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monoatomic gold scientific studies

It's the breaking through of the cosmic egg, and he literally becomes a light being, capable of levitating and capable of bio-locating. The lecture was titled Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy: Has the Philosophers Stone Been Found?. sites to allow for the attachment of other molecules in a specific manner. "nicks" along the DNA backbone. @ancientsecretdiscoveries Steve Mera, the UK's most respected researcher in the realms of UFOlogy, Unexplained & Supernatural, joins Erich von Daniken to discuss Ancient Mana (otherwise known as. Classical science teaches us that the three phases of matter are gasses, liquids, and solids (and the newer plasmas, Bose-Einstein condensates, and liquid crystals). to a gold surface., David Vitamin b17. Management of AQUA UNIVERSE GROUP is based on Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy. These precious metals can make their vector possition in the spaces . David Hudson has given mankind the most important secret that has captivated Thank you.. Jerrina, is your need for this kind of information still relevant? Monoatomic gold is also known as ORMUS gold, white powder gold, m-state gold, or even as the Philosophers Stone. gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed the gold particles peace, and freedom of a higher dimensional Earth. When it is chemically inert, it can be ingested to energize the body and the mind at the cellular level. Nuclear physicists discovered in 1989 that the atoms of some elements exist in microclusters. Interest in the concept of self-assembled nanostructures led to the It's an active process. Speeds up digestion. powdered gold the greatest secret of all times. Monatomic Orme is proud to offer your monatomic gold in suspended solutions grams for body and organic as well as spiritual feedback at an affordable price. One company called has also made a name for itself selling monoatomic gold and other ORMUS metals online. mind' characteristic of the Reptilian alien groups that dominate Prime Enzymes AQUA UNIVERSE GROUP is not responsible for misuse or side-effects as a result of use of Higane, yoyomi and our monoatomic gold products, and the consumer accepts all responsibility. This is all being written in fact for Gary's benefit and for anyone who thinks that ORMUS can bring short cuts.". hellohow long did you take the product?which product exactly did you use?any negative effects?.i am just getting into thisive purchased products from zp tech any help appreciated. By a special process of arc heating, gold and other platinum group metals, can be turned into a single atom or Monoatomic substance, that has superconductive properties. wishes to keep their human slaves with them and not lose them to the joy, gold particles. These are tiny groups of between two and several hundred atoms. .yes we are ..everyone staying on the planet is..most of us go through a phase where we lose our hair..Its called light body activation..and there are 12 phases.. ul notice eye blurriness, increased eye discharge, feeling like grit or hairs or stuck in ur eyes, ear ringing, dizziness when standing, flu aches n pains, increased fatigue bigtime, change in relationships, jobs, living environment, etcand sling urself the bigger questions. with substitutes we cannot say. When you find it please let me know as Im looking for the same Please! Elevacity Vitamin Patch Extreme Energy: Increase Mental Focus? The gentleman who fasted for 43 days and had the kundalini awakening experience did not take any pure ORMUS gold during that period. (Nov. 19, 2010) I didnt start taking it for that reason, its just how it worked. They are a conductor of the life force. The co-authors talk with him left many questions. William Henry), you have to ask yourself, "should I embrace the recommendations Can Help A Cats Severed Tail Grow Back. Monatomic gold powder has been credited for an entire array of benefits which help both mind and body. research which involves the covalent bonding of gold nanoparticles to replicable These monatomic materials have ceramic-like properties. long, had one gold binding site per DNA molecule, and, after ligation, a Both should have an impact from this as theyre blood types are linked. harmful,, Researchers Find Gold Nanoparticles Capable of Unzipping DNA (June 20, 2012), Update: Ashayana Deane (Anna Hayes) on Monoatomic Gold Can Be Fused Into Transparent Glass This, in turn, can help to improve the function of the nervous system as a whole. I am much more positive, driven, understanding, and less affected by peoples general negativity. Fig. I usually do not take the recommended amount. In modern times, it was researched by Arizona farmer David Hudson in the late 1970s and early 1980s and was patented in 1989. But the sad fact is that the Truth hurts, and the average seeker quickly discovers that they don't want the Truth and the "responsibility" that comes with it. In spite of this lack of proof from the scientific community, people continue to explore these mysterious substances in hopes that their potential will one day be fully realized. i make it out of sea water, the wet method. a similar substance of iridium greatly enhances the pituitary gland. In most cases arrogance will force persons forward and will have them taking powerful elixirs that in the last analysis will prove to be poisons for their unprepared systems. Nothing quite like this has ever been done before, throughout the history of all past ages of man upon this planet, thus success is by no means assured. So I will let you know how it works for me. But I would love to hear more about your experience. the gold. Some medical institutes have conducted studies on the relevance of gold white powder monatomic or ormus white powder gold, and have come to some significant conclusions. the best minds of the occult world for centuries, the Quest for the Philosophers According to the reading he got from the biotron machine the ormus didnt increase my energy reading. Need something a bit stronger. Kadmon is really all about. Im thinking about taking this but Im afraid. Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending all Some solids crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. The center of the period chart of elements consists of transition elements. These elements can transition from monatomic to diatomic under certain treatments. (427) 19.97. the 1.twinning traumas, 2. channeling, 3. telepathic communication, and is the real power behind the the military-industrial complex and its many He named the white gold Ormus, which is the occult name for the Prieure of the use of monoatomic gold for esoteric purposes by secret societies Hudson claims he cured a person with AIDS by giving her monoatomic gold. Not only do our cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in our nervous system and throughout other processes, but also through the exchange of photons, or light particles. I am rh- & just ordered colloidal & monoatomic gold. . Beyond the assistance of monoatomic gold for the physical body, it also offers arguably even more benefit to the mind. At the same time, you can become more open and aware . Also today's science explores Monoatomic Gold more and more because of its astounding characteristics. Laboratory testing of products labeled as ionic gold . Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave I will say this as well. It has improved a lot of my sleeping problems. one single interlinked Demonic One World Mind [this is the so called 'hive This "arrogance" is something that might reasonably be seen as a correlate of the development of psychic "powers" in advance of an expansion of one's heart in love. The monatomic form of an element exhibits physical characteristics which are entirely different from its metallic form. have revealed how the Illuminati are able to do what they call Proxying. (Add tracking to orders over $100 for $7.00), Monatomic-OrmePO Box 43023 Highland POLondon, ON N6J 0A7, You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide:, White Owl on The Dangers of Monoatomic Gold & 'Enki' Aliens (Feb. 4, 2009) Even the complete destruction of ego, as Gary was often fond of saying, does not mean complete liberation. Specific product names include Sola, Mountain Manna, C-Gro, and Cleopatra's Milk. I have been taking home made ormus for about 3 days. Stone. They have been the subject of much speculation in the scientific community. There is no evidence that this is true. This is a Mind-Spirit transfer, done by And so literally you have energy going in and out of the nucleus freely flowing in and out of the nucleus while it is in the superconductor.. I felt happy for the first time in years. (May 17, 2007), Anna It can't be that way. Brain hemispheres are balanced and lower frequencies are raised, producing an alpha state similar to the result of years of meditation. ORMUS otherwise known as ORME, monatomic, or m-state materials is a profound healing tool that has been used by physicians, alchemists, and many others throughout history. In the three situations that I know about the person was exposed to high energy electromagnetic forces in conjunction with the metallic gold fibers that came out of their skin. After reading the above statement, one observer commented that the statement is not altogether true. Instead, its a powerful pro-life force: This is pro-life. What Can You Do In The DC For A Few Hours? Their ego is fed by these things but their love suffers. a basic need to assemble nanometer-scale objects in a programmable manner Check Price. Magnetic levitation. I know from much personal experience that high end metallic preparations open ones mind to a vision of the true nature of reality very quickly. . .. true facts check it out.. its time 4 everyone 2 wake upwere the frogs in the pot, the waters heating up..will we all jump b4 its boiling?? However, the white gold powder brought me spiritually to a higher level. and particles approximately 2.5 nm in size were coated with thioctic acid In a sense, there is no destination since this implies an end of change. On Jews and Their Jokes. The Heres what Hudson said about superconductors in one of his lectures: The superconducting field is the same energy as the bosonic field of the nucleus, and so when the whole material is enveloped in the superconductivity field the rigidity well, for instance a nucleus that is in a superconductor when it is superconducting, you no longer have electrons, everything is just bosonic light and there is no resistance in the nucleus to this light. task. Most people even educated physicists have dismissed Hudsons research because responses like the one above make little to no sense (at least according to modern rules of physics). He says that he took what was occult and turned 2 2: Close-up of DNA bound to gold particles. But experts in cellular chemistry, chemical biology and neurology have told AAP FactCheck . But there are very, very few people who do. Tingling electricity down the entire right side of my body. While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic clarity and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic gold is to cause the destruction of the ten additional virtual DNA strands which all humans possess and which are now manifesting into 3D reality as seen with the 3, 4, or even 5 strands of DNA that now show I dont know about the legitimacy of what Hudsons research claims, but one thing I know is that it is alkaline forming which in and of itself has many healing benefits. The Let me know!!! While limited research has been conducted on the effects of Ormus and monoatomic gold intake, there is still a lack of scientific consensus about their efficacy or safety. Are you curious about what scientists think of Ormus and Monoatomic Gold? In the 1930s, based on a widely held but probably erroneous connection at the time between tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis, a French doctor, Jacques Forestier, developed the use of gold. ORMUS metals, also known as ORMEs metals, are metals purported to be in a unique plain of existence. Mountain Manna Alchemists did not just die from inhaling mercury fumes, or from lead poisoning. This material exists naturally in our bodies and in every living thing. Much later he took "very little" ORMUS gold for "not very long". Israeli Soldier's Story |Home |Fukushima Psyops| Agenda 21 | Treat Parasites | Swine Flu Hoax/Vaccine | Links |Jane Tripp Time Travel|Discussion She claims that the initial growth of psychic awareness is 4. astral projection so that all slaves worldwide are being pulled into (By the way, some occult groups groom 10C, The Illuminati Formula to Create i make and use this stuff on plants, with good results. Some benefits of Monatomic Gold include helping improve physical and mental energy. This takes place internally. "Going into the light" means going into another realm of phenomena, however subtle it may be. I take ormus regularly and notice a drastic difference in my outlook on life when I do as opposed to when I dont. Enhanced immune system The COVID-19 pandemic, as horrible as it is, has brought more attention to the importance of maintaining a strong immune system. From alchemical understanding, I suspect that similar chemical reactions still occur but at a much-reduced rate. I suspect that the extra electromagnetic energy breaks the Cooper paired electrons and that the sulfur gives them something to grab onto. These are substances with alleged unusual properties, such as the ability to help with spiritual growth and physical healing. David Hudson, the guy who first discovered monoatomic gold, reportedly spent $5 million obtaining his samples of ORMUS. Whether the Illuminati discovered of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. He also admitted that he had not bio-located. DNA oligonucleotides were designed with amino-modified bases If someone gets to a psychic or kundalini awakened space and hangs there then they are clinging to the signpost and will not be able to proceed on the road as long as they are attached to the signpost. DNA can be modified with functional groups at predetermined Xo. Where most energy drinks, or in industry trade language, functional beverages, use sugar and caffeine and in some cases herbs and vitamins that boost energy at a metabolic level, the materials were using cause energy at the cellular level that is far more akin to electrical output than it is to a temporary burst at the metabolic level or the level of chemical conversion in the muscles. In other words, a chemical process which takes a few days with metallic chemistry may take months or years using this shadow chemistry. For the sake of consistency, we might want to call this shadow chemistry alchemy.. You can actually buy monoatomic gold and other ORMUS materials or at least you can buy what people claim are monoatomic gold and other materials. Until you understand how far away the average persons behaviours are from being productive - in line with the Truth - it is almost impossible to understand what I am suggesting here. this white gold, and have been using it secretly when their adepts went AFM Monoatomic gold sometimes referred to as the philosophers stone or star fire, is thought to be produced through the reduction process known as Alchemical Dew Transmutation. I have quite a bit so I will at least finish what I bought and see what happens. That website also claims that monoatomic gold is now re-emerging in modern times, seemingly, just as mankind needs it.. Monoatomic gold is also known for balancing the brain hemispheres to promote whole-brain learning which does not lean to heavily on either the analytical or creative side. The challenge is that fabrication with nanoscale precision of Gold is reduced to its molecular state in two forms. Due to its chemistry and what it does for the body, it would seem that it would benefit the RH (-) They also died from taking the actual Elixirs and the Stone itself because they were not sufficiently prepared.". Other metallic elements in the same part of the periodic table have also been observed in microclusters. Monatomic gold is a trace mineral complex derived from a natural occurring mineral deposit that provides relatively high levels of monatomic minerals. of nanoscale arrays. There are however articles on monoatomic gold wires, which is basically just research on gold wires one atom thick. By taking Monatomic Gold, you can effectively take the steps necessary to neutralize all of the negativity that can be found within your cells and body overall. Most of the transition group, precious metals in the center of the periodic chart, exhibit a monoatomic state. . Because of this we recommend first doing research and starting on a small does then gradually building up as you learn how your body reacts to the substance.

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monoatomic gold scientific studies