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best deep sky objects by month

Even with moderate light pollution, my 8 inch Dobsonian telescope can pick up a grayish teal color coming from this deep sky object. Ive only captured a few images of this target but it goes well with the impressive family of objects located within the Constellation Orion . In July, four deep-sky objects will be in the best position in the sky; three of them may be seen with the naked eye. A good reason to photograph NGC 4565 is its two satellite galaxies, so challenge yourself to have all 3 visible in your final image! You can read more about this in our Top 15 targets for Summer post. list of 7000 objects sorted by constellation and magnitude. Best events 2023: comets, eclipses, planetary conjunctions, and more! Magnitude:9.36 Watch the video below if you'd like to learn about these targets in a video format. It lies about 16,000 light-years away from Earth five times more distant than M35. This small group of galaxies lies approximately 35 million light-years from Earth. The Spring season is also home to the deep sky object chosen for the first episode of Galactic Hunter: We have not had the chance to photograph Markarian's Chain yet. To find an object youre interested in, tap the magnifier icon, write the objects name or catalog designation in the search field, and choose it from the list. The Blackeye galaxy includes a notable dark band of dust in front of the bright nucleus. It also has several other galaxies around it, including the companion, The spiral arms of M106 are full of Hydrogen-Alpha, so if you are able to, make sure to add a couple of hours or more with a, Thor's Helmet is a more complex version of the, NGC 2359 spans about 30 light-years in diameter and is located not far from Sirius in the constellation of the great dog, Canis Major. About the white balance. Illustrated Messier objects list (PDF, 4.9MB, 7 pages) M97 also lies in Ursa Major and is very close to another Messier object: M108. The image shown above was created using a large refractor telescope (Sky-Watcher Esprit 150) and LRGB filters from my backyard in the city. You can either use a telephoto lens such as a 135mm or 200mm, or even better options are widefield . Open Cluster. Fabulous effort Fred - I will be downloading very shortly. Designation: M64 After finding the three stars that make up Orions belt, move down until you come across what looks like a patch of gray clouds floating in the sky. But there is very little that I can find on line to guide me through these steps. You can now see some of the fine details and textures of this grand spiral design galaxy in detail. I enjoyed watching your video on the 8 galaxy targets and have learned a great deal from all of your VlOG. Astronomers are weird people and they often name things according to their strange ideas. magnitude, number of stars, page in Uranometria 2000, comments, common name, etc. If you manage to see one of them in the sky, dont hesitate to share your observation experience with us on social media. In addition, Pawe Biaecki is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to From early March until Mid-May, the window of opportunity for night-sky enthusiasts to photograph a wide variety of galaxies is at its best. Finally, use the free Stellarium planetary software if you don't know how to locate a target in the night sky (or use a GOTO equatorial mount by typing the target name/coordination there). Here at Astro Photons, I share my astrophotography, space, and astronomy knowledge to help beginners make their first steps into their hobbies. Find out whats in the sky in 2023 with our astronomy calendar. We have not had the chance to photograph Markarian's Chain yet. Astronomers refer to the Leo Tripletas the M66 Group. We might just use our DSLR camera on a tracker if we get impatient! The Deep-Sky Observers Year is a month-by-month guide to the best objects to view. The Ring Nebula . You can find our list of the best targets of the other three seasons below: SUMMER - 15 best astrophotography targets for Summer, FALL - 15 best astrophotography targets for FALL, WINTER - 15 best astrophotography targets for WINTER. The first four on this brief list should be a breeze to spot this month. Most of the images were taken from "NGC/IC project" site, and a few of them are from other sources (see copyright information). Madhup Rathi M38: The Starfish Cluster in Auriga. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi, I'm Pawe Biaecki, the author of this site! No joy here all bad this spring so u keep them coming Hi . However, if you consider these factors, your job will be easier. Kelly Kizer Whitt. If you can put up with the added software and even steeper learning curve, perhaps a CCD at this stage would set you on the right track for your imaging goals well into the future. I'll be using this for sure. Description: NGC 2808 is one of the Milky Ways most massive globular star clusters it contains millions of stars. Processing it is also easy, and can be really fun as the galaxy will appear to, M81 and M82 are two beautiful galaxies that are easy targets for beginner astrophotographers looking to get two impressive objects for the price of one. Once you find it, then use a medium powered eyepiece to study the faint and fine details of the object. NGC 891 galaxy 3. Magnitude:9.8 Get Space, Astronomy, and Astrophotography tips straight to your inbox. my free ebook if you are looking for the easiest targets for beginners overall, 106 Astrophotography Targets by Month List & Calendar, Crab Nebula picture from the Hubble Space Telescope, Astrophotography Telescope - Best Picks for Beginners, - iPhone Porady, Triki, Wskazwki, Force Saber of Light App Terms of Service, The Whip Sound App Original App Terms of Service, Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405 / SH 2-229 / Caldwell 31), Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443 / Sharpless 248), Eskimo Nebula / Clown-Faced Nebula / Lion Nebula (NGC 2392 / Caldwell 39), Medusa Nebula (Abell 21 / Sharpless 2-274), Hickson 44 Galaxy Group (HCG 44 - NGC 3185, NGC 3187, NGC 3190, NGC 3193), M96 Intermediate Spiral Galaxy (NGC 3368), M100 Galaxy Grand Design Intermediate Spiral Galaxy (NGC 4321), Intermediate Spiral Galaxy Galaxy (NGC 4258), NGC 4725 Intermediate Barred Spiral Galaxy, Silver Needle Galaxy (NGC 4244 / Caldwell 26), Black Eye Galaxy / Sleeping Beauty Galaxy / Evil Eye Galaxy (M64 / NGC 4826), Splinter Galaxy / Knife Edge Galaxy (NGC 5907), Barnard's Galaxy (NGC 6822 / IC 4895 / Caldwell 57), Blue Snowball Nebula (NGC 7662 / Caldwell 22), Stephan's Quintet (NGC 7317, NGC 7318a, NGC 7318b, NGC 7319, NGC 7320c), Little Dumbbell Nebula (M76, NGC 650 / 651), Silver Sliver / Outer Limits Galaxy (NGC 891). It contains the irregular variable star AE Aurigae, which adds a bluish color . It is a pretty unique-looking galaxy, which is why it is very popular for amateur astrophotographers. Yes, that adds up to 15. The other satellite, Messier 110, is more of a challenge because it has a low surface brightness. Constellation:Canes Venatici. Depending on where you live, Spring usually starts out very cold but the temperature outside gets much more pleasant around May. Please note that NGC 2359 is actually higher in the sky in Winter, but is still available at the beginning of Spring in case you missed it! While these nebulas will be difficult to see through your telescope the two clusters within them are an enjoyable part of space to explore with a pair of binoculars or a telescope. Product Quality: A product that you won't have to buy again or that will last you a long time is an important consideration, especially when it comes to the deep sky objects by . Using the finest optical telescopes available for amateur work, superior eyepieces and the darkest site on Earth, he describes and sketches the view from the telescope as never . Find out what noteworthy deep-sky objects are well-placed for observations this February! front cover page, notes, tag descriptions and copyright notices, List of 7000 DSO (name) (PDF, 1.1MB, 109 pages) thumbnail images of NGC objects (from 650 DSO list) sorted by name, with descriptions, Cover and Notes (PDF, 290KB, 2 pages) Astro Photons Pawe Biaecki, os. This is our guide to stargazing and astronomy under the southern hemisphere guide, and a list of the top astronomical phenomena you can see south of the equator. It is bright enough to be spotted with the naked eye (if the sky is not light-polluted). The Whirlpool Galaxy is a magnificent sight through a large telescope under dark skies. Here you will find amongst several objects the Starfish and Pinwheel clusters. First discovered by Johann Elert Bode in 1774, M81 is sometimes referred to as Bodes Galaxy. We wish you clear skies and happy observations! You can photograph almost every target on the list with a telephoto lens (100mm focal length or more) and a telescope (even a small one - I almost always use mySkyWatcher Evostar 72ED). A new noteworthy comet has been discovered! During processing, the main challenge lies in bringing out the faint outer shape of the expelling gases from their interaction. Since this photo was taken in 2014, I have captured this pair independently from one another (using a larger telescope) with remarkable results. SAC 7.7 Deep sky database: Data courtesy of the Saguaro Astronomy Club, To print this guide Adobe Acrobat reader is required. Thanks, Rex. You have just found the gorgeous Orion Nebula and its stellar nursery of stars being born. It's perfect for beginner astrophotographers who don't know where to point their telescopes at the beginning of the hobby. Or if I wanted to use a LPF, I would do the custom white balance with the LPF filter in place? Unlike Messier 104, the Rosette Nebula is much larger, it also contains its own cluster of stars, NGC 2244, in its center. If you plan on imaging this target soon, we recommend that you spend as many hours as your patience will allow you to really gather as much data as you can. Observing list of 650 best deep-sky objects, with thumbnail images and some basic information. The Sunflower Galaxy is a great target for beginner astrophotographers if you are prepared to spend enough time on it to reveal the faint details in the arms. Rokinon 135mm F/2 Lens Astrophotography Review. Their picks for the best fall observing targets include a bumper crop of majestic celestial objects for you to enjoy in the night sky. Messier 51 can be seen with binoculars quite easily. Designation:NGC 4631 The big problem faced by non-professional observers is what to look at - what is visible at a particular time of year. thumbnail images of Messier objects sorted by name, with descriptions, thumbnail images of NGC objects (from 650 DSO list) sorted by name, with descriptions, front cover page, notes, tag descriptions and copyright notices, list of 7000 objects from SAC database sorted by name. Messier 63 was Pierre Mchain's first discovery, in 1779! Dumbbell Nebula (M27) 4. Some targets are more prominent; some are smaller ones. If using binoculars to scan this area of the sky, you might stumble on the star cluster Messier 35, located very close to IC 443. The list was created using Microsoft Excel and converted to PDF format. The 106th object in the Messier catalog can easily be photographed by amateurs with cheap equipment. My initial experimentation with this on the RGB version was to set no custom no White Balance where I took about 50 images, but too short an exposure, and the whole image is red with it hard to separate the nebula from the rest of the image. Leave a Comment. The Ring differs from most planetaries by the . Both galaxies are very different from one another. Alan Dyer Easy telescopic targets I hope you feel the. M106 is officially a galaxy that is between "normal" and "barred spiral". This opens the door to complete narrowband imaging which means more time and money, but the potential for jaw-dropping images. Deep-sky objects: Small telescope and binocular targets. Just above Hyades, you will find the Pleiades. Although the pair it is not difficult to image, it is not easy to reveal the starburst region of M82. NGC 4565 contains about 240 globular clusters, which is almost 100 more than what we have in our Milky Way! Amateur astronomers like to target deep-sky objects with their telescopes. I have photographed this galaxy many times over the years using several different camera and telescope combinations. Pingback: The Night Sky | February 2022 | Winter Constellations | Comet Borrelly | Snow Moon | Late Night Astronomy, Pingback: The Night Sky | March 2022 | How to find the James Webb Space Telescope | Moon, Venus, Mars & Saturn | Late Night Astronomy, Your email address will not be published. My favorite objects are bolded on the list, so check them out if you want to find the best ones. Messier 44. Hi Jim. The Rosette Nebula is mostly made up of Hydrogen Alpha gas, which naturally appears red in photographs. Be sure to set up your location information properly to ensure you are seeing an accurate representation of the night sky. The photos you are about to see were all captured by me, using amateur astrophotography equipment in the city. Description: IC 2581 is the open star cluster that is very similar to the previous member of our list, NGC 3114. As we explain in our episode, M101 has a very low surface brightness, making it difficult to spot visually, but it looks fantastic in photographs! Designation: M65, M66, NGC 3628 Thank you all so much for your support and clear skies from Late Night Astronomy. We have imaged many deep-sky objects before that, but this is the one that first appeared in a YouTube Episode. Small Sgr Star Cloud. You can also get yourself The Astrophotographer's Guidebook to have a physical copy of this list with more details and tips next to you at all times :) Or get the digital version for half the price HERE! what an excellent resource! includes: Our favorite members of the chain are Markarian's Eyes, staring at you from a distance of 52 million light years. Messier 104 may look very small in photographs compared to some of the other famous Messier objects, but it has the largest supermassive black hole ever recorded in any nearby galaxy! That added focal length means that accurate guiding is essential to produce a sharp image. This unbarred spiral galaxy is located in a vast area of black space in the constellation Virgo. It is home to more than 400 billion stars! As I learn new and better ways to produce high-quality images, I will update my collection of images taken during galaxy season. Optical devices will help to get a better picture. Lets see how weird you are try to guess a nebulas name from its picture! I have been lucky enough to observe M51 through a 20 Dobsonian telescope under dark skies. At magnitude 9.5, the Needle Galaxy is pretty faint and is not visible to the naked eye. In long exposure photography the blue nebula appears with the seven sisters. After that, the link to the wallpapers download will be sent to you automatically. In between Aurgia and Orion right at the edge of Taurus is the Crab Nebula. In the southern latitudes, by the time this star cluster rises at its highest in the night sky, the waning gibbous Moon will be positioned near the horizon and wont interfere with observations. Considering how most galaxies are relatively small targets, what type of scope and focal length would ideally capture their details? For more about whats going on in the night sky please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I cover major events in astronomy throughout the year in my monthly series The Night Sky. Designation: M101 Despite its small apparent size, M64 is a noteworthy target for visual observation in the constellation Coma Berenices. To see it visually you will need very dark skies, a large telescope and probably the help of an H-Beta filter to enhance the contrast. Those are my top picks for the best deep sky objects to view or image in the winter sky. Messier 108 is a galaxy nicknamed the "Surfboard" as it is seen edge-on. These galaxies are members of the M81 group, with M81 being the largest galaxy in the group overall. Just completed watching your tutorial on the California Nebula, and it is really good. It is located in the heart of the massive Virgo Cluster of galaxies and these 8 members appear to be making a chain when observed with any instrument. Jupiter . You might be able to spot a hint of its gas with binoculars if observing from a perfectly dark location. Now you know what deep-sky objects are best visible in February. How to observe: You can try to see NGC 3114 with the unaided eye. Thanks! This nebula is nicknamed the "Jellyfish Nebula" because, when photographed, the gases look like the shape of a jellyfish's head and body. Enjoy the best astrophotography targets by month - all year! Most named stars, if not surrounded by nebulae, are described in the "Special stars" section ofthe IAU Constellation page. Here is one of my favorite shots taken with my Canon SL2, 135mm Samyang Lens and SkyGuider Pro Tracking Mount showing off arguably the best Deep Sky Object the night sky has to offer. NGC 6752 (Caldwell 93, the Great Peacock Globular) is the third-brightest globular cluster in the sky (magnitude 5.4). We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Each month's goals are listed alphabetically, not by difficulty. M22 has an apparent magnitude of 5.1, so it requires a perfect vision and ideally dark skies to see it with the naked eye. Would I be better off purchasing a higher end DSLR or a CCD camera? Our favorite nebula on this list! This object can be a difficult one to see under light polluted skies but it is worth your time to try and hunt down due to it being one of the most famous supernova remnants in the night sky. The objects benefitted from the added focal length (800mm), but there is still not enough data acquired to do this pairing justice. Just above Hyades, you will find the Pleiades. DSO data source: Saguaro Astronomy Club database, version 7.7, Objects which are listed in best 650 DSO list appear in bold, DSO's up to 14th magnitude are listed (also objects without magnitude), DSO's with declination lower than -60 (southern objects) are NOT listed, Sorting order: Messier, NGC, IC, other catalogs (Barnard, PLN, PGC, Mel, etc), Details for each object: Name (catalog number), other name, type, constellation, magnitude, surface brightness, maximum dimension, coordinates, Uranometria 2000 page number, class (for clusters and galaxies), number of stars (for clusters), central star magnitude and magnitude of brightest star, notes from SAC database (including common names). These two galaxies are equally as brilliant, and conveniently close together. Processing all three targets at once may be a challenge as you need to make sure they are similar in brightness, detail, and saturation. This will allow your equipment to acclimate to the outdoor temperature while the sky gets nice and dark for your night out under the stars. The photo above was captured from my backyard in March 2019 using a Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 APO refractor telescope. July 10: The Great Peacock Globular (NGC 6752), July 1: the Moon meets the Beehive Cluster, one of the first objects of its kind ever found, the third-brightest globular cluster in the sky, they usually are at the peak of visibility for around a month, the top 15 star clusters that can be spotted with the naked eye. A long total exposure time will of course help, but if you really want the gas to be obvious in your own work, we would recommend adding a couple of hours of exposure using a, M97 is tiny, faint, and not that impressive, but it is a popular target anyway. You could of course find several other great targets up in the sky, but those would be much smaller than the ones in this list and more difficult to capture for beginner astrophotographers. We wish you clear skies and successful observations! Let's take a closer look at each of them. Messier 55 (NGC 6809, the Summer Rose Star) is a globular cluster located in the constellation Sagittarius. Spot Bodes Galaxy about 10 northwest of Dubhe, in the corner of the Big Dippers bowl. The Horsehead Nebula The Constellation Orion is home to our next two targets as well. This is the kind of galaxy you take a picture of and print it out for your girlfriend for Valentine's Day. cover page, thumbnail images of best ~650 DSO sorted by name, list of best ~650 DSO sorted by constellation-magnitude, list of 7000 DSO sorted by name. Observing it through a telescope will give you a similar view as if you were looking at the, A good reason to photograph NGC 4565 is its two satellite galaxies, so challenge yourself to have all 3 visible in your final image! Our full episode about imaging M97 and M108. You can now see some of the fine details and textures of this grand spiral design galaxy in detail. And we are done with the 15 best targets to photograph for the Spring season! This list contains more than 25 galaxies (divided into 11 groups, and 4 nebulae. List of 7000 DSO (magnitude) (PDF, 1.1MB, 109 pages) Thank you! Thor's Helmet is a more complex version of the Bubble Nebula and really does look like Thor's Helmet. With binoculars, it can be seen to cover an area three-quarter the size of the Full Moon. If you're looking for a book to help you select deep-sky astrophotography targets, I highly suggest The 100 Best Astrophotography Targets . Below you will find 5 deep sky objects that are at their highest elevation in September. Messier 81 is a, Although the pair it is not difficult to image, it is not easy to reveal the starburst region of M82. Messier 22 (NGC 6656, the Sagittarius Cluster) is a globular cluster located in the constellation Sagittarius. The interacting galaxy (NGC 5195) can be distinguished by keen observers. Thanks Astrobill, Your email address will not be published. Also, it is one of the four globular clusters to host a planetary nebula. This target is actually too large for our current set up (Orion 8" Astrograph and ZWO ASI 1600MM camera), so we are waiting to get a wider telescope before really attempting to capture it. Open Cluster. Use a planetarium software like Stellarium to plan your projects. The explosion gave birth to a Neutron star, now sitting in the center of all the nebulous gas spreading around. NGC 4565 has a very bright core and the bulge is clearly visible. Elevate Your iPhone with Our Private Collection of 33+ Premium Space Wallpapers! Required fields are marked *. Deep Sky Objects,as listed on this page, refer to galaxies and nebulae (with their associated stars). If you have been following us on YouTube since the beginning, you know that it all started with us photographing M101 from the Nevada desert. Pierre Mchain was Charles Messier's friend and colleague. Merci, allen. Join my free subscriber list and get content directly to your inbox. As for Astrophotography, a DSLR camera will have no problem gathering the light from the core and the arms of the galaxy, but you should spend at least two or three hours on it. Next, check my free ebook if you are looking for the easiest targets for beginners overall. It is located in Gemini, on the opposite side of the two bright stars Castor and Pollux. View my complete astrophotography equipment details What targets would you add to this list? Constellation:Virgo. If you look at both this image and ours below, you can see that the galaxy is actually not symmetrical! Remember when we said that you will be eating a LOT of galaxies this season? Here is what we know about it so far. The targets listed below are, in our personal opinion, the 15 best deep sky objects to photograph for beginner amateur astrophotographers in Spring. Also, share this article with your friends via messengers or social media, and enjoy stargazing together! Objects in your sky: Deep Sky by Dominic Ford Sky diagram Planets Comets Asteroids Deep Sky Rising/Setting Times Altitude/Time Objects visible on From location Virginia Beach Open clusters M45 (mag 1.3) will become visible around 18:36 (EST), 68 above your south-western horizon, as dusk fades to darkness. list of hand-picked best ~650 DSOs sorted by constellation and name, Everything above in ZIP (ZIP file, 22.9MB, 8 files) Its a good target for binoculars and small telescopes. and features additional 650 select DSO, with negative thumbnail images. |And|Ant|Aps|Aql|Aqr|Ara|Ari|Aur|Boo|Cae|Cam|Cap|Car|Cas|Cen|Cep|Cet|Cha |Cir|CMa |CMi |Cnc |Col |Com |CrA |CrB |Crt |Cru |Crv |CVn |Cyg|Del |Dor |Dra |Equ |Eri |For |Gem |Gru |Her |Hor |Hya |Hyi |Ind |Lac |Leo |Lep |Lib |LMi |Lup |Lyn |Lyr |Men |Mic |Mon |Mus |Nor |Oct |Oph |Ori |Pav |Peg|Per |Phe |Pic |PsA |Psc |Pup |Pyx |Ret |Scl |Sco |Sct |Ser |Sex |Sge |Sgr |Tau |Tel |TrA |Tri |Tuc |UMa |UMi |Vel |Vir |Vol |Vul |, Com - Coma Berenices the Hair of Berenice, Swan Nebula; or Omega, Horseshoe, or Lobster Nebula. I'm an astrophotographer, iOS app software developer (I make iPhone apps), and passionate stargazer. I updated the lists with a new algorithm and translated most of the tables' text in english. Fred, this is wonderful - can you download the list (calculations not necessary) in English. In 2006, NASA and the ESA released this incredible close-up of the Pinwheel Galaxy, which was the most detailed image of a galaxy taken by the Hubble Space Telescope at the time. The term "deep-sky object" (DSO) is mostly used by amateur astronomers to denote astronomical objects outside the Solar System that are not individual stars. I dont know about you, but the idea of photographing another galaxy full of countless stars and unknown worlds makes me feel pretty small (in a good way). However, the one advantage a wide field instrument has in this scenariois the ability to capture the nearby Hockey Stick Galaxy (NGC 4656, NGC 4657). list of 7000 objects from SAC database sorted by name. The Whale also has a dwarf companion, the tiny elliptical galaxy NGC 4627. Negative DSS images were used (data courtesy of the Digital Sky Survey). The photo above was captured using my rarely used Orion 8 F/4 Newtonian. Astrophysicist Benjamin Markarian discovered that at least seven of these galaxies are moving coherently in space, and decided to give his name to the chain. *We're working on imaging the Needle Galaxy and will upload our result once we capture it! This naked eye object can be enjoyed with no equipment whatsoever under a clear dark and steady sky. The Whirlpool Galaxy is classified as an interacting, grand-design galaxy. This target means a lot to us and you can check out the video below if you'd like to see how we captured it with our old unmodified Canon T3i DSLR camera! The Night Sky | January 2022 | Quadrantid Meteor Shower | Mercury Rises, The Night Sky | February 2022 | Winter Constellations | Comet Borrelly | Snow Moon | Late Night Astronomy, The Night Sky | March 2022 | How to find the James Webb Space Telescope | Moon, Venus, Mars & Saturn | Late Night Astronomy, Follow Late Night Astronomy on In the astrophotography realm, Galaxy Season refers to the period in Spring when the night sky offers up a buffet of incredible galaxies to observe and photograph. Running Man Nebula (NGC 1977 / Sh2-279) Starfish Cluster (M38 / NGC 1912) Tadpole Nebula (NGC 1893 / IC 410) Witch Head Nebula (IC 2118) February Angel Nebula (NGC 2170) Am i right? I have learned the hard way, which is why I wrote this guide - to help beginners find fantastic astrophotography targets easier and quicker. Join my over 150+ subscribers who get content directly to their inbox. Jupiter and Venus appeared very close together in the night sky on Wednesday, with the two planets passing each other in what's known as a conjunction. Thanks for the kind words, and let me know what you decide:). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms M81 and M82 are two beautiful galaxies that are easy targets for beginner astrophotographers looking to get two impressive objects for the price of one. Find out! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Constellation:Canes Venatici. I compiled the NGC, IC, Messier, Arp, Hickson, Sharpless, Lynd (dark and bright nebula) catalogs from the Strasbourg university (Simbad).

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best deep sky objects by month