why did my ex unfriend me but not block me

Believe it. I’m pissed at him. Then when I checked him as follower, he isnt there whilst I was just checking few hrs after i posted the pictures he is still there. Too bad I unfollowed him immediately when I saw he unfollowed me on Instagram :/ Should have read this first.. Thanks for your love, for reading and for your understanding. he was the one who ended it, although we had a brilliant relationship at the beginning. He even said himself he was like two people, and admitted that he wasn’t a nice person. He broke my heart in pieces. If you have ever been blocked by an ex, I could give you a list of explanations. So it really puzzles me why he decided to unfriend me and why after so many years! I have been there and if I can get through it all, so.can.YOU. I think he's just mad that you ignored him. This is why I can no longer give specific advice in the comments. Yes. Your blog is so inspiring and is helping me to learn to be strong and confident again. Then two days later he’s in a relationship and has removed me from both Instagram and Twitter. I was too busy dating, working, working out, and planning my vacation to notice. We are still friends on Facebook and Snapchat. Sending love ?? Thank YOU for your sisterhood, love, support, and for allowing me to feel less alone in my feelings and experiences. But I know he follows all his exes on social media, and they him. He unfollowed me almost on everything ( I did the other stuff) and even my parents too. So, if you really want him so much, get it. It could be that he feels annoyed by your chains of … You’re not alone xxxxxx. He deleted only our pictures on instagram and I got so hurt that I sent him a hurt and angry message. Why would he go through the trouble of blocking me when we never were friends on social media since the break up? Thank you for this positive post! Over and above anything else, we were business contacts and supporters and I have given him countless hours of help and advice over the years – he’s even taken some of my business ideas and passed them off as his own, and I just let it slide… I thought that open business support was the one thing I could rely on from him too, and it seems I was wrong. So even if your ex blocked you because they are dating someone else, don’t sweat it. He stayed following me, always checked my Instagram stories. A few days later I ask him to talk, not to get back in the relationship, but to end off on good terms. You are not alone. The weird thing is that she had not seen it coming, although my ex talks with her parents about everything. I wouldn’t have (we are supposed to be more mature, right? Facebook. Being unfriended can be pretty traumatic. Thank you so much for the love! Its ridiculous! I wish that I could answer your questions, but I have too much to say to type it all out not enough hands to type or hours in the day. I got engaged 8 months ago, my fiancée asked me to marry him after 6 months of being together. xx, Me and my ex (this was our second attempt at a relationship after a 3 month break up around August last year), broke up a few days ago because he said he wasn’t ready and mature enough for a serious relationship right now. He would delete me off snapchat because for some reason it really did bother me in the past and I would go off on him and I’m pretty sure like the crazy sicko he is, he enjoyed every moment of it. Fast forward to now – She’s dating, enjoying herself and not checking her ex’s social media every hour, or even every day for that matter. This is a personal decision. The 13th came and went. EXACTLY. He never replied same as on messenger no reply just read it. I saw this and got sick to my stomach. You do want to improve as a person, right? I would spend hours every weekend hearing about her disastrous dates, while encouraging her to give a guy a second chance. Anyone that could just exit like that so abruptly and for no apparent reason is incapable of the mutually loving relationship that you deserve. Or perhaps he won't do anything and you will get hurt because of his lack of care. Wish that I had the time to write more. Especially this paragraph “yanking your chain” , that’s exactly what just happened to me. I currently coach people in 19 different countries all over the world xoxo. So it really puzzles me why he decided to unfriend me and why after so many years! I feel that he hates me now, I never wanted to end like that. I would also need more details. Thank you ?? I wish that I could advise, but I have too much to say to type it out and don’t have enough hands to type or hours in the day. I still follow him on ig and he still has all the pics of us up looking happy and cute. trying to out fake her because she was posting the same and even dedicating songs to her new love interest (I mean victim – she is a narcissist at its truest form). But I ended it and he was very angry. Basically, it’s just too painful for him/it bothers him/he doesn’t want to see photos of you or know what you’re doing/he wants to get the image of you out of his head. And that’s okay. I see friendship as something different, and that was not wrong either. 6 months have passed since we last spoke and I rarely check his fb just because in the first 3-4 months, it still hurt so much looking at his pictures or posts. I feel better about this situation. Clearly he’s not the right guy for me after all.” She then blocks him again, only to start missing him again over and over. He probably is trying to move on and you being too easily accessible and vice versa will only make matters worse. Thank you so much for this blog. I’m done with him.” Either say something or get unfriended. I would also need more details. But he still keeps my cousin on his list. Get Natasha’s 7 life-changing & Essential Boundaries straight to your inbox.Sign up to receive exclusive content, updates + more. I Could not agree more. But due to his studies and exam period he couldn’t talk to me properly and I always got angry about how little he tried as time went on. He broke up with me through a text and he said that he loves me but he wants to have fun. He did this about three times, each spanning over long periods of time. But I get it. So my apologies if I’m bringing bad vibes here in the comments ;/. I saw him with another woman and he was telling me sweet things and seemed to want to get close again. It’s a reflection of him and where he’s at. Once they're finally off your mind, it's less likely that you'll want to … I’m irritated. Keep staying on your white horse and coming back here to the blog. And, trust me, he knows the difference between the two. Once or twice a … Now she has not unfriended me nor have I her (well maybe she has I just have not checked), but do you think not being on it all shows that I am weak? I just honestly want a break in general as I really do not want to be a spectator of her life anymore because what she posts does hurt me still (sayings/quotes/love songs/implying she is with other women etc. Additionally, my ex was still attracted (kissing/hugging/intimacy) to me when he broke up with me. XOXO. Since then he has taken down the pictures of us together and unfollowed me on snapchat and instagram. It’s great to feel liberated from that feeling that I did something wrong as opposed to it was something going on with him.. moved on long back!! I would also need more details. A few days ago i decided to creep on his page and noticed that he started following at least 30+ girls on instagram (girls he previously talked to before me, ones that were mentioned throughout the course of our relationship). A good month ago I started posting stories on facebook: he watched almost every single one of them – and then yesterday I’ve seen that he’s unfriended me. I don’t care how old he is or how mature he seems or what degrees he has or how much volunteering he does or how often he visits his grandmother. I’m just glad I managed to stay in NC. I sent him an email explaining that I was tired of his behavior and not treating me right and I said hopefully we can be friends again one day. Mel, I am so happy that the posts have helped I wish that I had the time to properly advise on here (thank you for your love and understanding). I have mixed feelings. But he has always moved at warped speed. You take it personally. Not only did this long-time person unfriend me, but she blocked me as well. This is why I cannot give specific advice/answers in the comments. Like I said, you could be doing great with moving on from a past … I think that’s why I’m searching for answers in the most inconspicuous way I could think of (this is not my native language and he doesn’t even speak English – also my name is not Teresa either – I’m paranoid like that). Some guys even do this RIGHT when they start talking to or dating a new girl. I don’t know if it had something to do with my post that night or what and it wasn’t directed at him at all. Okay, I know my title makes it sound like a no brainer but consider the context We broke up 7 years ago. A week after I called her mom, just to thank her for always being nice to me and that I wanted to say goodbye. Because he … Your email address will not be published. But him unfriending me takes away the last fantasy I have, and that makes me more mad than sad! Enter radio silence. I do want him back,but I’m afraid to see a post of his as it will likely be painful. You did the right thing by speaking with your actions and deleting him, having your own back and doing what’s best for YOU. We never talked since May. We didn’t do a whole lot together besides lay in bed and watch tv. Thank you for being a part of this tribe. You made me laugh so hard now – despite the enormous turmoil I’ve been in because my ex BLOCKED me on all social media sites. I could not handle coexisting with her right now the way she said she wanted me to ( she dumped me, but wanted to be friends.) Why did my ex "unfriend" me on Facebook instead of block me? xoxo. So I got very angry and I broke up with him. So maybe he’s married now…. Sometimes an ex will unfollow you to: a) See how fast you notice and b) When you do notice, he wants to see the level to which you freak out. We dated for around 6 months but moved very fast. My ex broke up with me after 3 1/2 years of being together. It seems clear to me now. I deleted him on all forms of social media, but he still follows me on everything and watches all my snap stories. Keep coming back here to the blog and just know that you’re loved, supported, understood and never, ever alone. Thank you so much for sharing. In this special episode of Booktube, our community of close readers asks award-winning author Jason Reynolds about his new book, stamped: Racism, anti-racism, and you. I’m so happy to have helped You are loved, supported, believed in and never, ever alone. But my family was getting concerned with my well being and I had to create my own space for now. I just kept telling myself that just because they are getting married doesn’t mean it will be a happy marriage. Is it when he posts something? Hi! 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Was what I said in the email really that bad that he couldn’t get over it? I dated a guy and it ended. Keep coming back here to the blog – There are other posts that will help All my love to you. What do I need? I feel as if he already moved on when we were together. Not even unfollowed! I unfollowed him from snapchat deleted hus number and messages three days after the breakup and stayed off contact since then. I’m so happy to help ? I know she was posting things to hurt me even though she dumped me!! With me and apparently even more in his current “happy” relationsh*t lol if you’re reading this, it’s ok. It’s better to let him go. I did the same thing to a girl few days ago but she's not my girlfriend or anything. I noticed he was still following me but I took a little social media break and wasn’t posting, then today I posted a story on IG and my ego got the best of me and I checked to see if he still followed me and now he doesn’t…I know I shouldn’t feel upset or sad, but I guess I don’t get it, he’s the one who ended it out of seemingly no where…I keep coming back here to read posts and it is getting better but I’ve just never really felt this way or let breakups affect me as much as this one has…buh! So I decide to go to my friends list and unfriend him. Tweet. So I stayed away from him. BIG love to you from Los Angeles. When your ex blocks you on Instagram but doesn’t block you on Facebook, for example, this is what I call a partial block. Being unfriended can be pretty traumatic. This is a feeling i have had for a while due to other reasons. You don’t want to come across as the immature or the weak one and you don’t want him to feel like he won. Fast forward 9 months and he recently unfriended me on facebook. He said we were better off being friends which I agreed that we could just to keep things amicable (during the relationship he talked about moving in together and future engagement plans). She’s still heartbroken on many levels and finds herself getting angry every now and then; analyzing the crap out of whatever he posts. When a relationship of any kind is no longer Fun and brings you nothing but, melancholy or anxiousness, it’s time to recognize those feelings inside yourself as being valid to Let Go. Also during NC he tried adding me on Snapchat but I refused to add him. And seeing my ex posting pics and statuses that had nothing to do with me felt like he was winning the breakup, while I was losing by a long shot.

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