micah 7:8 explanation

Thy frequent anticipation of death, which is a source of perpetual conflict to many. . The remnant purified, who go out strong as a lion (Mic 5:7–8), represent the eschatological remnant who will share in the blessing of … This passage is applied by the Jews (b) to the days of the Messiah. 6 For a son dishonors his father, a daughter rises up against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-- a man's enemies are the members of his own household. He comes at unawares. The rejoicing foe rebuked. His love is more powerful than His might. (a) "quamvis sedero", Drusius; "quamvis sedeam", Burkius. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me. When I fall, I shall arise” Psalm 30:5; (literally, “when I have fallen, I have arisen”;) expressing both the certainty and speed of the recovery. If Haman fall before Mordecai the Jew, he shall not easily stop, or step back, Esther 6:13. Israel addresses Babylon, her triumphant foe (or Edom), as a female; the type of her last and worst foes (Ps 137:7, 8). Micah 7:16 “The nations shall see and be confounded at all their might: they shall lay [their] hand upon [their] mouth, their ears shall be deaf." When I fall, into a low condition, into deepest distresses, I shall arise; I shall not always lie in them, God will raise me out of them. "[18] Blindly rejecting any such thing as predictive prophecy, some would delete these verses, or attribute them to some "post-exilic editor." Rejoice not — The prophet personates the church. In our text there is no attempt to deny the fact of the fall, or excuse its guilt. (8) O mine enemy.—The Hebrew word is strictly a female enemy (see Micah 7:10), and is used of enemies collectively. "The Lord is my light" Psalm 27:1. Micah 7:8. I have been continually examining Micah chapter seven, particularly Micah 7:8-9. When I fall, I shall arise] Because fall I never so low, I cannot fall below the supporting hand of God, which will help me up again, Psalms 37:24. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fail, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. He even looked through God's prophetic telescope to further proclaim the promised Messiah of God, Who was to be born in Bethlehem, to save His people from their sins. For if God deprived us of all hope, enemies might justly deride us, and we must be silent: but since we are surely persuaded that God is ready at hand to restore us again, we can boldly answer our enemies when they annoy with their derisions; though I fall, I shall rise: “There is now no reason for thee to triumph over me when I fall; for it is God’s will that I should fall, but it is for this end — that I may soon rise again; and though I now lie in darkness, yet the Lord will be my light.”. We are here meditating upon the mental warfare that went on in the battlefield of a prophet’s heart. when I fall, I shall arise — (Psalm 37:24; Proverbs 24:16). Micah 6:13 Or Therefore, I will make you ill and destroy you; / I will ruin; Micah 6:14 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain. God’s true saints shall be raised from the ground, however hard their fall. We must depend upon God to work deliverance for us in … This passage is applied by the JewsF2Debarim Rabba, parash. The time shall come when the Church shall similarly say to him, "O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end" (Psalms 9:6 ). In order to form some idea of the foe we have to fight, look at the names given to him in Scripture. The bugle that calls him to peace with God, calls him also to battle. not in a state of unregeneracy, which is a state of total darkness, but in affliction and distress; for, as light often signifies prosperity, so darkness adversity, any afflictive dispensation of Providence; and especially when this attended with desertion, or the hidings of God's face; it is to be, not without any light of grace in the heart, or without the light of the word, or means of grace; but to be without the light of God's countenance; which is very uncomfortable, and makes dark providences darker still; see Isaiah 50:10; yet, notwithstanding all this. Micah takes up the word and says what effect this sight should have upon the enemies of God and of His people. Satan, the accuser. . James Smith applies this truth to believers - The patient, trustful sufferers He shall bring into the light, and cause such to behold his righteousness in all His dealings with them, for He doeth all things well. Tweet. Let me beseech you to remember that in Satan you have a personal living foe. These best reveal his character. And to this fear the believer is liable, even as the unbeliever. Lamentations 3:6), the Lord would be a light to him and illuminate the right path for him to take. Even though all love and faithfulness should have vanished from among men, and the day of visitation should have come, the church of the faithful would not be driven from her confidence in the Lord, but would … The bugle that calls him to peace with God, calls him also to battle. We must depend upon God to work deliverance for us in due time. Ne laeteris de me. At the moment of conversion, the soul enters upon a conflict which continues until his dying day. “Mine enemy,” in Hebrew, is feminine. Micah 7:7-20 is, primarily, the confession and intercession of the prophet, who identifies himself with Israel. The fall and “the darkness” refer no doubt to the outward calamities of the Church, its troubles and afflictions. When we complain to the Lord of the badness of the times, we ought to complain against ourselves for the badness of our hearts. These are the words of the prophet in the name of the church, continued in an apostrophe or address to his and their enemy; by whom may be meant, literally, the Chaldeans or Edomites, or both, who rejoiced at the destruction of Jerusalem, and the calamities the people of the Jews were brought into at it; see Psalm 137:7; spiritually, Satan the great enemy of mankind, and especially of the church and people of God, to whom it is a pleasure to draw them into any sin or snare, and to do them any hurt and mischief; and also the Inert of the world, who hate and persecute the saints; and watch for their haltings, and rejoice at their falls into sin, and at any calamity and affliction that may attend them, though there is no just reason for it; since this will not always be the case of the saints, they will be in a better situation, and in more comfortable circumstances; and it will be the turn of their enemies to be afflicted, punished, and tormented: when I fall, I shall arise; or, "though I fall"F26כי נפלתי "quamvis cecidi", Drusius, Burkius. That which belonged to him is common to us all--not always, but at certain times. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy] Here is the triumph of faith, in the fail of outward comforts, in the midst of the world’s insultations and irrisions. “God is not only our light”, as (Lap.) 245. He is our light, by infusing knowledge, joy, heavenly brightness, in any outward lot. "God is not only our light", as (Lap.) Micah 6:8(HCSB) Verse Thoughts. Commentary on Micah 7:8-13 (Read Micah 7:8-13) Those truly penitent for sin, will see great reason to be patient under affliction. They then distinguish between this clause and the former one, which speaks of the fall and the rise of the faithful, in this manner, — that while they lie, as it were, sunk in darkness, they shall not even then be without consolation, for God’s favor would ever shine on them. I shall arise, he says, a wiser man; a more watchful man; a humbler man. The language is very strong; the figurative terms employed suggest their own images; it is a sad but not a desperate case; there is hope in the Lord concerning this thing; but, meanwhile, there is a conflict going on which puts to the proof the strength and courage of Micah. For God puts under him his own hand. Scripture speaks of God, in a directer way, as being Himself our light. I. and have shown their malignity more fully, by giving all possible publicity and circulation to such accounts. Follow the buttons in the right-hand column for detailed definitions and verses that use the same root words. in their sin, which was so punished, they were turned away from the light. In our greatest distresses, we shall see no reason to despair of salvation, if by faith … I have looked at John Piper's exegesis of this passage in a book, and he calls it gutsy guilt which I found interesting. However, the words are a vital and significant portion of the prophet's word of encouragement for a people shortly doomed to captivity; and it was precisely such encouraging words as these that enabled the humbled and enslaved remnant of the people to endure and triumph over that captivity. There would be ample room for our enemies to taunt us, were it not that this promise cannot fail us, — seven times in the day the just falls, and rises again, (Proverbs 24:16.) Contrast Amos 7:8… . He rejoices in the thought of restoration. : “The fall of infirmity is not grave, if free from the desire of the will. When Micah refers to a “man’s household” he is talking about the evil loves that live in our own will. (Micah 7:7-8). "Israel addresses Babylon, her triumphant foe. The Devil, or murderer. for am I fallen, I rise again; for do I sit in darkness, Jehovah is light to me." ), "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, Jehovah will be a light unto me.". Intercession was a test of the prophetic office; Jeremiah 27:18; Genesis 20:7 But Micah's prayer voices also the heart exercise of the remnant in the last days. He calls Himself, "The light of Israel" Isaiah 10:17. “The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light” Isaiah 60:19. when Assyria was the reigning superpower. … When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy - The captive Israelites are introduced as speaking here and in the preceding verse. A light — Shall support, comfort and deliver me. Micah is called the Morasthite. Micah 6:10 An ephah was a dry measure. Thisword means that he was an inhabitan… The fear of death is natural; it is probably a principle implanted from above, to prevent man from rushing unbidden into the presence of God. Annul. Though I have fallen, I have risen; A Jew may fall before a Persian and get up and prevail. They are mentioned together in Psalms 137 : “Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom.” . But we must see that we have sinned and admit it to the Lord 4, and ask for His help in stopping. They took his pledge of God's blessing with them when they went into bondage in Babylon. Daniel 9:3-19. The conflict supposed. The Hebrew is relatively straightforward here. II. And in his letter to the Lady Vane, I thank the Lord, saith he, I am not alone, but have six other faithful companions, who in our darkness do cheerfully sing hymns and praises to God for his great goodness. when I fall, I shall arise; or, "though I fall" (z), or "have fallen"; into outward afflictions and distresses, which come not by chance, but by divine appointment; or into the temptations of Satan, and by them, which sometimes is suffered for wise and purposes; or into sin, which even a good man, a truly righteous man, is frequently left unto; but then he does not fall from real goodness, from true grace, nor from his justifying righteousness, which is everlasting, and connected with eternal life: he may fall from a lively exercise of grace, from steadfastness in the faith, and a profession of it; but not from the principle of grace, nor a state of grace; or from the love and favour of God: he may fall, but not totally or finally, or so as to perish everlastingly; nor is he utterly cast down, the Lord upholds him, and raises him up again; he rises, as the church here believes she should, out of his present state and condition, into a more comfortable one; not in his own strength, but in the strength of the Lord, under a sense of sin, by the exercise of true repentance for it, and by faith in Christ, and in a view of pardoning grace and mercy; see Psalm 37:24; when I sit in darkness; or "though" (a). 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