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what are 3 facts about the stratosphere

The stratosphere extends from the tropopause at about 10 to 17 km (about 6 to 11 miles) altitude to its upper boundary (the stratopause) at . It is called stratosphere because it is stratified in temperature, with warmer layers higher up and cooler layers farther down. Above the troposphere and below the mesosphere, we have the stratosphere. Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) are the exception. The atmosphere has nearly 37.5 million billion gallons of water at any given time. He concluded that there was another layer in the atmosphere above the troposphere, which he called the stratosphere. The temperatures at the different atmospheric layers differ depending on solar radiation, humidity, and altitude. Because the temperature in the tropopause and lower stratosphere is largely constant with increasing altitude, very little convection and its resultant turbulence occurs there. As you rise through the troposphere, the temperature decreases to around -60 degrees Fahrenheit. As you might imagine, the "air" in the exosphere is very, very, very thin, making this layer even more space-like than the thermosphere. Its concentration in the atmosphere naturally fluctuates depending on seasons and latitudes, but it was . The top of the stratosphere is called the stratopause, above which the temperature decreases with height. The ionosphere is not a distinct layer like the others mentioned above. This vertical stratification, with warmer layers above and cooler layers below, makes the stratosphere dynamically stable: there is no regular convection and associated turbulence in this part of the atmosphere. It is important because it contains the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from harmful UV rays. The atmosphere is about 500 km thick, with a mix of more than ten different gases. Temperature decreases with height throughout the mesosphere. [19] In 2001, dust was collected at a height of 41 kilometres in a high-altitude balloon experiment and was found to contain bacterial material when examined later in the laboratory. Since the stratosphere has increasing temperature with elevation, convection is very rare. We are not permitting internet traffic to Byjus website from countries within European Union at this time. The coldest temperatures in Earth's atmosphere, about -90 C (-130 F), are found near the top of this layer. Heat is produced in the process of the formation of Ozone, and this heat is responsible for . Geomagnetic solar storms caused by solar flares or solar winds can disrupt activities in the ionosphere, causing difficulty in transmitting radio signals and global positioning system signals. A.A. Scaife, J.R. Knight, G.K. Vallis, C.K. The Earth's atmosphere is very important, as each layer plays a role for life on Earth. 32. We take a closer look at the stratosphere and its defining characteristics. In this article, we are going to learn about the atmosphere. The particles in this layer are electrically charged, and when they hit each other, aurora australis can be observed. Air pressure drops, and temperatures get colder, as you climb higher in the troposphere. These troposphere facts are going to make you see the air around you in a very different light and help you learn more about how we live and breathe. Strat means layer. Commercial airliners typically cruise at altitudes of 912km (30,00039,000ft) which is in the lower reaches of the stratosphere in temperate latitudes. Acidic rains destroy plants and animals, and if it reaches rivers and lakes, it destroys all the aquatic life. One of the most surprising things about the stratosphere is not its characteristics but about what you find in this layer. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stratosphere&oldid=1140010063, This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 00:23. However, as you enter the stratosphere, the ozone gas absorbs the ultraviolet light entering the atmosphere from the sun. The top of the stratosphere occurs at an altitude of 50 km (31 miles). At an altitude of 100 km above sea level, a border represents the separation between the atmosphere and outer space. The stratosphere is a layer of Earths atmosphere. The water exists in the form of vapor and invisible to plain eyes. Mercury has water ice and organics. From space, the earth is seen as a blue halo. The stratosphere extends from the top of the troposphere to about 50 km (31 miles) above the ground. The stratosphere is one of five layers of the earth's atmosphere. [21] Bar-headed geese (Anser indicus) sometimes migrate over Mount Everest, whose summit is 8,848m (29,029ft). Composed of mostly nitrogen and oxygen, the stratosphere also contains the ozone layer. The electrically charged atoms and molecules that are formed in this way are called ions, giving the ionosphere its name and endowing this region with some special properties. Current map of global winds and temperatures at the 10 hPa level. Atmosphere facts: ninety-nine percent of the gases that compose the atmosphere are located below a height of 32 km (20 miles). 11. The other four layers include the troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. Although it is situated above the upper reaches of conventional aircraft, scientists are still able to study it through the use of weather balloons, high-altitude aircraft, and also weather (sounding) rockets. This breaking is much more pronounced in the winter hemisphere where this region is called the surf zone. He discovered this atmospheric layer by sending a weather balloon up and noticing that the temperature changes differently than it does in the troposphere. The stratosphere is actually crucial to allowing us to live on earth, because within the stratosphere you will find the ozone layer. The exosphere is the very edge of our atmosphere. This was based on temperature profiles from mostly unmanned and a few manned instrumented balloons. Convection is when gasses cool down as they rise, allowing them to condense onto air particles and form clouds. Troposphere. The stratosphere is a layer of Earth's atmosphere. Clouds form due to convection, which is uncommon in the stratosphere. As previously mentioned, the stratosphere is one of the five layers that make up the Earth's atmosphere. The more humid the atmosphere is, the thicker the contrails will be. As it absorbs the UV light, it absorbs energy. The lower boundary of the stratosphere can be as high as 20 km (12 miles or 65,000 feet) near the equator and as low as 7 km (4 miles or 23,000 feet) at the poles in winter. It is the only layer of the atmosphere where temperature inversion occurs. Around the poles, it actually begins at around 7 kilometers, whereas around the equator it can be as high as 20 kilometers. What are the characteristics of the five layers of the atmosphere? This is the opposite of what happens in the troposphere, the layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth. What Is the Greenhouse Effect? The atmosphere has nearly 37.5 million billion gallons of water at any given time. It helps in propagation of the radio waves used in telecommunication. As a result, the air in the stratosphere is about 1000 times thinner in the stratosphere than at sea level in the troposphere. Though the atmosphere may appear uniform to the naked eye, it is actually similar to a layer cake. She currently works as a physicist assistant at a cancer treatment center. 20. It is enough to cover the entire earths surface with 1 cm of rain. Ozone layer lies about 19-32 km over the earths surface. Create your account. The ozone layer is within the stratosphere, which protect the Earth from harmful radiation emitted by the sun. Moreover, meteorites falling over the earth burn in this layer. When greenhouse gases rise into the atmosphere, they form chloride ions that destroy the ozone layer by making holes in it. Approximately 90 percent of the atmosphere's ozone occurs in the stratosphere, the region extending from 10-18 km (6-11 miles) to approximately 50 km (about 30 miles) above Earth's surface. The troposphere is where we breath in and is also referred to as the lower atmosphere. The definition of the stratosphere is the second layer of the atmosphere, extending from about 6 miles to 30 miles, or 10km to 50km, above the Earth's surface. The burning of fossil fuels discharges carbon dioxide, while agricultural developments deposit a lot of methane and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. The stratosphere is a very interesting layer in Earth's atmosphere, as there are many fun stratosphere facts outside of its primary characteristics that make it unique. Louise Fisher has taught middle school students introductory physics topics for two years. The thermosphere is home to the International Space Station as it orbits Earth. They are much similar to warm breath during cold weather. The stratosphere also has an increasing temperature with increasing altitude, which is different than what happens in the troposphere. Be grateful! The stratosphere is the second layer of the Earth's atmosphere, laying just above the troposphere and below the mesosphere. There are a few other atmospheric layers as well -- you can take a look at a diagram of these below. As the altitude increases, the atmosphere diminishes which is the reason why the air pressure in the exosphere is shallow. The coldest temperatures in Earths atmosphere, about -90 C (-130 F), are found near the top of this layer. This layer is 22 miles (35 kilometers) thick. Providing an environment conducive to good instruction and motivation in which there is an atmosphere of self-motivation and self-discipline in the areas of personal development, character, and academic integrity. Air pollution causes the demolition of the ozone belt, and without it, the earth would be exposed to the deadly ultraviolet rays in the sun. That's almost as wide as Earth itself. This layer of our atmosphere has its own set of layers. In the 1900s, Hungarian physicist Theodore von Krmn determined the boundary to be around 50 miles up, or roughly 80 kilometers above sea level. This includes the troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, and stratosphere. What's in the Atmosphere? Another large-scale feature that significantly influences stratospheric circulation is the breaking planetary waves[15] resulting in intense quasi-horizontal mixing in the midlatitudes. This layer of our atmosphere has its own set of layers. Planting trees is one of the efforts that people have done to try to minimize damage and to help rebuild the damaged ozone layer. It has a very important job: to protect us from harmful energy from the Sun, called radiation. Troposphere - The lowest level of our atmosphere is called the Troposphere. This breaking is caused due to a highly non-linear interaction between the vertically propagating planetary waves and the isolated high potential vorticity region known as the polar vortex. The troposphere, the lowest layer, is right below the stratosphere. Also known as Nacreous Clouds, these unique clouds develop near the poles at an altitude of 15 - 25 kilometers (9 - 15 miles) during the winter months. Some researchers and even students have sent helium balloons with cameras to record the stratosphere. The bottom of the stratosphere is around 10 km (6.2 miles or about 33,000 feet) above the ground at middle latitudes. This material is based upon work supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The waves and tides influence the flows of air in the stratosphere and can also cause regional heating of this layer of the atmosphere. The ionosphere stretches roughly 50 to 400 miles above Earth's surface, right at the edge of space.

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what are 3 facts about the stratosphere