heart rate in 30s while sleeping

I am a 60 year old woman with type 2 diabetes and high BP, I take metformin and losartan. It has stayed at 55 all day. Answered by Dr. Jeffrey Webber: Normal, yes! I went to a doctor and they found that my heart rate is low (42) ” I am not athlete”. My resting heart rate is usually in the range of 45-50 beats per minute and has been this way for the past decade (don’t remember checking before that). Just little suggestion would be nice. The only thing they’ve found so far is low phosphorus and a lowered pulse rate (54 and in the 40’s when sleeping) with lowered blood pressure. I’m worried my heart rate is going to keep going down. I always assumed a low heart rate was a sign of being fit, but now I am not sure. And they have not done anything else. I doubt the 25 is accurate, how was it measured? a high resting heart rate may mean your heart works extra hard to pump blood. I’ve had a stressful couple of days at work but I can’t say I felt any symptoms like faintness or shortness of breath. Normal, yes! I get very cold also.Had tests done 2 years ago and was told I have a healthy heart, What do you suggest when your Primary doc will not listen to you? I still feel extremely tired in the evenings but on nights when I have wine for dinner my heart rate doesn’t go below 50 while sleeping. I have been experiencing problem sleeping at night, chest heaviness , I don’t have respiratory obstruction but feel as if have to take deep breaths. The left ventricular wall motion is normal. Adults typically require 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily, according to 2015 recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation. Sounds ridiculous and frustrating that an operation has been cancelled 3 times due to this. What has been advised to you so far? I stress on my heart rate all the time. Above 90 is considered high. My heart rate usually remains the same no elevation. He now has a low resting heart rate around 30-35 bpm. Are there cases of people like me who are not in the normal range, who did not get a pacemaker, and who lived long enough to tell about it? See a physician, get a basic check up that includes physical exam an EKG and to see if further testing is requires to rule out a serious cause of your symptoms. Many factors influence your resting heart rate. LDL 97, HDL 85 She is doing better this week since we started taking Co Q-10 and Geritol liquid, a half an aspirin and 4 oz of Emergen-C. She is 61 and I am 62. I want to function in life I’m young. In 2018, I was sent for Tilt testing which was positive for Neurocardiogenic syncope. Thank you for the very informative article. I truly believe my thyroid might be causing my heart issues, but my doctor has ruled that out. I had a heart blockage with stent placed about 14 years ago. That seems dangerous to me. as much energy as ever.At issue is I went to a cardiologist last week and had an ECG and This fall, I often raked 15 bags in a day. When I asked my doc what my resting heart rate was according to the holter, he told me it was about 80, I believe. In the past year my teen daughter has twice been told her heartrate is 48 bpm. 6. I little bit of increased heart rate (due to the fact that I was getting worried)but no other symptoms. was it normal? My resting heart rate is generally around 39 dropping to 35 or so during a deep sleep (normally 10-15 minutes). I am 27 years old and in pretty good shape. The right atrium is severely dilated. I’ve always been active – play hockey, circuit training, bike, swim. She wants someone to talk to her so she doesn’t fall asleep. They just had me wear a 24 hour monitor as my resting heart rate is 45. I think checking adrenal system and thyroid is good. Hi i am 38 year old female not to active and a little over weight I have been having a lot of dizziness lately as I suffer from anxiety I feel I’m being ignored by my doctor I have noticed my resting heart rate is sitting between 55 and 58 most of the time this is unusual as my hr was always around 65 previously should I be concerned. I’m a 30 year old female and I’ve recently had a 24hour ecg monitor fitted as I’ve been having episodes of dizziness and palpitations on the result it showed I have episodes of ectopic beats but my heart always returned to normal rhythm, my average resting is 63bpm and dropped to 39bpm whilst asleep should I be worried of this ? My heart rate is in the low 40s all the time and I feel fine. My heart rate varies as low 40s to 140. I have had lab work to check CK levels for heart muscle damage and lab work for tronopin-normal. Please weigh in. I have been a runner and walker consistenly for the last 58 years. 53 year old male, 185 lbs. Privacy Policy I’m thinking of trying a holter monitor. Recently my resting heart rate has fallen from the 60s to the low 50s. Recently I noticed my bp is always around 108/65. Above 90 is considered high. I have pacemaker. In many people, heart rate may go down too much during non-REM sleep. I also had panic attacks before and prompted me to see a cardiologist and told me everything was normal. No sweating or numbness anywhere. Episodes are very random but very noticeable. He tested me for hep a,b and c. Which came back normal. Your nighttime resting heart rate curve is your heart’s personal signature. I am a 28 yr old female, about 60 pounds overweight. Is this common at my age? If all these factors have been evaluated, it is reasonable to assume that although you have the symptoms, you are in a relatively low risk category. Also just a little dizzy. Generally, if your AW HR results make sense, they are probably correct. I also have been getting muscle twitches in my calves. Mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation. When I am in surroundings where the ambient temperature is below 25 degrees Celsius, my hands and legs tend to get cold. I felt some guidiness and checked blood pressure. I did MRI for the heart and it was Normal. I have EBV, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Thank you for your reply. I have been taking BP pills for about 4 years. Discuss your diabetes drugs with your dr. Also present to them a diary of your blood sugar levels at times of symptoms. Good luck to finding out what causes your symptoms. I am 82 I walk 3 miles a day at a brisk pace. Sometimes infection of the heart valves can extend in to the conduction system of the heart also. For most of my life I’ve been very active. Next we will discuss outside influences on the heart and conduction system known as extrinsic causes. Could his medication be an issue. It’s concerning to me. This morning, my BP was 98/59 (HR 51). Symptoms of a low heart rate may include dizziness and fatigue. But have noticed it can drop in 40s when laying down watching tv and definitely fit bit has it dip in 40s while sleeping. Could you email me I’m not getting replies on this sight. My cardiologist isn’t concerned. My son is 22 and has had extreme fatigue over the last few months. I am 41,male.I was diagnosed for high bp 220 /120.18 months ago, I was stabilized and placed on atenonlol and Vasoprin. By using our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Avoid comparisons to those around you. I think I need a second opinion. New information: After an echocardiogram, a stress test and an EKG my heart rate remains the same (36-43) and only atrial flutters were detected. Some people with a slow heart rate are unable to get their heart rate up with exercise known as chronotropic incompetence; this can be diagnosed with exercise testing. What do I need to so please suggest. I can’t sleep because I’m up all night checking her heart rate. A heart rate can change dramatically while sleeping or with daily activity and exercise. I don’t have any of the symptoms you mention thought I suppose there is a possibility of sleep apnea. So I’m 21 and I was told I have normal variant heart rate. He has an enlarged aorta, which has been monitored for several years, and it remains under 5, and shows no change over the course of many years. The concern here would be the slow ventricular response and also the question as to whether there is an inability to mount an adequate heart rate response to exercise. Appointment is coming up soon in few days. I noticed on the treadmill despite the shortness of breath I had a low heart rate of 79. He tires easy and has not fainted again. I’ve talked with my docs and cardiologist and they are stumped what should I do I feel like I’m about to pass out when I stand up especially in the morning. Have you seen an endocrinologist? Read our medical disclaimer. Required fields are marked *. I am 60 pounds obese. I had a holter for 48 hours. I am about 25 pounds over weight. Tachycardia is a common type of heart rhythm disorder (arrhythmia) in which the heart beats faster than normal while at rest.It's normal for your heart rate to rise during exercise or as a physiological response to stress, trauma or illness (sinus tachycardia). I had an EKG two weeks prior and it was normal and chest x-ray which was normal. My resting rate is around 45 I’m not concerned as I’m a very fit endurance athlete. I went to A and E nothing seems obviouslty wrong … should I get further test do you think. My husband was electrocuted in August after gopher state one failed to mark an area that had live electricity running in the ground and he dug into 440v of current and was sent to the ER and he had high triponin levels for the day/night he spend in the hospital. I seem to be having a lot of ups and downs –bouncing from 50ish to mid /high 30’s. thanks 4 the site…. When I sleep I wake up swollen Dr say my heart rate drops so low I secrete fluid from veins if I fly I swell. In a week, I do an hour of swimming, couple of hours of sports and an hour of yoga. Thanks for the great work you do! Yet my pulse is still a consistent 60 beats per minute. After 10 days overseas i came back yesterday, and went for a MTB ride. There is a visible pulsation at the base of my throat which fluctuates in rhythm with my heart. Sleeping heart rate should generally be somewhat lower than normal resting heart rate while awake, because the body typically relaxes very deeply during sleep. I continued to have episodes of chest pain in the same heart region area and it’s becoming more frequent. May check those out, too. My practitioner referred me to a 2nd cardiologist for another ultrasound and EKG and all came back good. Should I be concerned? The episodes are becoming problematic. The conduction system of the heart has many nerves attached to it; some of these nerves decrease the rate of conduction whereas others increase the rate of conduction. The spasm was originally diagnosed as a heart attack as it showed up in blood tests. I fatigue easily and have dizziness at times even on resting. We have done a ton of research, but I would like to know your thoughts on the best supplements, foods and exercises. Have you ever had a stress echo? I am at my wit’s end and cannot live like this. For an adult, a normal resting heart rate is typically between 60 and 100 beats per minute. If I paced back and forth across the room, my heart rate would increase and my bp would drop, but as soon as I sat down and relaxed my hr would plummet and bp go up again and I would feel very ill. Pulse to come up with cardiologist and potentially a monitor with both the atrial enlargement is a. 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