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what is the fear of celebrities called

Whether other people do is a different story because they may think a fear has to be of a certain level for it to be a phobia. Automatonophobia Fear of ventriloquists dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues Phengophobia Fear of daylight or sunshine. Eremophobia Fear of being oneself or of loneliness. I know of no phobia specific phobia that relates to this. Its not paranoia, but if i feel like someone is following me or just imaging it happen scares me to death mostly out of a distrust for people and not knowing thier intentions (and not really wanting to find out in that situation. A fear of driving includes a general phobia of driving, as well as specific conditions, like driving at high speeds, changing lanes, merging, driving at night, or . But it sounds as if you may have issues with people getting close to you or creating a meaningful bond. What are you afraid of? Its like having an eating disorder like anorexia except you dont want to lose weight and you dont want to be malnourished- it literally just feels impossible to swallow (and there is a fear of choking sort of its hard to explain) I had it when I was 11 for about a year and a half and it destroyed my social life, altered me forever. Well there may be a name for this, but I am not sure this is just a phobia. You know has an adult he gets to make his own choices and this is troubling for those who love him because his model of how the world should operate is not in alignment with how it really does operate. Contents. I am going to guess some persistent or big changes occurred around 13 for you. But once mixed with water and everything becomes abhorrent and cringing to my sensibilities. But he ' s not the only star with a major fear. We help you determine what your dashboard warning lights mean. Some are misinterpreted, such as fear of germs or fear of God often tie into OCD. Panophobia or Pantophobia Fear of everything. I dont know why, I just get AFRAID with the idea of someone/something with a whole story and personality being made up. It could suggest many things, but most certainly you put the opinions and emotional states of others before your own. I am constantly looking over my shoulder, terrified that I'll see someone I'm a fan of out in public. Melissophobia Fear of bees.. Not enough information to really give you a better answer. Famous Chromophobes: Oenophobia- Fear of wines. Once you become better at noticing these thoughts, you can then work on replacing them with more positive, helpful thoughts. More importantly is what will you do if this is an issue for you. Thus, phobias (from the Latin "phobus" meaning "Seriously, you're scared of that?") are born. Like fear of germs is usually OCD, fear of people is Social Anxiety. The mechanism of fear can encompass any item, subject matter or idea. Ecclesiophobia Fear of church. What should I do, I think you may want to get checked for OCD. Your fear is a generalization and from a very unique perspective. I dont know why, it just freaks me out and sometimes makes me feel like Ill faint. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. ), The only person you should be explaining this to is a therapist and they will not need a name. Tyrannophobia Fear of tyrants. whenever people try to take care or look after me I get uncomfortable and feel like I should be the one taking care of them. This makes up most of the reason why I am awkward when chatting with new people. I ve suffered from it and Ive found nothing about what it really is called. Megan Fox of Transformers hates anything to do with paper, especially the sound of paper tearing, or erasing words on paper etc. Virginitiphobia Fear of rape. However, I would question if for you this is a fear or is it more of guilt or shame and can you tell these apart. Its not that I feel unworthy, though. There may also be other things going on, but not enough info to be sure. You social anxiety is probably tied into this, since fear of making mistakes and failure are usually tied into low self esteem or self worth, meaning on some level you feel or see yourself as being less capable than others or you cant seem to put your own self worth into perspective with society in a way that supports you. Have the same fear? So much so that shes even acted on her fear of flying in the past, going so far as to shout that the plane was going down whilst on a flight. Coprastasophobia Fear of constipation. Does anybody know if there is a phobia of being hypnotised or being in a coma? Ever since I was 7 I have had a really weird fear. Im afraid of humanity, but not people im just afraid of the human race its hard to explain but im not afraid of society or anything like that. This video has been medically reviewed by Daniel B. I got a question: Whats it called when youre afraid of stories not being real? Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author and educational consultant focused on helping students learn about psychology. The mind can have a fear of almost anything, real or made up. I can watch Easley watch someone being hurts in movie, but every time someone hurts himself in petrified. Ive been looking for an answer for this one for a while now. Plutophobia Fear of wealth.. Galeophobia or Gatophobia Fear of cats. Equinophobia Fear of horses. Is it possible to have a fear of not being able help someone or anyone if they are in a very serious situation? Isopterophobia Fear of termites, insects that eat wood. Iophobia Fear of poison. Peccatophobia Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes. Not sure you will find a name for this. Demi Lovato - Elevators. 3. It seems to just fall under OCD, but I strongly disagree with that on account of the fact that Ive met multiple people like this who arent OCD about other things.just locking doors, if anyone knows a name for this condition please post it. I have a phobia of dating, marriage, intimacy heartbteaks and childbirth and so many times i dont want to stop it. It tends to only be wet grass though I have tried searching for it but i can only find fear of grass. Hoplophobia Fear of firearms. Kakorrhaphiophobia Fear of failure or defeat. If this is a big problem for her, she should see a professional. Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween. Its weird and when I was 5, my parents never fought soI dont know what caused this dream to happen again and again and again. Being stabbed in the ear most certainly can be traumatic, especially if one has recently watched something scary related to this. This actually applies to people with and without eisoptrophobia, with or without the mirror. pls tell me what the fear of crucifixion and holy revalations is?? Eva Mendes - Water. Keanu Reeves is afraid of being left alone in the dark and Megan Fox is afraid of the dark, period. I am always scared or worried that a child gets hurt. Fear of yourself / mind, P.S some of these might not be phobias but I just need to know because this is what I feel and yeahh, First all of these fears can exist and you are correct in realizing they are not all phobias. Do you feel you can bring value to another persons life? Is there a fear of someone not letting you get passed or get somewhere, The question should be Is it possible I could have a fear of having someone not let me pass or get somewhere? and the answer is yes. Spheksophobia Fear of wasps. Making a diagnosis from a couple sentences is irresponsible, so take this all with a grain of salt. And when I say insane, I mean INSANE. I can imagine it being frightening not knowing what's beneath you. Dont wait for someone to label the fear before you decide to change. In fact, Taylor has a list of fears! 2013;12(2):92-8. doi:10.1002/wps.20050. Knowing the names of phobias can be helpful and fun, but living with phobias can be extremely painful. Trypanophobia Fear of injections. The Fear: Whoopie Goldberg wasn't always petrified of flying. Apparently Adele's phobia of seagulls all started when she was 9 years old. It sucks ! Is there a fear of royalty, or kings/queens/presidents? Naming phobias in general are created by finding the Greek or Latin word for whatever the fear is and adding phobia on it and often they are very vague labels. Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia Fear of being locked in an enclosed place. Lyssophobia Fear of rabies or of becoming mad. Some phobias are very specific and limited. Lygophobia Fear of darkness. I am also very chauvinistic and have never thought of changing. I saw there is a fear for not being able to catch things, but mine is the opposite. And it scares me . There could be a big difference between fear and irritation. Ive looked everywhere for an answer and cant find one. Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. I also have a fear of being happy. Failure? You already know telling people to stop something is not going to change much. Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? but Im scared to be gay!! Nancy, about some people having phobias and others not, it is a mental issue and is developed in the brain. It only bothers me when it happens, so it doesnt effect my day to day living. Is there a fear of developing the same attitude or behaviour of someone else by just watching them or being with them. Being monstrously ugly isn't classically part of what causes this, but it probably doesn't help. So what would you call fear of rejection? Kopophobia Fear of fatigue. Symbolophobia Fear of symbolism. Elurophobia Fear of cats. Im positive this has to be a common fear, does anyone know its name? Rhabdophobia Fear of being severely punished or criticized. Or try to help me. Britney, I am going to guess there are some trust issues you have with dealing with the unexpected. Kolpophobia- Fear of genitals, particularly female. Fishing nets. However not all fears are phobias. Salute bro!! I would think this would fall under intimacy issues, not a phobia. Heterophobia Fear of the opposite sex. It also covers some of the treatment options that are available. When a fear becomes generalized, such as yours, it usually has become a bit more complex than a simple phobia, thus it probably needs to dealt with differently. Scotomaphobia Fear of blindness in visual field. Dont Panic! No one in my family tried to help me unfortunately, so make sure you go to therapy to get it fixed rather than not like me. I seem to be getting the feeling a lot lately, its like someone is behind me, watching me but I dont want to turn around because opinion scared of what might be there. I have not found a word for it yet. On top of being an admitted chromophobe, he has a recorded history of fearing plastic cutlery, as well as antique furniture. when I notice my 5 year old daughter going up or down the stairs I will always tell her to hold on to the handrail and I will stop anything I was doing and listen to her going up the stairs. Katagelophobia Fear of ridicule. Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing. it has left me with scars soooo severe and gory it would make you tremble in your pantyhose! Is there a phobia name for being picked up by someone. Is there a fear of not being able to scream ? Dysmorphophobia Fear of deformity. Is there a fear or liking or loving someone because of past experiences? Whether this is a phobia or something else should be determined by a professional. Vote up the weirdest celebrity phobias below and learn something new about these famous actors, singers, and personalities. For the last 6 months I have developed a fear for throwing objects not throwing them away ( as in horading) just throwing things. Know that feelings are not stationary, they are always altering in some format, so you should expect that someones feelings for you will change. "I'm a bit of a wimp usually, but because my boyfriend paid for it, I felt that I had to try to be a cool girlfriend and go on everything so I just had to." She thinks if she doesnt do so then something bad will happen. Garuda Is there a fear of someone always following you, This would probably fall under the heading of paranoia. Those are just 2 examples of many. Again, there can be a fear of anything. If she does think this is a problem, then I would get her to see a counselor. Pamela Anderson has reported that her reflection freaks her out. While there may be a name for it, I am not familiar with it. Phallophobia Fear of a penis, esp erect. Pediculophobia Fear of lice. Placophobia- Fear of tombstones. If you want to know if there is a specific name for this fear, there may be, but not one I am aware of. On a more positive note, I used to have a terrible fear of the dark and couldnt sleep without the light on. Madonna is supposedly very scared of thunderstorms. You may want to work with a professional on this if it becomes intense, Hey there! Insectophobia Fear of insects. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Hagiophobia Fear of saints or holy things. Then that wave came to me again and as Im writing this I feel it now because Im thinking about it. Mechanophobia Fear of machines. Is there a phobia for this: being terrified of being hurt emotionally, disliked, or displeased by your loved ones or the people you care about i.e. Nicole Kidman. Eva Mendes - Water. Leprophobia or Lepraphobia Fear of leprosy.. Pediophobia Fear of dolls. You do not trust yourself and are uncertain how to fit in. Without knowing more, my guess is you take an all or nothing approach to relationships. . Many things referred to as phobias are not really phobias. I would think you dont want to be hurt, that there is a fear that someone who can attract others might be lured away from you, but I would need more info. Everytime I watch a movie or see real life events that show breaking someones bones I feel really strange. This goes for washcloths, damp towels after a bath, rag in the sink or elsewhere. i believe i have it because my mom is really sweet and talks in a sweet voice and when i see women exactly her opposite it just scares me to death. You can avoid discomfort by tricks, distraction and avoidance only for so long before the anxieties and obsessions no longer respond to your actions. A person with mysophobia might also be called a "germaphobe". There's a reason for 'emergency' buttons in lifts, and we can imagine no one wants to be in one long enough to find out why! Also does anybody know the name of a phobia of being left behind or being replaced? (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia) , Not all irrational fears are phobias and often they are tied into or linked to other challenges. If it is just something that occasionally freaks you out, it may not be worth the effort. They are OK with regular shirt sleeves, not not heavier coat sleeves. Salute to Charli also! Is there a name for it, dont know. Like this ? Lilapsophobia Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes. Snakephobia Fear of snakes. Asthenophobia Fear of fainting or weakness. The sight of a Newtons cradle on a desk is upsetting to me just the idea that it has the capability to have an unpleasant effect on me. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) identifies three different categories of phobias: While not comprehensive, this list of phobias offers a glimpse of the many phobias that can have a serious impact on a person's life. It all began when the rap diva had to take an escalator for a photo op. The only way I can handle it is to write/type it all out and put in a place I know theyll find it. Sciophobia or Sciaphobia Fear of shadows. Do you know the name of it? It's ok Justin, you're still all man to us. This may just be a one time situation. Now people can fear just about anything, because the mechanism for many fears is virtually the same, its just focused on different subject matter. Kristen, while there could be a phobia element in this, it sounds as if you are suffering from OCD. i hope this helps other people who have this feel not alone or crazy other people do have these phobias :], is there a fear of knowing somebody is watching you, A fear of knowing or a fear of believing. Once, when I was in an extracurricular class and it was break time, this guy got up and just randomly started scratching the blackboard, and I ran out of the classroom screeching. Since people can fear just about anything the mind can conceive, not all specific fears are named and they do not need to be. Caryn Elaine Johnson, professionally known as Whoopi Goldberg, is a famous author, comedian, actress, and talk show host. ), Add imparnumerophobia: the fera of odd numbers. What about fear of being watched while walking down the street ?? I was recently told that there is a word for fear of women with fat butts. Does anyone know what the word is? Psychological symptoms. Genophobia Fear of sex. It really sounds to me as if your idea of importance in relationship to the world outside could use some tweeking, that if you give an answer to someone it will put you in a box that you are uncomfortable with. Laliophobia or Lalophobia Fear of speaking. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. There are many reason this could occur and I recommend you find someone to work with to help you resolve this fear. Worst case scenario for the botanophobe: Like when you break them, just the thought of it gives me boosebumps. I have this rare fear/phobia of not having a water or any fluid to drink with me. I dont think its on the list so Im hoping you can help me figure out what it is. If there isnt a name for it there should be because it exists and should be recognized as more than just a form of OCD, because it seems as if they dont just need to lock it for the sake of locking it, but rather are afraid of who or what could come through that door or what could happen if left open. Are there any celebrities that have scopophobia? Britney Spears hates bigger reptiles like Komodo Dragons orlarge lizards and director Steven Spielberg is also deadly afraid of all kinds of insects. I know you havent been here since last year, but Its nice to know someone feels the same. My colleagues and boss dont understand this and unfortunately my position at my desk is such that my back is to the door. Or considered not intelligent, cause Ive suffered from this. Not every fear has a name and the human nervous system can fear pretty much anything. While you have conscious awareness of the process, you dont really know why it is occurring, meaning it is a subconscious process. . Interstellar star Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors and avoids them at all costs. My question is WHAT IS THAT CALLED? Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia Fear of spiders. Stars like America's current sweetheart Jennifer Aniston as well as Tony Curtis (who supposedly turned to hypnosis to cure it), John Madden, Muhammad Ali, Cher and Johnny Cash have all admitted to the extreme fear of flying. . Gynephobia or Gynophobia Fear of women. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving fear of a situation or object. I have a huge fear of offending people or emotionally disturbing anyone even in the slightest. Myxophobia- Fear of slime. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia. There are many reason for this and the best advice is to work with someone who can help you get to the root structure or issues keeping this problem alive for you. Pupaphobia Fear of puppets. hydrophobic ), in biology to describe Paraphobia Fear of sexual perversion. Something phobia? The psychological term for fear of the unknown is "xenophobia.". It's not surprising the poor girl has a fear of falling. Misophobia is a hatred of certain types of sounds and many believe it is a neurological disorder rather than phycholgical symptom. Stephen Kings IT might have exacerbated the fear of clowns in the hearts and minds of Americans. There are thousands of phobia names and new ones are being made up all the time. Demophobia Fear of crowds. Autodysomophobia Fear of one that has a vile odor. Famous Lepidopterophobes: You may choose a different approach on this, as it seems yours is really the fear of the unknown, specifically the unknown that could directly effect you. Is there a fear of someones feelings for you changing? On The Tonight Show, Sedgwick's husband Kevin Bacon revealed his wife's fear of talking food. If i go shopping with my friends i have to walk behind them , so i can see them or i start panicking . I have something like that, I think its because of my dreams. I am assuming you experience this, so we know it is real, but it may not be a phobia. This all happed today with the stain on the wall and a part of the wall breaking.I decided to wash myself but never did because i went to my sister and asked her why this was happening and I explained to her my eyes were bursting with tears and I suddenly couldnt breathe easily because it felt like my throat was clogged and i was struggling to say the words I wanted to to so i told her to come to my room. Jesse, the human mind can associate fears to any subject matter, activity or object. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. my friends dont take this fear seriously and think Im being lazy which really hurts my feelings . To overcome you fear, see a health professional who understands these complexities. I. And sure, their distorted features inspire images of demonic possession and evil incarnate. Caligynephobia Fear of beautiful women. Carpophobia fear of wrists World Psychiatry. Do people have it? Van houtem CM, Laine ML, Boomsma DI, Ligthart L, Van wijk AJ, De jongh A. Hygrophobia Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture. For the majority of people in the world, driving around town is a basic part of daily life.

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