book ads on facebook

I sold five copies of “Sleeping Beauty.” That’s a 1.7% rate of return — close to the standard two percent for direct mail. They were only fish in the pond. This type of useful and interactive engagement with your Facebook fans will also help a lot in conjunction with your email list to get your words out to your target audience as well as been seen and noticed by them. It is not possible to use your personal page. The best part is that you can set up an ad today and have money in the bank tomorrow – unlike other tactics, Facebook ads … Also, you are not limited to just one kind of advertisement. Give fans a sneak peek into the first chapter or two of your eBook, or give them access to an older eBook that your company offers. However, I did glean some useful data from it and a hypothesis about the book. One of the most challenging things for a self-published author is how to sell books after writing, editing, and publishing. You can narrow your audience by people who have Kindles if your book is available on Kindle. Is your eBook about getting out of debt? But what if I’ve my book on the same Amazon been priced at maybe $9.99 – the highest price level that qualifies anyone for the 70% royalty payment or I have my book only as a PDF that sells for $14.99 or more and spending like $4 per each sales conversion, won’t that be a better investment of time and money? In my case, I began the campaign at 7:00pm CDT Sunday night — right when Once Upon A Time was coming on the air for East Coast audiences — and set it to end at 11:59pm Monday night. In today’s business reality, the competition is really cut-throat and every business owner must find a means to get noticed and be seen by potential customers amidst the pool of noise out there in the market. You can read about the Facebook Ads Book Marketing Case Study. These are just three tips to ensure that your ad gains you as many fans—and sales—as possible. This page should provide pertinent information about your book, including what it’s about, what the reader will learn from it, and why your reader would want to purchase it. There were a few encouraging numbers from Amazon. This Facebook marketing book is devoted to developing advanced advertising … That’s why authors need to think about the next step with their readers. So if you take a Facebook Ad, and spend a $1/click to get your perfect target audience over to Amazon, you aren’t really owning that audience. At any rate, this particular experiment failed, but it produced some interesting information I can apply to future attempts. For many of them, it's part of an advertiser boycott in protest of what they say are the site's failures to stop the spread of hate. An easy differentiation is Fiction vs. Non-Fiction. Create and manage ads on mobile or desktop. Ads Must Be Specifically Targeted To Bring Any Tangible Result For Authors. Basic facts you need to know about Facebook Ads for selling books before you start running ads to sell your book. It seems the leads that click-through isn’t quite the fish on the line I was hoping for. If you have been doing videos or boosting your content, you can create a custom audience of people who have engaged with your content in the past. With these four basic facts about Facebook Ads marketing for authors, we can now look into ways authors can use Facebook Ads. To end this series of posts, I need to say clearly that as simple as Facebook Ads for Book marketing for authors might look like, authors should be familiar and knowledgeable in using this simple looking but somehow tricky book marketing tool. I also double as, Grandma Mary – Social Media Edutainer, but more about her later. You can try doing a few more videos and boosting those to easily grow the engagement. These three posts have dealt with the ins and outs of Facebook Ads Marketing for Authors, and these can also pass as a resource guide on ways authors can use Facebook Marketing to market and promote books as well as grow a viable author platform. A Landing Page Like This For Authors Is A Smart Way Of Selling Without Looking Like One. The problem with these free traffic methods is that they take a great heck of a time to get any significant results, but with Facebook Ads, today, authors can drive a load of targeted traffic to their author blogs/websites. Advertising “Sleeping Beauty” on Facebook to Once Upon A Time fans for two and a half days (I hadn’t spent my full budget when the campaign was scheduled to end, so I extended it for 24 hours) wasn’t a good idea. The truth is that Facebook Marketing, especially Facebook Ads, isn’t for everyone and all authors because it takes a great deal of knowledge of who your audience is, what your book marketing goals are, your budget (the more your budget, the better and faster the results will be), the ins and outs of Facebook Ads and many other external factors to make all these work as it should. This Facebook Guide will bring you more Facebook … All you just need to do is to decide on who your target audience was, grab their attention with an irresistible offer – a free chapter of your book, a free copy of one your books, a collection of your past writings, or any freebie that will attract loads of eyeballs to your mailing list. Here are some questions authors should answer before you start your marketing: I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it is a challenge to sell a $2.99 book to a cold audience with a Facebook ad. The real key to Facebook Advertising is utilizing the demographic targeting capabilities to your best advantage, and this book explains that fully, with checklists and step-by-step guides that you can … I recommend to help you create a good image. You can use it to get information about the ads you see. That surely raised the book’s and my visibility, although not to levels that would have a significant impact on sales. I co-authored the book Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies and  I was the Community Manager for Social Media Examiner for over two years. Here are the 4 best ways to use Facebook Ads for authors in my opinion: Hopefully you have a blog or great content on your website that you can direct people to so that you can start connecting with your perfect reader. Case Study: Amazon Best Selling Book in Just a Day – With Facebook Ads, Learn FOUR Cool Hacks You Can Use To Turn Facebook Into A, FREE Facebook Ads Book Marketing Cheat Sheet, Learn FOUR Cool Hacks You Can Use To Turn Facebook Into A Book Marketing Machine, Facebook Ads For Book Marketing Consultation, 2. And with this, I mean the usual social media marketing, article writing, guest posting, free press publicity, and so on. John R. Phythyon, Jr once experimented with the idea of using Facebook Ads to sell his short story book – Sleeping Beauty. And that leads me to my thoughts on future advertising on Facebook. With the right Facebook Ads Marketing Campaign, authors can advertise to a specific group of book readers according to the niche they write about, and with this, there is a good chance of getting more eyeballs and a high number of valuable visitors on their author website or book sales page. Facebook offers a bid range, where you set the price you’re willing to pay per click. I think it may be a good move in conjunction with a KDP Select giveaway. Facebook Ads can be a good way for authors to increase their visibility and sell books. Also, the smartest thing to do here is to have a Call to Action that will help convert those traffic into your mailing list. Facebook Ads, if properly channeled, can be a very good marketing tool in the hand of every author, and this is because it offers lots of interesting options that can help you as an author to not only sell more books but also reach more readers and grow your author platform, which also helps sell more books in the long run. This is just a matter of running the right Facebook Ads Campaign to help drive traffic to your author blog, website, or your individual blog/website posts. Learn how to create, publish and purchase ads across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network with this 15-minute Blueprint course. Where are you sending the traffic for your Facebook Ad? Obviously, I didn’t do that last time, but it’s possible I didn’t run the campaign long enough or that my marketing copy wasn’t good enough. Each Facebook Ad example below is categorized based on the headline, stock photo, illustration, and copy. Your marketing strategy will change based on those goals and your Facebook ad strategy will change. If you are still thinking about using Facebook ads to help you sell more books, you can do so NOT by directly selling using Facebook Ads, but using it to build your mailing list by offering something in exchange for your target book audience’s email and name and draw them into your sales funnel where you can finally sell them your books through relationship-based email marketing. And once you are clear on the next step a reader should take with you, your marketing strategy becomes clearer. My formula for optimising Facebook advertising is to think about an effective campaign as having the right ad link to the right sales page, with the right target audience seeing the ad the right number of times, and with the book … Dealing with Facebook Ads for beginners who don’t know how Facebook Ads work can be really tricky, and as simple as Facebook Ads seems to be too many, it takes much knowledge of how it works and the many other factors that determine a successful ad campaign. (yes book sales are great, but there can be more), Video of you talking about the book or giving extra tips, Checklists that can go with the book if it’s non-fiction, Advanced capability of getting the next book in the series. As soon as I selected fans of Once Upon A Time as my target, Facebook said my ad would reach up to 1.8M users. After all, 284 people clicked on the Facebook ad, but only five of them decided it was worth spending a dollar to buy. A good way to own your audience is to build your email list. (720) 432-4632 –,, How to Get Highly Targeted Leads and Sales with Facebook Ads, How to Create Facebook Video Ads Easily with Boosted, Facebook Ads and Apple iOS 14 Changes: How to Prepare, Facebook Ads Shut Down: 2 Issues to Watch, Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies, Learning Limited in Facebook Ads: What it Means and How to Respond. A good way to own your audience is to build your email list. If you’re looking for a book that reads like advice, Marty Weintraub’s Killer Facebook Ads is what you need. Had I added other criteria (like for example fans of Amazon’s Kindle) I could have increased that reach, and I also could have narrowed my focus by selecting, for example, only female fans the show. And it’s unbelievably simple. Ad text that might be compelling like reviews from readers or the fact that you are launching the book that day. © 2019 Andrea Vahl – P.O. 6 Chapters. Create carousel ads: A Kinetic Social report revealed that carousel ads have up to 10 times higher click-through rates compared to static sponsored posts on Facebook. My total reach was 180,277 unique impressions. For example, if we were trying to sell the same eBook as in the previous example, an ad stating ‘In over Your Head in Credit Card Debt? You have spent a lot of time writing your book, and now, it’s time to think of how to sell your book. The ad library is a place where you can search for ads that are running across Facebook apps and services. I don’t know why that was. That’s a lot of people! This makes it very easy for authors to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and helps calculate the exact ROI on the advertisement helping in identifying ads and targeting elements that stand in the way of higher conversion. I hit new highs for “Sleeping Beauty’s” rank in the paid store. You’ve completed your eBook, and it’s ready to be sold. One big way you can get more fans is by utilizing Facebook ads. With a few clicks, you can run ads across Facebook… Here, I take a look at some of the most exciting facts about Facebook Ads Marketing that highlight the possibilities of Facebook advertising for book marketing. The best ads on Facebook ultimately lead to sales. Facebook ads really aren’t meant for direct selling but still, there are smarter ways to still sell using this powerful advertising channel and this also should be figured into your Facebook Marketing Plan. Step by Step Guide To Show You How to create a Facebook Ads Campaign. Head to the Facebook Ads Manager screen and click on the green button on the top right corner that says “Create a new ad”. It can be overwhelming to know what is going to be most effective. Five sales isn’t very many at all, considering the exposure I got and the amount of money I spent for it. Carousel ads can display up to 10 … By making a single campaign, you can reach people on all their favorite apps and websites. Finally, Facebook charges on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis. As a marketer, you need to make sure you’re putting the ingredients together to create an ad that gets the job done, and strong copywriting is an essential part of a good Facebook ad. Something specific such as ‘Our eBook shows you how to tackle your debt and make it manageable’ will speak to the appropriate group of people that you’re targeting—and this specific group of people will be more likely to become fans of your Facebook page, and ultimately, buy your eBook. Not necessarily – some industries can do better than others and Facebook ads can be a great way to build your brand and connect to your audience. … By investing a couple of hundred dollars in Facebook ads, you are able to appeal to the masses, and specifically, those people that may be interested in your eBook. In my case, I chose people who are fans of ABC’s Once Upon A Time. You can target by Behaviors, Interests, and Job Titles (handy for business books). Test different types of images and different tactics because you can often get dramatically different results with a small tweak. Then, you need a great but simple landing page to collect your target book fans email and name so you could send them your free offer and run a well-targeted Facebook Ads Campaign to get eyeballs and your book reading audience into your email list and watch your email list grow in numbers. And because YOU own your list, you don’t depend on the quirks, updates, and changes in popularity of any one particular social network. Like the show, my version of “Sleeping Beauty” features a familiar tale retold in a modern setting. Don’t just send people to your Facebook page’s wall! Conversion Ads to build email list. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. … Facebook ads are an excellent way to drive leads and sales to your business. Let’s say I have a $2.99 book on Amazon for sale, but I’ve got poor blog traffic report in my Google Analytics dashboard, and I want to sell more books, whereas I know that using Facebook Ads to sell the book won’t be a wise idea, but I can surely spend a few bucks on the same Facebook Ads with a well-targeted FB ads campaign targeting my exact book audience in precise interest like gender, location, likes and interests, and so on to give away a free chapter of my book in exchange for their name and email in which I can use that to build a relationship with them later in form of notification of my latest blog posts as well as soft sell them into buying my books with book offers, review copies, and many more, which not only build my author platform and audience base but also gets me seen by my preferred audience even more. A Landing Page Like This Is A Good Way Of Capturing People’s Email Into Your Mailing List. Grab a free copy of my book How to Get Highly Targeted Leads and Sales with Facebook Ads. Have you tried Facebook ads as an author? In the "Placements" section of this page, make sure that "Automatic Placements (Recommended)" is checked. With the same $100 budget, I’d have to sell 35.8 copies for the investment to pay off. I also think it might be useful for a higher-priced book. There’s no way not to look at this experiment as a failure. It was at the standard, two-percent return. Growing your email list is one of the smartest things you can do for your writing career as an author and writer: Email is the most direct and effective way to communicate with your fans. Think … This may be your initial instinct, but it’s a huge mistake. There is nothing wrong with sending people to Amazon to buy your book. But really, is marketing and selling of books all that hard? When done in the right way, Facebook ads can be a great tool in your book marketing arsenal as an author. The Event advertising is a little hard to find because it’s a subset of the “Engagement” objective. Sample Facebook Sidebar Ads Once Used By Joanna Penn Of To Sell Her Book – Pentecost. Today, ask anyone who follow Facebook and Social Media Experts like Amy Porterfield, Mari Smith, Jon Loomer, and Andrea Vahl, you will know how much of success these guys are having in their various business using mostly the power of Facebook Marketing. And this would be an odd combo of keywords to be choosing but it’s just an example of what’s possible. What is the next step you want from your reader? Some other things to think about is how is your book sold? If the book was $3.99, that’s a 70% royalty rate, which translates to $2.79 per sale. I had many stories to tell about the power of Facebook Ads for book marketing but this case study was one of the case studies I did for an unconventional book. Advertising is a major part of any business model, and like it or not, it’s critical to the success of your writing and author journey, unless you are writing as a form of hobby or just for the fun of it. If you are having a live event for your book launch (or even if it’s more virtual) you can create a Facebook Event and invite people. 1. With Facebook Ads, in particular, you can easily target and reach a large number of potential book loving fans. Four Things You Should Know About Facebook Ads For Book Marketing, How You Can Use Facebook As To Achieve Your Book Marketing, I) Send Ad Clickers to a Great Landing Page, run a well-targeted Facebook Ads Campaign, download a FREE Facebook Ads Book Marketing Cheat Sheet, Author Blog : The Ultimate Guide To Starting One From The Scratch For As Low As $3 Per Month, Book Marketing For Authors: The Complete Goodreads Guide For Self Publishing Authors, 7 Book Marketing Challenges and How to Overcome Them, The Not So Obvious Reasons Why Your Book isn’t Selling and Won’t Sell As You Want, Book Formatting: The Ultimate Book Formatting Guide For Self Published Authors, How To Use Facebook Ads To Sell More Books. Asking questions in your Facebook ads is one way to get people involved. Learn how your comment data is processed. Every author writes in a particular niche or book category. What is the next step people should take after reading your book? The possibilities are just endless in regards to how authors can harness the power of Facebook Ads to help fast track their writing success. Advertising on Facebook requires a long view. And if you are in that shoe right now, this post will show you a powerful tool and channel you can use to sell your book and get people to know about you and your books. Creating a page is free and easy. Facebook Ads aren’t meant for selling low prized books like the common $0.99 and $2.99 books on Amazon. And if you prefer a more detailed guide that shows you: Then get a copy of How To Sell Books Online: The Facebook Ads Marketing Plan That Sells Books. Facebook Ads Strategy: A Simple Guide. It never costs a fortune to use Facebook Ads to market and promote your books as well as building your author platform. And if you don’t already have a large following on your Facebook Page, you can also use Facebook Ads to get more followers and likes for your Facebook Page. And now, let’s see stories of authors who have dived into the sometimes confusing water of Facebook Ads for book marketing. Also, in his words, here is the result of his Facebook Ads experiment. Ad Quality & Relevance – this is decided by how interested Facebook thinks a person will be in your ad a. Facebook provides a Relevance Score metric for your ads. Image ads … It's an all-in-one tool for creating ads, managing when and where they'll run and tracking how well your campaigns are performing. 25 Ways to Get out of Debt will show you how to take your debt head-on!’ will encourage people to interact and become fans of your eBook Facebook page. When creating the text for your ad, make sure that you keep it as specific as possible and clearly targeted to a particular demographic. If you can’t get the Facebook pixel and tracking set up then you can choose Traffic as your Ad Objective, but you just won’t be tracking the optins to your offer from your Ad. After you have your eBook’s Facebook page up and running, your goal is to get as many fans as you possibly can. Elements that make up the best Facebook Ads Use Instapage for your Facebook Ads Headline. However, it is more clicks than I was expecting. Before you get started, create an image that is 1200 x 628 pixels without too much text. It’s an all-in-one tool for creating ads, … Something general like ‘Check out My eBook!’ isn’t going to get a good response. So the potential exposure from a sales bump just wasn’t there at an affordable rate. Create an account or log into Facebook. Copyright © 2021 Created with love by Authors Crib For Self Published Authors.A Proud Member of The AM Media and Commerce Limited's Family. Folks at Facebook are rolling out varying useful marketing channels and tools to help anyone leverage on the vast number of user data and information available at the disposal of Facebook in which there has never been a laser targeted advertising and marketing channel in today’s world other than Facebook Ads Marketing. Select your ad's placement. More fans lead to more sales. A Little Trick You Can Use To Get Ideas For You Facebook Ads Campaign From A Competing Author. It was a whole lot of fun! 1. It may be I need some better copy. Back when we launched the 3rd edition of the Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies book, we had a virtual online launch party and we invited people and did a live broadcast with giveaways. For an indie author who has a $0.99 book on Amazon, spending less than $1 or more on Facebook Ads to sell the book would be plain illogical, unless for the mere fact that just as John said, the exposure the Facebook Ads gave his book on Amazon helped push the book to the top bestseller list, and if you are conversant with how Amazon ranks books, you will know that the more downloads any book is getting plus the number of reviews is one big factor that affects where any book lies among the ranks of millions of other books in the same category. Now, it’s time for you to focus on promoting your work in order to increase sales. Different Types of Advertisements and Pricing Options. One huge way to encourage visitors to become fans is to offer an incentive. The answer to this question might seem dicey and not a straight forward issue, but the reality is that with social media, authors have never had it so easy to sell their books, build their author platform, as well as connect and interact with their target audience. There are many ways that you can market your book, but one way that you may not have thought of is through Facebook, and specifically, Facebook ads. Long that trend would have a page, you can easily target and reach a large number of book! Made two the next day, and we ’ ve completed your eBook remember. This experiment as a failure ’ ve completed your eBook, and we ’ ve completed eBook... Glean some useful data from it and a hypothesis about the Facebook Ads them the! Tactics because you can also set a daily or lifetime budget of 100.00... You set the price you ’ re willing to pay attention if give. The boosted post ) or audience Network, although not to look at this experiment as a failure Facebook YouTube! 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