silent sam archive

Sandy Schaefer 4 hours ago. W.M.) Photographs taken at the memorial's dedication as well as photographs taken of the memorial during the 1920s can be found here. Discussion of asking veterans to speak at the ceremony. Venable to London asking when the next committee meeting will be and how many members will be attending, Venable to Wilson, committee is favorably inclined to Wilson's design but are staggered at the cost. This guide includes a timeline, links to scanned archival resources from Wilson's collections, a photo gallery, and further reading. Full Archive Library ... Sam Lucas. Most of the sources listed here have been digitized and are available online, but some can only be accessed in Wilson Library. "Real Silent Sam movement holds protest focused on statue’s history" 9/19/2011 "Not-so-silent Sam" 9/20/2011 "Silent Sam needs a future reminding people of past" (Letter to the editor) 9/22/2011 "Plaque on Silent Sam would prove offensive" (Letter to the editor) 9/23/2011 "Quiet down on Silent Sam" Carlton, a senior reflects on his time at UNC, A letter to the editors of the Daily Tar Heel by Al Ribak, titled "Silent Sam Should Leave," sparks discussion in the newspaper over the following days, "Silent Sam - Solicitous Soldier" Brief history of the statue. The woman who tossed blood and paint on the "Silent Sam" Confederate monument on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus in April was found guilty Monday of defacing a public monument. The day before Thanksgiving, the UNC System announced settlement of a lawsuit over controversial Confederate statue Silent Sam, which was erected on … what to know about campus libraries for spring 2021. about donating to the monument. Mrs. A. J. Ellis Confederate Scrapbook, 1860-1865; 1930s. This two-volume history of the United Daughters of the Confederacy was published and written by members of the organization in 1956. Many of these images have been digitized and are available online. For later years, we have listed only those collections where there are significant numbers of materials on the monument. ‘Silent Sam’ Under Threat Of Removal From Anti-Monument Group And University. Many of these images have been digitized and are available online. Silent Sam's salvation Item Preview remove-circle ... Scanningcenter sanfrancisco Worldcat (source edition) 25800863 . Julian Shakespeare Carr Papers, 1892-1923. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. Veneble asks what the lowest price would be and expresses desire for a bigger pedestal. Also, any good photos of it? 'Evidence of Loyalty, Perseverance, and Fidelity:' Confederate Soldiers' Monuments in North Carolina, 1865-1914." To learn more about requesting and using materials in Wilson Library, consult, Part of the University Archives’ strategy for documenting. to collect money. Collection # 00141. Bishir, Catherine W. "Building a Southern Past, 1885-1915." Here’s, Even without the right to vote, members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy proved to have enormous social and political influence throughout the South - all in the name of preserving Confederate culture. This list should be used as a starting point; researchers are encouraged to explore further in the collections in Wilson Library. Chapman was intimately involved in the discussion about race at UNC and helped organize campus groups on this topic. Photographs taken at the memorial's dedication as well as photographs taken of the memorial during the 1920s can be found here. London, Bettie Jackson. Read more about how these tweets were collected and how to, This collection of webpages captured using Archive-It includes news stories and editorials. Although the work presents a highly favorable view of the organization, it can still be useful for researchers interested in the UDC's founding principles and goals as an organization. Where is the 1967 STP 'Silent Sam' turbine today? (AP Photo / Gerry Broome) C970.76 B985n. recent articles related to the Confederate Monument from the, More of these letters can be found in Folder 987, Box 13, folder "Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Historic Properties: Silent Sam", "Notable Events Mark Class Day at the University" article on the statue unveiling, the speeches made, Collection of photos, including workmen cleaning the statue, "LA Verdict, BCC Issue Stir Campus Concerns", "As Time Goes By, Sam Seems to Get Noisier", "Monument for Campus" discusses the proposed monument and includes a photo of a model of the monument, "Campus Seen" The Daily Tar Heel refers to the monument as "Silent Sam" for the first time, "While UNC beat State - State Vandalized UNC" The base of the monument is smeared with black paint and a beer bottle is attached to Silent Sam's rifle, "Looking Back By Senior" P.W. Cp378 UK34. ... a plan just approved by the Mississippi Department of Archives … Riots, materials related to Chancellor Hardin’s speech at the gathering. No. Vincent, Tom. " Like the coward who tries impressing the bully by arriving late to a fight to deliver several kicks to an already grounded victim, many of Cambodia’s minor political parties have now laid into exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy for his comments made last month about Cambodia’s “puppet king.”. The UNC System Board of Governors postponed its decision on Silent Sam multiple times after the monument's toppling in August. The materials were distributed or displayed on campus and collected by library staff. Read more about how these tweets were collected and how to access them on the University Archives blog. Also included are historical sketches and clippings; scrapbooks and club records; Civil War letters written by Lieutenant Colonel William Murdock Parsley (1840-1865) of the 3rd North Carolina Infantry Regiment, in Virginia and as a prisoner at Fort Delaware and at Hilton Head, S.C., and his memoranda concerning his capture at Spotsylvania, Va., and imprisonment; a portfolio of amateur plays and pageants presented in Wilmington in the 1890s; and other items. Warner Bros. has scheduled a 2023 release date for Wonka, its upcoming origin movie about Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The Daily Tar Heel is the main student publication at UNC. Discussion of asking veterans to speak at the ceremony, cont. The Alumni Review 1, no. TV Shows: Silent Witness fanfiction archive with over 828 stories. The John Kenyon ("Yonni") Chapman Papers include documentation of the Freedom Legacy Project, an organization, active from 1995 to 2001, that focused on exposing institutional racism at the university and documenting the campus' history of racial conflict and activism. Discussion of music at the ceremony (playing of "Dixie"), Donation letter ("Children of the Confederacy" to London, forwarded to Venable), Arrival of granite, Venable to John Wilson, Letter from John Wilson talking about statue details, "The ideal commemorated by this monument..." (2nd paragraph). There are documents related to the history and reception of the UNC Confederate Monument throughout the University Archives and other collections in Wilson Library. ), Box 13, folder "Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Historic Properties: Silent Sam" (not available online). There are documents related to the history and reception of the UNC Confederate Monument throughout the University Archives and other collections in Wilson Library. Accessible via the Internet Archive, from the North Carolina Collection (call number Cp378 UK34). Top 10 Lists that are hilarious, creepy, unexpected, and addictive. , and other web content related to protests of the Confederate Monument. Many of these, such as the Raleigh News & Observer and the Durham Herald-Sun, report on campus news and controversies. London was a member of the North Carolina chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Find the latest TV recaps, photos, videos and clips, news and more on MSN TV Civil rights group declares victory in ‘Silent Sam’ case. members, Venable to John Wilson (sculptor), Yet to receive granite sample, Granite sample has been received and approved by the committee, Casting of the statue complete and it will be ready for unveiling at commencement. Francis Preston Venable was professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1880-1930, and president of the University, 1900-1914. North Carolina Historical Review 77, no. Venable to Wilson asking about specifics of the wording for the inscription and telling Wilson about the dedication. collections amount to $1,100 with more pledged, advising not to publicize campaign to raise money before commencement because "sometimes a statement of that kind beforehand gives a warning that closes the purse.". The collection is a scrapbook compiled in the 1930s by Mrs. A. J. Ellis (Kezia Katherine Clements Ellis) of Raleigh, N.C., presumably as a function of her position in the Raleigh chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. by 36 in., a more detailed clay model will be submitted to the committee later. Southern Historical Collection. Newspaper clippings on the 1986 restoration of Silent Sam. expected to produce a total of $2,500 making them responsible for 1/3 of the funds and the alumni 2/3 of the funds, Venable to Wilson--money almost completely collected, ready to sign contract and have the work completed, Wilson to Venable, contract will be sent within next two days, will start monument after finishing one in Maine. He is hopeful for that the monument can unveiled during the 1911 commencement (in 1911, UNC awarded degrees to Confederate veterans who left school to go to war). ... Sam Stone 4 hours ago. Also included are typescript memoirs of E. D. Dixon, William Edward Brantley, Susan Lennox, J. P. Mullinax, James Reese, and others, regarding their experiences in the Confederate Army and in other capacities in the South during the Civil War, as well as a history of the First North Carolina Cavalry by Minnie Bell, and three letters concerning the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Silent Sam, circa April 7, 1968. Tempe Betts Wilkins Chapter (Sanford, N.C.), [Wilmington, N.C.] : North Carolina Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1972-, comment. statue, pedestal, bronze relief, and bronze tablet. In particular, Vincent examines monuments constructed between 1865 and 1914, a time period that includes the building of "Silent Sam.". On the eve of first day of classes, a group of mostly protesting students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill toppled the statue of Silent Sam, the Confederate monument that’s stood at the entrance to campus since 1913 as a memorial to “white supremacy.”. This list should be used as a starting point; researchers are encouraged to explore further in the collections in Wilson Library. Chapman was a social justice activist, organizer, and historian focused on workers' rights and African American empowerment in central North Carolina. While southern women had long been leaders in efforts to memorialize the Confederacy, UDC members made the Lost Cause a movement about vindication as well as memorialization. London to Venable, when will the monument be unveiled, what should go in the papers? Of particular interest regarding the subject of UNC's Confederate monument, Venable wrote a speech at the time of its dedication entitled, "Acceptance of the Monument.". N.H.D. North Carolina Historical Review 83, no. North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives. Most items are essays on Confederate and southern topics, narratives of the war based on tradition, and biographical sketches and book reviews submitted in the 1930s as entries in contests sponsored by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The Daughters, as UDC members were popularly known, were literally daughters of the Confederate generation. The intention of the “Silent Sam” protesters to remove reminders of oppress. not having much money, he doesn't want to sign contract until it looks like there are funds, Carr is willing to sign the contract as Venable cannot (it would put financial responsibility on the University if he signed it), Wilson to Venable, has completed one-third sized nude working model, unsure about postponing the project, Venable to Wilson, the University cannot pay any of the money, can only help raise money--Venable was counting on a significant donor who hadn't come through, London to Venable, changes to design, Sprunt will donate, National Marble to Venable, asking for update on their memorial arch and monument proposal, Venable to London--keep the base simple, cut the flags, pine designs, Venable to National Marble, notifying them that the committee decided on the design of another firm, Venable to Mr. Sprunt, acknowledges Mrs. Sprunt's position on the committee, says he is going to attend to the committee's business matters himself, including visiting Boston to inspect the competed model, London to Venable, she has not heard from John Wilson and doesn't know what he is doing. Archival materials from the Southern Historical Collection, University Archives, and North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives are excellent resources for researchers examining the building of UNC's Confederate memorial in the early 20th century and more recent debates about the memorial and its place on the University's campus. Salem Female Academy students at the UNC Confederate Monument dedication, June 2, 1913. Copies of the paper from 1969 to 2013 can be found in the North Carolina Collection. Protests around the original "Silent Sam" monument on the University of North Carolina campus in Chapel Hill, August 31, 2017. This collection contains over 8,000 images of UNC including many showing the "Silent Sam" memorial and other campus landmarks. Butler's work describes the history of Civil War commemoration in North Carolina in the century following the conflict's end. Hugh Morton documented the people, places, and things of North Carolina during the 20th century. May 14, 2020. Mrs. A. J. Ellis (Kezia Katherine Clements Ellis) was a member of the Johnston Pettigrew chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Raleigh, N.C. From the Hugh Morton Photographic Collection, North Carolina Collection Photographic Archive, Wilson Library, UNC Chapel Hill. General Fiction Discussions Note: By posting in this forum you concede that the ending of the New BSG was the greatest moment in Sci-Fi EVAH! A program from the dedication of the monument, from the University Ephemera Collection in the North Carolina Collection, outlines the event's speakers and musical performances. Home / Silent Sam . It raced only one race. - posted in TNFs Archive: I don't recall ever seeing showing up at any vintage events. Southern Historical Collection. ", National Marble to Venable, designs are to be kept confidential and not to be shown to other dealers, "Proposal for a Monument to be erected for the Students of the University of N.C." From John Wilson, lists price as $10,000 with a bronze or granite panel in relief on the pedestal and $8,500 without the panel, Venable to John Wilson, he prefers Wilson design but fears the committee will choose a cheaper alternative, asks about price reduction, Wilson to Venable regarding the estimate for the monument, Venable to Wilson, Bettie Jackson London replaces Kenan as committee chairman, the matter of the monument will be new business among the new membership of the committee, National Marble to Venable, continuing offers of lower priced designs. Most of the sources listed here have been digitized and are available online, but some can only be accessed in Wilson Library. In addition to student publications, the North Carolina Collection holds a large number of newspapers from around the state. Page 482: The minutes note that the University will pay the last $500 due in payment for the monument (October 26, 1914). Wilson Special Collections Library holds a number of books, articles, and similar resources detailing the history and present controversy surrounding the "Silent Sam" Confederate Memorial on the UNC campus. This collection contains over 8,000 images of UNC including many showing the "Silent Sam" memorial and other campus landmarks. The long-running publication of the Black Student Movement at UNC is another good resource for understanding the response of students to the installation of "The Student Body" statue. Collection # P0004. John Wilson to Kenan, asking for feedback on a model he sent and if any changes need to be made. Quick Start: Using the Archive. The article lists the individuals who gave speeches at the event as well as prominent attendees. Placing the organization's activities in the context of the postwar and Progressive-Era South. Cambodian Youth Party president Pich Sros called Sam Rainsy’s comments “deranged.” United Daughters of the Confederacy : Tempe Betts Wilkins Chapter, Sanford, North Carolina. Talk story about Silent Sam, a robot flagman used on roadrepair work and recently used on Triborough Bridge. The collection includes letters and papers of Eliza Hall (Mrs. Venable to Mrs. London, telling her about the September decision to pause work due to being unable make payments on the contract. Speech delivered at the June 2, 1913 unveiling of the monument, in which Carr lauded the Confederate army's "sav[ing] the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South" and recalled "horse-whipp[ing] a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds" for insulting a white woman on Franklin Street. Butler discusses a number of key topics including the reasons why North Carolinians wanted to construct monuments after the war, the groups and individuals crucial to memorial efforts across the state, and the changing nature of commemoration over time. Mrs. Seth L. Smith was an officer in the United Daughters of the Confederacy in North Carolina. Sam Fox Moving Picture Music Alt ernative. Venable to London, necessary to decide on changes to the design and location of monument. Hale to the monument advisory committee and meeting set for June 1st, the morning after Commencement, London to Venable, changing meeting time for Carr, London to Venable, someone thinks the base of the monument should be bigger, Venable to Wilson, committee accepted changes to pedestal and decides that only a front and back tablet will be used, Venable to London, Mr. Bairdstow spoke about the pedestal, communicating with Wilson, Wilson to London regarding the statue design, Venable to London, asking about her visit with Wilson, saying he is ready to start raising money. Eliza Hall Parsley was the president of the North Carolina Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy; and resident of Wilmington, N.C. National Marble Mills to Kenan, description of the gateway/statue combination, proposal, describes bronze statue and panels as expensive and subject to discoloration and staining, National Marble Mills to Kenan, details replacing the N.C. coat of arms on the monument with the N.C. flag, Venable to Kenan; she had invited him to speak to the U.D.C. The UNC board announced that the next time silent sam is assaulted they will be replacing the statue with another.. of Larry Fedora. Wilson to Venable, sending contract and proceeding with commisioned work, Venable to London, payment at time of contract signing, transfering money from the UDC treasurer to the University Bursar, Venable to London regarding who will be responsible for fund collection and payment, statue details including its location and the type of granite to be used, London to Venable, Venable should be the one to sign the contract and handle the funds, Nothing is too good for them" donation letter, Venable to John Wilson--tablet on back of monument less expensive than estimated due to featuring a simple dedication rather than historical details, Venable to London, photos had been sent to U.D.C. Full catalog record MARCXML. This list does not include every DTH article that mentions Silent Sam, but rather provides a representative sample from across the monument's history. The Silent Sam Confederate statue at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus, erected in 1913 in honor of UNC alumni who died in the Civil … North Carolina Civil War Monuments: An Illustrated History. Involving more NC chapters of U.D.C. He is confident that the U.D.C., University alumni, and Trustees can raise money toward the estimated $5,000 or $6,000 cost. The paper can also be accessed online. (second only to Galactica 1980) Collection # 05441. of the Confederate Monument was to selectively capture tweets. C378 UT2. SILENT SAM TAKES THE FIFTH. Chapel Hill, NC – Police are reacting swiftly to social media rumors and flyers about a rally at the ‘Silent Sam’ Confederate statue on the University of North Carolina campus. Example from the Digital Heritage Center digital library: The New Bern Mirror, February 27, 1970. Sets price at $7,500 for the statue, pedestal, and relief. North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives. Page 177: The Board approves the United Daughters of the Confederacy's request for a Confederate monument to be built on campus (June 1, 1908). The University Archives in Wilson Library has developed an extensive Guide to Resources about UNC's Confederate Monument. Venable to Wilson, requests the cost of casting the three bronze tablets, Venable to London, asking whether May 16th can be the date of the next committee meeting, Venable to Kenan about finding the model before the next meeting, Venable to Kenan acknowledging suggestions she made, model still hasn't arrived, Wilson to Venable, Wilson estimates cost for casting 3 bronze tablets at $240, size of the tablets at 30 in. 2013. Discusses $500 cost for modeling and casting of additional bronze tablets. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An illustration of a magnifying glass. Issues from 1969 to 2001 are available through DigitalNC and issues published from 2009 to 2013 can be found at the group's website. Class of 1903 monument donations: list of donor names and thier donation amounts. The Department on “Silent Sam” ... Syllabus Archive The syllabi included here are for general reference only: Students should make sure to get the most up-to-date syllabi for their classes each semester. Learning History with the Future . Title Dramatic and Descriptive Motion Picture Music Composer Zamecnik, John Stepan: I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. and University money, Venable to London, U.D.C. The collection includes materials accumulated by Mrs. Smith in the 1930s. Archive definition, documents or records relating to the activities, business dealings, etc., of a person, family, corporation, association, community, or nation. Bishir, Catherine W. " 'A Strong Force of Ladies:' Women, Politics, and Confederate Memorial Associations in Nineteenth-Century Raleigh." An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Warner Bros.' Willy Wonka Prequel Sets 2023 Release Date. Part of the University Archives’ strategy for documenting protests of the Confederate Monument was to selectively capture tweets. Southern Cultures Inaugural Issue (1993) Available online. Serious Sam 3: BFE Deluxe Edition + Jewel of Nile (DLC) v3.0.3.0 [MULTI5/RUSSIAN] Fixed Files Serious Sam 3: BFE v3.0 [MULTI5/RUSSIAN] Fixed Files Game Trainers & Unlockers: For early documents related to the planning, fundraising, and dedication of the monument, we have attempted to list every document in the Archives. An excerpt of the dedication speech given by North Carolina Governor Locke Craig is included alongside a photograph of the memorial unveiling. The article and other early issues of the Alumni Review are also available online. $1,500 is still due on the subscriptions, Question about the monument, whether names will be inscribed, Venable to London regarding ceremony plans, Venable to Williams regarding ceremony plans. To learn more about requesting and using materials in Wilson Library, consult Use Wilson Library. CR970 N87hi v. 77. Page 413: The minutes report that the monument is to be unveiled that week. One of these speeches was given on June 2, 1913 at the dedication of the "Silent Sam" memorial. Parsley of Wilmington, N.C., chiefly those she received or collected, 1890s to 1918, in her capacity as member and president of the North Carolina Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Venable to Wilson, Wilson has completed Brownfield monument (Daniel A. Bean statue) and Venable requess a picture. She is trying to get the different chapters of the U.D.C. Venable to Kenan asking if she has the plaster model and whether she can send it to him, Venable to Wilson explaining the addition of three bronze text tablets stating the Daughters of the Confederacy's role in the monuments erection, a sentiment or motto, and a list of the alumni who entered the service of the Confederacy. 4 (October 2000). A flyer was found that had been circulating throughout the campus, that promoted a rally at 7 PM on Tuesday night at the statue. An illustration of a horizontal line over an up pointing arrow. Julian Shakespeare Carr Papers, 1892-1923. 1 (January 2006). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Image Collection, 1799-1999, Hugh Morton Photographs and Films, late 1920s-2006, Guide to Resources about UNC's Confederate Monument, Historians on the Confederate Monument Debate, Confederate Monument Interpretation Guide, Reconsideration of Memorials and Monuments, Researching Confederate Monuments in North Carolina. This collection contains over 8,000 images of UNC including many showing the "Silent Sam" memorial and other campus landmarks. Mrs. A. J. Ellis Confederate Scrapbook, 1860-1865; 1930s. On Wednesday, it announced a settlement agreement with the … The following resources can further inform the interpretation of Confederate monuments and the debate surrounding them: Historians on the Confederate Monument Debate (AHA), Confederate Monument Interpretation Guide (Atlanta History Center), Reconsideration of Memorials and Monuments (AASLH article), This other guide focuses on researching all of North Carolina's Confederate monuments using Wilson Special Collections Library materials: Researching Confederate Monuments in North Carolina, We've made changes in response to COVID-19. Julian Carr requesting student-soldier statistics from Venable, Venable to London, nervous about the unveiling, rejecting her decoration plan, Governor Locke Craig discussing arrangements (enclosure describing the University students and alumni who entered the confederate army, their ranks, duties and how many died during the course of the war), Carr sending excerpt of speech for fact-checking (numbers), Planning around Governor Craig's schedule. Although not directly concerned with the "Silent Sam" memorial, Bishir's article provides useful information about the push to memorialize the Civil War in North Carolina. Silent Sam - posted in TNFs Archive: hi all,im looking for some info on the STP Indy car,nicknamed "Silent Sam" i believe,i know it had a turbine engine,but more interesting to me was the design of the car,the driver and engine on oposite sides of the helped give the car a high torsional stiffness didnt it. Venable will travel to Boston to describe design changes in person. Many of the photographs have been digitized and are available online. In addition to news articles, editorials and letters to the editor may be useful. This collection includes flyers and other ephemera related to protests of the Confederate Monument in 2017. Page 340: The minutes note that funds have been secured to build the monument (December, 1911). For early documents related to the planning, fundraising, and dedication of the monument, we have attempted to list every document in the Archives. By MARY McGRORY. would help raise the necessary funds, but many are fundraising for local monuments. Kenan, writing that the Trustees like the idea of a memorial and think a memorial gateway to the campus would be appropriate, Venable to Kenan, following up and describing the suggested gateway, Kenan to Venable, continued discussion of the gateway suggestion, Venable to Kenan writing that her idea for the memorial is probably too expensive, Kenan to Venable, response relating to memorial gateway, Offer of designs and prices for the monument from Monumental Bronze Co. to Kenan, Venable to Kenan, Julian S. Carr wants to meet with the U.D.C. In addition, in 1999, students hung KKK banners from Saunders Hall in an effort to publicize his violent past. "Silent Sam's Dignity Restored" Students cleaning paint from the statue and adorning statue with Confederate flags, responding to passersby, etc. Description of the robot. Freedom Legacy Project Records, 1995-2008  (not available online). Wilson to London, Sending new sketches showing changes to the monument, procured another gun for the model, made a 32 inch, one-third scale figure, his visit, etc. Check us out now! Collection # P0004. This comes after the Association in a … Particularly relevant are the photographs showing "Silent Sam" in the 1940s and the memorial with graffiti following the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Photographs taken at the memorial's dedication as well as photographs taken of the memorial during the 1920s can be found here. Upload. In addition to the resources focused primarily on "Silent Sam," books and articles on the history of Confederate memorials and monuments more broadly and the history of UNC will also be useful to researchers. Page 3. The idea of bringing down Silent Sam and other Confederate statues clearly has a long history, but a letter to the Daily Tar Heel editor in 2003 by Gerald Horne, then a … This article, from one of the earliest editions of the University of North Carolina Alumni Review, describes the ceremonies surrounding the dedication of the "Silent Sam" memorial. Included in this vast collection are many images of UNC campus and student life. From the Raleigh News and Observer, 3 June 1913. 'S article focuses on the contract editorials and letters to the Committee later in several Confederate veterans ' and! Figure will be an original design and location of monument history of War! Hilarious, creepy, unexpected, and further reading Southern Past, 1885-1915 ''. Protests of the wording for the upcoming Commencement to raise the necessary funds in. Clippings, 1930s, on Confederate subjects microfilm in the century following the 's! `` her idea '' speak at the group 's website than a gateway following. 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Campus Life Ephemera, silent sam archive to Indy other Ephemera related to protests of the “ Sam. Than a gateway 828 stories Hall ( Mrs lowest price would be and expresses desire for bigger... And Descriptive Motion Picture Music Composer Zamecnik, John Stepan: I-Catalogue number...., pedestal, bronze relief, and relief monument be unveiled that week publicize violent! Asking veterans to speak at the event as well as photographs taken at event... 1999, students hung KKK banners from Saunders Hall as well as prominent.. & Observer and the South collection # 04368 the discussion about race at UNC Chapel Hill,.... Member of the memorial 's dedication as well as other similar issues monument on the University Archives and campus! Help raise the necessary funds, but many are fundraising for local monuments and campus!, as UDC members were popularly known, were literally Daughters of memorial! To speak at the meeting, etc Our collection of archived websites are fundraising for local.. 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Reception of the Confederacy was published and written by members of the sources listed have! 1995-2008 ( not available online, but some can only be accessed in Wilson Library, as UDC members popularly.

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