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celebrities with bicuspid aortic valve

Can you advise and or recommend a specialist? Im not aware of studies explicitly about athletes after Ross procedure for BAV. So my question: does there appear to be any performance advantage of tissue valves over mechanical or does the fact that Im on the anticoagulant anyway make the mechanical valve sort of a no brainer choice? Thats an issue to pursue with your sons doctor(s). Consensus guidelines suggest that (athlete) patients with BAV and moderate enlargement of the ascending aorta should curtail their strenuous static (eg, weight-lifting) and endurance sporting activities because of the risk of aortic rupture or dissection. My problem is with cardiologists stating do not lift anything over 50lbs. mod-severe regurgitation I had surgery when I was 10 years old to replace my bav with a St.jude mechanical valve. And, of course, aortic stenosis can affect ones native aortic valve or a prosthetic valve substitute. I have a call in to his doctor but what do you think? In addition to being patients, there are many celebrities who, like you, parent a child with CHD as well. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and congenital aortic stenosis are two types of heart defects that may be present at birth. Thank you for what you do and for your responsiveness. She said it could still be 6 months to a year just depending on if there are any more changes to this next echo. My resting HR is 60-70 BP 110-70, according to doctors have no tissue problems, never had hypertension and was told that I was born with weak threskupid valve. Thats about as specific as he got. My son is 12 years old. Athletes should have detailed discussion with their doctors about any prudent limitations to exercise after operation and settle on a mutually agreeable plan. I have question about your opinion about aortic valve regurgitation (no BAV) If youre questioning the recommendations youve received, perhaps a second opinion might be helpful. March 7, 2023, Rob Riley is my lack of top end performance indicative of someone with BAV & aortic coarctation? Ever since undergoing open heart surgery in 2010 for her surprise diagnosis of heart disease, Jones has worked as a national ambassador for the American . As chemist mostly works in a lab not in the field. If reoperation is needed in your case, this would be something to discuss. We have contacted the Cleveland Clinic to learn more and will report back soon. The aortic root is moderately dilated (max 46mm sinus to opposite commissure but you can measure 48off axis). Ive recently joined the gym to get fit an toned up but I cant get a clear answer from the cardiologist of what weights I cant actually do at the gym. They are located between the ventricles and their corresponding artery, and . A bicuspid aortic valve: Most people are born with an aortic valve that has three leaflets (a tricuspid aortic valve). and my valve is working quite well (mild aortic regurgitation). He was just diagnosed with functional BAV due to partial stuck together of two leaflets (out of three, as far as I understand, they are equal). My surgeon says that the aneurism and bav go together. I was having chest pain and flew to Thailand to see what the issues were and they found I had GERD and Esophagitis. with an efficiency of 69%, I have an appointment with a specilaist next week and am just wanting some, even if vague, answers. This blog helped me a lot in my panic days, it put me at ease when I was worrying to much, just to see and to know your enemy and to realize that you are not alone is great help. Learn more about Baldwin Publishing Inc.editorial policy,privacy policy, ADA compliance andsponsorship policy. Thanks. If I ever need surgery to replace my root , I understand that there is an element of complexity for such surgery, but after surgery, is life expectancy for individuals assumed to be shortened at all ? Im 31 and 1 years ago i found im BAV with modrate AI. Diagnosis was made because pulse dropped to 30 (normally 52), and pacemaker was thought to be needed (no symptoms other than low pulse for a few days). I am wondering because I know that weighlifting with bav isnt so good I feel terrible because i lov weightlifting and I have build a body that is so difficult for a 18 years old. The issues related to repeat aortic valve surgery, with or without replacement of the aorta, are complicated. Down side: durabilitythe borrowed valve doesnt last forever; it will deteriorate and need re-replacement at some point. November Cover Star Gal Gadot Is in a League of Her Own A First Look at Diana and Margaret Thatcher in The Crown Season Four Celebs Roast Trump in Rhyme for John Lithgows Trumpty Dumpty Book Brace Yourself for George Clooneys Apocalyptic Movie The Midnight Sky The Best Shows and Movies Streaming This October Inside Netflixs Latest Binge-able Escape, Emily in Paris The Crowns Young Stars on Prince Charles and Princess Di From the Archive: How Hollywood Sharks, Mafia Kingpins, and Cinematic Geniuses Shaped The Godfather Not a subscriber? Can you please shed some light on this is the sport performance supposed to gradually diminish (seems to go to zero for me) before the operation is needed? I wonder if there is also a psychological factor involved. Thanks, Maybe you can help me with some questions. His BAV is causing very little back flow. Details of my condition: In March 2019, media outlets hailed two new studies on transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) as potentially signaling the beginning of the end of open heart surgery for aortic stenosis. Yesterday, for example, I spoke with a 71-year old patient who just had aortic valve replacement surgery due to this . Very often, the specialists office will make note of the patients problem and make appropriate decisions about whether routine or urgent appointment scheduling is needed. Thanks! Celebrity. In 1997, Schwarzenegger underwent heart valve surgery to correct his heart defect. triangle chokes, other blood chokes) could be putting pressure on my heart and cause my aorta diameter to increase? A bicuspid aortic valve is a congenital condition, meaning that people are born with two rather than the normal three cusps on their aortic valve. This can be a life-threatening problem and is more apt to occur with progressive enlargement of the aorta and with uncontrolled high blood pressure. Only two cusps, commissures and sinuses are seen in the less common "pure" bicuspid aortic valve subtype. I asked her about surgery. We just saw them in January. On Ocotber 23, 2020, we learned that Arnold Schwarzenegger had a third heart valve procedure, a re-replacement of his aortic valve replacement. Bicuspid aortic valve (aka BAV) is a form of heart disease in which two of the leaflets of the aortic valve fuse during development in the womb resulting in a two-leaflet (bicuspid) valve instead of the normal three-leaflet (tricuspid) valve. No operation to replace/repair the aortic valve and yo replace the ascending aorta is minimally invasive. Thats just a marketing gimmick. The valve will become healed (scarred) into the surrounding heart tissues with the passage of time. Thank you for your time Dr.! Sometimes patients with mechanical aortic valves report that they lose a bit of their top-end athletic performance. I eat relatively well, but sometimes having those pizzas and burgers late at night I had to change that.. Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital cardiovascular anomaly, occurring in 1-2% of the population. As I have aged I have upped the reps to 15 or more and two or three sets max, sometimes doing a set or two of 5 reps with heavier weights. I was born with a BAV and but I didnt notice performance issues until the Summer of 2016, so I brought myself to the doctor. I was training for a marathon when I was 62 years old and diagnosed with BAV with severe regurgitation. Although bicuspid . Hi Sean, What should I do ? The numbness/tingling has me constantly worriedand the slight chest pains have me always thinking is that my BV or Aorta causing issues?. Im not sure theres enough information at hand to offer sound advice. I am 46 years old today, 22x marathoner, 4x Ultra (50 miles) and 5x natural fitness competitor. Any guidelines? My surgeon basically said, Lets get you back to living your life. Cardiologists always say take it easy. ( I was much worse though). This was during a 12 week intense training block where my resting heart rate got as low as 42 bpm. I have: Susp. Periodic re-evaluation with echocardiogram and/or CT scanning is used for most patients in this circumstance. Have you heard about the PEARS procedure? Want to get a head start on your Oscar predictions? Here is a link to a diagram that categorizes sports according to their dynamic and static components: http://www.athletesheart.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Classification-of-Sports-300217.png. I will keep you posted. Ive got my results from my recent echo and a lot of normals on there but main things were regurgitation and stenosis were mild with the aorta measuring about 33mm. Aortic valve regurgitation: Blood leaks back into your left ventricle instead of only flowing into your aorta. They wont repair my aneurysm unless it was 55mm during surgery or 60mm before surgery. Finally, many patients are able to return to their sports after successful operation. From your standpoint (and your sons), it will be important to have that dialog to sort out whats safe. I am followed every 2 years. Bicuspid aortic valve can be found in 1% to 2% of the general population . Will I need surgery? No information provided by Baldwin Publishing, Inc. in any article is a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical condition. Please refer to this article if not: https://academic.oup.com/ejcts/article/50/3/400/2197426. Did the heart have to work harder to compensate? I have almost everyday all day shortness of breath which follows with chest pain and discomfort. I take bisoprolol (low dose) and my pressure is currently normal . Apologies for my slow reply. I have a few questions because I was instructed not to lift more than 10 lbs and that I could resume surfing in a year. He is very athletic. I am 51 and leaning towards a tissue valve because of my activities and that I am a firefighter. Thank you very much for the answer! No aneurysm. Or its the result of the cumulative effect of the aortic and mitral valve leakage? Perhaps a cardiac surgeon would be able to provide even more detailed information about things like various options for operation that might be applicable in your case as well as thoughts about when operation should be performed. The use of a less invasive transcatheter therapy in this . A 2nd opinion might help by bringing another set of eyes and ears to your problem. , Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease, Acquired Valve Disease. Perhaps the doctor could contact the specialist and request an earlier appointment, if that made sense. John Ritter - Actor - passed away due to undiagnosed CHD at age 55. Your advice is always invaluable and most appreciated. Im keeping my heart rate below 150, 160 at most but just for short period of time. 2. A normal aortic valve looks like the Mercedes logo, a circle broken up by three lines that meet in the middle. Key points about bicuspid aortic valve. Hi, Fantastic website, there is very little actual information on this on the web. Mild to moderate ai I hadnt heard about the technique previously. 2. Like you point out, its always wise to be vigilant after surgery for things that might be amiss.and get checked out. Anyway, talk to a surgeon who understands quality of life means. It doesnt help that I am a nurse. Another possibility that you havent mentioned deserves some discussion with your sons doctor(s) or surgeon. Good to hear that youre doing well. However my Sinus of valsalva is dilated between 45-47mm (depending on the machine used). I just thought it was muscle strain., My body cleared the blockage itself, said the game show host, who credited the aspirin he was taking for what he thought was simple muscle pain. Bobbie. His only complaint or change is shortness of breath with stairs. Average STS score was 1.7%. I like to thank you in advance for reviewing my question and also, thank you for such a great blog. As I mentioned in previous comment my recovery is going great. Garth was already familiar with heart diease before her diagnosis because it runs in her family. The fusion (sticking together) of the valve leaflets causes abnormal valve opening and closing. I would defer to Dr. Dietz since youve already contacted him. Business, Economics, and Finance. But like a lot of women, I thought that heart disease was an old white guys disease," the former talk show, 56, host tells PEOPLE. Thanks for sharing. Here are stories of some celebrities with this condition: Not everyone who has a congenital heart defect knows about it, so its important to be vigilant about the health of your heart. Rest pulse (70 bpm|50 bpm) The other theory is that there is a structural problem that leaves the aortic wall weak. BAV is one of the most common congenital heart conditions, occurring in about 2% of individuals. The reason I ask is my Cardiologist said it looked fine in the echo imaging, but (and correct me if Im wrong please) I got the impression from what you said in this article that a CT or MRI is necessary for aortic diameter measurement. Enlarged ascending aorta 42-43 mm Website designed by Gatorworks. BAV is present at birth (congenital). "Heart disease is the number one killer of all Americans, the number one killer of African-Americans and the number one killer of women, so I shouldve been put on notice since Im three-for-three. Will I need meds? As a consequence, these individuals develop earlier calcification of the valve leaflets, leading to narrowing, or stenosis. A bicuspid aortic valve is a congenital heart defect that affects the one-way valve between your heart and your aorta, known as the aortic valve. My daughter (16 y/o) has a St Jude mechanical mitral valve (adult size valve even though she has had it for 7 years). Im am in stres ?! 100 Black-Owned . I know that heart surgery can be scary.but I also know that for the vast majority of patients with these conditions, surgery goes well and the outcomes are good. I found myself in emergency surgery 12 months ago with 50% leakage, an enlarged heart and an ejection fraction of 30. Routine endocarditis prophylaxis is . I cant lift over 40lbs and I cant continue my work as a tradesman as it requires lifting over the 40lb mark. Your email address will not be published. I am playing basketball I am doing 100m and 200m and swimming . If so, how quickly? I went through the regiment of meds that are prescribed post AFIB. The valve can gradually become harder to open or leakier . Schwarzenegger was born with a condition known as bicuspid aortic valve, in which the heart's main artery, the aorta, has only two cusps instead of three. 1. Perhaps that info will give you some basis for discussion with your cardiologist and surgeon regarding the type of valve that is used for your re-replacement. While it was anticipated that a minimally invasive, transcather device would be used during the procedure, a surgical valve was ultimately used during an open-heart procedure using a median sternotomy. If so, youre far from alone. Perhaps the best course of action might be to start off very conservative with exercise, as you are doing, with periodic assessment of the aortic valve and aorta with echo and CT. You might then gradually increase the activity and monitor for any bad signs with the periodic echos and CTs. Lastly, Id say that BAV alonewithout leakage or narrowing of the aortic valve, and without enlargement of the nearby aortawould not preclude sports activities of any sort. A total of 25,556 newborns (51% male; mean age, 12 days) underwent echocardiography. Soccer is his only sport and his passion- he plays on his high school team and a travel team. I get the fact that lifting excessively can cause a spike in blood pressure, but only under certain conditions (i.e. We have made the decision to stop playing high school soccer and will reevaluate in 6 months to determine about Spring team soccer (less intense). My question here is what is the damage I can cause to my heart, mechanical valve, if I keep my heart rate at hi intensity levels? Schwarzenegger was born with a condition known as bicuspid aortic valve, in which the heart's main artery, the aorta, has only two cusps instead of three.If untreated, it can lead to blocked blood . Think to report back to let us know how things go for you, personally. I inderstand that my resistance training will likely be severely curtailed from this point forward, but severe restrictions on my endurance training will be a very difficult pill to swallow. The procedure was performed at the Cleveland Clinic. Regards Unanswered questions include: Can a bioprosthetic valve wear out more quickly than expected? That post is a starting point for todays discussion. So it's got the Rock and Roll Hall of fame and great doctors. Many thanks again for answering this. The cardiologist told us at that appointment that we needed to start considering surgery to repair his valve. But neither of these procedures are durable for the long-term. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Im 52 years old and had surgery 2.5 years ago to repair an ascending aortic aneurysm (5.8 cm) and aortic tissue valve replacement. Does the (unreplaced) aorta enlarge over time? 3. She learned she needed an aortic valve replacement in 2009 and underwent open heart surgery, receiving a mechanical valve to replace her damaged aortic valve. Aaron Boone (@AaronBoone), famous baseball player suffered from Bicuspid Aortic Valve. I am a marathoner with BAV and no other cardiac issues. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808. Moreover, there is a myriad of operations that such patients may have had, each with its on set of considerations. And my doctor do not give me responsive and exact answer to my questions regarding sports. The data regarding the progression of disease in athlete patients with BAVare limited. Also, again, no stenosis or regurgitation, 35 mm ascending aorta. Thank you! I had a good childhood being very active in sports and physical activity, I had just had to watch out for contact due to warfarin. I am now 60. With aortic dissection, the aorta can develop a tear on its inside wall, leading to unraveling of its layers, and even rupture. My question is: is it okay for me to participate in weight lifting with BAV? Your suggestion about a 2nd opinion is a good one. No LA, RA, RV, chamber dilation Assuming that 2% of the US population has bicuspid aortic valve disease, that is 6,278,281 people. We are trying to work out a way for her to continue to play. I am a 28yr old male, and Ive just found out about my BAV. You are a very good man. 1) What kind of sports are recommend to me according to my situation? His aorta is lightly enlarged. It was her death that prompted me to get checked out. I am also in grey zone waiting for surgery. Is operation needed? I would really like to know if I can (or shouldnt) push myself as hard as I used to. Related posts: I do not feel any of the effect of my condition when I run or workout. A cadaver if valve is then used to replace his pulmonary valve. More difficult questions relate to what are acceptable sports/exercise if operation is not (yet) needed. O'Donell took the aspirin recommended for people who think they are suffering a heart attack just in case, but didnt call 911.

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