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tiffany's nightclub wimbledon

We had a lot of fun and accomplished a lot during my tenure with The Treetops and I have many fond memories from that time. Hi Pete, I recently sent a copy of When Will I Be Loved and If You Cant Give Me All along with several Treetops recordings to Chris. I was lucky enough to meet my wife there . This year he has been given a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to the Australian music industry. Bought a V neck brown jumper for 1.99 at LEX (those were the days of pennies), Went to El Cabala for a coffee. Its amazing that you still keep in touch with him and Pete. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We were asked if we would play on a Sunday night at The Elms, as guests of the resident jazz trio headed by Barry the Bass. This wasnt a dance, but more of a cabaret and we had to entertain a seated crowd who seemed more interested in their drinks than anybody on stage.We decided we needed an act rather than just churn out pop songs. I can't be fairer than that! He had probably the best rock voice of the time along with Ronnie Gent. I think it was at this time that the name Monotones was suggested. Both bands used to play regularly at St. Clements Church Hall and other places but St. Clements brings back fond memories of the Mums and Dads dropping their kids of at St. Clements to see what was usually 4 or 5 bands on in one night, only coke and crisps were served and the place was always packed. The group were Banned: but invited back after a week or two, however the deal was different. One amazing facet of Marthas abilities was her sight reading, which enabled her to play the most complex of pieces flawlessly, yet she couldnt take a solo in Johnny B Goode! During my stay at Alexanders, Mark left for Australia where he met up with Pete Trout again. His memory is better than mine ! Problem was, how could a then little known group fill the venue, on a Thursday evening when it was in any case competing with the London? Also a very proficient vocalist. I also worked at the Lyceum on the Miss World gigs, by that time I had formed a dance group with two other girls, we were called The Revolution. I was with them until the breakup. Trust life has been good for you too we are set to continue to travel for a while with 10 grand-children spread between Wellington (NZ), Queenstown (NZ), Melbourne and closer to home (Lake Macquarie) at Manly, Sydney. 15/06/2022 It is with deep sadness that I tell you of the passing of Jim Eaton . September 1967 saw the birth of Radio One and Radio Two. London had a great many criminal gangs including The Krays and The Richardsons. He heard our run through and suggested that perhaps he could play the piano on the recording, which he did. He was a quiet modest sort of chap. Went to Tiffanys. Mark Loyd (Nigel Basham) was the loveliest person one could meet. I have STILL got that first recording of What Would I Do but sadly my copy of Somethings Hurting Me got ruined. at, Good to read about you all after so long a time great times at the elms and other places you played can you send details on the cd and who and where to send payment i am just learning how to use a pc. Early Years. So, What Would I Do / have done without Tiffanys! Brian and I fairly quickly decided I was not going be the next Jet Harris and I would be far better as manager. Im wondering if Graham sent you the 45 of What Would I Do or do you mean a photo of such ? I was at WHSB with Pete Stanley, Brian Alexander, Ian Middlemiss, Richard Vousden, Paul Dunning, Jim Eaton, Nigel Basham and many others. It later became the Cat's Whiskers club, the Ritzy then Caesars Nightclub. I wonder how many of those members of local bands went on to musical careers. Dear Jim, please do give me your email address under, so I can send you more information. Many of us who went to 'the town' for a night out during the 1970s or 80s will have finished off at 'Tiffs' at some point. Hi Judy, Good to hear from you. So you come from Liverpool originally - this is worse than I thought.I will have to completely reassess our relationship now.Seeing the Sex Pistols mentioned reminded me I was at college with Malcolm McLaren and little Helen who was in the 'Great Rock and Roll Swindle'. I am doing a book on the Southend Mod scene in the 60s, which will include local bands, so your dads photos might be excellent for the book if I may have permission to use some You can email me on I didnt get the crown or the furs from him either!! It was hosted by original member, Cliff Messiter, who had enjoyed success as a very accomplished graphics artist and owner of a design studio. After reunion with Peter and Jim in May we have vowed to keep in touch from now on. The original bass player was, I believe, Graham Davidson (or Graham Dee), a friend of mine. You cant go wrong with Blue Suede Shoes and Tell Me What I Say..!!!! The club closed in 1997 and was demolished 18 months later, with a block of nondescript red brick flats now on the site - called The . Congratulations on your worthwhile and fulfilling career and we would like to read your book when you publish. Such wonderful memories! All Rights Reserved. Some of our first amps were not even enclosed, just a mass of valves and capacitors etc sitting in an open box. Up to five concerts per week, and watching EVERYTHING on popmusic on TV and there was some! Cliff was big and cool then. Sam phoned at 3.50 but I wasnt in.I phoned him at 6.00pm.He came round at 7.15 pm & went at 11.15pm. Bev and J phoned.Sam phoned about 4.30 & 5.00 pm (I have decided to call the boy Sam as it would have been my choice of boys names if I had a son, seems as good a name as any). The first replacement was Brian Edgings, who had been drumming with The Barracudas and later joined The Continentals. Barry had a unique drum style but more importantly he owned an old Austin estate wagon, which was perfect for transporting our few bits of equipment to future gigs. Our visionary founder, Charles Lewis Tiffany . Hi John By pure accident I came across this site looking for old 60s photos of Southend. I took on another organist, but this time someone who could sing as well. He only stayed a short while due to marital difficulties, and our next drummer Pete Trout, was to be with us for a further five years. During his last song, a number with an epic ending, he was mortified when we covered him with crazy foam. They like a good tale at AFC Wimbledon; their remarkable history is full of them. Did Peter really steal me away? I moved to Canada in 1967. It was great to hear it again after all these years. Once again, my sincere condolences for the sad loss of Nigel,as he will be greatly missed. Mick, Hi Mick Thanks for getting in touchfrom the other side of the world ! Take care Rod, hope for contact soon, Jim. Anyway, encouraged, I wound back my mental clock to the early 1960s. Fridays and Saturdays featured an assortment of pop acts such as Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders, Screaming Lord Sutch and the Savages etc. Either way , if it were available , Im interested in buying that copy . He played at the Elms and The Halfway House and also with Jo Loss and his Ambassador Band. Since I play by ear, these gigs could be tricky, remembering each set! I've never been to this strip club, but their sign which I pass everyday on 75 now says, "Recession Special: Lunch $5." Apparently, though you can't have breakfast at Tiffany's, you can now have a $5 lunch. We would usually finish with our version of Who Wears Short Shorts by Freddie and the Dreamers, at the end of which we all dropped our trousers. Its good to read all the happy recollections you all have of the early years, and I would definitely be up for a jam session with the lads sometime, especially if Fugley brings his spoons! Hi jim hope you and pam are well it was a shock when i read about mark passingaway last year as it was gary some years back one article in echo paper a while back you asked if some of us met our wifes at the elms i met my wife through freinds who went there we have been married 38 years now we live in rayleigh just out of southend if any of the monotones remember one xmas or newyear eve you had just said one last no before a break half way through gary hit the cymbals and they fell and hit my freind on the head maybe sometime if possible to meet up and catch all for now roy. ), Ian attended Joan Greenwoods Method School with such later luminaries as Olly Reed, John Leyton (Think Great Escape) and other up and coming thespians. By this time Mark had returned as lead singer and with Rod Clarke now joining our vocals we became more of a harmony group, concentrating on numbers by The Four Seasons, The Beach Boys, The Ivy League etc. And now the lowdown on the early years of the Monotones. (Hmmmmm!) Yes Matt,Ive got a lot to thank Tiffanys [and The Treetops] for!I wouldnt have met your Mum and it would have brought reality to our record Without the one you love.Instead,I could say Life is getting better'[a bit late to be plugging our records! As part of our contract we were required to play the tune Theres No Business Like Show Business if a fight or a fire was to break out. I recall being on a circular stage with The Joe Loss Orchestra and as they disappeared, around we came singing our first number. I left without going further with my guitar efforts and headed to sea for 12 years and then New Zealand for 28 and now Australia for 16. Im pretty sure he was. I retired from the band in 1980 and moved back to Southend in 1999. 'Three young men with woman outside Tiffany's night club, (believed to be on Shaftesbury Avenue) London c.1974. I dont go to South end very often now but was there last year and showed my husband some of my old haunts and told him about the White all and the London inn. We had our dinner in Solitaire.Sam bought a sketch pad and a Paddington pencil for me.I phoned Sam at 8.15 pm.Bev and J phoned.Had a bath & washed my hair. Another very good group was Mickey Law and the Outlaws. I will be home mid May and we should get in touch. 1964 saw the release of our second record Its Great which once again took us back to Regent Sound studio for the recording session. Most of all was his sense of humour. He came round at half 7.Got bus into town. From the very beginning of me buying records I always looked at the words in brackets under the song titles. I decided it was time to commit some of my memories of The Monotones to this websitewhere to begin? The Monotones and The Whirlwinds later to become Force 5, were the two bands everyone looked up to. Hello David Glad you found us and made contact . Time flies but the memories linger. My fellow band-mate Jim is at present comprising a brief history of the band and should be posting that soon. On the subject of Pete Willshire, he played with Pete Nye and Norman Hull as the Marksmen behind Houston Wells, who cut a few discs they worked some pub on the Blackwater I think. Obviously so traumatic my mind switched off at that point but I do know that from that performance on I was relagated to singing background oohs and aahsand I imagine Brians infamous twiddling with knobs was him turning down my microphone! Enoch Power sold pet food (Fido Meat) in the arcade next to Tiffany's night club / disco and Wimbledon Theatre. I have also recently managed to find a couple of their hits on a CD; Fab Gear: Beat Beat Beat Vol. We stayed with Mecca for eight years adding a female vocalist to our line up and we won several awards as the best Mecca band. Thanks. Not without a continent and ethnicity change , I too went to westcliff high school and left in 1960. No part of this website or the articles published here may be reproduced or transmitted in any from or by any means, without prior permission from the author. That was a good move for me as Brian had bought a Gibson 175 semi acoustic guitar and he loaned that to me as well, I could not put it down it was fantastic to play, you must have been very trusting, but I cant tell you how chuffed to bits I was to get to use some great gear at the time. Sam = a bit drunk.Left about 12.00 am. Required fields are marked *. I dont remember your dance group but have fond memories of the Miss World gigs ( probably something to do with the contestants ! ) Mention of the bass guitar I sold you brought a Dad made it.How long did it survive,and have you any photos ? I didnt emigrate to Australia though. Sorry about the pun. tiffany's nightclub wimbledonbest suny schools for physical therapy. Incidentally , we are , here in the UK , watching 63 UP ( and of course Trumps visit ! ) He used to be billed as Britains Strongest Teenager at local fetes and carnivals. Finally during the year Pete Stanley also decided to leave to concentrate on his business. When I left Tiffanys I went to New York and ended up working for United Nations joined UNICEF which spawned a fantastic career as an aid worker working all over the world culminating in 10 years in China in the 80s. We knew this was going to be an important night for us, as several Mecca directors would be there. We had a long chat and he was on his way back to Australia. I recall our first three opening numbers as Lullaby of Birdland, the theme from A Man And A Woman and Let There Be Love. In the article about the band for The Southend Standard Jim Eaton also noted their appearance on Ready Steady Go, Thank Your Lucky Stars and Juke Box Jury, clips Id love to see if they still survive. More information was not contained in those days. Pleased that you were able to respond. This obviously did not deter the BBC, as during 1968 we could be heard every weekday throughout the whole year! I very much hope that this note will reach you and help me on my quest. The manager was Gordon Hall (I was his girlfriend, and I smashed up his E-type jag!) As we got further into the evening we were able to perform songs we were more used to including material by The Mamas and Papas, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, The Byrds and The Beach Boys. The Elms, The Halfway House and also The Cricketers and London Hotel. plantation golf and country club venice membership fees; is 100k a good salary in seattle. I should also say that in the 1960s, Keith (who had a recording studio at the time) produced records for the brilliant local guitarist Pete Willsher, who is mentioned elsewhere on this site. I am in Australia at the moment, primarily to visit my daughter Alison but also to visit Nigel. Seems like riding a bike, you never forget.Believe it or not, I have only just sold a load of my gear that I used use at the Elms. Both were popular . I had totally forgotten the last two. as disco music was becoming increasingly popular. We played The Great Room at the Grosvenor Hotel in Park Lane. [SFM] fredina's nightclub. If ever your down this way would be great to catch up and exchange a few memries. Jim Eaton recently heard these songs again for the first time in about 47 years! Learn more about how you can collaborate with us. Easy to forget the other top local bands and how good they were. Hi Chris, So good to hear that someone remembers us!! Brian informed us that our days as resident band at Tiffanys were probably numbered. Tim still plays in a duo and a group in the north of England..he also has played with the Commitments and the Hit men / Class of 64.I went on to become a founder member of the Scottish Ballet Company and toured the world dancing with Rudolph Nureyev and sharing roles with Margot Fonteyn! Jonas Porst Public Relations 00491735722342, Hi Brian, its good to hear and remember all those times. Glad to hear your son Christopher is doing well and my regards to Jim and Brian as and when you contact them. i also went on several occasions to Treetops at Wimbledon I see you h ave come back to the Southend area I remember you working in an Estate agent in Rochford ? The only Treetops record to be recorded in another studio, was California My Way which we did at the De Lane Lea Studios in 1968. Description Discussions 0 Comments 0 Change Notes. Are you out there Joyce? And that does remind me.You left out one of our major appearences..namely the Darby and Joan Fete at Chalkwell Park where we represented the local beat-comboplaying second billing to the Billy Cotton Band [ Wakey Wakey!] Dec 09, 2014 at 1:03 pm. Like many other contributors, I also attended Westcliff High School for Boys (from 1954-61) and, apart from being lead singer with the Mustangs from 1962-65 (see Mick Reads email of 11th January) Im also the older (and much smaller) brother of Lionel Thomas who, around the time he was a bouncer at the Elm Hotel with Terry Latter, was Britains strongest youth, with an 18 inch collar size and 46 inch chest. With the reformed group and with Ian Middlemiss taking over rhythm guitar we started to play more gigs in church halls, school dances, garden fetes etc with the occasional guest singer such as Ian Tripcony who sang a couple of Freddy Cannon hits. Hi Sally, It was so good to hear from you, Pam and I were so pleased at your obvious success and of course Tims also. This was even more horrendous than our last name and thankfully it didnt last too long. Later, I opted out as my career was more important. I had a lot of fun with the band and look back fondly at the people, the accomplishments and the high spirits that made the five or so years I was with the band so memorable. The two other most popular groups were The Whirlwinds and The Paramounts ( later to gain fame as Procul Harem ). I believe it must be the same band but can find very little out about them. I decided to buy a Hawaiin guitar, which would suit the setting. It was designed to be a demo studio and we quickly gained a reputation for quality recordings. Tiffany Hill. I am Pat, was Harper,praps you remember me from Bridgewater Drive. The Ailsa Five used to meet and practice (If the caterwauling noise could be so dignified!) They used to play The Elms on Wednesdays and the occasional Saturday. A fairly decent snooker player.I never did manage to beat him. The next release,in 1968,California My Way brought the following review from a music critic..Ive heard more than enough about California..especially with my chances of ever getting there I wonder what he thought of the B side Carry On Living which was an homage to Whiter Shade Of Pale, with organ intro and the opening line Let the moon turn to cheese and the stars garden peas!I suppose he would have said our follow-up Mississippi Valley goes to prove the influence,on us,of America and its music.Which brings me full circle again as I also take the opportunity of congratulating Chris Bishop on his excellent website without which we wouldnt have discovered the release of When Will I Be Loved. Glad there are people who remember those great nights at the Elms etc.. Jim Eaton. Our bassist was Pete Stanley who was in Brians class at school. Great times! Regards Judi. It was a rich and much missed era of genuine live sound and great gigs, now smothered in miming, electronic sound manipulation and image above ability. This was the opportunity Hughes needed! Just discovered your blogsite here and its amazing. I was pleased and interested to hear about The Mustangs and hope maybe we could all meet up. As a result of my earlier posting I was contacted by his son in law from the USA who told me that Nigel now lived in Sydney and at that time we lived in Australia too. Train was late had to wait hour. Most venues only had a licence for two musicians, and playing chart covers wasnt easy with only two band members. We went to a greek club after work called the Clubmans Club in Chinatown or varied it by going in the Portland Lodge, not forgetting the hours we spent in Nicks all night cafe. FaRaFEIT marathon; former exams I still see Brian occasionally, he still owns several businesses and now and again we get together and play some of the oldies. I am sorry to hear Gary died, the last time I saw him, his Son came into my shop to buy some drums, I think in the 80s, saying his Dad would come in and sign the HP forms to buy them, and later that day in walks Gary, apparently his office was one block up from my shop, it was great to see him. I have found where Tims business is and will try to make contact. Brian arranged for us to record What Would I Do which he had co-written with Pete at Pyes Marble Arch studios. It was originally a cinema I believe in the 50s, then it was a nightclub called the Moulin Rouge. This of course meant giving away some of my earnings, clearly a situation that could not go on. However, I managed to talk my way into a sales job and eighteen years later in 1998 I retired as managing director of that company. Once again I was searching for a replacement and found probably the best keyboard player I had ever heard. Their leader at the time was Jimmy Mack the keyboard player. He used to come in the club most Friday evenings and was possibly the cause of a number of problems we suffered. Mark Loyd, 1964Postscript, February 2011: Jim Eaton: I have just returned from Australia where I caught up with Mark Loyd who was for many years part of The Monotones before he pursued a solo career.

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tiffany's nightclub wimbledon