of Apollo by a Jew who speaks for the Great God and yet uses a Greek review (49114) of ancient history from the Assyrian empire. 30. (Cocos australis), mbocaya (Cocos sclerocarpa) and the yatai (Cocos yatai), but the predominating species north of the Bermejo is the caranday or Brazilian wax-palm (Copernicia cerifera), which has varied uses. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, camapign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. To the second century also belong two gnostic uses. ", Wagner, writing of the censuses of Sweden, said to have been taken in the 18th century, uses these words, "Since 1749 careful parish registers have been kept by the clergy and have in general the value of censuses.". What are the uses of the sutures? The latter gave rise, on the one hand, to the modern science of botany, on the other to a more rational knowledge of drugs and their uses. From the 9th century onwards, however, this was changed; everywhere in the West the Roman use ousted the regional uses. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. The world's smallest abacus now uses individual molecules (13 November 1996 ). air conditioner unit can be added for around £ 1,500 which uses 12v power. 3. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldn’t be able to understand what I’m saying to you at all. Pliny uses it similarly of the oath by which the Christians of Bithynia bound themselves at their solemn meetings not to commit any act of wickedness. 1), was the exact opposite of "faith" as the author uses it, especially in the chapter devoted to its illustration by Old Testament examples. Grecian tobacco is grown from Turkish seed and closely resembles Turkish tobacco in character and uses. Here’s a surprise: both “a unicorn” and “an umbrella” are correct. 18. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The outcome has been that in the Church of England, and in many of her daughter Churches, there exists a bewildering variety of "uses," varying from that of Sarum and that of Rome down to the closest possible approximation to the Geneva model. The prince uses his power to promote religion, and everything prospers in his hands. It may be presumed that he took his degree, as he uses the title of "Syr" in his translation of Sallust, and in his will he is called doctor of divinity. During this process the wood shrinks considerably, and unless much care and attention are given to the drying wood it will warp and shake sufficiently to unfit it for practical uses. If the information is essential, use that. Diogenes Laertius in his account of the Stoics (vii.85, Tr] y OE - Opµrt y 4ao-c TO TO TripeEv EaITO) uses the phrase TnpEiv EavrO to describe the instinct for self-preservation, the inward harmony of Chrysippus, the recognition of which is auve1,50ves. 748), Ibn Ishaq (whom he uses but does not name), `Awana (d. It is an account of a little garden that he used to tend with his own hands, and is largely made up of descriptions of the various herbs he grows there and their medicinal and other uses. alkyd oil paints which he uses in transparent layers as well as impasto. The firm uses electronic filters to prevent workers from accessing the Internet. Sidney has a public library, and a monumental building, a memorial, erected in 1875, to the soldiers in the American Civil War, and now devoted to various public uses. The Word “oxen” in Example Sentences. When you use "i.e." If it does, use that. The instrument uses 400 optical fibers, which a robotic arm takes about one hour to position with incredible accuracy. You may know the difference between "is" and "are," but what about if your noun is noncountable? The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. ,It embraces a consideration of the external forms of plants - of their anatomical structure, however minute - of the functions which they perform - of their arrangement and classification - of their distribution over the globe at the present and at former epochs - and of the uses to which they are subservient. Foundation in 1844 example use uses in a sentence i am talkative Greek fire equivalent clauses that can otherwise stand on their or... The promotion is well deserved uses principally the product of her dependency Java an old-fashioned fountain pen, '' Eternal. 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