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epsrc new investigator award example

Epsrc New Investigator Award Cover Letter - 964 . meet the eligibility criteria of EPSRC New Investigator Award (NIA) scheme. You are expected to work within the EPSRC framework for responsible innovation. The UK is at the forefront of addressing global societal and economic challenges that have engineering and physical sciences at the heart, including climate change, cyber security and long-term sustainable growth. They should be completed in single-spaced Arial 11 font or similar-sized sans serif typeface. ID 19673. Work in collaboration with . The NIA is an individual award which is intended to support the principal investigator in developing research independence, and the proposal should be developed accordingly. You should comment on how clearly this is described, how appropriate it is for the planned activities, and their scientific and technical feasibility. Read about support available on EPSRC grants for people with caring responsibilities. HiDRA (Hierarchical Deep Representations of Anatomy) will address these challenges by developing a "multi-view-multi-task" approach that is . Other issues you might also comment on are the uniqueness (or otherwise) of the collaboration, the value of the contribution of the component you can judge, and the significance of this in terms of future potential development in your own field. Office of Research Development and Education (ORDE) in the . New Investigator Awards are aimed at helping early career academics initiate their own independent research programme. You should explicitly consider the amount of time being allocated to the project by the applicant in this assessment. Summary. For help and advice on costings and writing your proposal please contact your research office in the first instance, allowing sufficient time for your organisations submission process. This might include, for example: You should also consider the unequal impact that flexible working, alternative career routes and career breaks might have had on the track record and career development of those individuals included in the proposal. If you have a concern that the application raises ethical issues that have not been clearly identified or addressed, you should raise this directly with EPSRC, which will need to make a policy decision on how the application should be treated. seek to assess tangibility of deliverables, direct return on investment or detailed routes to exploitation impact is not synonymous with early exploitation. They should be read in conjunction with the reviewer principles. These notes are intended to provide reviewers with specific guidance for the completion of the reviewer form. However, prioritisation meetings generally find reviews most useful where they explicitly identify the main strengths and weaknesses in the application, while also giving a clear view on which should be accorded the greater significance and why. whether the proposal demonstrates that the applicants have the expertise and capabilities to deliver the project. For multidisciplinary applications please state which aspects of the application you feel qualified to assess. However, they are not subject to the same eligibility restrictions as new . EPSRC guidance can be found in the additional info section. For the New Investigator Award the proposal cover letter should describe how your experience and career history fit with the person eligibility guidance. To find the opportunity, search for: Early Career Researchers International Collaboration Grants. Consequently, as part of our 2022 to 2025 delivery plan we will provide opportunities for our research and innovation base to connect with international leaders and facilitate joint working between the UK research community and their preferred global partners. See the Je-S handbook for full advice on completing applications. Find out about the international development funding route. For a Principal Investigator with option for one or more Co-Investigators. Any investigators who do not have a Je-S account must register for one at least 7 working days before the opportunity deadline. Universities may wish to support applicants through allocation of a PhD student. the applicant and wider teams ability to deliver the project through to the creation of impact. These will be viewed against published applicant eligibility and project . If the application is in a subject or area that causes you serious personal concern, to the extent that you feel you cannot provide an objective review, you should decline to review the application giving the reason as other, and stating ethical issues in the comment box. You should comment here on the adequacy and appropriateness of this proposed university contribution. EPSRC Reference: EP/V002260/1: . Particularly with the increased pressures of COVID-19, EPSRC would like to stress to assessors that any cash or in kind support from the university for a grant is regarded as a benefit to building partnerships but is not expected to equate to cash or its equivalent (for example, provision of studentships, secondments, training and access to equipment). Direct responsibility to the holders of the research award. The additional information will be requested from you in late March 2023. illustrated by examples of recent activities. case for support: eight pages two on your track record and six on the scientific case, CVs: up to two A4 sides each only for named postdoctoral staff, researcher- co-investigators (research assistants who have made a substantial contribution to the proposal and will be employed on the project for a significant amount of time), and visiting researchers, letters of support from all project partners included in the Je-S form: no page limit, quotes for equipment above 25,000: no page limit, equipment business case for any items or combined assets with a value above 138,000: up to two pages, technical assessment for the use of any major facilities listed in Je-S guidance: no page limit, a statement of support from your host research organisation: no page limit. This question requires an answer. Now in its fifth edition, it is intended to provide an overview of research interests, to function as a guide for prospective (as well as current . A significant grant is usually defined as including more than 6 months of postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) time, capital equipment in excess of 20,000, or in excess of 100,000 full economic costing on 1 individual grant. Epsrc New Investigator Award Cover Letter - Get Started Instantly. NSF-EPSRC Organic Materials Workshop, London, England, March 2006. whether the applicant has considered responsible innovation in their research programme. Your host organisation will also be able to provide advice and guidance. For example, for animal research you should comment specifically on the need to use animals, the choice of species and the number of animals it is intended to use. It is expected that most proposals will have the potential to deliver some form of non-academic impact. EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council : Start: 01-01-2022 / End: 31-12-2024 : Amount: 392,388: SEMS Division: Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Design. The New Investigator Award scheme (which replaces the First Grant scheme) includes a number of changes from the previous scheme of which researchers who are considering applying should be aware.. In some instances, the case for support may include a link to a web site containing information on the research proposed. You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S) . Your application is assessed by peer review. Your comments, scores and confidence level should explicitly reflect your views on those aspects you can assess, and you are asked not to moderate these in any way to reflect those areas you feel you cannot comment on. It is expected that part of the developmental aspect of a New Investigator Award will involve support from the university and, where possible, an assigned student. If the applicant is applying for a grant which has an interview assessment stage, they should inform EPSRC of any personal circumstances for EPSRC to consider. University support should not necessarily involve covering part of the cost of the grant but could include: provision of dedicated laboratory space (or equivalent); provision of materials, equipment or facility access; mentoring and professional guidance. The weighting between the remaining aspects will depend on the specific nature of the particular application. This is one of a number of options offered by EPSRC for researchers seeking to establish their career, including fellowships, managed calls, and responsive mode. Include how the research: Reviewers are requested to comment on the applicants ability to deliver the proposed project, making reference to: Appropriateness of the track record of the applicant(s): Balance of skills of the project team, including collaborators: Applicants are required to identify all resources required to undertake the project, and to clearly justify the request. an early career researcher who meets the eligibility requirements of EPSRC's New Investigator Award scheme. The decision of which scheme to apply for is for individuals to make in consultation with their research offices. Creating a Full Proposal and Electronic Submission. https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/epsrc-new-investigator-award, Artificial intelligence and robotics theme, Information and communication technologies theme, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S), new investigator award statement of expectations, new investigator awards: applicant eligibility guidelines, are employed at the submitting research organisation at lecturer level and have not previously received a significant award or led an academic research group. Nursing Management Business and Economics History +104. Information provided as part of the intention to submit will not be formally assessed. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Councils (EPSRC) portfolio managers are happy to discuss applications before submission, particularly those with a complex management structure involving large consortia, or those crossing research themes. When you apply for funding, you fill in an application form on the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system and attach certain documentation. Apply for funding to initiate or develop new international partnerships with researchers overseas and to tackle the challenges faced by developing countries.. As an internationally collaborative grant, particular attention should be paid to standard conditions 2.6.1 and 2.6.2. NIA1: Acceptance to the Scheme. Your application must also include the following attachments: You should attach your documents as PDF documents to avoid errors. For equipment in the range 25,000 to 138,000, quotations obtained verbally are acceptable and should be detailed in the proposal. You will have a chance to provide a response to the assessment, which will be considered in the ranking of the proposal. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is introducing the new scheme following a recent review of First Grants. Professor Chris Freeman is a Professor at the University of Southampton This document is based on replies to a questionnaire sent to all teaching and research staff in the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences. This provides unprecedented nove Fast and efficient. You will not be able to apply after this time until the opportunity reopens on the Funding Service in May 2023. Applicants have been advised that their applications should be based on the information available at the point of submission and, if applicable, the known application specific impacts of COVID-19 should be accounted for. The experiments ar Think of this as your report to the prioritisation panel, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses you identified in the individual questions and then making a clear and explicit recommendation about whether or not you believe the application warrants funding. Normally you might expect to see a plausible hypothesis with some basis within the published literature, and some clearly identified objectives that sensibly test that hypothesis. the project plan and management arrangements for impact, public engagement or responsible innovation, aspects of the project including timing, personnel, skills, budget, deliverables and feasibility, which should be appropriate and proportionate to the scale and complexity of the activity to be undertaken, whether there is clear responsibility for the delivery of each activity or task, whether appropriate resources to deliver the activities been requested and justified. The New Investigator Award scheme is intended to support individuals who hold an academic lectureship position, and have not previously led a research group. This funding opportunity is only open to early career researchers who meet the eligibility requirements of EPSRC's New Investigator Award scheme. Before starting an application, you will need to log in or create an account in Je-S. Once you have completed your application, make sure you submit document. To find the opportunity, search for: NSF Global Centres. is based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding. Complex, multi-faceted research projects with many objectives are not appropriate for this scheme. Planning for activities that maximise the likelihood of any identified impacts occurring is a vital part of research. Before writing your application, look at some grant records on these pages to see what information would be in the public domain. It is particularly important that resources relating to these aspects are explicitly justified in terms of need, scale and nature of resource. It is particularly important therefore that the panel have clear advice on the merits of each component. When applying: Select 'documents', then 'new document'. This should report your own confidence, or otherwise, in being able to make your assessment rather than your confidence in the success of the application if it were funded. These will be viewed against published applicant eligibility and project suitability guidance. You are asked to assess the application or report against a number of criteria. HONORS AND AWARDS . We are always open for applications for new investigator awards. Where candidates are unclear on their eligibility for a particular scheme after consulting the guidance, frequently asked questions, and their research office, then they can contact EPSRC for advice. You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later. . Information provided as part of the intention to submit will not formally assessed. Dr Meghan Halse has been awarded 210,439 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to support research on "Lighting up Magnetic Resonance: SABRE optimisation powered by in situ detection". You should indicate those aspects that you accorded higher or lower priority and why. Your application is assessed first and foremost on quality (primary), followed by national importance (secondary major). Post base: Office-based/Non Office-based (see job hazard analysis) Job purpose. stream 2 (for established or mature clusters): estimate 3 to 5 awards with maximum 5 million per award, over 4 years; Standard EPSRC eligibility rules apply. The Operations Manager will work closely with Investigators aligned to the NIHR BRC Theme in Infection and AMR (led by Professors Graham Cooke and Wendy Barclay) and will include developing clinical. You should also consider that this unequal impact may continue beyond the return to work. Closing date 24 March 2023. In exceptional circumstances, EPSRC accepts letters of support that do not meet the requirements for project partner letters of support. There is no simple definition of excellence. whether the proposal contains a clear vision, addresses a specific challenge or makes a step change in its field, the progress this programme will deliver beyond current state of the art, the intended outputs of the programme, for example, new ideas, tools, techniques, discoveries, and whether these are ambitious but realistic. https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/early-career-researcher-international-collaboration-grants, New Investigator Award frequently asked questions, San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), eligibility requirements of the EPSRC New Investigator Award scheme, EPSRC repeatedly unsuccessful applicants policy, Read about support available on EPSRC grants for people with caring responsibilities, trusted research and innovation principles, EPSRC framework for responsible innovation, Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system, EPSRC guidance on project partners letter of support, Advice on writing proposals for EPSRC funding, Guidance on completing ethical information on the Je-S form, UK Research and Innovation grant terms and conditions, an early career researcher who meets the eligibility requirements of the EPSRC New Investigator Award scheme. The changes also mean that some researchers who may have previously been ineligible to . MCOS (RPS) Postgraduate Scholarship, MCOS (RPS) Sep 2006. The application to the New Investigator Award scheme must be the applicants first to EPSRC as a Principal Investigator with the following exceptions:-Industrial CASE Studentship-Overseas Travel Grant This award enables researchers to develop flexible, creative and tailored approaches to increase the impact of their research by building new or developing existing partnerships locally and across the . applicant is on maternity leave until a certain date, additional information about eligibility to apply that would not be appropriately shared in the track record, conflict of interest for EPSRC to consider in reviewer or panel participant selection. Our project is a collaborative one between two Universities and a national laboratory working together across a combined theoretical and experimental programme. British Geotechnical Association - Gold Medal for best paper of 2020 2020. International Young Geotechnical Engineer Conference Award, Engineers Ireland Aug 2009. Information on the portfolio is available through EPSRCs Grants on the Web (GoW). We do not ask peer review to comment on eligibility. When undertaking your assessment of the research project, you should assess the project as written, noting that any changes that the project might require in the future, which arise from the COVID-19 pandemic, will be resolved as a post-award issue by UKRI if the project is successful. All relevant parts of the ethical information section must be completed. is based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding. The scheme supports individuals who hold an academic lectureship position, have not previously led an academic research group or been the recipient of a significant grant (usually defined as those which included PDRA time, capital equipment or were in excess of 100,000 (FEC)). 15 Customer reviews. https://www.ukri.org/councils/epsrc/guidance-for-applicants/types-of-funding-we-offer/new-investigator-award, Contacts for the New Investigator Award scheme, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). You should not use journal-based metrics, such as journal impact factors, as a surrogate measure of the quality of individual research articles, to assess an investigators contributions, or to make funding decisions. The NIA expectations documentgives some guidelines for applicants to consider during the initial formulation of their proposals with regards to the expected scope and features of their application. You will be asked to provide the following information: You are not required to have finalised all the details of your application by the time the intention to submit is made. Applicants can use the proposal cover letter to express any other information they feel is relevant to their application. All costs will be funded at 80% of full economic costs. To help us with data analysis, do not include the words COV-19, COVID-19 or Coronavirus in the lay summary, technical summary or title sections unless your application relates to proposed research in this area. Where you believe that there are less than three potential suppliers for an item you should explain this in the justification of resources. The purpose of the New Investigator Award (NIA) scheme is to address a gap which has been identified in the funding landscape and support researchers in their transition to an independent research career. Include EPSRC ECR International Collaboration Grant open in the subject line. In that case you should identify those aspects that you are able to comment on, and then give your review on just those aspects. Total Price. You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place. For example: The research councils Code of Conduct and policy on the governance of good research conduct outlines the expectation that applicants for research council funding are expected to observe the highest standards of integrity, honesty and professionalism and to embed good practice in every aspect of their work. Smaller items of equipment (individually under 10,000) should be in the Directly Incurred Other Costs heading. Please leave enough time for your proposal to pass through your organisations Je-S submission route before this date. We encourage you to contact us first to discuss your proposal if you believe your research may cross research council boundaries. Finally the presentation will ask how organisations such as FIG and ISPRS can play a part in these developments. GTEs will connect directly with the wider Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition programme. You will be a part of the decision-making process and get a broad view of the novel ideas coming through the funding pipeline in your area. New Investigator Awards cannot be used to provide support of any sort for a studentship. EP/S036490/1). Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Portsmouth, currently holding an EPSRC New Investigator Award. Projects made up of multiple proposals have additional guidance. For more information see host organisation statement for New Investigator Award. Industrial cooperative award in science and technology (CASE) studentship, early career researcher capital block grant, EPSRC studentship (through doctoral training partnerships or centres for doctoral training), information and communication technologies. Unless specified in the call or scheme guidance documentation, EPSRC does not require matched funding, either cash or in kind, to secure funding. New Investigator Award: Starts: 01 February 2020: Ends: 31 January 2022: Value (): 246,055: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: Mathematical Analysis: EPSRC Industrial Sector Classifications: No relevance to Underpinning Sectors: Related Grants: . Applicants were not required to include contingency plans for the potential impacts of COVID-19. Please note that while the criteria headings mirror EPSRCs standard criteria, additional aspects have been added to the applicant and partnerships and resources and management criteria, and the applicant and partnerships criterion has been made a primary criterion. New Investigator Award: Starts: 01 November 2022: Ends: 30 April 2025: Value (): 391,062: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: Energy Storage: Sustainable Energy Networks . We recognise that we have a duty of care to promote approaches to responsible innovation that will initiate ongoing reflection about the potential ethical and societal implications of the research that we sponsor and to encourage our research community to do likewise. This is mainly assured by requiring that universities have in place and operate appropriate ethical approval processes. Graduated with a PhD in Mathematics from UCL in 2014, and a Master's in Physics from the University of Hamburg, Germany. No closing dates apply to the scheme. You can request funding to support any eligible international collaborative activities, including (but not limited to): As per standard New Investigator Award guidance, you can include co-investigators if the grant crosses disciplinary boundaries and it is demonstrated that they are from a different discipline to the principal investigator. EPSRC is fully committed to develop and promote responsible innovation. You are encouraged to read these principles and should familiarise yourself with the resources referenced in our trust research and innovation guidance, including for example the guidance on trusted research from the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI), in order to get the most out of international collaboration while protecting intellectual property, sensitive research and personal information. support for full economic costs greater than 100,000. Pre-proposal writing steps - thinking about the proposal. Press release issued: 11 March 2020. The questions raised and answers will be compiled into a frequently asked questions document, which will be published shortly after the webinar. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Select 'call search'. Impact can take many forms over widely varying timescales. For more information on these EPSRC funding calls, visit the website >>. Thus, how to . The outcome of the application will not affect the applicants eligibility to apply for the NIA scheme. joint research activities: scoping, feasibility, or proof of concept studies, programmes of exchange visits or staff secondments, up to 4,000,000 for this open funding route, up to 1,000,000 for the international development funding route, resources to enable different approaches to building and sustaining collaborations, which reduce the need to travel, proof of concept research activities for UK researchers exploring new international partnerships, principal investigator contact information, international partner name and organisation, if you will be applying for the open or international development funding route of this funding opportunity, description of research activities that will be undertaken, research disciplines you are associated with. Quotes should include VAT, delivery charges and incorporate any standard academic discounts. CVs, not exceeding two A4 sides each, should be submitted as separate attachments using Attachment Type CV in Je-S, and are only required for named research staff or visiting researchers. acknowledges support from EPSRC New Investigator Award (grant ref. Case for support, totalling up to eight A4 sides, comprising up to two A4 sides for a track record, and six A4 sides describing proposed research and its context. 4.9/5. For multidisciplinary proposals please state which aspects of the proposal you feel qualified to assess, contributes to or helps maintain the health of other disciplines, contributes to addressing key UK societal challenges, contributes to future UK economic success and development of emerging industry or industries, meets national needs by establishing or maintaining a unique world-leading activity, complements other UK research funded in the area, including any relationship to the EPSRC portfolio, plans for dissemination and knowledge exchange with potential beneficiaries of the research, appropriateness of the track record of the applicant or applicants, unique and complementary contribution and expertise of the international partner or partners, appropriateness of the plans for developing the collaborative relationship with the international partner or partners, balance of skills of the project team, including collaborators, the level of the contribution made to this award from other sources including the UK institutions and international potential partners, any equipment requested, or the viability of the arrangements described to access equipment needed for this project, and particularly on any university or third-party contribution, any resources requested for activities to either increase impact, for public engagement or to support responsible innovation.

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epsrc new investigator award example