university of wisconsin school of medicine and public health ranking

| Report Response, "There were none" More from this Member Unfortunately, this group makes up a tiny fraction of the school." | Report Response, "When did you decide medicine was for you?" | Report Response, "Majority of the questions were based off my application, it was mainly a discussion that covered topics such as the rising cost of healthcare and obesity." | Report Response, "All the questions were expected- why medicine, why UW, what are your best and worst traits, etc." " | Report Response, "This website, UW's website, looked at examples of general past interview questions, read over my amcas personal statement" also that the student interviews were in groups, with other applicants and different medical students. " More from this Member More from this Member bio or biochem major. More from this Member | Report Response, "Describe yourself holistically as an applicant..." More from this Member More from this Member I basically had a conversation with a MD and talked about my life and how I ''discovered'' medicine. | Report Response, "The faculty interviewer is required to ask you some version of: Is there anything you would like me to add to your application? | Report Response, "What Can't you do or what do you not like to do." More from this Member | Report Response, "There really were not any difficult questions, it was more conversational." The second interview is when about 4-5 applicants get into a room with 2 med students, an M2 and M4 most likely. | Report Response, "What would someone who knows you well say it is your biggest strength and your biggest weakness?" | Report Response, "If you're so smart why didn't you attend an Ivy?" More from this Member | Report Response, "Overall a great day, my interview was laid back...but he had to keep to a list of questions, which made it a little stressful...although it didn't really bother me." More from this Member | Report Response, "amazing facilities, overall friendliness and good vibe from the students. More from this Member | Report Response, "-The extracurricular opportunities are outstanding! They only know your name and no info about your app." More from this Member | Report Response, "Who came and talked to you this morning?" More from this Member Very conversational and laid back." More from this Member More from this Member The open file interviews are a plus, as the interviewer is able to address specific issues quickly. | Report Response, "Friendly staff and students. More from this Member My student host was exceptionally nice and informative, and she took me on a tour of the UW-Madison campus that took made me appreciate UW-Madison not just for its medical school, but for the entire university and the city around it. I also found websites with questions other pre-meds were asked." What are your experiences in healthcare?" | Report Response, "What type of medicine do you want to go into? We just chatted and asked q's about the school, nothing scary about it. The M1 that gave a tour couldn't really tell us a whole lot about the school considering she had only started a few weeks ago. " For the first time ever, the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health will welcome all incoming medical students with a virtual white coat ceremony. Unlock entering class stats including LSAT, MCAT, GMAT and GRE scores. | Report Response, "People were generally very friendly and the campus is in a very lively part of town. More from this Member More from this Member Your response will be written and added to your file. " More from this Member I think I wound up babbling about the design of the medical school building (which is really impressive, but sadly, a really strange answer)." It was basically a conversation, and didn't feel like an interview. What field of medicine are you interested in? " More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member UW's interview is more of a conversation than anything. " More from this Member Pretty much run-of-the-mill questions like, ''Why MD/PhD?'' | Report Response, "Nothing" VERY NICE!" | Report Response, "So was your _____'s health a factor of you going into medicine?" | Report Response, "very nice new med school being built" More from this Member Everyone was sort of off in their own little corners studying by themselves." | Report Response, "It's really as relaxed as everyone claims!" | Report Response, "Very nice experience. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The people that interview you (faculty & students) are vrey nice and do their best to put you at ease. More from this Member | Report Response, "Madison is a great city; the lab and clinical facilities are amazing; the depth and breadth of work being done there" | Report Response, "Not much, hospital was very poorly laid out" | Report Response, "Why did you choose the M.D. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member The first interview is one-on-one with someone associated with the medical school and very conversational. | Report Response, "If you had to examine 5 patients in one hour, but one of them had a problem that you could not quickly get to the bottom of, would you write a quick prescription to keep on schedule, or would you keep working on the patient?" What if the they were physicians who worked with you?" More from this Member | Report Response, "Why do you want to be a doctor? | Report Response, "The facilities are great, the students all had positive things to say about the school, seems like there are great resources available to help with studies, finances...etc." More from this Member | Report Response, "The school is amazing! More from this Member He didn't grill me at all and made me feel comfortable. Medical School University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health. | Report Response, "Read application, school web-site, read up on hot medical topics, attended Thursday night social to learn more about school." | Report Response, "School website / / mock interview" More from this Member The amount of down time. More from this Member There are four formal MD/PhD interviews, but they're all pretty lowkey. | Report Response, "Why here, and why not X medical school? More from this Member | Report Response, "There was honestly nothing to be worried about, the day was a great experience." The new facilities are beautiful with all of Wisconsin's health professions schools grouped together." More from this Member More from this Member why UW?" More from this Member | Report Response, "What are your leadership skills?" More from this Member How will you transition?" I would love to attend in the future." | Report Response, "They have a yearly "Dean's Cup" competition against the students at the Law School. | Report Response, "The interviews themselves were very laid back. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Friendliness of everyone there, from faculty to facilities personal." The second interview felt more like a question answer format. Also, housing there is relatively cheap (like most locations in the Midwest). This is followed by lunch with students, a discussion with two students, and a tour of the hospital." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "the facilities were fantastic (especially compared to Georgetown)" See expanded profiles of nearly 1,800 schools. More from this Member | Report Response, "How will you handle patients that do not listen to your advice?" | Report Response, "Which system of scientific investigation will you use during your graduate studies (ie- genetic, biochemical, etc)?" | Report Response, "Top three things you wish to accomplish at this school" | Report Response, "Is Wisconsin your first choice?" | Report Response, "Overall, it was a fun day. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Research, newer building, lots of expansion, good integration with technology." | Report Response, "What attracts you to this school." More from this Member | Report Response, "Is there anything that we should add to your file that may not be on your applications?" | Report Response, "Not too much, I've been in Madison for the past 3 years, so I realize its shortcomings (PARKING) and its strengths (THE PEOPLE)" More from this Member | Report Response, "The high spirits of their medical students. | Report Response, "Nothing. More from this Member | Report Response, "why not just get a ph.d in your research area? | Report Response, "What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and why do you do it?" More from this Member There was no need for jitters." | Report Response, "The airport--connecting flights to Chicago are often canceled or delayed. It's totally not an up-tight, overly-competitive environment." Not only is the School of Medicine and Public Health training the next generation of Wisconsin’s doctors, it’s also serving the state’s health care needs, keeping its current medical professionals up-to-date on new developments, and hosting cutting-edge research. Two tours: the med school and the hospitals. I will be stunned if I don't get an acceptance after this experience." More from this Member | Report Response, "That Madison is located on an isthmus between two gorgeous lakes." More from this Member | Report Response, "My interviewer was not a particularly pleasant person, and seemed to seek out ways to trip me up in my line of reasoning. | Report Response, "While the faculty seemed caring and involved there wasnt that spark I was hoping to see." That the interview was not TOO heavily weighted. Everyone was very friendly and helpful. " | Report Response, "If you had a magic wand and could cure the human race of one flaw/fault, what would it be?" The Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Graduate Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has been ranked in the top twelve Pharmacology Programs nationwide, reflecting the outstanding teaching and research quality of its members. More from this Member | Report Response, "I had heard the interviews were very low stress, but I was not prepared for just how comfortable the whole situation was." | Report Response, "What are three weaknesses and three strengths of yours?" More from this Member | Report Response, "Familiarized myself with American health care, kept abreast to current events, and made sure I could answer any questions pertaining to submitted application materials. " | Report Response, "The interview was amazingly conversational. More from this Member More from this Member I'd jump on an acceptance from this school in no time at all. " | Report Response, "How informal it all was." More from this Member That was great since it gave us all time to relax. | Report Response, "The hard sell presentation at the end of the day." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The current medical school is very, very, very old. | Report Response, "Why Madison if you're coming from California?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Not really any interesting or unusual questions. More from this Member That is, your four person group switches off with another in terms of cutting cadavers, etc. | Report Response, "low stress interviews" | Report Response, "What kind of music do YOU listen to, in response to me asking her what she listened to." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "not many more questions I can remember; the interviews were very much like conversations More from this Member | Report Response, "Everything. | Report Response, "Alot. They REALLY talked up the new medical school building, which will be next to the hospital and be completed in Dec. 2003. More from this Member The hospital is appropriately ranked in the top 10. More from this Member One of the faculty members exclaimed, "This must be dark suit day!". " | Report Response, "The entire admissions staff was incredibly friendly and transparent. | Report Response, "Why UW?" More from this Member More from this Member The M2s that interviewed the applicants just had an exam and still had prepared unique and fun questions. It is located in a small city of about 250,000 and offers everything big cities can offer. More from this Member Why medicine? More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Was asked detailed questions about specifics of my publications as well as general biochemical and molecular biological questions and techniques." | Report Response, "What research did you do?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member What do you think?" I found it helpful. " Many speeches, followed by a tour (by an M1) then the interview. | Report Response, "Next years students will have to travel to the old med school for gross lab." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member I absolutely loved it." | Report Response, "SDN questions, read some ethics and health care books." More informative than anything else. " More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The new medical school is awesome and tops any other school I've seen so far. | Report Response, "The level of activity of the city, they are very fit!" | Report Response, "No question was terrible tough." More from this Member It has a rich cultural package, where you can visit museums, orchestras, and broadway shows. More from this Member The interviews were relaxed and the faculty did a great job of selling their school to me." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "How do I know you won't sell out (paraphrasing)" You have a few different presentations (about the curriculum, school, hospitals, financial aid, diversity, etc) throughout the day. | Report Response, "gross lab is in old building" | Report Response, "SDN, mock interviews" I don't know when these schools will begin to realize that MS1s do not give good tours when they are 2 months into their first year at the school. More from this Member More from this Member Throughout the day they make it a point to ask if you have any questions but I prefer to see what goes on away from what the admissions people want you to see. | Report Response, "The purposes of the interview are (1) to sell the school to you, (2) to learn what motivates you to do medicine, and (3) to give you a chance to add things to your application -- updates, new ideas, whatever. | Report Response, "Best interview you will have, nobody in my group really had a negative experience." | Report Response, "All students appeared very happy and friendly (faculty, too); there will be an entirely new medical sciences facility next year." | Report Response, "Very laid back atmosphere. More from this Member Student Doctor and just thought a lot about the basic questions I figured I would be asked. | Report Response, "Asked questions about the progression of my different community service activities" | Report Response, "What would be some of the hardest challenges you would face as a doctor?" They were not listening to me, they were more interested in posing the next, rehearsed question. | Report Response, "The level of attention given to us interviewees. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member " The ability to pursue clerkships in urban, suburban, inner city and rural settings is a very strong point for a medical student seeking a well rounded clinical experience. I had already told her the weakness I prepared." More from this Member (I lead a small discussion group at my youth group.)" They also have a community structure within the student body so that you can socialize with both upper- and lower-classmen in the medical school. The Wisconsin Idea—the principle that the university should improve people’s lives beyond the classroom— has been guiding the efforts of UW–Madison Badgers for more than a century. More from this Member More from this Member New medical school for 2004" Plus, a new facility is being built that will be really cool. More from this Member More from this Member New children's hosptial being built and entire hospital being remodeled. " More from this Member | Report Response, "Tell me more about your research." What do you think would be fun about it?" More from this Member | Report Response, "Just about everything. The interviewers were very interesting and friendly people. | Report Response, "How will you balance life as a physician." Students seem happy and excited and faculty 'like' to teach." More from this Member They are also very honest about the educational quality and curriculum. More from this Member All were about my application. I'd love to attend med school here." I was amazed at how friendly everyone was" This is my number one choice and I hope i can go there." | Report Response, "None at all. | Report Response, "nothing" | Report Response, "What it was like playing hockey and going to school at the same time." | Report Response, "Over the course of the day, I met with about 7 faculty, 3 of whom were on the MSTP admissions committee. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Nothing- It was a great experience. More from this Member | Report Response, "Thought about the questions the email gave us to think about before the interview." It is one of the many schools College Consensus looked at and gave easy to understand scores so you can find the best colleges. More from this Member | Report Response, "That the day seemed impersonal. More from this Member | Report Response, "Asked questions about my research, some of the things my research looked at were somewhat relevant to what his research looks at, even though these were in different fields" Give me a detailed lecture on (insert name of upper level class that you took as an elective three years ago)" | Report Response, "I interviewed with a rather elderly female on the science faculty. More from this Member (I don't know why I wasn't ready for it, but I wasn't)" | Report Response, "Why did you chose to apply to this school?" | Report Response, "Why do you think you want to go into medicine?" The winter." | Report Response, "the new school that we will be in next year and the great things that everyone said about the faculty. | Report Response, "The interview was very conversational - mostly just a "getting to you know" kind of thing. More from this Member More from this Member I asked several questions about the school and every single question met with "i'm not sure." More from this Member More from this Member I'm sure the facilities are now the best in the country. | Report Response, "Why this med school?" | Report Response, "None stand out particularly -- they were all basic, predictable questions." The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison is committed to improving the health of Wisconsin and beyond through service, scholarship, science and social responsibility. | Report Response, "Tell me about your experience in the medical field?" | Report Response, "Great facilities, everyone seemed very friendly and enthusiastic, I love Madison" I did not like that the final two years occurred at various places around the state, some rural, etc. More from this Member The facilities are old and run down. | Report Response, "Nothing especially interesting. More from this Member even basic questions about schedules and student resources!" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member both the faculty and students were so warm and friendly, there was absolutely nothing to feel nervous about. " He talks about the program for about an hour. | Report Response, "Not much information on match available, nor about research." | Report Response, "It was VERY laid back, and we were able to see a 15-min video of the construction of the brand new facility that will be completed next summer, YAY!" Both the most interesting and most difficult questions were during the medical student group discussion." | Report Response, "What do you do for fun outside of work?" | Report Response, "Name five adjectives that describe you best." They actually enjoyed it." It was damn cold, but at least there was snow. | Report Response, "What is the biggest problem facing health care today?" More from this Member | Report Response, "How did you land your current job " More from this Member | Report Response, "nothing - very unremarkable questions" my interviewer was a kindly physician and we just discussed the different things id done in my life and my path to deciding to apply to med school" More from this Member More from this Member I'm a nontraditional student." Ranking of schools based on SDN’s years of school data and member surveys. I spent the night at a M2's place (offered with interview). | Report Response, "How long I'm in the U.S? " More from this Member More from this Member Luckily, I was prepared for this." | Report Response, "this site, amcas, mock interview" | Report Response, "How did you go about getting your job at NIH?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member nobody really informed me about the quality of classes or their feelings on the school's atmosphere. | Report Response, "Why do you want to go to Madison?" | Report Response, "We started the interview by talking about where I am currently living and how it is different from Wisconsin. More from this Member More from this Member A printable map to the Friedrick center would have helped. " | Report Response, "Suit/tie not required. | Report Response, "What will you do if you don't get accepted?" | Report Response, "if medicine and all other health professions didn't exist, what career would you choose?" | Report Response, "Come with a lot of questions, you will talk to a lot of people and everyone will ask if you have questions," Medical Physics is one of 10 basic science departments in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "SDN, school website, AMCAS application" I had cold interactions with some of the students including one who coldly and intentionally ignored me when I reached out to shake her hand to say thanks for having me at her party and a tour guide who responded with a "no" when I asked him a detailed question about his research experience (I know, WTF). More from this Member | Report Response, "none" More from this Member The new facilities opening next Fall are impressive, and will further enhance the strength of the medical school program. | Report Response, "very chill, laid back, conversational." | Report Response, "I read their website, my AMCAS, read faculty profiles!" | Report Response, "general questions about my application ie: certain activities, research interests, medical interests." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "A truly laid back experience. More from this Member | Report Response, "If you didn't get in this year what would you do?" | Report Response, "Don't stress this interview. More from this Member | Report Response, "Medical school is separate from hospital, so getting to your clerkships seems like it might be a pain." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Why doctor?" | Report Response, "Where have you traveled?" | Report Response, "What are your strengths?" More from this Member More from this Member AND University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. I had a conversation with each for about 30 minutes. | Report Response, "Why do you want to become a doctor?" | Report Response, "As you know, research is an important part of any doctor's career, even if they don't perform it themselves. and the interviewers rate you on a scale of 1-7 for each subject area. One of the best interview experiences I've had." More from this Member Find on-campus and online graduate programs at University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. More from this Member | Report Response, "Tell me about your research (He was a Physics PhD working on MRI stuff)" More from this Member The campus is very nice. Also, there is a real emphasis on selecting students who are comfortable in the setting and modest. Everyone is friendly and seemed very happy, even though I interviewed the week before exam week. More from this Member | Report Response, "Oh, so you do XX activity? We discussed things that were not necessarily related to medicine, but eventually found its way back. | Report Response, "My interview was more like a conversation. Everyone seems very laid back. | Report Response, "No lasting negative impressions except the reality of out of state tuition." The city is boring and cold, the students seem disinterested, and the overall experience was borderline depressing (I actually saw a rat running around during the tour!) | Report Response, "Regarding the school itself, UW-Madison is unique in that it offers a "state-wide campus"--you can do your rotations at many different sites all over Wisconsin. | Report Response, "Same as above" More from this Member | Report Response, "How was X University (my undergrad)?" More from this Member | Report Response, "What do you do in your free time" I wouldn't wish the place upon my worst enemy." As a whole, he was nice, though, and tried to really understand where I came from and where I was going." | Report Response, "the UW Hospital is pretty jumbled together, even for those who should know it. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Are you considering a Masters in Public Health?" There is a good mix of lecture, small group, lab and free time. More from this Member A really easygoing day overall!" Next is a boxed lunch with current students who were very helpful. | Report Response, "The physical state of the medical science center -- it looked like the whole building could topple at any time." Bring a lot of questions, since most of your basic ones will be answered by the presentations and tours. A few minutes later the admission and financial aid people came in and stared the long introductory presentation. | Report Response, "Why are you applying early decision?" More from this Member | Report Response, "SDN, Reviewed my Applications and research, thought about the ''big questions'' (why medicine?, why madison?, etc). " | Report Response, "the comfortable seats in the conference/waiting room" What schools did you apply to?" Based on my interactions with some of the students, this felt like is a school where a lot of very smart people end up because they didn't get in anywhere else and they are bitter about it. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "The TONS of resources on this campus. | Report Response, "How do you envision your career?" More from this Member | Report Response, "The interview experience was very laid-back. More from this Member More from this Member Both interviews were simply conversations. | Report Response, "The facilities at Madison are amazing, if you get an interview I would suggest sticking around for the hospital tour." | Report Response, "The school is gorgeous." We didn't shoot the shit or make any sort of small talk. | Report Response, "If you had a magic wand to solve any type of problem, what problem would you solve and why?" | Report Response, "A bit cold." Friendliness of staff." | Report Response, "Why primary care? More from this Member More from this Member Brand new, has a lovely atrium area, library, etc. More from this Member It was easy to get lost in the crowd, and my attempts to ask students about their perspectives were unsuccessful. | Report Response, "The interview counts about as much as a LOR. More from this Member | Report Response, "See difficult question above" More from this Member | Report Response, "The new building for all the med school classes is really nice. More from this Member | Report Response, "Reviewed my AMCAS, secondary application, a health care ethics book, SDN interview feedback forum, and perusing the school's web site." | Report Response, "Imagine, as a doctor, you are at a cafe, and you see two of your patients across the room. More from this Member | Report Response, "Are you willing to practice in rural Wisconsin?" More from this Member | Report Response, "The students are wholesome and friendly; the facilities are very nice; Madison is a great city; the curriculum is well-integrated; chances to go abroad for electives; emphasis on public health." | Report Response, "More than 80 percent of the students are from Wisconsin and many seem a little sheltered (never left Wisconsin)." More from this Member

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