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Sometimes, simply the passing movement of an Outer God or a brief period of wakefulness is enough to send psychic and dimensional ripples across the cosmos. Powers Containment: if Daoloth is not summoned within a magical containment (one form of which is a Pentagram of Planes) its form expands and engulfs anyone nearby. Here, the deitys white light is all-encompassing 116 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS and reveals the truth and the inescapable horror at the heart of all existence. Armor 10-point blubbery hide. Glenn Rahman: Ghatanothoa. Some suggest a few secretive human groups, who have learned of the Old One in books, have turned their attention to the entity and prepare for the day when it shall come to Earth; perhaps, such folk believe that by establishing their devotion to Hziulquoigmnzhah they will find favor and be rewarded. Utulls-Hrher 211 CHAPTER 2 m a l One faction of the cult, the Daughters of Isolation, has come to the foreground with their absolute devotion to spreading the infection of Utulls-Hrhers worship. Encounters While some rare rituals are said to call Hypnos to appear and grant blessings to those in the Waking World, most who encounter this entity will do so during a dream or while exploring the wonders or nightmares of the Dreamlands. In some cases, the devolution continues, until what was once human is nothing more than a sickening liquid draining into the ground. A smaller portion of the greater being may, theoretically, break off as a whim of the dreaming giant and be encountered, to all intent and purpose a separate but connected entity. Whatever the truth of its existence,Hypnos could be considered a parasite (leeching upon the collective unconsciousness) or a manifestation (created or defined) of will. While most of these have long since decayed or been destroyed, some may still exist intact deep in the ground; indeed, some contemporary worshippers may possess age-old relics of Gol-goroth that trace their history back centuries. None know its true size as only portions are seen where it interacts with our reality. Or head on over to the Trove discord server or The Alcove discord server. Many of these tentacles possessed spikes (teeth?) Aura Magic POW: 130 Magic Points: 26 Spells: Knot Flesh, Liquid Death, Swelling Torment; others as desired by Keeper. Magic POW: 300 Magic Points: 60 Spells: none. In addition, each chosen one knows 1D6 spells. Those failing such rolls are snatched up by the wind and tossed like a ragdoll through the air, suffering from 4D6 to 8D6 damage (as determined by the Keeper). View the latest uploaded digital magazines, online catalogs, digital brochures, and more on AnyFlip. Over time, these learned ones have come to be known as wizards, sorcerers, and witches. Ceremonies are debased affairs, often looking to observers like some scene of Hell from Dantes Divine Comedy. The answers may be forthcoming in time but are not likely to warm the heart nor ease the mind. hile the varied alien and other-dimensional races are terrifying, they are nothing before the might of the Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, and other unfathomable beings of the Cthulhu Mythos. Does it have a physical body? Powers Change Form: able to instantly change the form, and may fashion a form taken from the mind/memory of the viewer(s). A tentacle may be severed if suffering 16+ damage. Despite such a feat, the power of the Elder Gods is limited, and in time their Elder wards imprisoning the Old Ones will breakdown and cease to function. As to the plan or scheme being nurtured by Creux-Azathoth, this remains a mystery but, presumably, at some point, these Azathoth-filled vessels will act in unison. Fighting 80% (40/18), damage 6D6 Hold and drain (mnvr) 80% (40/18), damage 1D6 plus 5 CON (see above) Powers Mesmerize: causes a single target to be compelled to walk toward Chaugnar Faugn and their destruction if an Extreme POW roll is failed. Hastalk seems to be akin to a microorganism, capable of infecting ecosystems by amplifying and altering existing contagions, as well as driving mutations at the cellular level. Yibb-Tstll, the watcher Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points to encounter YibbTstll; 1D4/1D10 to encounter its blood in a sentient external form. Fighting 100% (50/20), damage 3D10 Armor 40-point integument. According to the rare accounts of those who have witnessed this beings presence, its arrival causes those with knowledge of true cosmic order (i.e. Once possession is complete, Ygolonac may remain in the host as long as it desires (but no longer than 3D10+10 hours), although the death of the hosts body (zero hit points) and certain spells can force the Old One to depart. Its ovoid body sprouting hundreds of pendulous teats upon which a horde of gaunts supped upon its black milk. Some speculation exists that human and 86 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS alien followers work to some grand plan that will bring Ghizguth and Leviathan together at a particular point in time, whereupon these two entities will somehow combine, which may have a bearing on the sleep of Great Cthulhu. Powers Howl: a blood-curdling howl that inflicts an automatic 1 point of Sanity loss upon any who hear it. For example, think about the armor value. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: GHATANOTHOA STR 450 CON 400 SIZ 700 Hit Points: 110 Damage Bonus (DB): +13D6 Build: 14 Move: 6 Ghatanothoa, the hidden god Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points. What shape is its body? Look in Da Curated Archive for the "Nu-SR - OSR Adjacent RPG" trove. Generally, most will feel a deep loathing or revulsion, and some may wither or feint while others cannot look away, eyes fixed upon the horror before them. In striving to banish or imprison the Old Ones, we humans may think them as allied or affectionate toward humanity, but can we believe these Elder Gods would look upon us any differently to the Old Ones? As the Keeper, you should feel empowered to make your own decisions about what fits your story: which Mythos gods you wish to use, how they relate to one another (if at all), and how they play a role in your games. 197 CHAPTER 2 m a l Possible Blessings Transformation: long term proximity to the Keeper of the Moon-Lens seems to cause a genetic mutation resulting in humans being born with goat-like features. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 3D6 Flame gout 60% (30/12), damage special (see above) Possession: sends forth a flaming tendril that shoots a splinter of the Outer Gods essence into another being no more than 50 yards/meters away. bible teaching churches near me. Once you've decided on the fiends you're using, keep the books on your shelf and bring the cards to the game . Thus, may first appear in shadow form and observe a ceremony before fully manifesting. Others claim that this deity is merely a large example of that race, something akin to the relationship between Dagon and Hydra and the deep ones. If reduced to zero hit points, Ythogtha melts into a black and stinking pool of goo; anything touching this mess suffers 1D4 damage, while items and weapons dissolve. Magic POW: 140 Magic Points: 28 Spells: Green Decay; others as desired by the Keeper. Cult Kassogtha has little organized earthly following, seemingly only worshipped by solitary practitioners of magic and those crazed enough to embrace disease as a force for transformation. Accordingly, adherents of the Oath may vie for the honor of offering their bodies to be receptacles for their god. - T TRUNEMBRA (Outer God) Corrosion and Toxicity: the flesh of the Old One is dangerous to humans, releasing noxious fumes and being corrosive to the touch. Mundane weapons may cause harm but are destroyed after the first successful hit (some enchanted weapons may negate this effect). If reduced to zero hit points, Yu-mengtis explodes in a shower of offal. The Sacred Light and similar titles may be found mentioned in numerous magical and occult texts, and most are assumed to relate in some fashion to this entity or event. When the Outer Gods are discomforted, Nyarlathotep investigates. Beguiling Aura: radiates an aura that causes people to fall in love with her, or at least admire her. Other times, it rises above the ground, levitating and flying through the air to then descend and feast. Eihorts servants may be mind-controlled humans or aliens, conglomerations of its brood, or individual maturing broodlings. Keeper of the Moon-Lens Powers Transform: those eaten by the avatar may be transformed into a gof nn hupadgh and released, most likely near to the grey cone rock hidden the woods surrounding Goatswood. How such divisions arose or play out on the cosmic scale is a matter beyond human comprehension, which we can only rationalize in terms that fail to dig deeper into such alien minds. earthly gods or religions). Humans may occasionally catch a fragment, which in time burrows through their thoughts and builds within. When humans are in the presence of a god it is unlikely that the god even notices them. - V VORVADOSS (Elder God) Through a haze of silvery mist, the image solidified. Fighting Crush/smash (mnvr) 60% (30/12), damage 2D6 60% (30/12), held then 5D6 damage on following round 80% (40/16), damage 7D6 STR 80% (40/16), damage 14D6 Combat Attacks per round: 1D10 (lashes) Lashes out with 1D10 limbs, each possessing a range of 20 yards/meters, causing targets to be hit and splattered with burning phosphorous ooze, inflicting 1D6 damage initially, then 1D4 on following round, 1D2 on the third round, and 1 on the fourth round. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 3D6 (4D6 if monstrous) Armor 4-point magical ward in human-crocodile form; 8-point hide in monstrous form, and while incorporeal Sebek cannot be harmed by mundane weapons (incl. Until then, they must work through others, be these human sorcerers, cultists, or lesser alien creatures like the mi-go. Skills Climb 100%, Stealth 80%. The differing pheromones produce a spell-like effect (refer to the spell descriptions as necessary), cost 5 magic points to produce (only one may be active at any time, but can be changed within one round to then take effect 1D4 rounds later). Sight of the Dead: those most favored might be allowed to see through the eyes of those doomedthe many petrified but living humans and creatures damned to live within a rigid body. Veteran Keepers and Cthulhu Mythos fans may herein find a surprise or two. It lives! Of the cults that do exist, these are often what might be described as death cults whose entire outlook is fixated on the pointlessness of existence. Thus, in Asia, we find reports of the Order of the Bloated Woman, while in Africa the Cult of the Bloody Tongue manifests, and in ancient Egypt, we see a Black Pharaoh. If reduced to zero hit points, the Bloated Woman becomes a mass of reflexively writhing tentacles that bore into the earth and disintegrate. When the individual next sleeps, they experience dreams of the Unspeakable One, provoking a Sanity roll on waking (1/1D8 loss), and may find their dream-self transported to the Lake of Hali for a personal dialogue with the entity (and offered the Unspeakable Oath)such dreams may continue for 1D6 days, with Sanity loss each time. Looking deeply into such an eye may grant the viewer an image of Ythogtha, with commensurate Sanity loss. It is said to fester in an empty prison whose whereabouts are unknown, although it appears to be able to travel to certain locations on Earth, manifesting at regular intervals yet held in check by ancient magical wards. Many human religious texts feature similar creatures, such as the monster Lotan (who is defeated by Baal Hadad), Tiamat (defeated by Marduk), and Jrmungandr (defeated by Thor). A few individuals with knowledge of Ancient Roman history and mythology may become interested in the legends surrounding garrison activity in the area of Hadrians Wall, leading them to uncover mention of Yegg-Ha and then seek out more frightful tomes, and thus open themselves up to the corrupting whispers of the Mythos. 2. Look at and steal from the entries herein. Yog-Sothoth seemingly controls the flow of time and gateways between dimensional realms and, despite being coterminous with all time and space, is somehow locked outside of our reality (and may only be summoned through particularly powerful magic). For those who do not accidentally fall in (to be consumed), this living portion of the deity made manifest may commune with worshippers, accept sacrifices, and possibly choose and pull in one or more to be transported to Xoth (although, for most humans, jumping or falling into this unnatural substance likely spells instant death). Other names: the Beast, the Tusked One, Sal-Oo-Tep. By expending 2 magic points, BMoth may control a human; thus, at maximum, 20 humans may be directly controlled at the same time. Zoth-Ommog, scion of Cthulhu Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points to encounter ZothOmmog. The effect causes a zone of darkness to descend on the area, through which moon, star, sun, or other light cannot pass. Water causes 2 damage per gallon, a bucket of sand inflicts 1D3 damage, and a handheld fire extinguisher deals 1D6+1 damage. Touch: may inflict 2D10+2D6 damage or, instead, instantly transport the target to another place. Some, who have proven themselves worthy, are transformed and become acolytes of the avatar, working on its behalf to further its agenda, communicate messages, and prepare the way for their masters appearances. Used with permission. When roused to move, they purposefully make their way to a target and attempt to place their hands on the persons forehead. Once the hunt has begun, the marked person suffers nightmares of being pursued, losing 1 point of Sanity per day. If reduced to zero hit points, (33/13), Zoth Syra/Yoth Kala dissolve into nothingness. Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points. The Old One then manifests in the light and, in an almost slow-motion fashion, descending down toward the summoner, who must quickly petition the entity or be touched and rapidly aged until they are nothing but dust. Immune to chemical and fire attacks. Regenerates 1 hit point per magic point spent in healing itself (death at zero hit points). Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D8 Sanity points to encounter Zoth Syra and/or Yoth Kala. Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - PDF, [Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - PDF], [/malleus-monstrorum-cthulhu-mythos-bestiary-pdf/], [Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - Slipcase Set], [/malleus-monstrorum-cthulhu-mythos-bestiary-slipcase-set/], Cannot order from your warehouse? Other names: Arwena, Babalon/Babylon, Lady of Abominations, the Huntsman, the Red Woman. According to the Ponape Scripture, Leviathan is the physical manifestation of Cthulhu, able to roam the oceans at certain times and devouring all in its path. Ghatanothoa may still be venerated by certain Mythos races, including the lloigor, mi-go, and a few serpent folk. For these, they know no fear and will go to any length in their zealotry. Indeed, do these beings still live and exist? Too many pages are all text. If true, it would suggest that Atlach-Nacha and Yog-Sothoth are at odds in some cosmic game in which the fate of the universe restsdoubtless, if either should win, it will not go well for humanity. Carson was the first to exhibit the madness that soon swept through the crew as the blue mist filled the air around us. Apart from the apparent fervor of the nightgaunts for this heady brew, the entitys blood is believed to be semi-conscious or intelligent, and able to live and perform certain tasks when expelled from the entitys body. Aura The sense of a dormant, lurking terror that cannot be seen. Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Sanity points. Living Darkness: granted the ability to temporarily change into a miniature version of Nyogtha, with the body becoming formless and liquid-like flesh, able to throw out pseudopods (1D6 damage) and squeeze through tight places. Powers Magical Immunity: any magic focused at Mguleloc is ineffective unless the wizard achieves a Hard POW at the moment of spellcasting, with all associated costs lost in 127 CHAPTER 2 m a l the process. The first time a person receives the Call of Cthulhu they must attempt a POW roll: if failed, they become susceptible to Cthulhus dreams and must make an immediate Sanity roll (1/1D4 loss), followed by a Sanity roll each night thereafter. Well worth the cost and probably worth more than the asking price. Powers Call Servants: able to instantly summon 1D10 nightgaunts per magic point expended, with the creatures performing whatever service Nodens desires. The Freihausgarten cult is a strange beast, with its members performing sacrifices (sometimes human) to their god and venerating the darkness it sends forth; however, these same cultists are under an ancient Elder spell that forces them, once per year, to also shore up their gods prison through an unconsciously performed ritual. This book includes descriptions and portrayals of real places, real events, and real people; these may not be presented accurately and with conformity to the real-world nature of these places, people, and events, and are reinterpreted through the lens of the Cthulhu Mythos and the Call of Cthulhu game in general. After perusing the PDF version for months all I can say is yes, get the print version. Those unable to Dodge or Jump out of the way suffer 4D6 damage. Powers Contact: when manifesting, Chorazin preys on the minds of everyone within a 10-mile (16 km) radius, instigating an initial Sanity roll (1D4/1D6+2 loss) when folks realize their radio, tv, or another device is directly talking to them. Andrew Logan Montgomery,Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming. Mythos gods will take little to no notice of a small group of humans armed with shotguns and the like. Immense entities beyond human understanding, and here portrayed through pain-staking research in vivid detail. This conditioning may be a result of the strange pheromones exuded by the deity into the air, STR 225 CON 210 SIZ 140* DEX 100 *SIZ: may decrease to SIZ 90 if appearing in semi-human guise. Sanity Loss: 0/1D3 Sanity points. Perhaps, like Ygolonac, this Old Ones true form is masked when observed by human worshippers; its semihuman appearance used to interact with humanity, and something of a lure to fascinate and pull, rather repel those it would ensnare. Those magically inclined researchers may find themselves traveling through a Gate only to inadvertently appear in the presence of Groth-Golka or its minions, due to the strange effects of the Black Cone. Those inhaling the fragrance must succeed with a POW roll (see following) or begin to experience vivid hallucinations of either an ecstatic or horrific variety for 1D100+20 minutes (treat these as delusions and subject to a reality check roll as necessary. Either way, that persons mind becomes infected with the Mythos, which eats away at their morals and reason, changing their mind and shaping it to better receive more of these messages, and ultimately opening that person to an onslaught of alien wisdom that no human mind can withstand or contain. If either Nctosa and Nctolhu are reduced to zero hit points they both rapidly liquefy, leaving nothing behind but their immense shells. Entries are organized into the following types OUTER GODS rule the universe. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Such terrors continue until either the representation of Groth-Golka is destroyed or the person affected receives five consecutive days of psychoanalysis. Cult: Church of Starry Wisdom The Haunter of the Dark (sometimes the Father of All Bats) is said to be among Nyarlathoteps oldest avatars, and one well known to the mi-go and some other alien races (sometimes called the Fly-the Light). Indeed, on our own planet, which this entity appears particularly interested in (perhaps due to the proliferation of Old Ones here), humanity has encountered Nyarlathotep in a range of human-seeming guises, each somewhat tailored to the culture in which it manifests. Magic POW: 140 Magic Points: 28 Spells: Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Command Shoggoth, Create Mist of Rlyeh (variant), Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Solar Gaze; others as the Keeper desires. Small: burning torch, splash of water, mild poison, dynamite stick. Use this notion to balance combat with investigators. If so, one may presume that the immense gravity and acoustic waves produced by the raging storms within the Red Spot form (at least in part) the prison holding these Lesser Old Ones. While many 193 CHAPTER 2 m a l Encounters Those traveling alone through a wilderness may come upon the Lady of the Woods, who may ask for a favor or offer aid (perhaps an invitation to her cottage at the heart of a wood). TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: GOL-GOROTH STR 250 CON 325 SIZ 225 DEX 80 Gol-goroth, keeper of the black stone Hit Points: 55 Damage Bonus (DB): +5D6 Build: 6 Move: 8 Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D8 Sanity points. From without it shall come, a frothing conglomeration of spheres of unearthly hue, each joined by threads of rippling and protoplasmic flesh, flowing outward and inward. An Extreme DEX roll may allow the victim to squirm free, or a group of friends may try to pull the victim free with an opposed STR roll against Kassogtha (see page 88 of Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook, Physical Human Limits). According to Goatswood lore, the Keeper of the MoonLens dwells beneath the town in a complex of ancient tunnels that are believed to connect to locations across the world. With ribbed wings rising from a grotesque and corpulent mass, it looked vaguely toad-like yet it possessed no arms, only two leglike appendages, which both ended in large feet equipped with fearsome talons. Ahtu does not make frequent visits to the Earth and may be a mask worn when dealing with (unknown) alien races rather than humanity, although this avatar is believed to have appeared in Asia, Africa, and possibly Australia, where it is said it rose up from deep below the ground, causing earth tremors and much consternation. All such cults appear to hold the central belief that one day Cthugha shall come to cleanse the unworthy from the planet and that the blessed ones shall be reborn in flame to claim this world as their own. Leech Touch: whatever Ubbo-Sathla touches is leeched of its lifeforce, effectively causing 1D6 damage per round. Mundane weapons (incl. Be careful. Such cults may operate on the basis of believing that the sacrifice of twins carries a powerful charge and resonance for their twin gods. Its head is anthropomorphic and wears a triple crown. Of scaled flesh, ophidian eyes and face, on a coiled tail or on two legs does Yig walk upon a bed of snakes. POW lost in this manner cannot be regenerated by non-magical means. While such appearances are rare, the Messenger is cited in numerous tomes, although its connection to the Crawling Chaos is not often mentioned. Beneath the desert sands, and lurking within the hig, The Mythos Society Guide to New England is an expansive universal sourcebook by veteran game designer Clint Staples that, You are holding in your hand the second volume of The Source Book of Magic. bullets). Once APP reaches zero, the transformation is complete. Despite such concerns, it matters little to humanity, who, by all accounts of prophecy, shall be long dead and gone before such matters come to a head. DOWNLOAD: Note that body armor provides no protection from this attack, but an intervening wall or embankment would safeguard against harm. The outcome of such summonings is never certain and just as likely for Nodens to smite the summoners as aid them. Indeed, throughout the ages, willfully misguided humans have misappropriated the Dark Mother, believing her or him to be aspects of gods from within their own belief systems. Huge, multiple eyed, many mouthed, plastic, squamous, rugose, nightmarish, tentacularthe list could go on but is essentially meaningless. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 2D6 Coil Grab (mnvr) 80% (40/16), damage 11D6 (see above) Armor None. It reforms in 1D100+10 days. bullets). IDH-YAA (Great Old One) The pale idol pictured a great worm-like thing, suggestive of enormous size, with numerous growths of a crystalline nature and pseudopods extending outward. While caught in introspection, the character is oblivious to events around them and unable to defend themselves; as necessary, at the Keepers discretion, such periods can be determined with a Luck roll. Lesser Gods, minor deities Sanity Loss: varies, depending upon form taken; suggest range of 1/1D6, 1/1D10, and 1D4/2D10. The entity pulses first green and then a pale corpse-white, delivering its message, which may be spoken, psychic, presented in visions to all nearby, or some witnesses may be temporarily controlled to perform a bizarre puppet show depicting the entitys message (Sanity losses for the contents of the message may be relevant). According to the accounts set down by Roman legionaries and their commanders in the year 128 CE, a frontier garrison positioned on Hadrians Wall, Britain, encountered and killed a faceless winged giant, which scholars agree was a manifestation of Yegg-Ha. Armor None. The target falls under this spell if they fail an Extreme POW roll, whereupon they act zombie-like and without will, forced to move toward Cyegha or perform a task. It reforms close to Azathoth within 24 hours. Crush (mnvr): rolls its bulk up into a ball, much like an armadillo, providing not only all-round protection from its armor-like scales but also allows it to roll about, crushing those within 20 yards/meters who are unable to Dodge out of the way (7D6 damage). Break it off before everyone is killed, with the entity going someplace else or returning home. Avoid the mentality of it versus us, with the Mythos god actively gunning for the investigatorsremember the ant analogy unless the investigators are causing some significant trouble, a Mythos god will pay them little special attention and is more likely to generally strike out, leaving destruction in its wake as it passes through. A few may be completely blinded and deafened by the dense fog. It regrows in 5D100 years. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: HYPNOS STR 100 CON 500 *SIZ may vary up to SIZ 150. Combat Attacks per round: 1 (withering touch) Attacks by touching a target with its shadowy skeletal hand, causing 1D100 POW to be drained. Grab (mnvr): target is held and then may be crushed on a subsequent round (9D6 damage). Such cultists are said to undergo a horrendous initiation that leaves their bodies mutilated with amputated limbs and deep scars. One of the few Elder Gods who seems to have taken an interest in or has some dominion over the Earth. Others may open a channel with the deitys mind, sending thoughts and visions to the recipient, which may contain cosmic wisdom, instructions, or anything the Old One wishes to convey. Mundane weapons (incl. 1: damage 1D4 2: damage 1D6 3: damage 2D6 4: damage 4D6 5: damage 8D6 6: damage 14D6 Other names: the Twin Obscenities, the Twofold God, Two-in-One, Zarr-Gorr. Encounters Assuming that Yegg-Ha has not yet reformed and returned to life in the Waking World, encounters are more likely with those factions opposed to its discovery or with those that wish to restore their god. It is able to shoot out a spray of pus from its multitude of open sores and blisters that cover its body. For those able to remain fixed in place, a Luck roll should be made per round to avoid being struck with flying debris or momentous hailstones (1D4 damage). If manifesting physically, may use claws to strike and rend, or bite. While activities in the Severn Valley are most noticeable, given the deitys ability to touch upon other places and times, cults to this Old One may exist at any point in human history and in any place. 145 CHAPTER 2 m a l NYARLATHOTEP: HUMANSEEMING AVATARS BLACK PHARAOH, THE A tall, handsome, and dark-complexioned human (usually male) in ancient Egyptian garb of a pharaoh or in a modern tailored suit of dark material. Hypnos, lord of sleep Sanity Loss: none for encountering Hypnos in human form; 1D6/1D20 Sanity points when encountering its true form. This event heralds the End Time of the planet, leading to an escalation of momentous events that include the escape and freedom of the Great Old Ones, the end of the Elder Gods, and the eventual destruction and recreation of the Earth. EverythingChaosium has put out for 7th edition has been simply amazing. In addition, a thicket of smaller tentacles may also attackroll 1D6 each round, for the number of smaller tentacles attacking; each wields a small, sharp sickle, and inflicts 1D4 damage + 3D6 damage bonus. Given Liliths wealth of human-originated material, one could presume this entity to have ingratiated itself into human culture far more successfully than any other Mythos being, although whether all mentions of Lilith translate directly or are coincidental remains a source of conjecture. Those suffering from this malediction have been known to mimic their new master by feeding on the blood of others, perhaps giving rise to superstition and tales of vampires. While its beaked maw was like a set of serrated blades. Magical escape may be possible. Cult Quachil Uttaus Occasionally, wizards and their like call upon the entity to beg knowledge or immortality. Grab (mnvr): swoops low and makes a grab with one or more of its tendrils. Paralysis: when successfully hit with one of its limbs, the target is immobilized if they fail an Extreme POW roll (magical wards or forms or protection may reduce the difficulty of this roll). At times, such as in answer to a ritual summons, the Old One sends a psychic rather than physical manifestation, with its visage appearing almost ghostlike. Should a victims POW reach zero, their life force is drained away and they die, leaving behind a withered and brittle flesh husk with stark white hair. Such individuals are automatically susceptible to BMoths Mind Influence and are unable to make a roll to resist (see above). 216 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Powers Great Sight: this Old One possesses many unusual senses and faculties, and possesses the ability to extend its perception over great distances of space and time at will, seeing and hearing all things within a specific time point or location.

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