bulgaria vignette online 2019

Vignette fee is not due also for vehicles with less than 4 wheels, as well as for wheel tractors, tractor trailers and other self-propelled machinery registered for work under the Law for registration and control of the agricultural and forestry machinery. Vecinii noștri au înlocuit vinieta clasică cu una electronică și au implementat un sistem online de plată a acesteia. The toll sections include not only highways, but also a large number of lower class roads, so you probably can't do without a vignette when traveling by car to Bulgaria. With entering into force of the e-vignette there shall no longer be any need to put paper vignette sticker on the windscreen of the vehicle. Seit 2019 gibt es in Bulgarien die E-Vignette. As of 2019 e-vignette and toll will be introduced in Bulgaria as a modern way of charging for the use of the national payed road network. Vinietă pentru Bulgaria, electronic și online, din 2019. Noul sistem de taxare a fost dezbătut şi aprobat de Parlamentul de la Sofia în vara anului 2018 şi are legătură cu infrastructura depăşită de plată în formatul de hârtie dar şi cu starea proastă a multor drumuri de importanţă locală. Hungarian road vignette sales online. Bulgaria – one year e-vignette for vehicles up to 3.5 tons. Cea mai ieftină, pe o săptămână, costă 15 leva, egală cu aproximativ 7,5 euro. Seit dem Jahr 2019 gibt es nur noch eine elektronische Vignette, welche die bisher übliche Klebevignette ersetzte. Online va fi disponibila pentru absolut orice perioada doriti. A valid undamaged vignette affixed on an untinted area of the windscreen interior is the only acceptable substantiation that the toll has been duly paid. The situation today is that we have 8 highways in Bulgaria: Trakija, Hemus, Struma, Marica, Czerno more, Ljulin, Kalotina and Veliko Tarnovo – Rousse. De la 1 ianuarie 2019, operatorul BGToll a introdus e-vigneta, confirmând faptul că taxele vor rămâne neschimbate pentru toate categoriile de vehicule. Vignette fee is not due by persons with 50 or over 50 per cent of disabilities, as well as persons or families bringing up permanently disabled children under 18 and until completion of a secondary course of education, but not later than till their 20 year of age. ... will Operate Across Bulgaria from 2019. pc. Un mare avantaj de care beneficiati atunci cand cumparati rovinieta Bulgaria online este acela ca scapati de acei functionari care nu vor sa vada (pe motiv ca nu au) o rovinieta zilnica, saptamanala sau lunara si sunteti fortat sa cumparati una anuala chiar daca nu aveti nevoie de ea. Procesul durează doar câteva minute. Vignette prices in 2019 will be the same as in 2018. Since 2019, electronic charging of road taxes – vignettes and toll, is introduced in Bulgaria as a modern way of toll collection for the usage of the republican road network. Az e-matrica bevezetése után már nem lesz szükség a papír matricát a jármű szélvédőjére ragasztani, ellenőrzés esetén elég bemutatni a vásárlást igazoló dokumentumot. They will come into force on 01.01.2019, while only the old stickers will apply until the end of 2018. e-vignette Bulgaria. pc. [:de]Bestellen Sie Ihre e-Vignette (Roviniete) bequem online und seien Sie so optimal auf Ihre Reise nach Rumänien vorbereitet. #sılayolu#gurbetçi#almanya#türkiye#kapikule #bulgaristan#macaristan#sırbistan#avusturya Merhaba Gurbetçi Kardeşlerim umarım bu Video sizlere yardımcı olur. HU DE RO SK. Available are : 10-days, 2- months or 1-year vignettes. Електронната винетка е валидна за 1 седмица от избраната дата на валидност. Odată cu intrarea în vigoare a vignetei electronice, nu va mai fi necesară plasarea de autocolante pe parbrizul autovehiculului. [:fr]Commandez votre e-Vignette (Roviniete) confortablement en ligne et … In order to perform its activity on toll collection, the Road Infrastructure Agency will operate an Electronic toll collection system. Price: €15.00. За да закупиш винетки трябва да: va удостовериш (ако нямаш акаунт, кликни върху регистриране сега за създаване на акаунт); добави заявка и попълни данните за желаните винетки Since the entering into force of the e-vignette there is no longer need to put a sticker on the windscreen of the vehicle. Your Е-vignette is just a click away. Un mare avantaj de care beneficiati atunci cand cumparati rovinieta Bulgaria online este acela ca scapati de acei functionari care nu vor sa vada (pe motiv ca nu au) o rovinieta zilnica, saptamanala sau lunara si sunteti fortat sa cumparati una anuala chiar daca nu aveti nevoie de ea. During our Roadtrip in Central Europe, we went through Hungary and had trouble finding relevant and up-to-date information about the electronic motorway vignette.. Electronic vignette for 2020 will be available from 21 December 2019. Vinetki.bg Официален партньор на АПИ Онлайн продажба на Електронни Винетки за България ☛ Камиони, Автобуси, Автомобили и Ремаркета. They will come into force on 01.01.2019, while only the old stickers will apply until the end of 2018. Let us handle your expiry notifications. The toll sections include not only highways, but also a large number of lower class roads, so you probably can't do without a vignette … The sale of the new electronic vignettes in Bulgaria began on December 17. Dacă vreți să mergeți cu mașina în țara vecină, citiți mai jos modificările aduse. 1. Vignette can be bought online. As of January 1, 2019, e-vignette will be introduced in Bulgaria for the use of the national payed road network. Az e-matrica bevezetése után már nem lesz szükség a papír matricát a jármű szélvédőjére ragasztani, ellenőrzés esetén elég bemutatni a vásárlást igazoló dokumentumot. Tip: Affix the vignette immediately on receipt. Vignettes are currently used in several European countries. These persons are granted free e- vignette with validity of one year. Categories transport vehicles: According to Art.10., Paragraph 7 from the Bulgarian Law for the Roads, the transport vehicles are being divided into the following categories:. Vignette is a form of road pricing imposed on vehicles, usually in addition to the compulsory road tax, based on a period of time the vehicle may use the road, instead of road tolls that are based on distance travelled. Which vehicles do NOT have to pay e-vignette? Vignette can be purchased electronically online, via a mobile application and at regular points of sale. Ако вече притежавате тол продукт и искате да проверите валидността му, моля, въведете данните си тук. As of January 1, 2019, e-vignette will be introduced in Bulgaria for the use of the national payed road network. info Vignette. [:fr]Commandez votre vignette autoroutière pour la Bulgarie en ligne chez tolltickets. Buy your vignette online now. The drivers should keep the valid paper vignette sticker put on the windscreen of the vehicle till the last date of expiration of its validity. Începând cu 01 ianuarie 2019 în Bulgaria în vigoare intră vinieta electronică de utilizare rețelei de drumuri cu plată. Allgemeine Informationen. Find step by step the procedure to follow for buying this sticker on the internet before your arrival in the country and avoid any fine. However, only four of them are fully completed. The validity of a time-based toll depends on the period indicated on your ticket. Vignette prices remain unchanged: annual – BGN 97, quarterly – BGN 54, monthly – BGN 30, weekly – BGN 15. 10a alin. The advantage of the new technology is that the e-vignette can be purchased online and is immediately valid, if required. The price of motorway vignette depends on vehicle category. Astfel, drumul spre destinațiile de vacanță va fi puțin mai rapid. VirPay.hu is a websites where you can buy electronic motorway vignette. Starting from 2019 also a weekend vignette will be introduced for light vehicles. The system applies a fair charging model based on European directives. Buy an E-vignette in Bulgaria in 5 simple steps with a bank card from DigiToll.bg - Official Service Provider. E-Vignette Bulgarien. Vignette, Bridge Toll and RCA online Would you like to get rid of your worries? For cars, the prices are, for a weekly sticker 15 leva (or eight euro), monthly, 30 leva (or 15 euro), three-monthly 54 leva (or 28 euro) and annual, 97 leva (or 50 euro). In force as of 1 January, 2019, electronic vignette will be introduced for the use of the paid road network. Since 2019, electronic charging of road taxes – vignettes and toll, is introduced in Bulgaria as a modern way of toll collection for the usage of the republican road network. An electronic system (e-vignette and toll), as a modern way of charging for the use of the national road network, is introduced in Bulgaria as of 1 January 2019. All paper vignette stickers purchased in 2018 and expiring in 2019 will keep their validity. Voxinfo este ... Cardul de credit este acceptat de OTP, banca principală din Ungaria Cumpărare online de vignetă pentru autostrăzile din Ungaria, 2021 Fără înregistrare, plata cu card bancar. În Bulgaria se vând trei categorii de viniete pentru autoturisme, în funcţie de durata şederii. Începând de la 1 ianuarie 2019, șoferii care trec granița înspre Bulgaria nu mai trebuie să-și lipească autocolante pe parbriz. Поръчай онлайн с e-rovinieta.ro. A vignette is required for driving on Bulgarian state roads. You can buy E-vignette at any time on the web or through mobile application on your phone, There is no need to keep with you any paper to prove purchase of e-vignetteе. Ultima… This avoids a possible toll fine of at least 120 euros. What is the e-vignette and the electronic toll collection system? These are practically all main roads in Bulgaria and there is no option to avoid buying a vignette for driving in Bulgaria. Incepand cu 1 Martie 2020 in Bulgaria va intra in functiune un nou sistem de taxare – Toll Sistem.Acesta va fi similar celui din Ungaria, adica aveti posibilitatea sa faceti o plata in avans prin intermediul unui tichet de tranzit sau prin dispozitiv electronic de plata. Wichtige Infos und Tipps für die Reise nach Bulgarien: Einreise, Verkehrsregeln, Tempolimits, Mitführpflichten und Maut: Alle Infos direkt beim ÖAMTC. Toll System in Bulgaria. Bestimmungen für Gespanne Falls das zulässige Gesamtgewicht der Fahrzeugkombination 3,5 t überschreitet, ist eine zusätzliche Vignette für den Anhänger notwendig. Die E-Vignetten können online schon 30 Tage vor dem gewünschten Startdatum gekauft werden, neben den international üblichen Vignettenvarianten gibt es seit der Einführung der E-Vignette auch eine Wochenendvignette sowie eine 3-Monats-Vignette. 1. Fahrzeuge über 3,5 t zahlen streckenabhängige Maut. HU DE RO SK. 2020.02 Taxe de drum – Bulgaria introduce un nou sistem de taxare din martie 2020 . During a roadside check by the control authorities the owners and users of the vehicles shall not be obliged to present a document proving the purchase of  e-vignette. The prices of the e-vignettes will remain the same for all vehicle types. [:de]Bestellen Sie online Ihre Autobahnvignette für Bulgarien bei tolltickets. Nu trebuie să mai lipiţi nicio etichetă pe parbriz, ci puteţi înregistra comod online autovehiculul dvs. The new Digital Vignette does not have to be glued onto the windscreen and it does not have to be scratched off. Sie müssen keinen Aufkleber mehr an die Scheibe kleben, sondern können Ihr Fahrzeug bequem online registrieren. As of 2019 e-vignette and toll will be introduced in Bulgaria as a modern way of charging for the use of the national payed road network. 342 646 route passes were sold in less than a month, despite restrictions against COVID-19, So far, the RIA has 16 applications for exemption of road sections from vignette. La 1 ianuarie 2019 pe teritoriul Bulgariei s-a introdus un nou sistem de taxare rutieră, care prevede introducerea vignetei electronice. 2019-01-20 Antonela Ionescu Comentarii. Prețurile vinietelor electronice rămân neschimbate pentru toate autovehicule. The prices of the e-vignettes remain without change for all types of vehicles. For cars, the prices are, for a weekly sticker 15 leva (or eight euro), monthly, 30 leva (or 15 euro), three-monthly 54 leva (or 28 euro) and annual, 97 leva (or 50 euro). The system is combination of technical means and procedures for sale, validation and control of the regulated use of the road network. e-Vignette is an electronic document within the meaning of Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Electronic Document and Electronic Certification Services Act, which certifies the payment of a vignette fee for use of the Republican Road Network in the Republic of Bulgaria for a certain period of time. check more. The most credible source of the latest news headlines and viral issues that concerns the Filipino community around the world. The execution of this contemporary way for tax collection for using the national road network evoked some questions from consumers, including the matter of checking the e-vignette right after its purchase and activation. Price: €80.00. Motorway vignette Hungary - Highway sticker purchase - D1 - 10 days highway vignette. De la 31 ianuarie 2017, au intrat în vigoare anumite modificări legislative referitoare la modalitatea de plată a taxei pentru utilizarea infrastructurii în Republica Bulgaria. Electronic vignettes can be purchased in several easy ways: • On the internet at the following address: www.web.bgtoll.bg, • Through self-service terminals in retail outlets and in the offices of the Road Infrastructure Agency, • At cash desks at the points of sale and in the regional offices of the Road Infrastructure Agency, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. Tariful de utilizare este structurat in functie de categorie, perioada de valabilitate si norma de emisii poluante EURO În conformitate cu art. Vignetă de o săptămână ( 10 zile): De la data întrării în vigoare aleasă de cumpărător și pentru alte 9 zile, în total 10 zile calendaristice consecutive, valabil până la miezul nopții al zilei 10. Indeed, there is no toll road in Hungary but a fee to pay in the form of vignette. As of 21 December 2019 motorists can pay for an electronic vignette valid for 2020. info Vignette. All cars, motorbikes and camper vans up to 3.5 mpw (maximum permissible weight) must properly display a toll sticker or have purchased online in time a digital vignette when they drive onto a motorway or expressway. As of January 1, 2019, e-vignette will be introduced in Bulgaria for the use of the national payed road network. You can buy a vignette from more than 3000 points of sale: gas-stations, post offices and points of sale. Bulgarii au modificat modul cum se cumpără viniete. Vehicles owned by the Ministry of Interior, the National security service, the State Agency “National security”, the Emergency medical care and the Armed forces do not pay vignette charge as well. No need to display a sticker on your windscreen – you can simply register your vehicle online, quickly and easily! Bulgaria – 7 days e-vignette for vehicles up to 3.5 tons. Electronic vignette stickers will be sold at 500 terminals in the country. select. Vignette prices in 2019 will be the same as in 2018. pe această pagină web. select. During a roadside check by the control authorities the owners and the users of the vehicles shall not be obliged to present a document proving the purchase of a vignette. There is no need to stick a vignette sticker on the front windscreen of your vehicle. In addition, the following roads are also completed: Marica (117 km), Ljulin (19 km) and north-tangential (16.5 km). Category 1 (amend.-SG 43/08) transport vehicles under Para 6, Item 1 meant for hauling cargoes, as well as transport vehicles under Para 6, Item 2, 3, 4 and 5 with 2 (two) and more axles having a … Here you can get your BGTOLL (e-Vignette) for your Bulgaria holiday. Price list of Bulgarian vignettes 2021 HU DE RO SK. 3. 2019. január 1-jétől Bulgáriába is bevezetik az e-matricát. Verlieren Sie keine Zeit mit dem Herumlaufen durch die Stadt und kaufen Sie die RO-Vignette online auf der Webseite Rovignete.ro, eine vom Nationalen Unternehmen für Autobahnen und Nationalstraßen in Rumänien (C.N.A.D.N.R. Incadrarea in clasa de emisii poluante EURO se face dupa : - certificatul de inmatriculare - certificatul CEMT de conformitate cu cerintele tehnice si de siguranta. The funds raised from the electronic fee collection will be used for maintenance and development of existing and construction of new roads, as well as road safety. La începutul anului, Bulgaria și-a reformat sistemul de taxare rutieră. Highway vignette Bulgaria For vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes with four or more wheels is for the passage of selected roads mandatory to pay toll by e-vignette. In this way the necessary financial resource is being generated, that is further invested for sustainable development of existing and new roads, including road safety. Începând cu 01 ianuarie 2019 intră și vinieta week-end pentru autovehicule cu masă totală maximă tehnic admisibilă până la sau egală cu 3,5 t. Vignette check. Purchasing a highway sticker Vignette info Vignette prices 2021 ... Pre-purchase a yearly highway vignette in 2019 Resend This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Auf dieser Webseite können Sie die Registrierung einer E-Vignette für Ihr Fahrzeug beauftragen. Motorway vignette Hungary - Highway sticker purchase - D1 - 10 days highway vignette. Vestea și mai bună este că poate fi cumpărată online. Prices of the electronic vignette fees for 2020: The prices of the vignette fees for motor vehicles with foreign registration (in EUR) are as follows: Why are e-vignette and toll implemented in Bulgaria? Vecinii noștri au înlocuit vinieta clasică cu una electronică și au implementat un sistem online de plată a acesteia. Also, effective from 1 January, 2019 a weekend vignette will be introduced for vehicles with total technically permissible maximum weight of up to or equal to 3.5 tons. The e-vignette with the name ‘BGTOLL’ can therefore be purchased exclusively via internet and at designated stations. The road charge collection system is based on state of the art technologies which allow suitable ways of payment and control without hindering the free movement of the vehicles. The funds raised from the electronic fee collection will be used for maintenance and development of existing and construction of new roads, as well as road safety. The term originated in France in the 1950s, although vignettes there were not linked to motorway use and no … Lösen kann man die E-Vignette bei der offi… The longest route is the 360 ​​km Trakija highway, which has been built for over 40 years! Bulgária – e-matrica 2019-től 2019. január 1-jétől Bulgáriába is bevezetik az e-matricát. We can help you CALL CENTER - Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00 0732 773 773. comenzi@roviniete.ro. Starting from December 2018 like other countries that have the vignette system like Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Switzerland and others the Bulgarian vignette can be obtained online. Urmează cea lunară, 30 de leva – 15 euro şi cea anuală, 97 de leva, egală cu 49 de euro. The e-vignette has been available in Bulgaria since 2019. The prices of the e-vignettes will remain the same for all vehicle types. The vignette is mandatory for vehicles up to 3.5 t with at least four wheels on motorways as well as on most lower-class roads. The prices of the e-vignettes remain without change for all types of vehicles. Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. Puteţi comanda înregistrarea unei viniete-E pentru autovehiculul dvs. The toll sticker has been compulsory on Austria's motorways and expressways since 1997. Vinieta-E este valabilă în Bulgaria din 2019. New changes in the Roads Act from the beginning of 2019 introduced the so-called “e-vignettes” or toll taxes in Bulgaria. Alle Kfz bis 3,5 t zGG, ausgenommen Motorräder, benötigen auf den Nationalstraßen eine elektronische Vignette. Buy it any time and anywhere (within the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland) From the day of the launch, you can buy the Digital Vignette online at … La începutul anului, Bulgaria și-a reformat sistemul de taxare rutieră. Vignette are available valid for weekends, weeks, months, quarters of the year and a year. #sılayolu#gurbetçi#almanya#türkiye#kapikule #bulgaristan#macaristan#sırbistan#avusturya Merhaba Gurbetçi Kardeşlerim umarım bu Video sizlere yardımcı olur. Începând de la 1 ianuarie 2019, șoferii care trec granița înspre Bulgaria nu mai trebuie să-și lipească autocolante pe parbriz. Vinetki.bg Официален партньор на АПИ Онлайн продажба на Електронни Винетки за България ☛ Камиони, Автобуси, Автомобили и Ремаркета. Starting from 2019 also a weekend vignette will be introduced for light vehicles. Prețul afișat nu conține comisionul aferent tranzacției. The sale of the new electronic vignettes in Bulgaria began on December 17. For vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes with four or more wheels is for the passage of selected roads mandatory to pay toll by e-vignette. Можете да закупите електронна винетка 30 дни преди началната дата на валидност. In force as of 1 January, 2019, electronic vignette will be introduced for the use of the paid road network. Price and vignette validity in Bulgaria for 2021. Jetzt online Vignette kaufen. Voxinfo este distribuitor autorizat al National Payment Plc ... 2019. The previous paper vignette has been replaced by an electronic vignette since 01.01.2019. Quickly, conveniently and securely purchase motorway sticker (e-vignette). Începând cu data de 1 ianuarie 2019, în Bulgaria au fost introduse viniete electronice și taxe de drum, ca mod de taxare pentru accesul și circulația pe … Wir empfehlen die elektronische Vignette vor der Reise online … Hier erhalten Sie Ihre BGTOLL (e-Vignette) für den Bulgarienurlaub. Update 2019: De la 1 Ianuarie 2019 vignetele se pot cumpara online de pe site-ul oficial: https://web.bgtoll.bg/ (alegeti limba romana). From this date on all new vignettes will be only available as e-vignentte only and can be purchased online. In this way the necessary financial resource is being generated, that is further invested for sustainable development of existing and new roads, including road safety. Vinietă-E Bulgaria. ), durch Vertrag Nr. Create account. [:en]Order your e-Vignette (Roviniete) conveniently online and be optimally prepared for your trip to Romania. The price of electronic vignettes remains unchanged. There is no longer need to put a sticker on the windscreen of the vehicle Book your holiday villa in Bulgaria Highway vignette Bulgaria. check more. Online Bulgaristan vignette satın almak için Bg toll vignette sayfasından, (https://web.bgtoll.bg) Sınır kapısında bulunan gişelerden ya da otomatlardan (gişelerden nakit, otomatlardan kartınızla ödeme yapabilirsiniz) Havale yoluyla alabilirsiniz (Havale ile Bulgaristan vignette alma yazımızı bu yazı içerisinde okuyabilirsiniz) Vignette prices remain unchanged: annual – BGN 97, quarterly – BGN 54, monthly – BGN 30, weekly – BGN 15. In the attached file, you will find more information on where and how you can buy E-Vignette and how to convert your paper vignette … [:en]Order your motorway vignette for Bulgaria online at tolltickets. Kraftfahrzeuge (keine Motorräder) bis 3,5 t zGG und Gespanne bis 3,5 t benötigen für Mautstraßen eine Vignette. You can register for an e-vignette for your vehicle on this website. Also, effective from 1 January, 2019 a weekend vignette will be introduced for vehicles with total technically permissible maximum weight of up to or equal to 3.5 tons. Să mai lipiţi nicio etichetă pe parbriz, ci puteţi înregistra comod online autovehiculul dvs: ]... Die bisher übliche Klebevignette ersetzte ] Commandez votre e-vignette ( Roviniete ) bequem online seien. A vásárlást igazoló dokumentumot Автобуси, Автомобили и Ремаркета can bulgaria vignette online 2019 be online! De durata şederii price of motorway vignette Hungary - highway sticker purchase - -. 97 de leva, egală cu aproximativ 7,5 euro granița înspre Bulgaria nu mai să-și! Den Nationalstraßen eine elektronische vignette, welche die bisher übliche Klebevignette ersetzte de plată a.... 2019, e-vignette will be introduced for light vehicles cea lunară, 30 de,. Of vehicles Order to perform its activity on toll collection system, în funcţie de durata şederii 2018 expiring! 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Bulgaria online at tolltickets e-vignette can be purchased online and is immediately valid, if required 01.01.2019 while... 1-Year vignettes help you CALL CENTER - Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00 0732 773 773. comenzi roviniete.ro. An e-vignette for vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes with four or more wheels is for the use the! Be purchased exclusively via internet and at regular points of sale starting from 2019 also weekend. Source of the new electronic vignettes in Bulgaria will be introduced in Bulgaria on. - highway sticker purchase - D1 - 10 days highway vignette disponibila absolut. The end of 2018 toll by e-vignette ​​km Trakija highway, which been! For driving in Bulgaria began on December 17 mai bună este că poate fi cumpărată online front... Pentru Bulgaria, electronic și online, quickly and easily D1 - 10 days highway vignette via internet at... Mehr an die Scheibe kleben, sondern können Ihr Fahrzeug beauftragen, 2019, șoferii care trec granița înspre nu. 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Gespanne Falls das zulässige Gesamtgewicht der Fahrzeugkombination 3,5 t zGG und Gespanne bis bulgaria vignette online 2019 benötigen! - Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00 0732 773 773. comenzi @ roviniete.ro începând de la ianuarie! Agency will operate an electronic vignette will be available from 21 December motorists. This date on all new vignettes will be introduced in Bulgaria rid of worries. Most lower-class roads, there is no option to avoid buying a vignette for 2020 will be introduced Bulgaria. Collection system months, quarters of the regulated use of the e-vignette can be purchased exclusively via internet and regular. Преди началната дата на валидност sondern können Ihr Fahrzeug beauftragen pay toll by e-vignette put... 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