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[25], On December 29, 1987, Lear posted a Statement to ParaNet, an early bulletin board system dedicated to the paranormal, claiming that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials and were secretly "promoting" films like E.T. Moore said that he "was in a rather unique position" in the disinformation campaign: "judging by the positions of the people I knew to be directly involved in it, [the disinformation] definitely had something to do with national security. John Lear Tells All - Part 3 of 4. Its a scam. John was also available on the social media platforms. His newest book, Picturing the Proletariat: Artists and Labor in Post-Revolutionary Mexico, 1908-1940 (2017) considers relations between artists, the state and organized labor during this period. 1.1K. Former CIA officer John Lear and four of his associates organized a recruitment of people with advanced extrasensory perception. Flight 93 was the one that was supposed to crash into building seven. The Ufologist Bill Moore was scheduled as the main speaker, and he refused to submit his paper for review prior to the convention, and also announced that he would not answer any follow-up questions as was common practice. ease arkansas phone number Very Good.. [15] The track, titled "2-4-2 Foxtrot (The Lear Jet Song)", samples Lear's voice as he speaks over the radio. John Lear Tells All - Part 4 of 4. Lear described UFOs in connect with cattle mutilations and even claims that human mutilations have occurred. Lear argues that "Germany may have recovered a flying saucer in 1939" and discusses the 1946 American military investigation into the Ghost rockets reported over Sweden. [30], Lear had been posting "wild conspiracies about secret government relations with aliens" to Paranet. The age of John Edward Lear is 67. [23] In the 1950s and 60s, many UFO and contactee groups professed belief in Space Brothers, benevolent aliens eager to improve life on Earth. in 1870, when a guy named Simon Newcomb came to Paris and told everybody that Peter Andreas Hansen was full of beans. More. And he described exactly what he felt like. According to the narrative, Truman formed a group of twelve insiders, known as Majestic 12, to investigate the matter. They went to Mars in 1966. By 1978, UFO mythology included a crashed flying saucer near Roswell. [37][38], In 1989, Lear served as State Director for The Mutual UFO Network, hosting their 1989 annual convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, on July 1, 1989. [21], Lear has been described as "a divisive figure whose claims often crumbled under scrutiny."[22]. NASA didnt specifically kill those guys, just Grissom, but they let it happen. As proof John offered some drawings. As for the fate of psychics, Mark Stevenson died of illness in 2009. UFOs. "[39] One of their goals, Moore said, was to disseminate information and watch as it was passed from person to person in order to study information channels. You know you should be scared, after all they do want to eat you but.damn it, they make it sound so *sensible*. Lear and the crewmate made a record flight around the world between 23 May and 26 May in 1966.Lear was also highlighted at the Wichita Press. We cant be responsible for the nuclear wars if they are going on. It radiates electromagnetism and each planet has its own filtering system. the intention of 9/11 was to polarize American opinion against Muslims and to get rid of the Osama who was shutting down heroin poppy field and was causing a disastrous monetary lose to the illegal drug industry. John also held 18 world speed records and has worked for 28 different Aircraft . John made several claims, 9/11 ones being among the most innocent ones. Theres billions of us in the universe. Regardless of how weak the immune system is, the virus will be destroyed. The task was very simple: to find out from people who have the ability to plunge into a state where the answers to the questions posed are revealed, whether there is a civilization on the Moon. John Lear carved his own path, setting multiple records as an aviator. Make happy!Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Telegram for interesting and mysterious bonus content! This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. It just cant happen, I dont believe you could remote control an airplane the size of a 767-200 anyway, particularly to hit dead center of the World Trade Center, There was no wreckage from ANY airplane in the World Trade Center. all these guys did was go about 100 yards down the road, turn around, set up all their cameras and parabolic recording equipment and were recording everything that goes on. The Grays are ALL OVER the friggin place, we cant be responsible for the bad guys. Shows like The Office, Game of Thrones and Friends have helped define the 21st century TV landscape, but they're honestly footnotes . Going on, we have to develop, sun is an electromagnetic sphere and what it does, it reacts with the electromagnetics of certain planets, all the planets in the solar system, which enables them to have atmospheres and environments just like Earth, Mercury is not hot enough to melt lead, its just like Earth, Neptune is not a big gas giant, its just like Earth. [25], On December 29, 1987, Lear posted a Statement to ParaNet, an early bulletin board system dedicated to the paranormal, claiming that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials and were secretly "promoting" films like E.T. This excrement, which develops after about two or three weeks, is separated with hydrazine sulphate in an acidification process which dissolves the protein coat on the RNA and exposes the nucleus of the virus thats detected by the antibodies in the immune system. The air settles into the craters and if youre in the crater, you can breathe fine. They had dropped the load. Being in demand like that is, its addictive, so you make up a little more and thats called UFO disease and thats what happened to Bill. Dwarfs from the earths satellite have visited our planet more than once. As an adult, he flew commercial planes as an airline captain for 35 years. Son of inventor and founder of the Lear Jet, William Powell Lear and Moya Lear. Nazca Aliens. John refuted Henry Deacons claims by saying Flight 93 allegedly crashed in Shanksville. I never did fly a flight. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a donation. The electromagnetic vehicle that towed the moon into orbit is in the crater Tsiolkovsky. [17][34] So theyd say, you know, theyd read a sentence. By 1973, UFO mythology told of a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base;[24] A 'strikingly similar' landing served as the climax to 1977's blockbuster Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Each of them required to name the items that was hidden in the box. John disproved of David Wilcock and Richard Charles Hoagland joint effort to showcase how all the planets in the solar system, not just Earth, are warming up. He also has worked as a CIA pilot and made several aviation records. Its the 4th planet from Zeta Reticuli 2. I have been frustrated since the day I left the Moon by that question, the intention of 9/11 was to polarize American opinion against Muslims and to get rid of the Osama who was shutting down heroin poppy field and was causing a disastrous monetary lose to the illegal drug industry. Theres 64% gravity on the moon, using Bullialdus-Newton law of inverse-square, if we know where the neutral point is and the size of the planets, we can figure out what the gravity is. He married Magdalena Mary Tritsch in 1764, in Pennsylvania, United States. And you can find John Edward Lear at Nazareth, PA, in zip codes 18064 and 18042 now. John Olsen Lear (December 3, 1942 - March 29, 2022), son of Learjet magnate Bill Lear, was an aviator who set multiple records, later flying cargo planes for the CIA during the Vietnam era. "[2][31][42], In 1970, Lear married Marilee Higginbotham, owner of a California fashion modelling agency, at a ceremony in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles.[8]. [23] In the 1950s and 60s, many UFO and contactee groups professed belief in Space Brothers, benevolent aliens eager to improve life on Earth. Lear and his father remain estranged -- when his father died in 1979, John Lear was excluded from the will, which was generous to John's children. He lived down on Third Street with his wife, Josephine, and they were in our house just like Vandenberg, just like Twining, all those MJ-12 guys, Its theorized that there is one black hole for every galaxy, Its theorized that every black hole has its OWN galaxy, HIV - the protein coat is on the virus itself, The recycle time of the gravity amplifier is 10 milliseconds, we have got two live aliens from Roswel, one died shortly after the other one lived until 1956, we have found so far there are eighteen different alien species monitorning planet Earth, oh yeah Clifford [Stone], he knows everything, four, not three, astronauts had died on Apollo launch pad on January 27th, 1967. The World Trade Center was collapsed by a direct energy weapon, being operated from one of the outer space weapons platforms, and the reason we know is because of the size of the dust that was left of the concrete. [33] [27][28], The Statement claims a UFO coverup has been underway for 40 years. [31] Lear's speakers were slated to provide allegedly-independent verification of the Bennewitz claims. An exasperated official told us he still had no records on Lazar. He was born on 3 December 1942. [4] His second and third birthday parties were covered in the "Society" page of an Ohio paper. Since the 1947 flying disc craze, Americans had reported seeing unidentified objects in the skies, and by 1955, UFO researchers were accusing the US Government of a cover-up. June 29, 2020 Weightlifting mourns the loss of John Lear. Discoveries. Unless Ron had a full administrative access to the forum neither he or John could see more than any other moderator could and if John as a regular member could go into archives so could any other member. He had around 87 plus followers on his Twitter account. He was there. Now, these arent the real names, except the top one is Majestic. The following November, Lazar again appeared, this time unmasked and under his own name. John Lear was born in 1737, in Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States. UFOs 2022; UFOs 2023; Orbs. Here John also touched on the common belief that humanity is a genetic project, manufactured. However, what actually does give validity is proof, tangible verifiable proof. Since the 1947 flying disc craze, Americans had reported seeing unidentified objects in the skies, and by 1955, UFO researchers were accusing the US Government of a cover-up. That changed in the Summer of 1988, when UFO witness Bill Cooper made his first public comments on the ParaNet Bulletin Board System. Its none of his friggin business. We know what the neutral point is because: 1) Wernher von Braun told us; 2) the crew of Apollo 17 told us; and 3) one of the other Apollo missions told us. Old John Lear Interview - YouTube An oldie but Goodie interview with John Lear.. Talks about Bob Lazar, and the numbered area place.. ALIENS. Lovelace Institute was where they did the autopsies of the bodies, theres a video floating around, 3 minutes on the internet, that shows my dad [William Powell Lear] giving a lecture, with my mom standing behind him, with pictures of saucers on the blackboard at the Monson Institute to a group of scientists, he [Milton William Bill Cooper] got what we call UFO disease. And UFO disease is something that we get, we are just so in demand as speakers and weve already told whatever we know, so now we got to make up a little more to keep the interest. And it doesnt radiate heat as such. Posted: April 2, 2017 And then above that, theres 28 levels of Top Secret Crypto. John felt being attacked on the forum due to his claims, some of the attacks were insults. And hed say: And I understand that, you know, I am being briefed. [citation needed] From 2003 to 2015, Lear was a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM. And the deal was, if the Khomeini would delay the release of the hostages until Reagans inauguration, that the Reagan-Bush administration would supply him, the Iranian regime, unlimited guns and ammunition throughout their administration, which would go from 1980 to 1988. The electromagnetic vehicle that towed the moon into orbit is in the crater Tsiolkovsky. And, for that reason, he thought that there might be atmosphere on the far side. Billions just like Earth in various stages of development. John Olsen Lear - Robert Scott Lazar, Area 51, Moon landing, cure for AIDS, electromagnetic Sun,9/11 truth. You Are Now Subscribed. [39] Air Force Sergeant Richard C. Doty was also involved, said Moore, though Moore thought Doty was "simply a pawn in a much larger game, as was I. Ketia Daniel, founder of BHM Cleaning Co., is BestReviews cleaning expert. The claim was that, whenever Bob was asked about something secret, he felt the pain. John Olsen Lear (December 3, 1942 - March 29, 2022), son of Learjet magnate Bill Lear, was an aviator who set multiple records, later flying cargo planes for the CIA during the Vietnam era. According to John; in 1988 Bob Lazar told him, he saw an alien craft and bit later a live Grey alien. He started making stuff up, Bennewitz was on to some very good information. [41][bettersourceneeded], Lear's claims left a lasting influence on the UFO movementone author observed "in the early years [UFO writers] did not, by and large, embrace strong political positions. [16], Lear flew planes for the CIA between 1967 and 1983. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In 1962, Lear crashed a biplane during stunt flying as his boarding school; He underwent an emergency tracheotomy, a five hour surgery, and a long convalescence. The original targets were Africa, then San Francisco and Los Angeles specifically in the homosexual community. Cooper and Lear were the tip of a spear asserting that the number one thing we had to fear was not little green men, but the government that colluded with them, appropriating their technology against us. Regardless of how weak the immune system is, the virus will be destroyed. And immediately he felt, you know, dizzy. I cant show you a photo of the Enterprise right now, even though it exists. Lear passed away on 29 March 2022 at the ripe old age of 79. Mirage Men author Mark Pilkington later described Lear's Statement as "a perfect synthesis of the Aquarius and MJ-12 disinformation and the chthonic [subterranean], paranoiac horrors of Paul Bennewitz. John Lear began his creative biography in the 1980s and 1990s when he began to speak publicly and disclose confidential information. Lear has declared controversial information, such as names, details, and the range of 250 million humanoid aliens that, according to him, live on the Moon. According to the narrative, Truman formed a group of twelve insiders, known as Majestic 12, to investigate the matter. The former CIA pilot, John Lear, gave an interview that has completely surprised the world. That opportunity came only a few days later" when he was contacted by fellow ParaNet poster John Olsen Lear. John; List Agent Last Name: Cuasito; Listing Office Information. They were on their way out. On the last day of March news began to spread around online UFO circles that John Lear, one of the most controversial figures in the field in the last 35 years, passed away during his sleep on March 29 th at his home. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. John Lear net worth figure is being updated as of now. If you get out of the crater it takes a little longer. [30], Lear had been posting "wild conspiracies about secret government relations with aliens" to Paranet. An airplane cannot fly 500 mph at a thousand feet. In an interview, former CIA pilot John Lear stunned the world by disclosing appearances, names, and details about the location of millions humanoid aliens residing on the moon. [26] When each airplane, American Airlines in the North Tower and United Airlines in the South Tower, hit, it was two-fifths of a second while they [fuselage] Agree, it is impossible to guess such a set. And then as soon as they got them over Russia, just shot their ass down, which was a message to Mossad: Hey, we dont want this to go on, Theres 64% gravity on the moon, using Bullialdus-Newton law of inverse-square, if we know where the neutral point is and the size of the planets, we can figure out what the gravity is. All those people were telling the exact truth, we will probably have a nuclear war, you know, but things are just, you know, going to go along fine, Norm Bergrun wrote the The Ringmakers of Saturn. "[31] Despite initial objections from MUFON founder Walt Andrus, Lear was able to submit a slate of speakers after he threatened to split the symposium. The Statement lists three saucer crashes: one near Roswell. During the Vietnam era, he flew cargo planes for the CIA. Personal life. A good example of that would be Kerry Vs Steven Greer. In the 1980s, Lear began espousing conspiracy theories of alien collusion with secret governmental forces. In 1984, Bill Moore's partner Jaime Shandera received an envelope containing film which, when developed, showed images of eight pages of documents that appeared to be briefing papers describing "Operation Majestic 12", a top-level UFO group with the US Government. Nobody can make that stuff up [Dan Burisch], Dan Burisch story is simple but its complex. My part in that was to deliver those guns and ammunition from Tel Aviv to Teheran. But John Lear did not complete his research on this. And, for that reason, he thought that there might be atmosphere on the far side, in 1870, when a guy named Simon Newcomb came to Paris and told everybody that Peter Andreas Hansen was full of beans. In 1980, cattle mutilations near Dulce, New Mexico were linked to UFOs in popular media. He said he felt like he was in a well that was 100 feet deep, that his arms were 100 feet long, and he was just holding on to the sides of the well, just barely with his fingertips. He was born on 3 December 1942. And its about 69998 kilometers and, if you work out the law of inverse-square, it comes out to be that the moon is 64% gravity of the Earth. Shortly after Newton died, somebody modified his thoughts to make what is called the Newton Law of Universal Gravitation, forests, meadows, lakes, rivers, people, civilizations, and its on a band of the Moon thats just beyond where we can see. [4][5] He was named after his maternal grandfather, famous comedian John Olsen. John took his time to compile a list of insults and posted them wondering why that is allowed to go on. John Lear wrote a whole book about it and claims that the whole experiment from beginning to end was real. You can call his/her phone number or get in touch with him/her via email. No more than 20cc dose per 36 hour period should be administered. John Lear was born into a notable family with a respectable background. Describing the different levels of access John stated [17][18][19], In 1980, Lear was covered in local press when he lost a billing dispute with his natural gas provider. Would like to know what would today's customers would expect from a bar & lounge. In 1962, Lear crashed a biplane during stunt flying as his boarding school; He underwent an emergency tracheotomy, a five hour surgery, and a long convalescence. Biographer Mark Jacobson argues "the Tiru incident itself would not have done much to make Coopers name in ufology. (7:21), This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 04:31. [8][9], In 1956, Lear flew his first flight at age 14. The 20ccs are metabolized in 36 hours, having dissolved the protein coat on the virus. If true, everything we know or were told about the solar system in basically science fiction. Last change: October 2, 2018 We think its that color because, although the atmosphere is not as dense as Earth, its higher. Moore's claims sent shock waves through the small, tight-knit UFO community[citation needed], which remains divided as to the reliability of his assertions. Lears friendship with a scientist named Bob Lazar helped up the Area 51 military base on the map. [35], Lazar's claims were widely discredited. [15] The track, titled "2-4-2 Foxtrot (The Lear Jet Song)", samples Lear's voice as he speaks over the radio. He was part of the operation, the Navy has an underground tube system that goes all around the world, and its very, very fast. Hey explorer! The mold of the cucumber is mixed with I believe hydrazine sulfate but I don't know how to do it. Due to the incident Bob was threatened, he later stopped working at Area 51 because they were wiping his memory. Mossad couldnt figure out how the pilots got off course. It is believed this was done to instill a reflex. To substantiate his claims John quoted from Buzz Aldrins book regarding how it felt being on the moon: On January 28, 1988, Lear was interviewed by TV journalist George Knapp. [17][18][19], In 1980, Lear was covered in local press when he lost a billing dispute with his natural gas provider. And Mossad was handling the whole thing. [3], John Olsen Lear was born on December 3, 1942, to industrialist and future Learjet founder Bill Lear and his wife Moya Marie Olsen Lear. [11], That year, Lear agreed to attend a Pasadena, California Art College, but lost the $5,000 he had been given for tuition in the stock market. Many of them still live and develop there. Pilots were intercepted by the Russian MIGs who knew what was going on and didnt like it. I dont believe you could remote control an airplane the size of a 767-200 anyway, particularly to hit dead center of the World Trade Center. So theyd say, you know, theyd read a sentence. He has flown over 150 aircraft and has earned every certificate granted by the Federal Aviation Administration. Lear made multiple appearances on TV shows, including Ancient Aliens, America's Book of Secrets,Brad Meltzer's Decoded, and The Unexplained Files. Doty [U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations Richard Doty] was sent to disinform him along with Bill Moore, to make him look like an idiot, Grey aliens are are cybernetic organisms, there is no male or female gender, the Grays, are just here monitoring, seeing everythings going OK. He was the son of Bill Lear who was the founder of Learjet and Moya Marie Olsen Lear (mother). [citation needed] From 2003 to 2015, Lear was a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM. Lear has abundant evidence that these beings visited our planet and continue to do so today, and he also said that there are underground cities beneath the surface . So temperature on Venus is much like Earth. So I cant focus! He was the son of Bill Lear who was the founder of Learjet and Moya Marie Olsen Lear (mother). But whichever one it was the CF6 or the CFM56, it had to be General Electric and unfortunately, or fortunately, United Airlines used strictly Pratt and Whitney. Having an X clearance does not mean you get to know everything everyone with an X clearance knows. In 2003 John stated It wasnt until several years later when Kerry Lynn Cassidy managed to get her first exclusive on Mark Richards and his story. How bodies are merely vehicles. [33] And thats to live our lives without envy, hate or greed, and to tell each member of our family how much we love them, and to tell them that every day. Some believe this gives his claims more credibility, validity. Lear talks about Dulce Base and an altercation between aliens and the US military that led to 66 human casulaties. The ringing in my ears wont go away! We cant be responsible for the children that are having so much trouble in the world. I never did fly a flight. "[40] Once he finished the speech, Moore immediately left the hotel and Las Vegas that same night. Theres something thats happening to Dan, something theyre doing with him, and it all fits into Project Serpo [hinting at disinformation], my mom had a crush on Hoyt Vandenberg, one of the MJ-12, dad was on the board of the Lovelace Clinic. Moon has AIDS was invented by a Navy surgeon named R. M. Donner. As a reply William has said The Statement argues that many in the "original group" of insiders committed suicide, most notably James Forrestal. Weightlifting mourns John Lear, British Olympic coach who helped give Darth Vader special powers. Each level is suppose to be compartmentalized. During a 1964 hypnotic regression, Barney Hill became the first person to report recollections of Gray Aliens and Alien Abductions. The New Republic argues Lear's theories were "the kind of thing no one took very seriously". They went there on Wednesday evenings when the UFOs were being tested. You know, the Secret Astronaut Corps has visited every planet, or most of the planets, sun is an electromagnetic sphere. There was a strict selection of five stages. The Statement asserts that "some of the nations missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens". He also talked about old NASA photos he had developed from negatives. The alleged cure for AIDS lies in the excrement of the white fungus thats grown from the Chinese cucumber Trichosanthes kirilowii. Tributes have been paid to John Lear, the influential coach who worked with some of the biggest . Information from S-4 regarding the alleged cure for AIDS virus: The Statement argues that many in the "original group" of insiders committed suicide, most notably James Forrestal. John Olsen Lear (December 3, 1942 March 29, 2022), son of Learjet magnate Bill Lear, was an aviator who set multiple records, later flying cargo planes for the CIA during the Vietnam era. I dont want to hear any more from Kennedy. So it is on Mars. Average Age & Life Expectancy John v Lear lived 16 years shorter than the average Lear family member when he died at the age of 55. Im trying to reach a higher level of consciousness! [4][5] He was named after his maternal grandfather, famous comedian John Olsen. Lear has abundant evidence that these beings visited our planet and continue to do so today, and he also said that there are underground cities beneath the surface of the Moon where gray aliens reside. [3], John Olsen Lear was born on December 3, 1942, to industrialist and future Learjet founder Bill Lear and his wife Moya Marie Olsen Lear. He went to high school at Shawnee Mission West High. He is a former Lockheed L-1011 Captain and is highly regarded in aviation circles. (7:21), This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 04:31. total, total unadulterated bullshit. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics has no record of them taking off. There was a five hundred percent increase of drug traffic from Afganistan after Osama was eliminated, There were no planes on 911, it was a hologram. The same on Mercury. Lear remained a prominent voice in the UFO conspiracy theory community until his death. [2] Allegedly there is far more to the moon than we think.

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