ex girlfriend texted me out of nowhere

She misses you and regrets her mistakes. So I informed the day before my move that I was actually moving. Boyfriend & girlfriends are still friends, with a more legit title. We broke up in June and we haven't really stayed in contact. she loves u, and the whole "getting a boyfriend right away" thing , must've been only to c your reaction... she definitely still likes you...maybe you guys should get back together sometime and talk about it. We haven't talked in over a month now...First let me give the background we have together. Xper 4. Still have questions? No one will ever ever compare to you. Don’t get comfortable and slide back into old habits. Why would a girl text me out of nowhere? Ask her are things okay? Here Are 7 Common Reasons Men Send Their Exes Texts Out … Two girls just texted me out of nowhere. My girlfriend and i broke up months ago, but today she randomly text me that she has finally stopped thinking about me all the time, but she still has dreams about me holding her and she says it sucks, when she wakes up from them. My ex texted me out of nowhere? odds are she misses you in more than just a friend way, so proceed with caution. Our "3 year anniversary" is this monday, and he randomly texted me today and now we have been texting for 2 hours straight. just keep ignoring her and she will keep on wanting you. She also wanted to llet me know she got a new job and it's right by my house. However, you’re unsure of what to do. My ex and I have been broken up for 8 months, we were together for 2 years. i mean normaly when we break up. MY WIFE WAS BEING MEAN TO ME BUT MY DAUGHTER HAD MY … I was like right on. Why would an ex contact me out of the blue? Once we broke up I started begging her back and trying ever little tthingto get her to eant to come back. We broke up in June and we haven't really stayed in contact. You have put her on a pedistal and boosted her ego by responding to her. And now that you aren't she wants you back, but don't take her. ", I did respond to her texts. So I don’t blame him one bit for feeling crazy confused. It Can Be Ridiculously Confusing When Your Ex-boyfriend Keeps Texting, Then Disappearing Again With No Reply. Did you ever cheat on me or was I ever not good enough for you? Just you guys need to work things out. So my ex girlfriend messaged me on Facebook after a year of no talking. Maybe she wants to move on or maybe she wants to reconcile. We haven't talked in over a month now...First let me give the background we have together. If you two don't get back together, I think you guys should meet up for coffee or something and just talk things out with her. Well she gets a new lover and they been together I guess I don't know I try my hardest to lost all contact with her because I didn't want to see her happy with another guy but I think they're together. However, if you don't want to, just tell her nicely. Well I just told her to be happy with him and that was it. What should I do to get her back?! … We haven't talked in over a month now...First let me give the background we have together. And i think you should have stayed with that other girl. :) I'll try to help,but lemme tell ya somethin life is wierd!This is a tuff problem,it seems like she mite want ya back.Or she has a problem with her new bf and wanted someone to talk to!Well I hope I helped!Goodluck! Free e-mail watchdog. that's what my ex did. Our topics … I'm thinking maybe you should give her another chance or at least be friends, and try to talk or meet up with her. We broke up around June and we haven't really stayed in contact. And I told her I rather be friends and she was like she only missed me in a friend way but she don't know me in a friend way so I knew that was a lie. We were together for 3 years and broke up 4 months ago. supapowies. I mean she just texted him out of the blue. I'm 18 and I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. I miss hanging out with him, because he was a good friend. clearly she's thinking about you all the time. After all, he went to the trouble of reaching out to you. I've always been the type to come back to her and give her what she wants so I wanted to let her go and try to move on. She got into a relationship too quickly (it's probably not working out) and she thinks she might have a chance getting back with you. Before you rush to respond with something snarky, put your phone down and take a deep breath. Most of the time they wouldn’t. It’s interesting to me that no one really ever talks about the importance of response time when it comes to getting your ex girlfriend back. When she asked you if you ever cheated on her, or that that she wasn't good enough for you, she thinks that maybe the problem was her in a sense. I havent replied anything to her yet. It's your choice how you want this...if you want to get involved with her again, or just text her and tell her you don't want to be involved. Don't answer her text messages or phone calls. if she wasn't thinking of you she wouldn't have sent that to you but the fact that she hasn't texted you back after you texted her back is a red flag. So I don’t blame him one bit for feeling crazy confused. Ex girlfriend texted me out of the blue? So as the weeks have gone by she's texts me randomly maybe once or twice a week. So a week ago in the morning she texted me all of this-"Can I ask you a question? My ex texted me many months after going indefinite NC. dude just let it go she f***ed another man move on. https://trimurl.im/d47/why-did-my-ex-girlfriend-ju... How to get my boyfriend to wear a condom(NSFW)? You can't just date someone out of the blue and not know their personality? It's over and be thankful because you don't need that bucket of crazy. three years is a long time. I never got closure from him. I think she is looking the answer from you and just answer her, or it could be she is not happy with current BOY friend and she wants to come back to you, She misses you & realizes she made a mistake. Love is, unfortunately, not enough to sustain a relationship, its time to move on. Facebook. Move on, never talk to her again, and date other girls. Twitter. A little background - Dated for 6 months ( amazing relationship ) - Broke up 2 weeks ago - I'm 21 she's 20. We was together for two years before we broke up. Before you rush to respond with something snarky, put your phone down and take a deep breath. She kept on giving mixed signals. so my guess is she still has feelings for you and misses you. My ex gf texted me out of nowhere. So she probably was always confident you'd be there to take her in when her new lover and her break up. Marijuanasaurus Regular. No. Here Are 7 Common Reasons Men Send Their Exes Texts Out … Then after a few texts she drops the bomb that she's getting married. my boyfriend called me a ****. Don't give her the time of day. Don't immediately reply and take some time to think it over to figure out what you ultimately want out of this interaction. She texts you frequent because she wants to know what's happening with you. Follow. —/u/MarquessOfCats. We broke up around June and we haven't really stayed in contact. If you have just been sitting around and minding your own business—DING—when your ex texts you out of the blue, you are not alone. When your ex texts you out of the blue there are a few ways you can respond. We broke up around June and we haven't really stayed in contact. The text message itself was kind of questionable she said " I was wearing my blue scrubs and reminded me the first time I met you...Hope your doing well. Answer #2 | 12/11 2016 23:20 **** … I miss my ex as a friend. I've always been the type to come back to her and give her what she wants so I wanted to let her go and try to move on. She thought she was going to get you but maybe in a better package...when people have something good they don't realize that everything out there isn't the same until they experience it. When an ex suddenly gets in touch with you out of the blue, it can be a confusing and frustrating situation. Then she asked if we was cool and have I deleted her off of myspace, and I was like yea we cool and no. I'm 18 and I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. But right now she just wants to know you are still there, that no one else has you, that she can still count on you. He ended our 3.5 years relationship over the phone because he said it was too hard to see me in person. Ok its been a month and i just got a text from him saying "im just checkn on you boo" did he text me by accident becuz when i replied " lol u do realize who this is _____? WHEN YOUR EX TEXTS YOU OUT OF NOWHERE. July 2010 edited July 2010. Case study: Ex Girlfriend Comes Back After 6 Months You may be asking: “Why did my ex girlfriend text me after 6 months?” When a woman contacts you a long time after the break up, you are excited. The text message itself was kind of questionable she said " I was wearing my blue scrubs and reminded me the first time I met you...Hope your doing well. Like I am doing. What should I do?:D. No. Weight-loss: Sometimes you need to be told you are FAT! We was together for two years before we broke up. Thing is, sometimes people don't realize what they've lost until they've gone through such turbulence. My ex girlfriend just texted me out of the blue asking how I been? 1 Questions & Answers Place. Be strong; don't fall into the trap too soon. Don't give her the satisfaction. We haven't talked in over a month now...First let me give the background we have together. Your ex may be texting you again out of the blue because they may have just gotten out of a relationship that left them quite unhappy or they may be in a lonely period in their life. We broke up around June and we haven't really stayed in contact. Of course she is going to text you. should i never talk to him again? We broke up about a year ago andIt was her decision not to talk anymore and I understood. Xper 4. Make sure you remain honest if you decide to speak. Answer this question. My gut feeling is that he reached out because he may be having problems with the rebound. shes not happy without you. My ex girlfriend just texted me out of the blue asking how I been? 0 0. Hanging out with the very people he forbade me to see. He says he doesn't want me and that he wants to break free one week and the next week he texts "Hi" Gf of a year and 6 months broke up with me out of the blue. Or if you want to be friends. Say friends. Why is my ex girlfriend texting me!? Case study: Ex Girlfriend Comes Back After 6 Months You may be asking: “Why did my ex girlfriend text me after 6 months?” When a woman contacts you a long time after the break up, you are excited. It came OUT OF NOWHERE! He always lied to me, hurt me, talked to different girls, prolly cheated on me. July 2010 edited July 2010 in Spurious Generalities. I have been seeing someone else and it is nowhere near as fulfilling as the relationship I had with this guy, but he (the ex who texted me) acted in such a reckless way with regards to my feelings towards the end, that I had to end the 'relationship' because I was sacrificing too much, and settling for less than I deserve. I was with my girl (smokin hot) for 3 years in college and one day randomly she left me for a some frat douche that her dumb friends convinced her to get with. He says he doesn't want me and that he wants to break free one week and the next week he texts "Hi" Gf of a year and 6 months broke up with me out of the blue. We broke up about a month ago and she misses me, and gives me mixed signals. Or she wants to be your friend again. I mean she just texted him out of the blue. Anyways I stopped talking to her all together 2 months. Never miss a thing with GirlsAskGuys notifications on your browser. Free e-mail watchdog. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. She got a new Boyfriend right away. As far as you can tell there is no pattern to when he texts you. Then she was like I didn't seem to talkative and bye. One of them is my friends ex. I'm sorry for all the hurtful things I said to you-I don't think you ever really understood how I felt for you. I see ur in need for an answer my friend! she just wanted a responce so she could get an ego boost. She apologized since she felt remorse of all that happend. Ok Mike, take it away… ***Question*** My ex girlfriend just reached out after 6 months of no contact! I know that sounds weird but it happens. She wanted you be all upset so yeahh! Ok Paige ^^ totally did not read that AT ALL. 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Often, when ex’s hear from each other after a sustained period of time, it is due to a sense of unhappiness, loss and even a sudden drop to their sense of self-esteem. maybe she misses you but she doesn't miss having a relationship with you. we always open up and say the things we wish we hadn't when we're drunk maybe she did too. And it’s driving you nuts because you want to understand what’s going on in his head. Is this normal ? You can sign in to vote the answer. We broke up around June and we haven't really stayed in contact. So that she probably wants to know what you think, and it's always best to talk things out, honesty is the best policy! I wouldn't text her. I said, "i swear I give it a month" and that was it after a little over month not even a month and a half it was over. Ex boyfriend texted me out of nowhere? So a week ago in the morning she texted me all of this-"Can I ask you a question? Tweet. Should I text her or let her contact me again? Marijuanasaurus wrote: » One of them is my friends ex. You want to get her back, but you’re afraid she’ll Weknowtheanswer. When an ex suddenly gets in touch with you out of the blue, it can be a confusing and frustrating situation. Does you ex still have your mobile number on her phone and out of the blue, she has sent you a text message. supapowies. What Is The Assumption? she left me and knows it was a bad call, she took me for granted and now she realizes it, but im not goin back, she hurt me way too much. We dated for a year. She sent you this because she loves you like a crazy psycho "if you got what I mean" ,is suffering and coudldn't deny it. and says "wish I was wit you on this rainy day" . So me and my ex have been separated since july. I haven't talked to my ex in over a week now and out of nowhere she just saying shes doing good in school. Ex texted me today out of nowhere Ex texted me today out of nowhere. The rest, she's like saying, coming clean with it all to get it off her chest. 0 0. If your ex hears you’re with someone new, they might text you just to scope them out and compare themselves to your new lover. I wish I didn't run back to him becuase he came back to me in a vulnerable time. It's not a lie based on that. How do you think about the answers? My ex texted me out of nowhere? When we broke up he was already talking to another girl. Why would a girl text me out of nowhere? YES you did know her in a friend way. He started seeing someone else after he broke up me. clearly not talking to her caused her to text you and if you keep chasing her she'll just run into another guy's arms or play more games so I'd "wait" (for lack of a better word) for her to text you then call her out on how long it took her to text you back. My ex girlfriend just texted me out of the blue asking how I been? So my ex girlfriend messaged me on Facebook after a year of no talking. It's hard to have someone in your life for two years and then they just disapear. And next time she texts you just be like 'sorry, wrong number' unless you want to talk to her. Always there to rebound back to. My ex girlfriend just texted me out of the blue asking how I been? I think she really loves you and misses you. Tweet. I've always been the type to be a pushover and come back to her but I decided to leave her alone. My ex girlfriend texted me out of the blue, telling me she's sorry and hurt. Facebook. We were great friends that got along great but the relationship didn't work out. We was together for two years before we broke up. Re: My ex girlfriend texted me and told me she's getting married We haven't talked in like 2 years and she texted me out of nowhere asking how I was doing. Lol but when you said "..she was like she only missed me in a friend way but she don't know me in a friend way so I knew that was a lie". When Your Ex Girlfriend Texts You Out of the Blue What to text her, how to set up a date, and what to do on the date so you don’t blow it By: Frankie Cola championsofmen.com 2. He started seeing someone else after he broke up me. We had an amazing relationship on both ends for 3 years until the last 3 months where I started to become less attentive of her needs and showed little love. Follow. Twitter. I told her that everything in my life is going great. First let me tell you about our past. YOU WERE TOGETHER FOR 2 YEARS!!!!! FEMALE HELP PLEASE! they probably lasted a month? We was together for two years before we broke up. And she really wants you to respond. We broke up about a year ago andIt was her decision not to talk anymore and I understood. Just yesterday, he texted me saying hey, he still has love for me, and that he wants me on top of him again. I think it means that she thought the grass was greener over there. From time to time, if I see something that reminds me of an inside joke with my ex, I might snap a picture and send it to them. We haven't talked in over a month. It Can Be Ridiculously Confusing When Your Ex-boyfriend Keeps Texting, Then Disappearing Again With No Reply. What do i say to that? She is probably having man problems. She'll get it. Maybe you guys need to talk in person and come to an understanding...ask her to a platonic lunch and get everything on the table. It seems that a text from your ex is never expected. You guys have broken up for a few months now so she's now realizing that you were probably one of the best boyfriends she ever had and she misses you! It sounds like she really wants to mend things and get back together with you. Basically, she wants you now because you aren't all obsessed with her. My ex girlfriend texted me how are you doing - Ex girlfriend texted me out of nowhere. She is comfortable with you and she doesn't want to lose that. She wanted me to know that she's close by now..Wonderwhy that is? okay well duh she misses you, and after you've been with someone for two years not talking for a month is like not talking for an eternity. My gut feeling is that he reached out because he may be having problems with the rebound. Anonymous. If you miss this girl enough, talk to her. :D . Ex texted me today out of nowhere Ex texted me today out of nowhere. My ex girlfriend just texted me out of nowhere asking how I been? Answer #1 | 12/11 2016 23:22 See what he wants. He was always to busy for me the entire relationship. Now A few weeks later she sent me a text saying she missed me. Sounds like she was feeling guilty and trying to justify cheating on you or just trying to prove to herself that she still has power over you. But I know she misses you, a lot. She doesn't love you as far as being in a relationship wise. With that other girl that `` just checking on you '' was get! 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