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examples of persuasive communication in academic contexts

If you attend an institution of higher education, you can use these skills to contribute to the academic conversation with your teachers and peers. Student speakers in the arts and humanities critique, review, and compare and contrast existing art, literature, and historical texts. As you watch the speech, answer the following questions: Title: Education behind Bars Is the Key to Rehabilitation. Some population-specific areas of study that wouldnt be covered in a typical classroom include drug treatment and anger management. However, the goal of such courses has changed in recent years to focus more on educating professionals rather than training technicians (Dannels, 2000). Charisma refers to a mixture of abstract and concrete qualities that make a speaker attractive to an audience. The take-home message should be related to the main question, perhaps even answer it, as this provides a logical flow for the presentation. As you participate in oral communication within and about your field of study, you become socialized into the discipline-specific ways of communicating necessary to be successful in that field. Oral communication has always been a part of higher education, and communication skills in general became more of a focus for colleges and universities in the late part of the twentieth century, as the first communication across the curriculum programs began to develop. Speaking in science and math usually focuses on using established methods and logic to find and report objective results. You may not think that communication and public speaking are as central to these courses as they are in the humanities and social sciencesand you are right, at least in terms of public perception. Knowing what counts as credible data for each type of research is an important part of speaking in the social sciences. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Analyze what makes this example effective and consider how academic persuasion differs from other contexts. Poster presentations are common methods of public communication in science and math and are an excellent example of when editing skills are valuable. Presenters at academic conferences are usually presenting recently completed original research or research that is in progress. Ethos relates to the credibility of a speaker. Speakers employ logos by presenting credible information as supporting material and verbally citing their sources during their speech. Because the ways in which academics communicate must often be learned, schools sometimes offer courses designed to teach or improve these communication skills. The existence and power of peer pressure is a testament to the motivating power of social needs. Which Schools Offer Communications Degrees in the Detroit, MI Area? In addition to developing high-level communication skills, you might also learn about academia-specific topics, such as how to format a paper to Modern Language Association standards. Speakers are more likely to be successful at focusing on safety, social, and self-esteem needs. Create a frequently asked questions document that addresses common areas of concern for students, and allow students to pose new questions so you can add them to the document. Purdue University Global responds quickly to information requests through this website. List at least one example of how the speaker appeals to safety needs. Technical courses may include research, but testing, replication, and design are usually more important. The ability to use vocal variety, cadence, and repetition to rouse an audiences emotion is not easily attained. If students/trainees are not actively participating, you can have them write a brief response first, then share it with a neighbor, then come back to group discussion. Craig Anderson Scientists CC BY-SA 2.0. We will learn about nine persuasive strategies that you can use to more effectively influence audience members beliefs, attitudes, and values. An example of professional persuasive communication is my uncle's email to the manager suggesting a more convenient data storage method in cloud applications. Many students make a mistake of simply summarizing articles in a literature review. The following link contains some information from the National Communication Association about How to Make the Most of Your Presentation: http://natcom.org/Tertiary.aspx?id=1763. Academic communication can include the words and structures used to express ideas, as well as the methods by which ideas are disseminated. Mass Communication and Broadcast Communication. Empower the audience to address the threat. Analyze what makes this example effective and consider the expectations for professional communication in your field. Two components of dynamism are charisma and energy. Speaking in the arts and humanities usually involves critiquing, reviewing, or comparing and contrasting existing literature, art, philosophies, or historical texts in ways that connect the historical and contemporary. Students may focus on sharing the results of a research project or problem or focus on a specific method or procedure related to science or math. A speaker can enhance their perceived competence by presenting a speech based in solid research and that is well organized and practiced. Student speakers in technical courses present how-to information regarding mechanical or information processes. Since these methods are more controlled, the information gathered is turned into numerical data that can be statistically analyzed. Life skills such as budgeting, money management, and healthy living can increase confidence. Much of the presentation in technical courses will be data driven, which is informative. This could be a memo, email, presentation, or professional conversation. The same principle applies to cognitive dissonance, which refers to the mental discomfort that results when new information clashes with or contradicts currently held beliefs, attitudes, or values. Which Illinois Schools Offer Communications Degrees? Dannels, D. P., Time to Speak Up: A Theoretical Framework of Situated Pedagogy and Practice for Communication across the Curriculum, Communication Education 50, no. What's the Salary for a College Graduate with an Online Degree? using vivid language to paint word pictures for audience members; providing lay testimony (personal stories from self or others); using figurative language such as metaphor, similes, and personification; and. We satisfy our safety needs when we work to preserve our safety and the safety of our loved ones. Transition: First Ill explain why prisoners need access to education. We will learn about nine persuasive strategies that you can use to more effectively influence audience members' beliefs, attitudes, and values. What courses would be difficult to teach online? Monitor and manage student progress by communicating with students about missed and upcoming assignments. Which are you already doing well on? Students and faculty from all fields of study have opportunities to present at academic conferences. In short, when new information clashes with previously held information, there is an unpleasantness that results, as we have to try to reconcile the difference. Students in the arts present original works to their professors and classmates. Listening is also a central part of teaching and training. Describe an example of persuasive communication in an academic context. Once these general education requirements have been met, prisoners should be able to pursue specialized vocational training or upper-level college courses in a major of study, which may need to be taken online through distance learning, since instructors may not be available to come to the actual prisons to teach. Think of how the insurance industry relies on appeals to safety needs for their business. Students may also be asked to compare and contrast works of art, literature, or philosophies, which requires synthesis and critical thinking skills. The most effective persuasive messages are those that present two sides of an argument and refute the opposing side, followed by single argument messages, followed by messages that present counterarguments but do not refute them (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). Reading in the paper that a house was burglarized may get your attention, but think about how different your reaction would be if you found out it was your own home. Immediacy behaviors are important parts of teaching and training. It may also involve creating and explaining original works of art. Practice good netiquette when communicating with your instructor and classmates. Although we have an understanding of how the typical classroom functions, since we have been socialized into it, the online classroom presents a whole new set of variables and challenges. Studies in the Education of Adults, 35(2), 157172. Good deductive arguments are. Fordham University responds quickly to information requests through this website. Ask questions when you have them so you dont get lost and behind. This study explored productive academic language use in the persuasive writing of a sample of 40 middle . The threat must be credible and supported by evidence. Foley, R. (2004). Presentations at academic conferences must be severely edited to fit time frames of approximately ten minutes. In terms of personality, trustworthy speakers are also friendly and warm (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). using credible supporting material like expert testimony, definitions, statistics, and literal or historical analogies. Identify an academic conference related to your desired career field and visit the conference associations website. It is difficult, for example, to decide what details from each step of the scientific method should be included on the poster. In order to meet the need for prisoner education that I have just explained, it is important to have a curriculum that is varied and tailored to various prisoner populations and needs. These validate arguments within your academic writing by giving readers concrete evidence in support. Cognitive dissonance may lead a person to be persuaded, but there are other ways that people may cope with dissonance, such as by discrediting the speaker, seeking out alternative information, avoiding sources of dissonance, or reinterpreting the information. The psychologically based persuasive appeals we will discuss are cognitive dissonance, positive and negative motivation, and appeals to needs. Bayliss, P. (2003). If so, compare and contrast the advice they offer with the advice in this chapter. According to statistics from 2010, as cited in the. Effective use of immediacy behaviors helps reduce perceived distance between the teacher and student or trainer and trainee. B., and Paul A. Mongeau, Persuasive Communication, 2nd ed. Students need to be able to break down complex concepts and progressively build on them while sharing examples and connecting to the bigger picture of the course. Most conferences have numerous concurrent sessions running, so in a way, you are competing with people in other rooms who are speaking at the same time slot. Identify an additional place where you can access the Internet if necessary. Therefore conference presenters must use their editing skills to cut their papers down to fit their time limit. Scientists work is funded through a variety of sources, so knowing how to propose a research project using primary-source scientific data in a persuasive way is important. Paragraph 2 This communicative process starts in the classroom (Dannels, 2001). Credibility and relevance: While researching this topic, my eyes were opened up to how much an education can truly affect a prisoner, and given my desire to be a teacher, I am invested in preserving the right to learn for everyone, even if they are behind bars. If you are like most people, you arent swayed easily to change your mind about something. Students will also be evaluated on nonverbal immediacy behaviors. While academicians now have the ability to share information with all corners of the globe, they must also face an increased risk of plagiarism. Describe an example of persuasive communication in an academic context. Research shows that common critiques by biology instructors of student presentations include going over the time limit and rambling (Bayer, Curto, & Kriley, 2005). The papers that are submitted for review for the conference are usually about twenty-five to thirty pages long. Pathos refers to emotional appeals. What could you say that would appeal to their safety needs? Knowing that speaking is context specific can help you learn which presentation style will earn you a better grade based on the discipline and the course (Dannels, 2001). Someday, someone you love might make a mistake in their life and end up in prison, and while they are there I know you all would want them to receive an education so that when they get out, they will be better prepared to make a contribution to society. Competent speakers must know the content of their speech and be able to effectively deliver that content. Behan, C. (2007). This could be an essay you wrote for a class, an article you read, or a discussion post. As you can see, none of those actually results in a person modifying their thinking, which means persuasive speech goals are not met. Ethos, logos, and pathos were Aristotles three forms of rhetorical proof, meaning they were primary to his theories of persuasion. Start the discussion off with an example that connects to something the audience is familiar with. Additionally, its very difficult to anticipate how many people will attend your conference sessionit may be forty, or two. Transition: Now that Ive established the need for prisoner education, lets examine how we can meet that need. Stiff, J. Using cognitive dissonance as a persuasive strategy relies on three assumptions: (1) people have a need for consistency in their thinking; (2) when inconsistency exists, people experience psychological discomfort; and (3) this discomfort motivates people to address the inconsistency to restore balance (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003). They are ethos, logos, pathos, positive motivation, negative motivation, cognitive dissonance, appeal to safety needs, appeal to social needs, and appeal to self-esteem needs. While this is not necessarily a bad strategy, it can be done more or less ethically. For instance, there is a letter of an employee to a top manager to reveal the existing problem with the software. In each of these cases, students will be evaluated on their ability to present content in a progressive way that builds new knowledge from existing knowledge, interact with their audience (students or trainees), and connect their content to the bigger picture or the overarching objectives for the lesson and course. Students in the arts may give presentations on fine arts like painting and sculpting or performing arts like theater and dance. They furthermore might need to adapt to new forms of academic communication, such as the use of e-mail to communicate with instructors or the need to cite online articles. Paragraph 3 . Rewards can be used for positive motivation, and the threat of punishment or negative consequences can be used for negative motivation. Forestry Science Degree and Training Programs. Being able to give and receive constructive criticism is very important, especially since many people take their art or their writing personally. You can find academic information disseminated in such places as scientific journals, newsgroups, online course management systems and research libraries. Our social needs relate to our desire to belong to supportive and caring groups. As a writer, I know its difficult to cut your own work down, because we often think that everything is important, but its really not, and even if it was, theres no time to go over it all. One element of academic communication that you'll usually learn in college is how to formulate a thesis or academic argument. Your school may very well have a communication across the curriculum program that includes requirements for foundational speaking and writing skills that are then built on in later classes. Learn.org. Positive and negative motivation can be combined with social appeals. The third tier should include a curriculum based on the general education learning goals found at most colleges and universities and/or vocational training. The widespread use of the Internet has greatly affected academic communication and has caused both advances and complications in academic discourse. Immediacy behaviors are important for lecturing, facilitating, and interacting with students or trainees one-on-one. Do they have any advice listed for presenting at their conference? Students may be expected to conduct a literature review on a particular societal issue related to race or poverty, for example. Set a schedule and keep to it. This doesnt include homework and study time, which will also need to be scheduled in.

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examples of persuasive communication in academic contexts