my boyfriend calls me his baby mamamrs. istanbul

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my boyfriend calls me his baby mama

I love him so much and fought for two years to make sure he was involved. Why is he spending all of his free time with his ex and ignoring you? They are a couple guys in school and when they found out I had a daughter they said oh no , I am too young to be taking care of a child that ain't mine I said uh I wasn't even thinking that's far I thought we were friends and that's the end of that lol. It depends some people always have that love and some people don't. I'm feeling lost here with all these responses. DO NOT GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS! Baby girl I've been there. Realistically if i didnt have a daughter with her i wouldnt mind her getting hit by a train. The thing is I don't want his money and I know he needs to be held accountable but honestly if he doesn't want part of his daughter life he can go. If she's here on a fiancee visa, they will have to marry within 90 days or she has to go back home. cuz u know u have to deal with the drama that his baby mama will cuz. **** her I took care of her 9 years and have a 7 year old with her and she became a cold blooded killer after hanging out with her hoe friends could care less its me and my son time to go find a dime piece. Move on.. GET AWAY FROM THIS GUY! Not "love" but "Love" the way back in the bedroom when they can! I hate my boyfriends baby and the baby mama drama. But you cant just put up with it in silence, its always better that you speak up and let him know if anything is bothering you. Is it meet ups? My boyfriend and I don't hang out for a long time because he has to go home so that the baby mama doesn't suspect anything. The problem is i messed up the relationship and now shes afraid ima do it again. But why what did she do so bad for you to feel this way? It may sound petty, but he made me mad one day and I told her, and of course, she believed him when he denied it . Idk what to do , how to feel , I love this man to the fullest and we have finally got worked on us , she was 8 month pregnant and he didn't tell me . For some, yes, maybe they didn't want the relationship to end and the break wasn't their choice. I had nothing left in me. I still have the desire that I want my family back together. I can tell in the tone of his voice. He has some issues with him, Did u put him on child support ? I just have on question can my spouse has kids from a previous relationship( has to Baby mama's ) and they call him he hold conversations with them I don't know if it's about the kids because he will say things like yea she called me earlier today talking about this and that but if it was my daughter father calling me it's a problem but you can hold full blown conversations with both you bm's not to mention his 11 yrs older then me at times I don't know what to do or say to him without sounding childish or ridiculous but I hate the feeling that he's doing things behind myou back. The mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with whom you are not currently involved. He told me that he will tell her about us but just not right now. But shit change and he grabbed my attention. I don't know what to do. Especially when u find someone who is better at loving you than anyone else was. not every man will always love his baby momma. International custody disputes are a big hot mess. Because the sex is amazing and its something we both want. He's complaining about you to her, and she can't respect you because she knows your secrets and fears. Reply. When his ex-girlfriend calls him, however, he has to take the call in another room or go outside for a walk. Sometimes the baby mama is telling the truth and your bf just wants you to think she's crazy. I have 2 kids with my BD and he has 3 kids with his BM before me. Or is it a real problem? I'm only 24 and he's 35 , and his bm is 25 , everyone say I need to move on and let go. Related Heres what it means when a guy calls you mama. There is no such thing as package deal in this situation when she keeps calling for nothing. If she tries to use the child against him, there are legal steps he can take. After that i change dramatically and fell even more in love with her but she left me for another guy and lied about it. I was with the mom for 5 years. It's a classic story. If he resists, then you know he still hasn't moved on. Are you sure they are not married? To try to sum up what could be a culmination of mixed emotions may be impossible but you have to build that bridge to get across. You arent wrong in feeling that, a person can only take so much, and patient and understanding for so long before someone pushes too far. Having baby after baby in a fatherless household will keep a poor woman poor. The thought of my daughter being parented by another man rips me apart inside and its always been very hard for me to cope with. I love him and deep down I have a feeling that maybe we will be together in the future. Hes making it clear he wants children with you. If he has the resources to buy her an apartment he certainly has the resources to put her up in hotel for awhile. On another note, my bd cheated and had a bust-it-baby at the end of our relationship. So, do I have "drama" - yup! About a week after he was texting me that he needs me, he loves me and wed be in each others arms soon. Six years later he met me and now we are married . I know I try but the shit she says sounds believable..they were together for 8 year there son is 3 I think deep down he still has feelings for her (even tho he talks bad about her ) and now we have a kid together..I think it's the same thing all over again. Step 1. Plus I learnt from him and his family that his ex treated him like sh*t. Well, I have a unique situation. Trust your intuition. He has no respect for either of you. We broke up 3 months ago our son is 8 months and I caught him in our bed with another woman only days after we broke up. George, dont chop any parts off. So, I just got out of a 3 year relationship with a guy who has a child. Sleeps all day except when he watches our daughter when I go to college. I feel a baby mama should be treated like any ex. Wanting to have a baby with some girl simply refers to being ready to take the . Also, does she always complain about her ex? Its hard to say for sure without asking, but I know for a fact some guys will say it as a way to test the waters! Speak up, tell him how you feel and if he doesn't take a stand then you know that he really isnt worth it. I'm in luv with a guy who has four kids and two baby mamas.. should I let g My girlfriend and mother of my 2 kids is pregnant with black guys baby My g Trust issues with a guy with baby mama drama. Let not mention that bum(honestly speaking). They do it as an insult. I agree . No. Continue with this affair or just drop get rid of him and say it's over finally over you had enough of this and you want out and you will call the police on him if he doesn't leave you alone. He told me on Saturday after I took him home on FaceTime that he got his baby mama pregnant in January! Plus, the whole time he was with her, he would call and ask me for advice and talk with me about things he felt he couldn't express to her. Fast forward 2 weeks later, he was calling my phone to get some. My bf dated his BM for 14 years and they had three kids together. Take for example. However, the difference is she knew he had a fiance, she was just living in hope that she's never make it over to England, because it took about 3 years. Hell NO! Is okay so recently he told the kids he would take them to the movies but he never asked the kids what type of movie they wanted to see he bought the tickets and our kids paid no mind to the fact that they didnt know what movie they were going to see until they got to the theatre so when they get there he has a fit because his wife his wifes kids who are his step kids they dont have kids of their own made decision to watch a movie that they all agree on I guess while our kids whom he made plans with were not in on this movie decision making. I said dont forget you blocked me of all access to you. I was fine, but found out I was pregnant. Its been almost 3yrs and i still havent met my boyfriends BM. If he called you mama in front of people then it would either be the case that he naturally says it or that he was showing more overt attraction for you. I know you don not want to be in this. I have been playing both roles as mother and father for the past 16 years taking the responsibility financially, physically, and emotionally. Ya have kids together. Why do you tolerate this? when a man have a kid(s) with his ex(s) they are a package deal.if u want to be with him, u have to be supportive n understanding and don't stress him out cuz he is not giving u enough time.this can lead to fights n eventually a break up. I havent heard from him or her. For some, its as simple as getting ALONG for the kids ONLY. If you have never heard a guy say mama before then it is similar to calling a woman babe or sweetie assuming that he is a similar age as you. He told me he wanted his family back and began to show me that he meant it and did all the things he should but told me 3 months later she was 5 months pregnant and I should have ran, but I didn't and I decided if he really didn't want to be with her and did what he should to put me at ease, it would be okay. As far as love goes I love him to the degree that my daughter loves him and he's important to her so since I love her I care about him. She needs to move on.. I was in a position where I supported him and always made sure he was there for them. Baby mom's are psychotic, that is my conclusion after my hellish weekend due to my own drama. There's plenty of men out there who are looking for a good woman. Ladies if he does and doesnt provide in any way..he is not the one! If he doesnt follow through with setting boundaries with his baby mama, then he's a ****. Miss Lucy had a baby And she named him Tiny Tim. Baby mama drama, Dating a Guy with a new born baby and dealing with the baby mama drama, Girlfriend stopped calling me baby,babe,love. Guys follow me always did always will I will never follow them! The father of my child knew I wasn't on birth control.. (which I'm not saying it's all his fault it does take two to tango) anyways I found out after I had our daughter by his family members that he had purposely gotten me pregnant so I wouldn't go back to an ex. She knows all about me and I know all about her but we never met in person and when I tried to reach out to her myself she told my bf that I messaged her .. she blocked me too. We do so good together and everything seems happy and healthy but everytime he comes back he's mad and tryna act like ive done something wrong. The SSL certificate presented by the server did not pass validation. These men are confusing. Yes theyre are always memories and depending on how long ya have been together. How to react to my man going to his baby mamas house all the time? Your boyfriend may tell you he doesn't want to talk to her except to know if the kids are ok, he's lieing. This is no big deal, and you shouldn't sweat it. Said my mind's gone half crazy (Yeah) 'cause I can't leave you alone (And I just don't know) And I'm wonderin' if it's worth me holdin' on (I said I just don't know what to do now .

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my boyfriend calls me his baby mama