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uk foreign aid budget by country list

The size of the circles corresponds to the total amount of ODA spent in each country sector. The UK aid budget sits at around 11 billion, which includes 4 billion going to multilateral . Spend increased by 56 million on 2018 to 207 million in 2019. After final decisions on UK ODA spending are made the GNI estimate can still shift due to later economic data for the year becoming available, so can the amount of ODA spent by other government departments and ODA contributions from non-departmental sources. Dark blue = LDCs/Other LICs (Least Developed Countries/Other Low Income Countries), light blue = LMICs (Lower Middle Income Countries), grey = UMICs (Upper Middle Income Countries). To illustrate the impact of using provisional figures, DAC members provisional ODA for 2018 was 114.7 billion. Former international development secretary Andrew Mitchell has tabled an amendment . 3 minutes read. Canada has been a global laggard in terms of aid generosity and . Multilateral funding, by Government Departments and other contributors[footnote 20]. This is unchanged from 2018. Non-DFID EU contributions include ODA eligible spend in peace, security, democracy, human rights and civil society. The Welsh Assembly supports the Wales for Africa programme, which aims to help deliver the Sustainable Development Goals. Figure 18 legend: Top 15 recipient countries of total ODA from the DAC donor countries in 2018 and the UKs share of ODA in these recipient countries (orange) compared to other DAC countries ODA share (blue). Table 3: Top Twenty Recipients of UK Core Funding to Multilateral Organisations - Multilateral ODA 2018 and 2019 The figure presented for the Welsh Assembly Government represents their estimated spend for the financial year 2019/20 and are used as a proxy for their calendar year 2019 spend. Compared with 2015, the percentage share of DFIDs region-specific bilateral ODA received by Africa has slightly decreased (by 3.3 percentage points) and the share received by Asia has slightly increased (by 2.2 percentage points). Africa continues to be the region receiving the largest proportion of UK bilateral ODA allocated to a specific country or region (50.6%). Rep.) remains a top 10 recipient of UK bilateral ODA after entering in 2018 due to the increase in Humanitarian Aid spend, which has been the highest sector spend in the country for the last 3 years, South Sudan became a top 10 recipient of UK bilateral ODA in 2019 due to the increase in Health spend, which became the highest spend sector in the country in 2019, while Humanitarian Aid had been the highest sector for the previous 5 years, the amount of UK ODA to the top 5 multilaterals represented 68.7% of total multilateral ODA in 2019. This publication confirms the UKs ODA:GNI ratio for the previous year, as well as including more detailed analysis of the UKs Bilateral and Multilateral ODA, and includes the microdata used to produce the publication. The ODA:GNI commitment of 0.7% was first agreed internationally in 1970 by the United Nations General Assembly. Britain will only spend . In comparison, over the previous five years (2014 to 2018) bilateral ODA represented on average 62.4%. The lighter blue represents the same measure but for ODA delivered through the Bilateral through Multilateral channel. LONDON The U.K.'s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office will cut its aid budget for programs in China by 95 percent. As part of this, other government departments will provide project-level data which will have codes that allocate for each project: sectors, delivery partner, type of aid and other key variables. For enquiries (non-media) about the information contained in this publication, or for more detailed information, please contact: Alice Marshall HMT ODA relates to a core contribution to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and development-related administrative costs. Information on this spend can be found in the Office for National Statistics, Living costs and Food Survey or the Charities Aid Foundations UK giving report. Figure 12 provides an overview of bilateral ODA by major sector in 2019, compared against 2018 spend. warning that according to one estimate from the Centre for Global Development aid spending on in . In 2019, 659 million was delivered through the fund, an increase of 54 million compared to 2018. Humanitarian Aid was the largest sector of ODA spend in 2019 (Figure 12). Figure 4 legend: UK bilateral ODA by receiving region ( millions), 2009 2019. The saving . Finally, the Scottish Governments Climate Justice Fund helps tackle the effects of climate change in the poorest, most vulnerable countries, with a 3m budget. FCDO releases 2 editions of Statistics on International Development over the year: provisional UK Aid spend will be published in the spring and includes a preliminary estimate of the UKs ODA:GNI ratio for the previous calendar year. Non-DFID contributors accounted for the total spend on Refugees in Donor Countries (477m) which consists of ODA eligible support for refugees in their first year of stay in the UK (for example food and shelter), the sector Humanitarian Aid received the largest amount of UK ODA in seven of the top 10 recipient countries in 2019, consistent with 2018, in Pakistan, UK ODA spend on Education has been consistently higher than any other sector over the past 5 years (over 100m per year), in Ethiopia, Humanitarian Aid has consistently been the largest sector spend since 2017, in response to drought affected areas, giving access to food assistance and other immediate relief, over the past 5 years in Afghanistan, the UK has consistently spent more in the Government and Civil Society sector than any other. This was the largest year-on-year increase compared to the other income groups, 43.0% of spend within this category consists of project-type interventions and includes expenditure on multi-country or multi-region projects. As a percent of . Other government departments will continue to publish throughout this period. UK aid spending reduced by 3bn, or 21%, from 2020 to 2021. An area of bilateral spend which increased in 2019 was DFIDs capital injection to CDC, the UKs Development Finance Institution, which increased by 266 million. The UK government made a commitment to spend 0.7% of GNI on ODA from 2013. Multilateral funding, by Government Departments and other contributors, Statistics on International Development: Provisional Aid Spend 2019, International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard,, See commitments made by the UK and other donors at the 2005 G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Information on the Cross-Government Prosperity Fund, Frontline Diplomatic Activity (FDA) costs are administrative costs of core programme and operational delivery in or in favour of DAC-listed recipient countries that meet the primary ODA purpose, Multiple Sector Codes for Project Activity Analysis 2017, OECD report on donors provisional figures, OECD, Aid Statistics, Methodology webpage, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Additional Tables and Annexes are available. Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The UK's foreign aid spend will come down from 0.7% of national income to 0.5%. Figure 16 legend: Comparing the UK ODA (billion ) spend with other DAC donor countries in 2019. See SID 2018 p.35 case study for more information on Developing Country Unspecified spend. Income groups: DFID - non-DFID comparison 2019, Figure 9: Breakdown of country-specific bilateral ODA by Income Group, 2019. The grey section represents the proportion of total UK ODA that was channelled as core contributions to multilaterals, Core Multilateral. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab unveiled his department's Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) allocations for 2021-22 in a written parliamentary statement Wednesday. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Figure 3: Breakdown of UK ODA by contributor (2015, 2018 and 2019). Private spending or donations made to support developing countries, for example by the public, the voluntary sector or through remittances, are not part of the ODA definition and not covered in this publication. The UKs ODA spend is only slightly affected by this change as most of its ODA is issued through grants. It also includes information on the dates of transactions, where the transactions took place and in which sector. When DFID or other UK government departments provide core funding to multilateral organisations, the funding is pooled with other donors funding and disbursed as part of the core budget of the multilaterals. Top 5 country-specific recipients of UK ODA, Figure 6: Top 5 country-specific bilateral ODA recipients, 2009-2019. Other = Other government departments: Department of Health and Social, Prosperity Cross-Government Fund, HM Treasury, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Education, HM Revenue and Customs, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports, Ministry of Defence, and Office for National Statistics, Department for International Trade. The UK pledged to spend at least 0.7 per cent of GNI on foreign aid in 1970. Official Development Assistance (ODA) is provided according to the standardised definitions and methodologies of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Developments (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC). In 2019, UK bilateral ODA received by Afghanistan increased compared with 2018 to 292 million (an increase of 43m) (Figure 6). On the 2 September 2020 the Department for International Development (DFID) and Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) merged to form a new department - the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). This administrative source comprises 73.1% of total UK ODA in 2019, non-DFID sources, who also assess whether the spend is in line with the OECD definitions of ODA. The BBC World Service aims through journalism to contribute to accountability and good governance and improve the welfare and economic development of citizens in developing countries. . , Iraq = 5 per cent; India = 5 per cent; Indonesia = 2 per cent. In 2019 (the most recent year for which comprehensive numbers have been released), the U.S. spent over $47 billion on foreign aid - about the same as 2018 and $1 billion more than in 2017. Figures released by the Foreign Office yesterday revealed that China . Note that provisional 2019 spend from other DAC donors is used in this chart. The commitment to spend 0.7% of GNI on ODA has been met, UK ODA was 15,197 million, an increase of 645 million (4.4% increase) on 2018, bilateral through multilateral: this is earmarked ODA spent through multilateral organisations. As part of his spending review, chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a cut to the UK's foreign aid budget, which will be reduced from 2021 from 0.7% of gross national income to 0.5%.. The report finds that, partly as a result, in 2021 UK bilateral aid spending in least developed countries (LDCs) decreased to 1.4bn, which represented about 12% of the aid budget. IDA was replaced as the largest recipient of UK multilateral ODA by the UKs share of the EUs Development budget (referred to as EU attribution). The strategy is published in the context of reduced UK aid spending and the Government's wider foreign policy intentions to increase UK efforts in Africa and the Indo-Pacific, partly in response to China. This was an increase of 83 million compared to 2018, reflecting increased spending by FCO and DFID. 2019: Bilateral ODA to Africa increased by 125 million from 2,863 million in 2018 to 2,989 million in 2019, increasing by 4.4% (Figure 4). In 2019, the UK provided bilateral assistance to 136 countries (Figure 5), with spend primarily concentrated in East Africa and the Middle East. This is similar to 2017, of the 5 countries receiving the greatest amount of total DAC donor ODA (Afghanistan, Syria, India, Bangladesh and Ethiopia), three (Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Syria) were among the top five recipients of UK ODA. For more detail on the grant-equivalent impact on other donors see Final SID 2018. By Jennifer Scott, political reporter. The government reduced its annual aid budget from 0.7% of gross national income (GNI), which is a measure of the amount produced by the economy, to 0.5% this year. Figure 17 legend: ODA spend in terms of GNI comparing 2018 and 2019 spend for each DAC donor country (ODA:GNI ratio). ###Bilateral ODA Spend with No Single Benefitting Country or Region. See our technical note for more information. This increased to 115.1 billion for final ODA for 2018 an increase of 0.3 per cent. Where a multilateral organisation does not report to the DAC but the multilateral is only mandated to work in a particular country, region or sector, we allocate all of its core contributions to the relevant country, region or sector. Through its donor contributions, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing concessional loans and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve peoples living condition. The prime minister is facing a rebellion from dozens of his own MPs over cuts to the UK's foreign aid budget. Since 2013, UK ODA has continued to increase in line with growth in the UKs GNI. Due to an update to its financial systems, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is temporarily unable to update DevTracker. In 2018, the country donated $14.2 billion. Erratic budget processes threaten US foreign aid. What is the UK's overseas aid budget? The Prime Minister will walk into the G7 summit as the only leader who is cutting development aid to the world's poorest. For more information please see the Grant Equivalent Technical note. Japan has publicly committed to using the official development assistance (ODA) for guidance in future development. In 2019, the UK remained the country with the fifth highest ODA:GNI ratio with 0.70%; Luxembourg had the highest with 1.05%. Government and Civil Society 1,313 million (12.8%). This is an increase compared to 2018 when 38.7% (3,579m) of bilateral ODA was not assigned to a single benefitting country or region. This avoids double counting in Table 3 and the total UK EU attribution is not affected. See Annex 1 for more detail. Much of the humanitarian aid budget will be focused on countries most at risk of famine such as Yemen, Syria . Publication of the FCDO's monthly programme data will resume as soon as the system changes have completed. Developing Countries. For example, DFID contributed 112 million to the Global Partnership for Education, a multilateral organisation supporting close to 70 developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, 11.8% was classed as Other, which includes Other Technical Assistance and Basket Funds. View full size version of infographic: In 2019 the UK provided 15.2bn of Official Development Assistance. Chart by Carbon Brief using Highcharts. Government departments other than FCDO will provide project-level details that allow the ODA spend to be quality assured by FCDO statisticians. In dark blue are the proportions of UK bilateral ODA by region in 2015, in light blue are the proportions of UK bilateral ODA by region in 2019. The FY 2021 Congressional Budget Justification describes the funding required for State and USAID to carry out our missions worldwide. To give users an understanding of the impact of the changes implemented in Blue Book 2019, the UK GNI measured on the new GDP framework leads to an ODA:GNI ratio of 0.70% in 2019, compared to 0.70% on the pre-Blue Book 2019 level. Figure 15 legend: Comparison of sector spend for 2019 UK bilateral ODA between countries of different income groups ( million). Foreign aid may be given as a signal of diplomatic approval, or to strengthen a military ally. Core contributions to multilateral organisations: A full breakdown of UK ODA by Government Department and Other Contributors of UK ODA and delivery channel in 2015, 2018 and 2019 is available online in Table 10. Figure 4: UK Bilateral ODA by receiving region ( millions), 2009-2019. The estimate in 2018 and 2019 is based on published data from the European Commission on the UKs share of development expenditure. Bilateral ODA is earmarked spend either through multilateral organisations or other delivery partners, compared with multilateral ODA which is un-earmarked funding to multilateral organisations[footnote 9]. Foreign aid could be slashed to balance the books. II. From 2018 onwards, Official Development Assistance (ODA) has changed from being measured on a cash basis to a grant equivalent basis, following a decision taken by the DAC in 2014. Note, percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. You have rejected additional cookies. Spend may be assigned to Multisector Aid in cases where contributions are split across a diverse group of sectors, such as Gift Aid donations to NGOs. It supports them to deal with the impacts of climate change by building their capacity to act themselves and by catalysing large scale public and private finance investments. This allows you to filter projects by country and sector and view further details about the project as published in documents such as the business case and annual review. ODA spend allocated to Africa increased by 125 million increase in 2019 to 2,989 million, whilst the percentage share remained similar to the share in 2018 (50.6%), (Figure 4). Section 1 - overview. The UK uses data on ODA spend by sector and country/region which is reported by each multilateral organisation to the OECD DAC to estimate what percentage of DFID and UK core contributions are spent in each country and sector. The quality assurance Annex 3 describes the steps that have been taken by FCDO statisticians to minimise these kinds of input errors, and to produce UK ODA statistics. The plan to reduce the UK's contribution to foreign aid to 0.5% of GNI - despite a United Nations target of 0.7% - has been met with widespread domestic and international criticism. For information on the work of the UK Statistics Authority visit: From 2020, the ODA:GNI ratio will be calculated according to the new methodology. Figure 16 shows the UK remained the third largest DAC donor in 2019 at 15.2 billion, behind the United States (27.1bn) and Germany (18.7bn). Asia remains the second largest recipient of UK bilateral ODA in 2019 with 41.8% (2,470m), followed by the Americas with 4.1% (244m), Europe with 3.2% (189m) and the Pacific with 0.3% (16m). These non-DFID sources account for around 29.6% in 2019 and are largely derived from financial transaction data. Further information on the technical terms, data sources, quality and processing of the statistics in this publication are found in Annexes 1-3 on the Statistics on International Development webpage. 2. In 2015 the International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Act placed the 0.7% commitment in UK law from 2015 and in each subsequent calendar year. Delivery of leadership and tax audit training to tax administration officials from developing countries. Total bilateral aid commitments to Ukraine 2022-2023, by country and type. Nigeria (US$359 million), South Sudan (US$288 . 24/11/22 04:38. While there has been an increase since 2018, the total bilateral ODA to Africa remains below this peak (7m less than levels in 2017). The ONS publishes revisions to GNI estimates as more economic data becomes available. 2019 spend coloured in dark blue, 2018 spend in light blue. The dark blue section represents the proportion of total UK ODA delivered through Other Bilateral channels. The tracker uses open data on development projects, compliant with the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard, to show where funding by the UK Government and its partners is going and trace it through the delivery chain. Well send you a link to a feedback form. Luxembourg made the largest contribution as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) at 1.05% and . The portion of Gift Aid claimed by UK based international development charities that is then used on ODA eligible activities. This information is primarily inputted by spending teams in DFID country offices and central departments, with some quality assurance carried out at input and centrally to ensure that spend is in line with OECD definitions of ODA ii) Other Government Departments and contributors some of which have similar databases to record ODA transaction data. Unsurprisingly, the continent received the largest share of the UK's ODA budget in 2019 with US$4.2 billion. This spending is helping developing countries reduce their emissions in line with the ambition set out in the Paris Agreement. Compared to 2018, Government and Civil Society had an increased spend of 118 million in 2019, with the majority of this coming from DFID (90m). Figure 8: Country-specific bilateral ODA by Income Group, 2009-2019. the donor has specified where and/or what the ODA is spent on this is usually ODA going to specific countries, regions or programmes. If you require any other data or information, or if you have any thoughts about how to improve the publication, please contact the statistics team at: In the most recent three years for which data are available, UK aid spending per refugee in the UK almost tripled, increasing from 6,700 per capita in 2019 to 21,700 per capita in 2021. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office is now responsible for producing the Statistics on International Development statistical series, the designation of National Statistics carries through to the new Department. Office for National Statistics technical assistance to build capacity of statistical systems in developing countries. Uses of Foreign Aid. For example, support to the World Food Programmes (WFP) Emergency Operations in Yemen, other bilateral: this is earmarked ODA spent directly by governments or through other delivery partners, such as Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organisations, research institutions and universities. Provision of technical assistance in tax policy and administration issues to support the strengthening of tax systems in developing countries. The DAC sets the definitions and classifications for reporting on ODA internationally. The top 3 recipients of Humanitarian Aid spend were Yemen (219m), Syria (194m) and Bangladesh (125m). In 2019, frontline diplomatic activity (the FCOs administrative costs not included elsewhere, which are reported under FCO spend as Aid-related frontline diplomacy in support of aid flows to ) were reported at the country level compared to recent years when they were reported at the regional level. The OECD has set the benchmark for foreign aid by country at 0.7% of its gross national income (GNI). It also includes a summary of the government's current international development strategy and commentary on some of the issues affecting UK aid spending. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Figure 15 summarises the differences in the main sectors of 2019 UK bilateral ODA spend between countries of different income groups. Where we do have to revise information included in this publication, we will follow the procedures set out in our revisions policy. The rank (1:10) is on the y-axis, ODA spend (million ) is on the x-axis. To understand more about ODA eligible Gift Aid, please see methodology note. Major sectors are ordered from top to bottom by largest 2019 0DA spend. This article looks at statistics on aid spending and how it is being spent. See humanitarian factsheet (p. 35) for more background. The President's Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Budget Request for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is $60.4 billion, which includes $29.4 billion for USAID fully and partially managed accounts, $1.7 billion (6 percent) above the FY 2022 Request. The first table is based on official development assistance (ODA) figures published by the OECD for members of its Development Assistance Committee (DAC). The analysis in this chapter is based on provisional[footnote 21] 2019 ODA data from all 29 Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries[footnote 22] except the UK, for which final 2019 ODA data is used. The 5 largest sectors for bilateral spend in 2019 were: Figure 12: Bilateral ODA by major sector, 2018 & 2019. We also provide some thoughts concerning compliance and risk mitigation in this challenging environment. This publication is available at Other Government Departments spent 3,398 million of ODA in 2019, increasing by 434 million on 2018, Home Office spent 452 million of ODA in 2019, an increase of 115 million, or 34.0%, on 2018. This was a 7.0% fall (374m) compared to 2018. in part due to decrease in the amount of UK core funding to the International Development Association (part of the World Bank Group). by bilateral through multilateral ODA (earmarked funding) and core contributions to multilateral organisations (un-earmarked funding). Most policymakers understand that foreign assistance is a key instrument of U.S. foreign policy, but they also need to recognize that disruptions . A project title and description are also provided. Within Health, the top three spending areas in 2019 were Medical Research (339m), Family Planning (252m) and Infectious Disease Control (182m). support for international development work or asylum seekers/recognised refugees in the UK or another donor country), while 14.6% was for specific programmes or funds managed by international organisations in a specific sector with no designated benefitting countries. Figure 11 legend: Breakdown of UK Bilateral ODA, 2019. CSSF delivers ODA activities to tackle instability and prevent conflicts. This allows regional teams to adjust funding to ensure they have a strategic fit with HMG objectives and are delivering effectively. Spend to these countries accounted for 17.9% of total country-specific UK bilateral ODA, Pakistan has remained the top recipient of UK bilateral ODA for the fifth consecutive year. The users represent the government, civil society and non-government organisations, students and academia and the media. A report from the International Development Committee said the world's poorest countries were being "short-changed" by the government as the "political . The Joint Funds are covered separately as a whole, regardless of which Government Department spends the money. All data tables included in this report are available to download in spreadsheet format. Different world regions are on the x-axis (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Pacific). Which countries receive UK aid money? Anton Petrus/Getty Images(NEW YORK) -- One year after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of neighboring Ukraine, both sides are still fighting for control of areas in eastern and southern Ukraine. On 2 September 2020, DFID and FCO merged to form the new Department Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). , For breakdowns of spend to the top 20 recipients, see Table 6 on the publication landing page. Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The Government slashed the foreign aid budget from 0.7% to 0.5% of UK national income in 2021. . Education (for compulsory school age) and healthcare for asylum seekers based in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Figure 5 legend: World Map coloured by amount of bilateral ODA spend in recipient country ( million) in 2019. Figure 17 shows ODA spend as a proportion of gross national income (GNI) in 2019. The UK's foreign aid budget is being "raided" by the Home Office to cover the costs of hotel accommodation for refugees, a committee of MPs has claimed. A small proportion of UK bilateral ODA goes to the Pacific (Figure 4). Figure 14 provides an overview of the highest spending sector for each of the top 10 recipient countries of UK bilateral ODA in 2019. Ian Blackford, 9 June 2021. Here are the six types of foreign aid: 1. Outside of the top 5 sectors by bilateral spend, the largest changes between 2018 and 2019 were Production Sectors (increased by 171m) and support for asylum seekers in the UK known as Refugees in Donor Countries (increased by 108m). Least Developed Countries (LDCs/Other LICs) received more Humanitarian Aid (949m, 33.6% of total bilateral ODA to LDCs/Other LICs) and Health support (528m, 18.7% of total bilateral ODA to LDCs/Other LICs), whereas spend in these sectors was much lower for Upper-Middle Income Countries, where more ODA is spent on Multisector/Cross-Cutting sectors (140m, 20.1% of total bilateral ODA to UMICs) and Government and Civil Society (131m, 18.9% of total bilateral ODA to UMICs), View full size version of infographic: Case Study 2 Humanitarian. Since 1970, the UN has set a target for donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their GNI to foreign aid. It also provides small grants to organisations based in Wales to promote development awareness. The 2019 final ODA:GNI ratio is based on a GNI estimate published by the ONS on 30 June 2020. The UK ODA figures contained in this report are for 2019 ODA spending, when DFID and the FCO were separate departments, and as such, spend by these departments are reported separately. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated.

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uk foreign aid budget by country list