how do you eat when your jaw is wired shut

grains of rice) immediately clog my teeth. I’m feeling quite’s not that bad. Examples of servings in Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide . 2 weeks without wires + 4 weeks wired shut = a summer of blender foods and liquids, and a slow journey back to normal eating. It will be harder for your child to eat while their jaw is wired shut, and they may not want to eat as much. And they beat him to the point they broke his jaw. If you find that the chunks are getting stuck on the side of the jar, add just enough liquid to keep them flowing back down toward the blade. Sometimes one can wasn’t enough, so I’d have a second can of soup or a smoothie. Also, anyone you might want to kiss will probably be grossed out by the fact that your face is swollen to the point where you resemble a volleyball and your cheeks are bruised a weird yellow color. Examples of soft foods include puddings, casseroles such as macaroni and cheese and shepherd's pie, meat loaf, spaghetti, soft cooked vegetables and canned fruits. Wiring your jaw shut to lose weight seems like a pretty drastic thing to do. timberwolfz28. he's a football player, so he's not used to eating little amounts and has been getting really hungry because the liquids aren't enough. Rinse with regular water, then use your special mouthwash (yes you have some or will get some). In retrospect, I managed with a relatively bad blender, but I’d definitely recommend getting a decent one if you don’t already have a blender. I am updating this page during my second surgery recovery in April 2015, and right now my jaws are wired shut. My friend was beaten up in school because he's gay. If your jaws are wired shut, you will be on essentially a liquid diet, but anything you can put through a blender is a possibility. Any way I loved reading your experiences with trying to eat. Never fear! This only happens when chewing something that offers a little bit of resistance (like bread for example), not if I just open and close my mouth. They do surgery and set you up with steel plates and then you’re wired shut for two weeks or they just wire shut your teeth. I kind of have an idea of what to expect and ideas for eating for the next few weeks. What can I eat? I look forward to trying out the different ideas posted on here, got a blender at home already so that kinda saves cost and makes things easier. Call your friends to thank them for all their support! I broke my jaw from two places, and my dentist wired shut my jaw for 6week. I was hesistant about eating it, but after loading the syringe and tasting it, I would eat that every night if I had to. These $3 a pair bottles were my lifesaver. Wired Jaw Diet Wired Jaw Diet ... you may need to eat a soft diet as your jaw muscles may be stiff. Thanks so much for your blog, had a jaw fracture a week ago and am 5 days wired up aiidy, still got 5+ weeks to go. Inform yourself of what to eat, how to care for your teeth, how to cope with stress and the benefits of building a strong and helpful support system. It’s just basically a cast for your mouth. Not the clear plastic kind, but full-blown metal braces. Jan 23, 2017 - Explore Keely Dufek-Baxter's board "Jaw wired shut recipes", followed by 149 people on Pinterest. How to Clean Your Teeth When Your Jaw is Wired Shut. Even with Food Fight’s price, it comes out to about $4 per serving, which might seem like a lot. The Experience of Eating After Your Jaw Has Been Wired Shut. Thanks, Ash. Never fear! Not the clear plastic kind, but full-blown metal braces. All foods and drinks will have to move easily through a straw or syringe, so foods will need to be blenderized. In my opinion, that method becomes more of a "process" to get nutrition, rather than an enjoyable food experience. Answered on Mar 25, 2015 . It depends on the surgery you are having and the preferences of your surgeon. Mechanism. Adam, Hi everyone, I had my jaw wired only 12 hours ago so it is still very sore. I'd like to drop by their place with a care package, including some recipes for 'thin liquid' food that he can eat. Do you want your jaw wired shut? I found after experimentation that by keeping similar colors together the food looked better, and even seemed to taste better! I was crying like hell. reading ur blog made Me realize that I’m not the only one. Weight loss after breaking your jaw is common. yes you can talk with your mouth wired shut. I’ll give you some easy food containers that helped me along the way. How to Gain Weight When Your Jaw Is Wired Shut. It gets better every day as long as you don't overdo it. I blended Campbell’s Chunky soup, it was ok. She’d ballooned to well over 16 stone and believed that having her te… Also, Special K protein shakes are great because they aren’t as sweet (which gets old) and have 5 grams of fiber which is useful when you’re on pain meds and not getting fiber from your usual diet. It’s been a couple of years since the last one. Very nice blog! I have had my mouth wired shut for a week and a half now and it really hasn’t been too bad at all. my wife has best thing i have right nowmy true love . Sometimes I’d also blend some sandwich cookies (Candy Cane Joe-Joes from Trader Joe’s) in with some soy milk. Like this? I would just add a little chicken broth until smoothed out! It may also be used if you have a disease that affects your jaw, or you will have surgery to correct a jaw problem. (2) One was for water, the other meals but if I was in a pinch it wouldn’t matter. As someone mentioned, a high tech blender has been key. I love to eat and not being able to is killing me. Nice blog. But there aren't many choices when you've broken your jaw. I hope your recovery goes smoothly and quickly. They try to stick with protein drinks, etc. At this point, I think it’s probably permanent nerve damage, and I don’t expect it to improve much more. I write all this only with the clarity of hindsight, because I never saw this thread in my life until I had my jaw wired shut. Liquids and soft food only, nothing you have to chew. It will be hard for your to talk, and for your friends to understand you. Thanks for commenting. I really only had a problem with drooling when I was sleeping, and then it wasn’t really that much of a problem because nobody could see it. OW! When cooking other people’s food and my food, use a different spoon! Note that you get a couple more servings in the “Natural” flavor, so that’s a slightly better price per serving. I can’t lie to you, this is the hardest thing that I have ever been through and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. After a few weeks the soups get very repetitive :s I did try a couple things. I found a straw very helpful at first because my lip was very swollen. I do like chocolate though, so instead of the usual banana, strawberry, yogourt, milk smoothie. Weight loss after breaking your jaw is common. Jaw wiring is a medical procedure to keep the jaw closed for a period of time. He called me, I picked him up and took him to the ER where they stitched up his chin, but did not take any x-rays. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I was wondering whether you had any problems with popping or shifting in your joint after you got unwired. I am having my left joint replaced and they have to wire my jaw shut for the CT and leave the arch bars on till my surgery on the 11th of July. 0. Jaws Wired Shut “Most people with their jaws wired shut don't gain weight.” Marge Simpson "Jaws Wired Shut" is the ninth episode of Season 13. You can purchase liquid nutritional supplements (such as Ensure ® or Boost ®) in grocery stores or pharmacies. Thanks sorry for not replying sooner. 0 0. (3) You can have a larger qty of drink, but not too much. Look forward to quick recovery and like someone posted earlier, this should be fun. Hello. My chin slants a little bit (maybe a millimeter and a half from left to right?). My injury was pretty similar to yours – a subcondylar fracture from a biking accident. What is the benefit to using a straw? I see food all day and it makes it soo much worse. It’s comforting to know that others have also been in this same situation and this just gave me a bit of peace. It's been a little over a week and I am paranoid that I am making the break worse. You may injure your healing jaw. Aside from this site, you might find suggestions at Jaws Wired Shut and Broken Jaw Tips. #1 Wilton’s Sqeeze Bottles, 12oz . I am going though something a little different. What can I eat? Vega has a full day’s supply of a number of different important nutrients. Send thanks to the doctor. One of the gaps between my top and bottom teeth was near the back of my mouth, and the straw was useful for aiming stuff at that gap. LALALALALALALA. C) my patients tell me that jaw surgery is a lot easier than some of the other surgeries they've had. I was crying like hell. I’d definitely urge you go ahead and start a blog. This is the time it takes for the bones to heal in a good, strong union. Another one I made was spaghetti soup, put spaghetti , beef broth and v8 in blender and enjoy ! The surgery to fix this fracture requires wiring of the jaw, and for approximately three to six weeks after surgery you will have limited movement of your mouth and jaw to allow healing. I basically have stopped using a straw, and drink everything from a cup. After you blend something for a while, if there are still solid chunks, you can pour everything into the strainer. I feel compelled to make some suggestions that will make "eating" more enjoyable than just plunging food with a syringe. Answers (2)ASK A DOCTOR. Originally, it was used as the mandibular equivalent of a cast, to fix the jaw in place while a fracture healed. Do not cut the wires for any of the following: You think your jaw has healed, or you do not want your jaw wired anymore. B) they actually make liquid pain medicines. Thank you so mych September 15, 2016 at 6:24 PM If you have questions about anything you read here, feel free to email me. Your jaw may be sore or stiff, but try not to move it around. And as you heat it, whisk in some small cheddar cheese cubes. I ordered my Wilton  Bottles 2 weeks before my surgery and since they worked so well, I wasn’t that adventurous; however, I did try these and they didn’t work for me: – Kids sippy cup I made a mess, no thanks! Great blog! Hope Allison. If you’re going to be drinking multiple cans of soup in a day, it might be worthwhile to buy some low salt soups (Amy’s and Health Valley both have some options) to avoid excessive sodium intake. To promote healing, you need to limit movement of your jawbone. u can by going aemmmmmmm I can't really explain it but its possible. I am literally freaking out! Hi Kyla, You are hungry or thirsty. Eating well when you can’t open your mouth is necessarily a challenge, but it can be done with a little bit of creativity. Honestly… that’s it! Do you also have braces? It is especially important to drink adequate amounts of fluids, 3–4 liters per day. To make it a little more of a liquid consistencey I added some sour cream, green onion dip and a little shredded cheese for texture I guess. If at all possible, you may find it worthwhile to invest in a powerful blender. Towards the end of my wired days, I also started having some sorbet and soy ice cream. Facing my fear: my jaw was wired shut for a month This article is more than 4 years old. Broken and dislocated jaws are bandaged or wired shut during recovery. Can anybody give some feed-back of recovery? It meant cleaning the blender a little more often for separate courses, and yet made things more interesting. Your jaw will not open very wide for the first week or so, and it will still be sensitive. I was traveling in February and fell behind with this blog. Sorry about your broken jaw. Was frustrated with taking just shakes and that’s when I stumbled upon your blog. Food Group One Serving Examples . I am week 1 into my jaw wired shut and had a quick question. Your healthcare provider will move your jaw into the correct position. The first item is a blender. They align your teeth and then wire it shut and then you’re stuck with it for six weeks, which is what I did. I tried doing a meal in one of these and it was a bit of a mess, I didn’t finish it, and it was harder to clean. Broken jaw or not, that sounds nasty. Why? Im just consistently making a mental list of EVERYTHING I want to eat after this is all done!!! Please note that this blog is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. It’s not fun, but you’ll get through it. Another tip would be to remember to rinse your mouth after you eat. Originally, it was used as the mandibular equivalent of a cast, to fix the jaw in place while a fracture healed. They make the joint to fit so it takes 6+ weeks for that alone. This makes it hard to eat. Drink from a glass. I'll give you some easy food containers that helped me along the way. I dnt think i can last. These days, I don't update this blog often because I consider myself to be fully recovered, but I do try to reply to comments and emails. My jaw is fractured in 3 places and the doc says it can take 6- 8 weeks to heal. Wired Jaw Diet If your jaws are tightly closed by wires or elastics, you are not going to be able to chew your food. I had a broken jaw when I was nine. Since I don’t do that it’s pretty subtle. I wrote this blog after I had a bicycle accident and thought it might be useful to document the various injuries (a broken jaw among them) that resulted. You will be limited to a liquid diet until your jaws are no longer tightly held together. I didn’t break my jaw like most others who have commented, but I have dislocated my jaw four times in the past two weeks while sleeping (I accidentally take off the head wrap while I’m asleep) and my doctor is going to wire it shut today so that it can heal. 1 Synopsis 2 Full Story 3 Behind the Laughter 3.1 Production 3.2 Reception 4 Citations Homer breaks his jaw in an accident, requiring it to be wired shut for a month. I would not recommend trying to kiss anyone if you have your jaw wired shut. You will be limited to a liquid diet until your jaws are no longer tightly held together. i had just broken my jaw dam what pain i hade to have 5 plats put in and had to have wired shut . Pros: (1) Their 12oz size is the perfect amount to gobble up a… Like what Adam said about desserts, not really into them, but when you’re this limited EVERYTHING looks good! The bad news is that you won't be able to eat/drink anything unless it's liquid. 0 comment. Really hoping he doesn’t have to go through what I went through. 4 Answers. Good Luck 9 years ago. Make sure those you are around after your jaw is wired shut love and support you. Anyhow, after 10 minutes of the blender grinding at me, I poured out this brown/orange pudding look-alike mixture. You will be able to talk just like you did before you were wired shut. And it was actually quite good! But at home, I can eat anything – including plenty of whole grains. This is a totally normal BMI, but I didn't get wired shut until a month after the accident, so by then I'd been on a … It’s not really painful, but it is definitely unpleasant and makes eating uncomfortable. Hi I just wanted to say that your story did help me in a way , I don’t have my jaw wired shut but my boyfriend does , he was jumped by 4 men and they broke his jaw, anyway he just got the surgery done and I feel completely help less cuz he loves to eat sing and talk But all I can do for him is be by his side, your story was helpful cuz I didn’t quite know what kind of blender to get until you mention the name brand, I’m a very good cook and I just happened to come up or experience in making my own blended food soups and smoothies that I like to share with you, a peanut butter banana maple pancake smoothie which is pancakes ( cooked ) butter , peanut butter ( banana is optional or can use dif fruit ) syrup , heavy cream or milk put it in blender and enjoy tastes really good! It is still very sore, which I would imagine is to be expected, but sometimes it feels as though I am "pulling" the break apart once it starts to heal a little. I wouldnt suggest playing ball. I survive at work on plenty of shakes, v8, mango juice, etc. I think I can handle a liquid diet for the next 6 weeks but what I’m most worried about is permanent damage to my appearance. ben 1week so far 5 more to go. And let's face it, not being able to bite and chew is torture enough. AT an “all-time low” with her weight, Denise Cann made the drastic decision to let doctors wire her jaw shut. For obvious reasons, creamy peanut butter is preferable for this situation. I took a steak, cut off the fat, and put it into the blender with mashed potatoes and gravy. These limitations require you to follow a soft, liquid diet. Thank you for your story ! At the time his jaw felt fine. I hope he gets better. A bar called an arch bar may be attached to your upper and lower jaws. Meeting your nutrient needs can be a challenge with a broken jaw. Favourite answer. See more ideas about liquid diet, liquid diet recipes, jaw surgery. Feel free to contact me with further questions. Tell yourself you know nothing and need to know everything in order to survive. Lucky for him, his partner used to run her own catering company and is thusly culinarily oriented. Jaw wired shut may be done for you for many reasons, including a broken jaw or jaw surgery. I have 4 screws and some wiring in my mouth. A) there is actually a wired jaw diet; you will get a copy of ideas for how to make your meals so you can eat. I came home, pulled out the blender, dropped the chili in and began to liquiefy. When eating the correct foods and amounts, weight loss often does not surpass 15 pounds. As time goes on you can drink milkshakes, but at first they don't want the "sucking" motion because it's too hard on your jawline and hurts like heck! I suspect that if I were to walk around with my mouth wide open all day, it would be pretty obvious. Can I exercise? (Hemp is fine, too, but more expensive), Spinach (this required the smoothie to be blended longer than usual, but with a better blender, that might not have been an issue), Ground flax seeds (strictly for the nutritional value, I found it best to add directly to the cup, rather than in the blender because they’d tend to stick to the jar of the blender). I really enjoyed reading it after I fractured my jaw in October. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Hi Adam: thanks for your awesome blog. Hang in there, Meeka! ( Log Out /  The goal of jaw wiring is to inhibit the intake of solid foods, dramatically decreasing the amount of calories you will consume. Last night my husband was riding his bike, hit a rough patch in the road, flew off his bike and split his chin open. Take care . I was hungry pretty much all the time until I started using Vega, and I don’t think I would have been able to teach back-to-back classes without the nourishment that Vega provided. Your healthcare provider will give you a pair of wire cutters before you go home. See more ideas about liquid diet recipes, liquid diet, jaw surgery. I’m also keeping a blog on my experience. So your mouth is wired shut? I dont have my jaw wired shut but I do have the arch bars on now for a week and have about 8 more to go. Wow, your story makes me feel lucky to have gotten away with a single mandibular fracture. These $3 a pair bottles were my lifesaver. As far as whether you can play baseball, I doubt it for the season...but that would be something that would be the doctors call. You're friends shouldnt think any differently about you. This doesn’t mean you have to drop hundreds of dollars on a blender, but do a bit of research before you buy. Later that night and today, his jaw has become sore on one side. So having that easy access fresh water on had is a plus. For dinner, I’d typically have a can of soup, blended. Change ), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Let’s make it clear that there will no longer be any smoothies or soups during my Last Meal.I think I’ve had enough to last me a lifetime… So your mouth is wired shut? Thanks for your thoughtfulness of sharing your journey with the blender and about keeping your chin up (wired or not!) If you’re full, then you can always get more, but if it was more then you’d have way too much left over and it’d go to waste. It’s so crazy to find another vegan with the same injuries as me! You may lose 5–10% of your normal body weight while jaws are wired shut. Kitchen Aid has a fine blender that retails for $99 at Bed Bath & Beyond ($79 if you have a BB&B coupon). Just wanted to add that I found a stick blender really helpful.

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