why does the kjv have extra versesmrs. istanbul

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why does the kjv have extra verses

The same words appear in Matthew 22:14. ", John 5:4: "For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. But if one is seeking clarity and accuracy, a modern translation is much preferred. But then again, so are many people around the world. "[76] However, the RV's text is that of the earliest and most esteemed mss - p74, ,A,B,C,D, and many others, including the Vulgate and other ancient versions; the appearance of the words for Jews and for Gentiles (ethna) occurs in Codices and P (both ninth cent.) Can the King James Bible be extensively quoted in commercial books? Three other points can be made here. I'm aware that chapter divisions were created around 1205 by Archbishop Stephen Langton. Since the KJV text was completed in the early 1600s, we have discovered manuscripts of the Bible that are older and believed to be more accurate than the manuscripts that were used to translate the KJV. Is a PhD visitor considered as a visiting scholar? Verse 36 is included by very few Greek manuscripts of the Western text-type and by Old-Latin and Vulgate manuscripts.[19][20]. For example, verse 9 says Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene on "the first day of the week", yet verse 2 said that same day Mary Magdalene did not see Jesus. The Reasons the Protestant Church excludes them is as follows: 1. So Exodus 40 chapters.. definitely seeing total chapters here in each book. The first twelve words of the text are on the preceding leaf. "[42] Erasmus annotated this verse with the comment that the reference to Judas did not appear in any Greek ms known to him. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The UBS edition gave the omission of this verse a confidence rating of A. KJV: And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, "And he was numbered with the transgressors. Wherever the Shorter Ending appears, even when combined with the Longer Ending, there is some separation in the text (decoration or a copyist's notation) immediately after verse 8; the only exception being Codex , which treats the Shorter Ending as the proper continuation after verse 8 but then inserts a copyist's note before providing the Longer Ending. Amen. "[114], The preceding verse, verse 16:8. ends abruptly. "[71] Aland lays stress on the differences among the Gospel accounts and says, "Even though reads the insertion, the evidence for omission is stronger by far."[72][73]. Answer (1 of 7): Jims answer has it here: So, the Catholic Old Testament has everything the Protestant and Jewish Old Testament does, with the addition of the Books of Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1st Maccabees, and 2nd Maccabees, as well as extra chapters in Daniel, and 103 extra vers. This comes out to a total of 766,137 words, or 25,191 words shorter than the number provided by Scott. [110], The very existence of the Shorter Ending, whose composition is estimated as the middle of the 2nd century, is taken as evidence that the Longer Ending is not appreciably older, because the Shorter Ending would not have been worked up if the Longer Ending were then readily available. [61] The American Bible Union,[62] a Baptist organization, omitted this verse from the new English translation of the New Testament it published in 1865. [55] Stephanus (Robert Estienne), in his influential Editio Regia of 1550 (which was the model edition of the Textus Receptus in England),[56] was the first to provide an apparatus showing variant readings and showed this verse was lacking in seven Greek manuscripts. Whether those errors crept into handwritten copies or printed copies, the principle is still the same. Does the inerrancy of the Bible only apply to the original manuscripts? It stands to reason that anyone who is afraid of the power of the Word of God would do anything to diminish its effectiveness, but how? Greek Orthodox Churches. The battle between good and evil, God and Satan. However, these texts have been retained in brackets in the NASB and the Holman CSB.[148]. I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. How many chapters did he put in Joel and how many in Malachi? Scrivener put it, "No doubt this verse is an unauthorised addition, self-condemned indeed by its numerous variations. This link analyzing chapter divisions between bible versions may be of interest http://catholic-resources.org/Bible/OT-Statistics-Compared.htm, I hope somebody can post a better answer, but I think i'm getting close enough to an answer that it makes more sense to write the finding here rather than in an edit to the question, It seems the original christian chapters would've first appeared as an addition to the Vulgate..(as that was the bible that Stephen Langton used) and the Vulgate has 4 chapters in Malachi. I'm aware that Jews adopted the Christian chapter divisions. At some point, two other people, dissatisfied with the abrupt ending at verse 8, and writing independently of each other, supplied the Longer and the Shorter endings. [48] Because of its absence from the oldest sources and the confusion about its appearance in several of the sources containing it, its omission after verse 23 got a UBS confidence rating of B.[49]. I watched the film on YouTube with great interest. The ambiguity of the original reading has motivated some modern interpretations to attempt to identify "they"e.g., the Good News Bible, the New American Standard, the NIV, and the New RSV, have Paul and Barnabas going out and 'the people' inviting them to repeat or expand on their preaching. The earliest Greek Codex showing this pericope at all is D (Codex Bezae), of the 5th or 6th century - but the text in D has conspicuous variants from the Textus Receptus/KJV version,[137] and some Old Latin manuscripts no older than the 5th century, and many subsequent Greek and Latin mss all at the familiar location following John 7:52. why does the kjv have extra verses; why does the kjv have extra verses. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. The figure 31,103 is achieved by adding up the last verse for each and every chapter which is why it is impacted by end of chapter differences. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Well, it is. Therefore, since 1611 the King James Version has been the benchmark. The NKJV includes Alexandrian texts. On the other hand, the doxology never made its way into the text of the Latin Bible, which was the basis of Western-rite (Roman Catholic) liturgy. He has a Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, and is currently professor of New Testament Studies at his alma mater. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Robert Barker, the printer to the throne, inadvertently left out not in the seventh commandment! Why is Matthew 6:13 different in the NIV that some other translations? The last words of verse 8 are, in Greek, , usually translated "for they were afraid". Meaning that the . My argument about the KJV is not that it has undergone radical changes in its long history (although, to be sure, there are some rather significant changes in the KJV in various places, as has been frequently pointed out in the books by Bruce, Lewis, Kubo, etc. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? For example, in the Greek Orthodox Liturgy, they have NEVER read from the Book of Revelation. And they went to another village.". It is, however, found in this place in some Greek mss not quite so ancient C, D, K, L as well as some other mss of the ancient versions. How to match a specific column position till the end of line? The KJV states that God has not withheld the request of his lips, the NLT infers that his request could simply be a thought. What was the intended meaning of the quotation marks around "sinners" in the old NIV? Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Christianity Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. A belief apparently not shared by anyone else: "No one maintains that this rather florid passage belongs to the original Mark not ever to the original form of the long ending of the Textus Receptus." The original Hebrew is the word re'em which was translated monokeros in the Septuagint and unicornis in the Latin Vulgate. Why would the word lips be so significant? Thanks James and Narnian for your explanations. [18] In modern conservative Greek editions it is also omitted from the main text of Scrivener's Greek NT according to the Textus Receptus, and the two Majority Text editions. This verse first appears, not in a New Testament manuscript, but in a fifth century Confession of Faith, and after that it was assimilated into mss of the Latin Vulgate, but it was (because of the lack of Greek documentary support) omitted from the first two "Textus Receptus" printed editions of the New Testament (namely those edited by Erasmus, 1516 and 1519),[54] as well as some other very early Textus Receptus editions, such as Aldus 1518, Gerbelius 1521, Cephalius 1524 and 1526, and Colinaeus 1534. The seven books of the Apocrypha are also known as the books of Deuterocanonical scripture by Catholics, these scriptures have always stayed in their version of the bible. The newer versions stated that other versions ADD verses inferring that the other version(s) are less accurate. This, indeed, is one reason why the vast bulk of biblical scholars reject the KJV as the best translation available today and why they reject its underlying Greek text as being identical with the original: errors in the transmissional process have always taken place, and a great number of them are self-evident in the KJV tradition. (Note: not only is verse 4 omitted, but also the tail end of verse 3.). Psalm 121:1-3. The King James Version is in the public domain. The sixteen omitted verses (1) Matthew 17:21. Westcott and Hort omitted it and did not even mention it in their Appendix volume, nor is it mentioned in Scrivener's Plain Introduction to Criticism of the New Testament, nor is it mentioned in Metzger's Commentary, nor does it get even a footnote in the Souter[66][failed verification] or UBS Greek New Testament. To be sure, they usually state it in such a way that Erasmus did not invent certain wording, but rather rediscovered the original. ", Mark 11:26: "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. The difference is probably due to a wrong count somewhere, the possible incorporating of English titles as part of the text of scripture, or the inclusion of some material from the Apocrypha. Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video, How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates, Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. ", Acts 8:37: "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. Currently many Christians use the New International Version (NIV), New living Translation (NLT) and many more. Christianity Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in learning more. Why do the KJV and BHS have a different number of chapters in Joel and Malachi? The deviation from the Christian chapter divisions - the deviation being seeing 3 chapters in Malachi, predates the BHS, The BHS "originally appeared in installments, from 1968 to 1976", I have found a PDF of a Mikraot Gedolot (a bible + more than one rabbinical commentary included, commentating on the text).. An additional complication is that no such ", Textus Receptus editions differ among themselves for the inclusion of the. Now lets do the math By omitting changes of this nature, we now have about 150 (to be conservative) remaining changes. The two 'Majority Text' Greek editions set forth the pericope in the main text (varying slightly from each other) but provide extensive notes elsewhere[146] attesting to the lack of uniformity in the text of the pericope and doubts about its origin. the King James Version, or simply the Authorized Version) remains the most famous Bible translation in . [102] An examination of 220 Armenian mss of Mark showed that 88 contained the Longer Ending as a regular part of the text, 99 stop at verse 8, and 33 contained the Longer Ending as a subsequent insertion into the mss. (Note above that not only is verse 7 omitted, but also some of verse 6 and verse 8.). baseball font with tail generator. To be sure, these changes are not particularly significantbut this has been admitted by both sides. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? It only takes a minute to sign up. Reasons: The earliest resources including p47, , A,C, several minuscules, several Italic mss, the Vulgate, the Armenian and Ethiopic versions, and quotation in some early Church Fathers support "he stood" (or "it stood"). So Arias Montanus's antwerp bible is irrelevant as he was later at 1571. [103] It may be significant that where the Armenian mss do reproduce the Longer Ending, some have conspicuous variants from the Greek version,[104] and a few Armenian mss put the Longer Ending elsewhere than at the end of Mark of the 220 Armenian mss studied, two put the Longer Ending at the end of the Gospel of John, and one puts it at the end of Luke, and one ms has the Longer Ending at the end of Mark and the Shorter Ending at the end of the Gospel of Luke. [129], KJV: 7:53 And every man went unto his own house.8:1 Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives;2 And early in the morning he came again unto the Temple, and all the people came unto him, and he sat down, and taught them.3 And the Scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery, and when they had set her in the midst,4 They say unto him, "Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.5 Now Moses in the Law commanded us that such should be stoned, but what sayest thou? According to Reuss, the 1849 Greek New Testament of Tischendorf was the first to remove these verses from the main text.[83]. Trying to understand how to get this basic Fourier Series. So, the BHS is the most accurate transcription made of the Leningrad Codex. For example, John 5:4 is included in the KJV, but in the NKJV the verse . Modern scholars and translators of Bibles like the NIV and ESV intentionally decided to leave out verses like Matthew 18:11. That includes the King James Version from which their version was adapted in the first place! Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? KJV: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. Amen. As far as I am concerned, there is no such thing as silent prayer. What is not admitted by KJV-only folks is that the changes in most modern translations from the KJV (though on a verbal level are certainly greater than these) do not affect the essentials of the faith. Among major Textus Receptus editions, this verse does not appear in the editions of Erasmus (15161535), Aldus (1518), Colinaeus (1534), Stephanus 1st 3rd eds (15461550), but it did appear in the Complutensian (1514), and in the margins of Stephanus 4th ed (1551), and all of Elzivir's and Beza's eds (15651604). Caspar Ren Gregory, who compiled a catalog of New Testament manuscripts, summarizes the situation: "Now I have no doubt that the story [of the adulteress] itself is as old as the Gospel of John or even older, and that it is a true story. It is dated 1525. [144] The evidence that the pericope, although a much-beloved story, does not belong in the place assigned it by many late manuscripts, and, further, that it might not be part of the original text of any of the Gospels, caused the Revised Version (1881) to enclose it within brackets, in its familiar place after John 7:52, with the sidenote, "Most of the ancient authorities omit John 7:538:11. KJV: And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves. So the phrase is absent from the text of most modern translations (though it might be noted in a footnote). Needless to say, Jerome's Latin Vulgate did not include the Apocrypha. The KJV often uses the present tense to . A commonly accepted theory for the condition of the last chapter of the Gospel of Mark is that the words actually written by St. Mark end, somewhat abruptly, with verse 8. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? Conybeare theorized that Ariston was the Armenian version of the Greek name Aristion. Changes in TYPE FACE are the changes that Wallace et al are referring to. The spurious nature of this verse is so notorious[64] that even the Revised Version of 1881 did not bother to include nor provide a footnote for this verse, and many other modern versions do likewise. Scholars have generally regarded these verses as later additions to the original text. This clause is not found in ,B,D,L,W,, 1, several cursives, and Latin, Sahidic, and many Syriac and Boharic mss. However, it is only mentioned in the NLT No.56 times. [108] But there are a handful of other sources that contain the Shorter Ending then add the Longer Ending after it. In any case, its omission from Mark 6:11 does not affect its unchallenged presence in Matthew 10:15. That is perfectly sure. But the words quoted above complicate this story by asserting that miraculous cures were already taking place at this pool in the absence of Jesus, owing to the unpredictable intervention of an (apparently invisible) angel. [125] After that, the omission was again rediscovered by Johann Jakob Griesbach, and was reflected in his third edition (1803) of the Greek New Testament, where he ended the Gospel at verse 8 and separated the Longer Ending and enclosed it in brackets,[125] very much as most modern editions of the Greek text and many modern English versions continue to do. And we know it's the original one. [115] Yet, out of that small number, 16 words do not appear elsewhere in the Gospel of Mark, 5 words are used here in a different way than used elsewhere in Mark, and 4 phrases do not appear elsewhere in Mark. All this is not to say that the KJV is a bad translation; I still think it stands as the greatest literary monument in the English language. The KJV ends the Epistle to the Romans with these verses as 16:2527: KJV: 25 Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my Gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began:26 But now is made manifest, and by the Scriptures of the Prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith,27 To God, only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ, for ever. By comparison, the books of the Catholic Bible include all 66 in the previous list plus seven extra books. It seems a lot less effort just to add the clarification rather than to argue over what it's reasonable to expect people to know/be able to look up, at such length. time traveler predictions reddit; voodoo zipline accident; virginia creeper trail for beginners; And he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance. Those which contain it vary much from each other." "[47] The verses immediately before verse 24, the verse 24 itself, and the verses following verse 24 show many variations in the surviving manuscripts. So David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem. Posted by . Amen. NIV (the latest version, I think is 2010). Thus verse 15 does not exist in the KJV. This passage in John 5 is the only mention of this pool no such miraculous pool is mentioned in Josephus or other histories[23] The words in question do not appear in the oldest manuscripts, and in those manuscripts that contain them they are sometimes marked as doubtful, and differ from manuscript to manuscript "with that extreme variation in the reading which so often indicates grounds for suspicion". In printed Bibles this system made its first appearance in the first two Bomberg editions of 1518. They are powerful. 6 Bruce M. Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, 2nd edition (Stuttgart: Deustche Bibelgesellschaft, 1994) 690. [122] The attachment of neither the Longer nor Shorter Ending (nor both of them) smooth this "ragged edge to an imperfect document". Yet this error is defended by KJV-only advocates as though it came from the pen of the apostle John himself. At about the same time someone else made in other manuscripts the addition of verses 16:24 and 16:2527. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). v brakes for 650b conversion; nj marching band state championship; doctor handwriting translation app; football pools draws this weekend. Lets face it, who would think that there was anything spurious about a few missing verses or words. ), and Jennifer Knust & Tommy Wasserman, To Cast the First Stone: The Transmission of a Gospel Story (2019, NJ, Princeton Univ. It would help if you had said that WLC means the Westminster Leningrad Codex. [57] Martin Luther rejected this verse as a forgery and excluded it from his German translation of the Bible while he lived it was inserted into the text by other hands after his death. Recently a reader of the BSF web site sent this letter to me (and presumably to several of his friends as well): Daniel Wallace is a noted Greek scholar and professor of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary. He will still forgive you. It appears after verse 13 in 13, some Italic and Syriac and Coptic mss. why does the kjv have extra verses. [107] It appeared in the footnote at this place in the RSV and then in brackets in the main text of the NRSV: RSV & NRSV: But they reported briefly to Peter and those with him all that they had been told. (2 Samuel 12:29) And David gathered all the people together, and went to Rabbah, and fought against it, and took it. I read from the KJV & I did a side by side to see if what I was told is true. This Shorter Ending appears, by itself without the Longer Ending, after verse 8, in only one manuscript, an Italic ms (Codex Bobbiensis, "k"), of the 4th or 5th century. why does the kjv have extra verses. A. Alexander (1857) suggested that this verse, though genuine, was omitted by many scribes, "as unfriendly to the practice of delaying baptism, which had become common, if not prevalent, before the end of the 3rd century."[41]. Though there are hundreds of versions and translations of the Bible, the KJV is the most popular. It gets better. Bible translation differences. Most translations follow KJV (based on Textus Receptus) versification and have Romans 16:2527 and Romans 14:2426 do not exist. It was already doubted even before the KJV; this sentence does not appear in Wycliff (1380), the Bishops' Bible (1568), and the Rheims (1582). [It must have begun as] a marginal gloss, designed to explain how Silas was at hand in verse 40, conveniently for Saint Paul to choose him as a companion in travel.[44]. Using the Advanced Bible Search, you can restrict your Bible search to only certain books of the Bible or to just the New Testament or Old Testament. "[75] The passage does not appear in the Complutensian Polyglot (1516) and noted as doubtful in Wettstein's 1763 London edition, and since then it scarcely appeared in the main text and sometimes not even as a footnote in editions of the Greek New Testament and modern translations. The answer to both of these questions is, NO. Metzger suggests that the TR text is the result of copyists' assimilation to the verb form in 13:1 ("I saw a beast"). 2 Inexplicably, Scott speaks of valid changes as those that include words only. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? (2 Samuel 12:20) Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat. But it is no part of that gospel. And in response to curiousdanni's comment regarding the relationship between the WLC,BHS,and the LC.. [4] Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number . Reason: A multitude of books have been devoted to just this verse, including: A Vindication of I John V, 7 from the Objections of M. Griesbach [by Thomas Burgess] (1821, London); Das Comma Ioanneum: Auf Seine Hewrkunft Untersucht [The Johannine Comma, an examination of its origin] by Karl Knstle (1905, Frieburg, Switz. However, what I find fascinating is why the newer versions omit certain verses and omit certain words that in turn change the inference of the verses. The oldest and most reliable manuscripts lack the extra verses that are found in the KJV. This verse is said by Naaman's wife's servant and is in reference to Naaman, not God. and Codex Athous Laurae ("") (8th or 9th century); in the first three it is preceded with a copyist's note about being found in only some manuscripts, in it follows verse 8 without such a note, and in all four the Shorter Ending is followed by the Longer Ending. [40] J. It is important to read the surrounding scriptures to get an understanding of the impact the omission of the above verses really have. Its source might be indicated by Eusebius (early 4th century), in his Historia Ecclesia, book 3, sec. KJV: 3 . [140] For example, nowhere else does the Fourth Gospel mention by name the Mount of Olives, and where a new place is mentioned in the Fourth Gospel some explanatory remarks are attached, nor does the Fourth Gospel mention 'the Scribes' elsewhere. [36] This verse was not found in the Syriac Peshitta, with the result that a printed edition of the Peshitta inserted the verse translated into Syriac by the editors,[36] It is similarly missing from p45, 74, , A,B,C,P,, and a multitude of other codices and cursives. One group of changes that I did not count involved the older English transposition of u for v and vice versa (e.g., in 2 Sam 12:21 the 1611 KJV reads seruants vnto while the modern font has servants unto. [123] There is also a problem with the narrative; verses 6 and 7, whose genuineness is undoubted, says that Jesus is "not here" (in Jerusalem) but will appear to them and the disciples in Galilee. [29][30][31][32] The tradition of the confession was current in the time of Irenaeus[33] as it is cited by him (c. 180)[34] and Cyprian (c. 250)[35], This verse appears in E (specifically, a portion from a codex consisting of Acts, dated to the 6th century, once owned by Archbishop William Laud and therefore called the Codex Laudianus, sometimes designated E2 or Ea) and several cursives dating after the 9th century (showing many variants), "manuscripts of good character, but quite inadequate to prove the authenticity of the verse," according to F.H.A. I would add that at the time of KJV, there were fewer if any old texts that lacked the phrase, but more recent discoveries give a stronger case to the newer translation. This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. They begin near the bottom of the second column of a verse, and are continued on the recto of the next folio." ", Mark 9:44: "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. ( Psalm 40:5 ) Does "And Your thoughts toward us;" mean that God is Specifically thinking about us? What can the West do about the Islamic Problem? Actually, Greek codex W (also known as the Freer Gospels or the Codex Washingtonianus), dating from the fourth or fifth century, is the oldest known Greek ms that sets forth the Longer Ending[95] and it contains a lengthy addition (which appears nowhere else), known as the Freer Logion, between the familiar verses 14 and 15. Author. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. Furthermore, it is willfully deceptive, as I shall now demonstrate.

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why does the kjv have extra verses